Can exe accept parameters in Compact Framework? - compact-framework

What is the syntax I should use to make my Smart Device app written CF 2.0 accept arguments, so I can start exe in he following manner:
Process.Start("IExplore.exe", "");
Should the Main() be modified?
If so, how?

Sure, you simply change Main to accept a string array input.
static void Main(string[] args)
// do stuff


dnSpy doesn't decompile async/await method as it has been written

dbSpy v6.1.8
asp .net core app on .net5
In dnSpy's settings there is option Decompile async methods (async/await).
I assumed this option influence on how async methods should be decompiled. In one case it should be something like this:
public static Task Main(string[] args)
Program.<Main>d__6 <Main>d__ = new Program.<Main>d__6();
<Main>d__.<>t__builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.Create();
<Main>d__.args = args;
<Main>d__.<>1__state = -1;
<Main>d__.<>t__builder.Start<Program.<Main>d__6>(ref <Main>d__);
return <Main>d__.<>t__builder.Task;
In other something like this:
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
But despite value of this option it always shows method like in first example. I tried relaunch dnSpy, clear all assemblies and reload them, but all in vain.
Is it possible to force dbSpy shows method similar to second example?

Is there a way to pass redis commands in jedis, without using the functions?

We are trying to build a console to process redis queries. But, in the back end we need to use Jedis. So, the commands, given as the inputs needs to be processed using Jedis. For example, in redis-cli, we use " keys * ". For the same we use jedis.keys(" * ") in Jedis. I have no idea, how to convert " keys * " into jedis.keys(" * "). Kindly tell me some suggestions....
I know this is an old question, but hopefully the following will be useful for others.
Here's something I came up with as the most recent version of Jedis (3.2.0 as of this time) did not support the "memory usage " command which is available on Redis >= 4. This code assumes a Jedis object has been created, probably from a Jedis resource pool:
import redis.clients.jedis.util.SafeEncoder;
// ... Jedis setup code ...
byteSize = (Long) jedis.sendCommand(new ProtocolCommand() {
public byte[] getRaw() {
return SafeEncoder.encode("memory");
This is a special case command as it has a primary keyword memory with a secondary action usage (other ones are doctor, stats, purge, etc). When sending multi-keyword commands to Redis, the keywords must be treated as a list. My first attempt at specifying memory usage as a single argument failed with a Redis server error.
Subsequently, it seems the current Jedis implementation is geared toward single keyword commands, as underneath the hood there's a bunch of special code to deal with multi-keyword commands such as debug object that doesn't quite fit the original command keyword framework.
Anyway, once my current project that required the ability to call memory usage is complete, I'll try my hand at providing a patch to the Jedis maintainer to implement the above command in a more official/conventional way, which would look something like:
Long byteSize = jedis.memoryUsage(key);
Finally, to address your specific need, you're best bet is to use the scan() method of the Jedis class. There are articles here on SO that explain how to use the scan() method.
Hmm...You can make the same thing by referring to the following.
redis.clients.jedis.Connection.sendCommand(Command, String...)
Create a class extend Connection.
Create a class extend Connection instance and call the connect() method.
Call super.sendCommand(Protocol.Command.valueOf(args[0].toUpperCase()), args[1~end]).
example for you:
public class JedisConn extends Connection {
public JedisConn(String host, int port) {
super(host, port);
protected Connection sendCommand(final Protocol.Command cmd, final String... args) {
return super.sendCommand(cmd, args);
public static void main(String[] args) {
JedisConn jedisConn = new JedisConn("host", 6379);
Connection connection = jedisConn.sendCommand(Protocol.Command.valueOf(args[0].toUpperCase()), Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length));
I have found a way for this. There is a function named eval(). We can use that for this as shown below.
`Scanner s=new Scanner(;String query=s.nextLine();
String[] q=query.split(" ");
String cmd='\''+q[0]+'\'';
for(int i=1;i<q.length;i++)

How to solve this InvalidCastException while applying ClientCertificate to WCF DataService Client?

I have used the examples in this article to add client certificate authentication to my WCF Data Service. I had to change the example slightly because I am using WCF DataService 5.6 in which the SendingRequest event has been deprecated and replaced by SendingRequest2.
Basically this meant changing the following event handler:
private void OnSendingRequest_AddCertificate(object sender, SendingRequestEventArgs args)
if (null != ClientCertificate)
private void OnSendingRequest_AddCertificate(object sender, SendingRequest2EventArgs args)
if (null != ClientCertificate)
This seems to work. However now I get the following InvalidCastException on some actions:
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type
'System.Data.Services.Client.InternalODataRequestMessage' to type
I haven't been able to identify with 100% accuracy which actions these are, but it seems consistently on the SaveChanges method (see stacktrace below:)
at MyNamespace.MyContainer.OnSendingRequest_AddCertificate(Object sender, SendingRequest2EventArgs args)
at System.Data.Services.Client.ODataRequestMessageWrapper.FireSendingRequest2(Descriptor descriptor)
at System.Data.Services.Client.BatchSaveResult.GenerateBatchRequest()
at System.Data.Services.Client.BatchSaveResult.BatchRequest()
at System.Data.Services.Client.DataServiceContext.SaveChanges(SaveChangesOptions options)
I came to the modification from SendingRequest to SendingRequest2 by trial and error, so I wonder if I overlooked something there. Or is this completely unrelated and should I just add an && args.RequestMessage is HttpWebRequestMessage to the if statement in the handler?
Seems that you are sending a batch request. A batch request contains several internal requests which are InternalODataRequestMessage. SendingRequest2 will apply the OnSendingRequest action into both the $batch request and it's internal requests.
You can try following code
private void OnSendingRequest_AddCertificate(object sender, SendingRequest2EventArgs args)
if (null != ClientCertificate && !args.IsBatchPart)
args.IsBatchPart returns true if this event is fired for request within a batch, otherwise returns false.
It seems the problem occurs when I perform a batch operation.
I tried to dig through the InternalODataRequestMessage to see if I could add client certificates to that somehow using reflection and the DataServices source. I found the instance of InternalODataRequestMessage has a private member requestMessage of type ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage. By looking at the source code I couldn't any way to add a certificate.
What I did notice is that I can actually still use the deprecated SendingRequest event just like before. So that's what I did and everything seems fine.
I feel like there should be a way to use a client certificate without using deprecated methods. So if someone has an answer that shows that, I'll accept that.

Exposing a managed COM local server - E_NOINTERFACE

Im trying to expose a local server that is written in C# to unmanaged code to allow interop! The managed code looks like that:
public interface IMyLocalInterface
void LogToServer(string message);
public class MyLocalClass : IMyLocalInterface
public MyLocalClass()
Console.WriteLine("Object created!");
public void LogToServer(string message)
Console.WriteLine("Log > " + message);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var srv = new RegistrationServices();
var cookie = srv.RegisterTypeForComClients(typeof(MyLocalClass), RegistrationClassContext.LocalServer | RegistrationClassContext.RemoteServer, RegistrationConnectionType.MultipleUse);
And my unmanaged code does the following:
#import "ManagedLocServer.tlb" no_namespace raw_interfaces_only
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
IMyLocalInterfacePtr ptr;
return 0;
After debugging ive seen that CoCreateInstance works without any problems, that means "Object created" is printed into the managed servers console. But then QueryInterface on that object fails with E_NOINTERFACE. Im a bit confused why this happens. Is it a problem with registration (i only have a LocalServer32 entry for my CLSID)? Is it a problem within my managed code? Would be nice if someone could give me a hint :)
You are using out-of-process COM. That requires marshaling support, to make a method call the arguments of the method need to be serialized. That's normally done by building the proxy/stub DLL from the code generated by midl.exe from the .idl file. Or by using the standard marshaller which works with the type library. Both require registry entries in HKCR\Interface
You get the E_NOINTERFACE because COM cannot find a marshaller. This is trivial to solve if you have an .idl file but you don't, the server is implemented in .NET. No idea how to solve this, I never tried to make this work. A remote possibility is that the CLR interop layer provides marshaling support. But you'd surely at least have to use ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual. This is just a guess. If I tried to make this work, I'd start from an .idl first.

How to have arguments supplied to .exe passed on to a wrapped .bat script

I'd like to wrap a MyBatScript.bat script inside a MyTest.exe. Then I'd like to invoke MyTest.exe with arguments, thus:
MyTest.exe arg1 arg2
format of passing arguments can be different if need be.
I'd like arg1 and arg2 to be passed on to MyBatScript.bat as %1 and %2 and MyBatScript.bat executed.
How Can I do this?
This depends entirely on which language you compile the .exe from. Here's an example using C#:
static void Main(string[] args)
StringBuilder buildArgs = new StringBuilder();
foreach(string arg in args)
buildArgs.Append(" ");
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(#"C:\MyBatScript.bat", buildArgs.ToString());
This would be the Main function of a ConsoleApplication.
Executing a batch file from within your EXE is really just invoking the cmd.exe program with the batch file as a parameter. You could therefor pass any additional parameters this batch file accept along as well.