i need to disable automatic url encoding in flash as2
because i have URL link with special characters š,č,á,é,í
need to disable all of '%' this
any help_?
In as2 this is not a problem as far as I know. But you can try
System.useCodepage = true;
Is there a way to turn off the automatic text translation at the MSDN library pages ?
I do prefer English text but due to having a German IP address Microsoft activates the automatic translation on every new page load which gives me a yellow box with a German translation of the text I am currently hovering over with the mouse.
This happens regardless what language is initially set in the right upper corner and regardless of whether I am logged in or not.
I can't tell how annoying this is !!
Any ideas, anyone ?
When you hit the "Original" radio button at the top, you see English, with German in the yellow hover box.
If you visit the original English site, you don't see a translation, not even on hover.
You switch to English by replacing /de-de/ in the URL with /en-us/. As in
German (translation or original with translation on hover):
English only (no translation):
If you are a firefox user, you can use Redirector addon. Create a new redirect and set it up like this:
It will automatically redirect all msdn requests to english non-translated versions.
Found it! I mean, it's 2016, 3 years late, and maybe they just added it recently, but when you scroll all the way down there's a small button in the left bottom corner where you can choose language you want to use (more specifically a country "you're from").
MSDN uses the prefered language from your web browser settings.
This is due to the Accept-Language header:
So setting your browser to prefer English language websites should fix this problem. W3C has an overview how to do that on different browsers here:
There is a chrome addon aswell
I got tired of replacing manually the url of the MSDN docs to target en-us in the url, so I came up with this little user script for the very handy Tampermonkey extension (available on Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, and Firefox)
// ==UserScript==
// #name MSDN docs [en-us] redirect
// #version 0.1
// #description Redirects to the en-us version of the current MSDN doc page
// #grant none
// #match https://learn.microsoft.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
let pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/');
if (pathname[1].toLowerCase() !== 'en-us') {
pathname[1] = 'en-us';
pathname = pathname.join('/');
window.location.href = window.location.origin + pathname + window.location.search;
Once you have the extension installed,
Click on its icon
Click on Create a new script...
Paste the previous code
Save it (Ctrl + S or File > Save).
Test the redirection: https://learn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/classes
The #match property will ensure that this script is only run against MSDN doc pages.
Recently I came across the same problem. And I solved it with Chrome extension ModHeader.
I configured and it works:
I know it's an old question, by maybe this insight will be useful to someone.
I almost always open msdn through a search in google. It most of the time offered me site translated to my local language (through a part of the address with locale), sometimes accompanied by original (English) version next to it. If I click on the original language link, it does not translate anything, so it is not automatic translation based on my localization.
What solved my problem was to change google search settings to prefer English, rather than my native language. Go to google search settings, set Which language should Google products use? to English, then in Currently showing search results in: click Edit and check other languages you are likely to search in.
It will also change the UI language for google. I know it might be a high price to pay, but I believe it is worth it. If you search for a query typed in given language, results will most likely result in this language pages anyway.
Instead of extensions, which will consume memory and are a bit overkill for that kind of thing, you can use a custom search query.
Settings => Manage Search Engines, add this entry:
Engine: MSDN US
Keyword: ms
URL: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Search/en-US?query=%s (or whatever the proper url is at the time of your reading, just use %s wherever it needs the actual query string)
Now, in the address bar, just type ms [SPACE]. As soon as you press the space, it will prompt you with Search on MSDN US:. Just type your query now. For instance ms string will redirect you to the MSDN-US version of the search results for string. Of course you can change the title and keyword.
I'm sure the other common browsers expose that kind of functionality too. On Firefox, I used to plug custom search engines on the search bar.
This is a neat trick that I use for all kinds of searches (SO, Amazon, Wikipedia in different languages, etc.). It's very efficient.
Usually there is a language link at the bottom of the page where you can change language (even though a permanent site specific setting would be much nicer).
In IE in Internet Options Panel you have Apperrance part in General Tab. Add preffered language as a first and from now on all pages from MSDN will be presented in choosen language
I'm using NoScript addon with Firefox (actually Waterfox), just forbib "m-msft.com", the translator will be turned off. I think you can use other plugins in other browser to forbid the domain too. NoScript is a must have addon for any serious web user, and UserStyles, of course.
I need help in using these symbols ⎕, ∨, ๐, Ʌ, and so on. But when I create a PDF with iText these symbols do not appear.
What can I do so that these symbols appear?
You have to use a font and encoding that contains those characters. Your best bet is to use IDENTITY_H for your encoding, as this grants you access to every character within a given font... but you still have to use the right font.
There are several font-manipulation examples within "iText in Action's" chapter on fonts:
The examples are down the right side. Buying the book would probably help too.
I had the same problem too and I figured out using IDENTITY_H for encoding is working fine.
For example:
java.awt.Font f =...;
Font font = FontFactory.getFont(f.getName(),BaseFont.IDENTITY_H)
I don't understand why with BaseFont.WINANSI it doesn't work. Winansi is the standard Windows Cp1252 character set, that one used by my JVM. So, if the char is correctly displayed in Java, why it is not the case for PDF?
You can escape them according to the unicode escape sequence defined in the java language specification. See http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/first_edition/html/3.doc.html
If you are using IntelliJ IDEA for your code you can download the StringManipulation plugin, that does the escapes for you. In the settings of IDEA you can also set the "Transparent native-to-ascii conversion" checkbox under File encodings, and this should help do the trick.
square in pdf file by iText:
BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont("c:/windows/fonts/arialbd.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
question.add(new Phrase("\u25A1", new Font(bf, 26)));
You can see a pdf file exemple here
I want to view .doc, .docx, .rtf, .ppt file in iphone.
But I guess something is going wrong at my side and its not working for the above formats but my code is working fine for .txt and .pdf files.
I have the read the document regarding Webview it states it supports viewing of the above document.
below is my snippet for .doc
[webView loadData:requestData MIMEType:#"application/msword" textEncodingName:#"UTF-8" baseURL:nil];
for .ppt I am using MIME type as "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"
Note: If I am making MIME type as "text/html" for .doc/.rtf then it displays some garbage data So I think there is something missing in MIME type from my side.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Waiting for your reply.
It seems there is some issue with NSData for opening these type of file formats.
My data is encrypted so I cannot use
requestWithURL directly and other thing is I need to pass credentials to get the file and the credentials doesnt work proplerly if I save the credentials using
[[NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage] setDefaultCredential:credential
and then make the request using below
[webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[urlStr stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]] ]
Is there any way I can use NSData for the above formats so that I can make async call and pass my credentials and then decrypt the data and show it in WebView.
Try using a QuickLook Framework which is an amazing feature given by Apple. If you have seen this that when you select ANY FILE on MAC System and click SPACE BAR then you will a quick preview of your file it may be any thing... *.pdf, *.doc, *.docx or any thing... Even if you have not installed those softwares for same files you will get a PREVIEW for those files...
QuickLook framework also gives same functionality... Please go through some of the links for the same..
(Recommended..) http://iosdevelopertips.com/data-file-management/preview-documents-with-qlpreviewcontroller.html
Not all of those formats (docx) are supported. This looks like the official word. In the example Apple does not specify a mime type.
This question suggests that you must use an NSURLRequest instead of loadData.
As far as I have seen, you cannot directly pass data to loadData for these types.
The easy work around is to write to a temporary file. You can delete it in webViewDidFinishLoad or, technically, as soon as the the file has been opened.
The hard work around is to use NSURLCache. You should be able to implement a custom NSURLCache and have WebKit use it via setSharedURLCache. Your cache would basically know how to get your local encrypted files and pretend that they are cached. I have not tried this, but I think it is your best bet. This approach may be blocked just like loadData is.
You need to supply something to baseURL:. For example:
[webView loadData:requestData MIMEType:#"application/msword" textEncodingName:#"UTF-8" baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"http://localhost/"]];
Works for me now.
Try it on an iPhone instead of Simulator
I have HTML document to print from embedded COM IWebBrowser object.
And although in IE itself it printed with correct page breaks (by page-break-inside in CSS).
In my application it make it wrong.
I'm already dig it much. Can you suggest something?
I don't know if this is your scenario (since it is a bit ambiguous), but I had an IE page being generated by Javascript, using the DOM and found in some cases that Javascript (or IE's DOM) was adding breaks after every append, or some such, where it wasn't supposed to. I was able to work-around the problem by building my string in memory first, and only sending it where it was needed once the string was completely built.
You may use print templates for control your printing flow.
It may have to do with the DOCTYPE.
I'm getting "This page contains bothe Secure and Non secure items"message in IE. When I commented the following piece of code from dojo.js.uncompressed.js file, the message is gone.
document.write('<scr'+'ipt defer src="//:" '
+ 'onreadystatechange="if(this.readyState==\'complete\'){' + dojo._scopeName + '._loadInit();}">'
+ '</scr'+'ipt>'
Is that an issue with the dojo? I would like to move the commented code to another custom file so that the dojo framework is not affected. Can you suggest a better way of implementing it.
You would get that error if you're using frames or have external files where some of the files have https URLs while some have http URLs. Assuming, your main page loads up through https, you could try changing:
the //: is most likely the problem, as I ran into a similar issue with a chunk of javascript code... In internet explorer, the locaiton //: is not secure, so when your page (presumably on an https:// url) loads, IE notes that you've got your main code loading from a secure location, and another script being loaded in from an unsecure location.
The workaround that I came to was to create an empty file in my web root named "blank.html" (though "blank.js" would probably work better in your case) and replace the //: link with "/blank.html". This results in another hit to your webserver, but browser caching will probably make that impact minimal.