What is called when removing a view from its superview? - objective-c

Imagine I have a view controller called blueView and another called greenView. I then add greenView.view as a subview of blueView.view. Now suppose that after some user interaction, I'd like to remove greenView.view from blueView.view using:
[self.view removeFromSuperview]
What is actually happening here? Is blueView.view ever redrawn? I thought the viewDidLoad method might be called, however after putting an NSLog messge in viewDidLoad, it was never called after removing the subview. Any clarification as to what is actually happening when you remove a subview from its superview would be much appreciated.

First, a view controller is meant to manage an entire view hierarchy at once; you shouldn't have two view controllers (other than container controllers like UINavigationController) active at the same time. See this SO question and my answer to get a better understanding on this important point. So, the particular situation you describe shouldn't come up. (Aside: people often confuse views and view controllers, so it's not helpful to give your view controllers names ending in "-view", like "blueView." Call it "blueViewController" to help avoid confusion.)
Second, as #InsertWittyName points out, -viewDidLoad is a UIViewController method, not a UIView method. Taking that a step further, neither view controllers nor -viewDidLoad has any role in adding or removing subviews from a view. -viewDidLoad is called when the view controller's view is first created. It's basically just a way of deferring the view-related part of view controller initialization until after the view hierarchy has been created, so there's no reason that it'd be called again just because a subview was removed from the hierarchy.
Finally, exactly how a view removes itself from its superview is really an implementation detail -- it might call a private UIView method on the superview, or it might modify the superview's list of subviews directly, or something else. I don't see anything in the documentation that explicitly says that the superview will redraw itself after a subview has been removed, but in my experience the superview does indeed redraw itself. You can check this by putting a breakpoint on the -drawRect method of the superview.


Should we call ads in viewDidLoad or viewDidAppear?

We have a tab-heavy app, which has 5 tabs to use back and forth. We have iAds and admobs(as backup for countries without iAd), and we 'call' the ads in viewDidLoad. Would it make a difference to call them in viewDidAppear instead? And then remove them in viewDidDisappear or shomething not to screw up the frames etc? Would this give more impressions etc?
Called after the controller’s view is loaded into memory.
- (void)viewDidLoad
This method is called after the view controller has loaded its view hierarchy into memory. This method is called regardless of whether the view hierarchy was loaded from a nib file or created programmatically in the loadView method. You usually override this method to perform additional initialization on views that were loaded from nib files.
Notifies the view controller that its view was added to a view hierarchy.
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
If YES, the view was added to the window using an animation.
You can override this method to perform additional tasks associated with presenting the view. If you override this method, you must call super at some point in your implementation.
So viewDidLoad is called slightly earlier than viewDidAppear: , the only difference is that when viewDidAppear: the view have been already drawn, instead in viewDidLoad the view has still to be drawn.
So answering to your questions:
Would it make a difference to call them in viewDidAppear instead?
If calling the ads is a slow operation, then you would see first the view appearing in it's color, and the ads after a few interval of time.However this has to be too slow to make a real difference.
And then remove them in viewDidDisappear or shomething not to screw up the frames etc?
It doesn't "screw up frames", that for sure.
you just need call it in viewDidLoad
Putting your ad code in viewDidAppear: (and removing it in viewDidDisappear:) will certainly give you more impressions, but unless you're a whitelisted pub, you're probably getting paid on a cost per click basis anyway (AdMob Help Center article).
In this case, instead of having the overhead of creating and destroying GADBannerView objects on tab changes, you might as well create a singleton GADBannerView that you use throughout your TabbedController (look at an example here).

When will viewWill/DidAppear/Disappear is called anyway and how exactly does it work?

I understand that viewWillAppear will be called when duh.... when the the view is about to appear.
But how does IOS know that a controller's view is about to appear?
When exactly that and how it is implemented?
For example, does the childController.view check first that window is one of it's super ancestors? Does the view has a pointer to it's controller? How exactly that works? Does everytime a view is added it check whether it's window is it's super ancestor and whether it is the view outlet of a UIViewController?
For example, if I add childcontroller.view but not to a subview of any view that's being called. Will viewWillAppear called?
Does the childController need to be the a child of a parentController so that viewWillAppear of the childController will be called when the parentController's viewWillAppear is called automatically?
The view is loaded by your controller using the - (void)loadView method. This method is implemented to load a blank view or a view from a nib/storyboard. You only need to override it if you really need to create a view hierarchy from scratch.
All of the magic happens when the value of the view property is first requested and the controller detects the value is nil. All of the life cycle method calls are handled by the UIViewController. There is nothing you need to do other than implement the methods if you need them. Remember one thing: There is no guarantee the view has been loaded until the - (void)viewDidLoad method has been called.
Everything I've learned about controllers how they work has come from the View Controller Programming Guide.

Set a subview as the responder to calls to a parent UIView subclass

I've got a UIView that I've subclassed to be the main view used throughout my app. In it, I have two subviews: banner and container. Banner is basically a place to put an ad or a disclaimer or whatever. Container is meant to act as the primary view, to which you can add, remove and whatever as if it were the only view.
Right now, I'm just overriding the methods of the parent view and sending the calls to the container view. I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do this, without having to write out stuff like this for every method:
- (void)addSubview:(UIView*)view {
[container addSubview:view];
Maybe something that lets you delegate all method calls to the view to a specific subview, rather than responding to the method calls itself.
Anyone know if this is possible?
I'm a little confused by the question.
The responder chain is present and passes ui events up through all visible views on screen, by hierarchy. It may be useful to read a little about the responder chain, because by design it passes events from the deepest view to the highest (root) in that order, which is the opposite of the direction you're seeking (if I'm reading this right).
If you need to forward events from a superview to a subview, to respect principles of encapsulation, you should define appropriate actions in your subview's subclass interface, and then then configure your superview to target the actions in that subview/class.

UIWindow and UIView addSubview Question

Does the addSubview method actually load the view into the application or not? The reason I am asking is because I have two two views in my application. The application delegate adds the two views as subviews and then brings one of the views up front. Now, I have a print statement in each of the viewDidLoad methods for each view. When I run the application, the application delegate loads the views as subViews and as each view is loaded, I actually see the console print out the statements that I placed in each of the viewDidLoad methods. Is this supposed to be doing this?
viewDidLoad is actually a method of UIViewController, not UIView. It gets called after the view gets loaded into memory (after your init method, but before the awakeFromNib). You'll notice that addSubview: takes a UIView as a parameter, so the view must have been loaded in order for the view to be added to another view. Otherwise you'd be trying to add an imaginary view.
In answer to your question, yes it is supposed to be doing this. viewDidLoad is called long before you addSubview. In fact, if you take out the addSubview: lines, you'll notice that it's still getting called (because you're creating the view's controller).
My understanding is that views are lazily loaded. If your viewcontroller has 10 view, they are not all loaded until you actually try to access them.

Is it wise to "nest" UIViewControllers inside other UIViewControllers like you would UIViews?

I've got a fairly complex view, for me anyway, that has a few "trays" with custom interface items on them. They slide in and out of my root view. I'd like to nest (addSubview) the items inside the view. Each needs some setup before being displayed...and none can be configured in IB (they're subclasses of UIView).
I'm wondering if it makes sense to subclass UIViewController for each "tray" and then have the VC's view property point to the "tray" view which I can populate with my custom UIView objects. This way I can leverage the viewDidLoad, etc... methods in UIViewController.
I'm not aware of others doing this - at least in the few samples I've looked at. It would create a situation where there would be multiple view controllers being displayed on the screen at once. from the Navigation controller itself on down to the rootViewController and its view and then any number (well, screen size permitting) of these small trayViewControllers. If so, how's the responder chain work? i assume it'd go from lowest UIView to its enclosing VC, then to that VC's parent view, then that view's VC, etc. etc. repeat, repeat.. up to UIApplication... am I asking for trouble?
OR, do I just stick with UIViews and adding subviews into subviews, etc. etc..
Prior to iOS 5.0 this will specifically not recommended because the nested view controllers' lifecycle events – viewWillAppear, etc. – won't be called. See Abusing UIViewControllers.
With multiple UIViewController’s views visible at once some of those controllers may not receive important messages like -viewWillAppear: or -didReceiveMemoryWarning. Additionally some of their properties like parentViewController and interfaceOrientation may not be set or updated as expected.
iOS 5.0 added containment UIViewControllers that correctly handles those lifecycle events by adding child view controllers.
- (void)addChildViewController:(UIViewController *)childController
I spent countless hours trying to get nested view controllers to work in iOS 4. I eventually did, but it required a lot of glue code that was easy to get wrong. Then I saw the warning in the docs.
I'm trying to do the same thing, but was dissuaded from your approach by Apple's documentation, which states that "You should not use view controllers to manage views that fill only a part of their window—that is, only part of the area defined by the application content rectangle. If you want to have an interface composed of several smaller views, embed them all in a single root view and manage that view with your view controller."
My experience on what you are trying to do has been a good one. I try to keep nib files as simple as possible, so I take any posible "subview" and encapsulate it in its own nib file with it's own view controller, therefore I end up having nested view controllers.
In one of my apps I have a very complex table view cell, that has a subview. So I ended up having a hierarchy that goes like this: the tableview controller on the top level, the tableviewcell's controllers for each row and inside each of these a subviewcontroller for the subview inside each cell.
And everything works fine.
Pardon my english.