Upgrading from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008 R2 and running legacy DTS packages - sql

Can we run a legacy DTS package written for and currently running on an instance of SQL Server 2000 on a server running SQL Server 2008 R2?
We have a database that we know will run fine on SQL Server 2008 R2 but the legacy DTS package is causing us concern in migrating. We would even consider an alternative that included loading components of SQL Server 2000 just to have the ability to run this DTS package.

From the MSDN article Migrating DTS Packages to Integration Services
Support for DTS in SQL Server 2008
DTS packages can still run as before when you have the SQL Server 2008
database engine installed. To accomplish this, you must have the
Microsoft SQL Server Backward Compatibility feature installed from the
SQL Server installation media or the Feature Pack Web page. This
installs the DTS runtime for SQL Server 2008, which works on 32-bit
platforms only.
If you perfom an in-place upgrade from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server
2008, then all the DTS packages stored locally will be preserved as
DTS packages in SQL Server 2008. The upgrade process does not
automatically migrate DTS packages to the Integration Services format.
To edit the DTS packages, you must have the Microsoft SQL Server 2000
DTS Designer Component installed, which is part of the SQL Server 2005
Feature Pack and is a separate download from the Microsoft website.
You can manage your DTS packages from SQL Server Management Studio
under the Management à Legacy à Data Transformation Services node.
Here, you can open existing DTS packages stored on the file system or
in the msdb database, or add additional packages to the server by
clicking the Import button. New DTS packages cannot be created from
Management Studio, but old packages can be modified and renamed.

You can import DTS packages old format (*.dts) into SQL Server 2008R2 from Management > Legacy > Data Transformation Services.


Creating SSIS packages using express editions

In production I have SQL Server 2008 R2. I want to create DTSX/SSIS packages but when I go to the Microsoft Express site ( https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-express-vs.aspx ) I'm not sure which studio will work.
Will "Express 2013 for Windows Desktop" work for my case? I already have "Express 2012 for Web" and SQL Server 2008 Management Studio installed locally so will that interfere?
You will need the relevant version of SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools). According to this page, if the latest version doesn't work, these older versions might:

edit DTS package in sql 2008 management studio

Hi i am trying to edit DTS Package in sql server 2008 management studio, i followed this site DTS Packages in SQL Server 2005 or 2008 64bit
i was able to see it, but now i am getting another error
sql server 2000 dts designer components are required to edit dts packages. install the special web download, "SQL server 2000 DTS Designer component" to use this feature.
i am using SQL management studio 2008
my local window is windows 8 64-bit
Ideally DTS Packages should be upgraded to SSIS packages as we move from sql 2000 to sql 2005/sql 2008. And one of the good articles which provides information on how to upgrade DTS packages to SSIS package is written by Jason Howell
Microsoft blog to update sqlserver2000 dts to 2005/2008
Some one said that the issue with path :- Path issue
Are you migrate or edit dts which is older version?
You have to installed this :-
The reason are:-
"You might need the 2000 runtime if you run this as a DTS package as well. I haven't worked with this in 2008, so I'm not sure, but 2005 had a runtime component as well."
"However, if all instances of the SQL Server 2000 relational engine are removed or upgraded to SQL Server 2008 R2, the ability to develop DTS packages will no longer exist. The SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup application will install an updated DTS runtime and command-line tools, but no DTS design environment will be available. In this case, you can install the DTS Designer Components via a Web download as part of the Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - December 2008. For more DTS-related upgrade information, see Considerations for Upgrading Data Transformation Services in SQL Server 2008 R2 Books Online.

SSDT, do I need different dacpacs if I need to deploy the same db to SQL Server 2008 and 2012?

While converting database project to SSDT and upgrading to SQL Server 2012 I need deployment script to work for both SQL Server 2008 and 2012.
I am using sqlpackage.exe /Action:Publish to deploy the latest database bits.
In sqlproj project properties I do see a target platform dropdown with options 2005/2008/2012 sql server. Does it generate a different dacpac if I change this target platform? Do I need to carry two versions of dacpac for each sql server version?
Or will the same dacpac work for any version of sql server?
I know this is 11 months old, but there is an option when you come to deployment specifically for this scenario - AllowIncompatiblePlatform.
//Set Deployment Options
DacDeployOptions dacOptions = new DacDeployOptions();
dacOptions.AllowIncompatiblePlatform = true;
Without setting the option I can deploy a 2008 dac to sql2012, but it will error if I deploy a 2012 dac to sql2008 with:
A project which specifies SQL Server 2012 as the target platform cannot be published to SQL Server 2008.
Setting the option means I do not get this error and can deploy to previous versions (back to 2005 I believe). NB You may also need to set the option TreatVerificationErrorsAsWarnings to true - YMMV.
The short answer is yes - different DACPACs for different SQL Server editions. Bob Beuachemin wrote a useful blog post about DAC Fx3.0 vs. DAC 2.0
From the command line using SqlPackage.exe, use the p:AllowIncompatiblePlatform option. A warning will still be shown but it will continue. This works from a SQL Server 2012 dacpac going to SQL Sever 2008 R2.
SqlPackage.exe /Action:Publish

Export SQL database to MDF to use as local file in VS2010 error

I want to get a MS SQL database from SQL Server 2008 R2 to an MDF to use locally in a program. I detached the DB and manually copied the MDF, but whenever I try to open it up in VS, I get an error that it cannot be opened because it is version 661. I received the data as a CSV, used Access to import it and exported it to a local SQL implementation. Most importantly, what am I doing wrong?
Also, I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to create an MDF file from a CSV?
Well, as I said - the basic approach is OK - detach the MDF, copy the file, open it as a local database in Visual Studio.
BUT: it would appear that you're trying to use a SQL Server 2008 R2 MDF file, but the SQL Server version that Visual Studio 2010 supports/installs is SQL Server 2008 Express.
You cannot go from a newer SQL Server version (2008 R2) back to an older version (SQL Server 2008) - this is not supported.
One possible way to solve this would be to explicitly uninstall SQL Server 2008 Express that Visual Studio 2010 installed, download the SQL Server 2008 R2 Express version from Microsoft's web site and install it (as the .\SQLExpress instance, as did Visual Studio).
Once you have the same version of SQL Server - both on your main server as well as from within Visual Studio, then you should be able to achieve what you're looking for.

Can SQL 2008 Business Intelligence Studio SSIS packages run in SQL 2005?

Is it possible to run an SSIS package created by SQL 2008 Business Intelligence Studio in a SQL 2005 environment? I'd rather not have to install SQL 2005 / VS 2005 in my development environment.
SQL Server 2008 uses a different scripting environment called VSTA(Visual Studio Tools for Applications) whereas Sql Server 2005 uses VSA(Visual Studio for Applications). This talks a little more about VSTA here: VSTA explanation
Yes it is possible - I run 2008 developed dtsx packages all the time on our 2005 box.