Struts 1 ActionForms - What's the convention for dates in the form? - struts

I am about to start with e project that uses Struts 1.2. There is no plan to move to another framework.
I wanted to know what's the convention when handling a date in the form?
Should I create a Date variable and create a setDate(String date) method where the conversion will occur?
Create a Date variable, a setDate(Date date) and register a special converter somewhere in the chain? (don't know if it's possible)
Create a String variable, a setDate(String date) and let the conversion/validation to the validate method in the ActionForm bean?
Or another approach?
Also, if you have any advice to get up to speed with this framework, I would really appreciate it.

Before I respond to your question, let me start by saying this: People don't understand what ActionForm is or what ActionForm does
The ActionForm represents the data that the user filled in the HTML form. Struts reads in the request parameters and matches them by name with the configured ActionForm for the target Action of the submit. It is data inputted by the user, plain and simple.
Data that comes on the request is always of type java.lang.String. But people might have a form field named "age" which is an int in their Model data. Or maybe instead of "age" they have a "birthDate" which off course is java.util.Date in their Model data. So they think it is a good idea to have the type int and Date placed on the ActionForm and allow Struts to convert the Strings that arrive on request into ints and Dates.
Its a very useful conversion and you as a developer don't have to handle it, Struts does. It's a little bit of framework magic.
But this ain't freaking Harry Potter! Conversion can fail on ints and Dates. Why?
int is a primitive type and as such it must always have a value. Default initialization is with zero. When doing the binding (request parameters to ActionForm object properties) Struts sees an int type on the ActionForm and tries to convert the request String value to int.
If user inserted String "5", the field is set to 5. That's fine!
But what if user inserted "bla"? Will we get an exception thrown in our face? Nope! We get back a value of zero because conversion (silently) failed. Ups!
Dates again are an issue. Why? Because their value arrives on request as String. Their format might be something simple like "12/01/2011" which is completely useless as information. Why? Because Dates represented as Strings must go hand in hand with a Locale in order to be transformed to the correct Date instance it represents.
"12/01/2011" + Locale.US = 01 December 2011
"12/01/2011" + Locale.FRENCH = 12 January 2011
Ok, so this was the intro! Now let's go to your question.
Should I create a Date variable and create a setDate(String date) method where the conversion will occur.
At some point you will have to send the Date back to the view and the Struts html tags will normally have to go for a getDate() which returns String. The "12/01/2011" you get on user input might be displayed as "Jan. 12, 2011 00:00:00" if the getter returns Date (Struts will do a toString() on the getter value). So you actually need the Date field with both a setter/getter of type Date and a setter/getter of type String. Use type Date in your Action class and use String for interfacing with the view tags.
Question? How do you get handle on the proper Locale value in your ActionForm?
Create a Date variable, a setDate(Date date) and register a special converter somewhere in the chain (don't know if it's possible)
It is possible. You can create and register a custom converter that might take String representations of dates and convert them to Date. If you use the ISO 8601 format I think you will be safe.
Question? Can you accommodate this into the existing application without breaking code that transforms String to dates in their own way by using all sorts of formats or Locales?
Create a String variable, a setDate(String date) and let the conversion/validation to the validate method in the actionForm bean
This won't work. The validate method is called after the parameter bindings on the ActionForm object. When you reach this point is already to late. Struts did the conversion. If you have a field of type int with value zero there is no way to know if the user actually inserted zero and conversion worked or if the user inserted "bla" and the conversion failed and you got back zero as default initialization value. If zero is a valid value for your application than you are in even bigger trouble.
So what's the convention?
There is no convention. Use the above information and apply common sense given your situation.
Ideally you should have all properties in the ActionForm as Strings so that you loose no information during the binding. But this involves manually converting the properties to the proper type in the Action class, before using them. You have full control (Struts no longer does conversions since source and destination values are of type String) but you also have a lot of boiler plate code to write to do it the proper way which at some point can become annoying.
P.S. Before I end this and go to bed (it's 01:00 AM in my Country :D) I just want to mention one thing that people often don't see. The ActionForm is not part of the model, neither should it interact directly with the model.
If you need the data from the ActionForm to be processed in the model, then map it as a one-to-one relationships with a Model DTO (data transfer object). If you don't, then you create a tight coupling between the Model and the Struts framework because your ActionForm objects are not a POJOs. Your class must extend the ActionForm class from Struts that we've been talking about. People don't do this and send the ActionForm straight to the Model. What is even worse is that they also use the validate method to perform business validations instead of basic validation such as "is required", "is value withing range" etc.
ActionForms are just a communication path between the Action (controller) and the view. Treat it as such.


JackSon ObjectMapper conversion Issues

I am new to using and while doing something, landed into certain issues that I wanted to run by experts.
I am using to convert my java objects to a JSON Object and then finally pass that to my views for further usage. I am using Spring Wiring for doing this all and here is what I face -
While conversion, it converts all my float or double (basically decimal) values to integer. Is there a way I can stop it from happening, by simply disabling or enabling a feature in my ObjectMapper class wiring or in some other way.
I also noticed that the Object that I am converting (has got another objects inside it) is losing the order of elements inside a collection. So say I have an Object that has another Collection of Objects as an instance variable, and that inner object has got the order of elements in "XYZ, when it gets converted it loses this order and comes up with it's own.
How to preserve the exact same order that I had in my Java Object before it as sent to conversion?
Some of the methods in my Object (the one I am converting) has return boolean values and have some logic inside, and some of the times because of the data differences, it ends up getting Null Pointer exception while the conversion. I know I should check for nulls before conversion, but is there a way for Jackson mapper to ignore all these null objects that it encounters during the conversion.

ABAP Objects - access message class of a class?

In the header information of an ABAP Objects class, I can enter a message class to use with the MESSAGE statement. This works like the MESSAGE-ID statement of a report or a function pool. Since I can't find the message class I entered in the header data anywhere in the generated sections, I assume that it's generated into the top-level CLASS-POOL statement somewhere.
For some libraries (for examples, the BAL application logging), it's necessary to specify the message class using a variable or a method parameter. Up to now, I've defined a constant that specified the message class and used that constant. I'm wondering if it's possible to access the message class specified in the header data in some other way so that I can get rid of that redundant variable.
Has anyone found a way to do so?
EDIT: The new way should be easier than the old one - I'm not crazy enough to add a CLASS-CONSTRUCTOR and perform some database access or SEO_* function calls just to get rid of that constant.
I think you need a CLASS-CONSTRUCTOR to set a class attribute with the message class.
The MESSAGE statement with INTO clause has the side effect of setting the SY- system variables. So you could put into your CLASS-CONSTRUCTOR something like:
DATA: lf_dummy TYPE string.
MESSAGE s999 INTO lf_dummy.
af_msgid = sy-msgid.
You could use the class builder API:
data the_class type ref to cl_oo_class.
create object the_class
clsname = `ZCL_SOMECLASS`.
data message_class type arbgb.
message_class = the_class->class-msg_id.
I haven't come across any syntax to do what you ask. For the reasons I outline below, I could believe that SAP never saw a need to include such functionality.
In my experience, the message class is an attribute of the message, not of the object that raises it, so it should be kept together with the type, number, and variables of the message. For example if my object is returning the number of an error, it should be returning the id (class) as well.
In this light I cannot see a reason why you would ever need to know the message-class assigned to an ABAP-OO class, you would only ever need to know the message-class of the messages returned by the ABAP-OO class.
The way I usually manage this is to raise my messages into a dummy field, and then use a subroutine to populate the contents of the sy-msg* fields into a BAPIRETURN structure. Then I return this BAPIRETURN structure to the caller. This way the type, id, number, and variables of the message are all kept together.

serialized object not being converted

I have a Model called statistics which has a value field that contains Goals (a self defined class) data
class Statistic < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :value
When I try to access the goals_against (an atr_reader of the Goals class) I get
undefined method `goals_against' for #<String:0x54f8400>
The value property contains following data:
--- !ruby/object:Goals \ngoals: {}\n\ngoals_against: 1\ngoals_for: 0\nversion: 1\n
In string format according to the debugger.
It seems that rails doesn't know this data is of type Goals.
Someone knows how to solve this?
Three things:
First, where ever your Goal class is defined, make sure it is loaded. At some point Rails stopped auto-loading stuff in the lib folder. So where ever your extra classes are located, set them in config.autoload_paths (in config/application.rb).
Second, when you declare a column as serialized, you have the option of specifying the class. This is especially useful when you are working with a custom class and you want to make sure Rails does the conversion correctly.
serialize :value, Goal
Third, when you have a column that is serialized, make sure you have enough room for it. In other words, most of the time you're going to want that column to be "text" and not "string" in your schema (otherwise your sql engine will silently truncate anything too large to fit in a string column and you'll end up saving a broken object).

How to get differing value type out of an concrete implementation if only Interface / abstract class is known?

what I am using:
VB.NET, NET 3.5, OpenXML SDK 2.0
what I want to do:
I am creating an xlsx reader / writer for my application (based on OpenXML SDK 2.0). I want to read xlsx files and store the data contained in each row in a DTO/PONO. Further I want to read the xlsx file and then modify it and save it.
my thoughts:
Now my problem is not with the OpenXML SDK, I can do what I need to do.
My problem is on how to structure my components. Specifically I have problems with the polymorphism at the lowest level of a Spreadsheet, the cell.
A cell in Excel/OpenXML can have different types of data associated with it. Like a Time, Date, Number, Text or Formula. These different type need to be handled differently when read/written from/to a spreadsheet.
I decided to have a common interface for all subtypes like TextCell, NumberCell, DateCell etc.
Now when I read the cell from the spreadsheet the Method/Factory can decide which type of cell to create.
Now because the cell is an abstract from the real implementation it does not know / does not need to know of what type it is. For writing / modifying the cell I solve this problem by calling .write(ICellWriter) on the cell I want to persist. As the cell itself knows what type of data it contains, it knows which method of ICellWriter it needs to call (static polymorpism).
My problem:
Writing to the xlsx file is no problem. My problem is, how do I get the data out of my cell into my DTO/PONO without resorting to type checking -> If TypeOf variable is ClassX then doesomething End If. As Methods / Properties have to have different Signatures and differentiating by only using a different return type is not allowed.
The holder (collection, in this case a row of a table/spreadsheet) of the objects (refering to the cells) does not know the concrete implementations. So for writing a cell I pass it a Cellwriter. This Cellwriter has overloaded methods like Write(num as Integer), Write(text as String), Write(datum as Date). The cell object that gets this passed to it then calls the Write() method with the data type it holds. This works, as no return value is passed back.
But what do I do when I need the concrete data type returned?
Any ideas, advice, insight?
DTO: Data Transfere Object
PONO: Plain Old .Net Object
xlsx: referring to file ending of excel workbook files
The Cell "subtypes" implement a common interface and do not inherit from a common superclass.
After some thinking about the problem I came to realize that it’s not possible without reflection or knowledge of what type of cell I am expecting. Basically I was trying to recreate a spreadsheet or something with similar functionality and way too abstract/configurable for my needs. Thanks for your time & effort put in to writing the answer. I accepted the answer that was closest to what I realized.
I don't think you can.
If I'm understanding correctly, you have a different types of cells (StringCell, IntCell) and each of those concrete classes returns an object of type 'Object'. When you are using the base class 'Cell' and getting it's value - it's of type Object.
To work with it as a String, or Integer, Or Date, etc...etc... I think you need to inspect the type of that object, one way or another. You can use TypeOf like you demonstrated; I've also seen things like '.GetValueAsString()/.GetValueAsInteger()' on the base class. But you still need knowledge enough to say 'Dim myInt as Integer = myCell.GetValueAsInteger()'
Generally speaking, at least if you subscribe to the SOLID principals, you shouldn't care.
It states that, in a computer program if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (i.e., objects of type S may be substitutes for objects of type T), without altering any of the desirable properties of that program (correctness, task performed, etc.)
If you have subtypes of cells, but you can't use them interchangeably, it's a good candidate for not using inheritance.
I don't know what you intending to do with the values in the cells that would require you to have the concrete class instead of using the base; but it might be possible to expose that functionality in the base itself. IE - if you need to add two cells, you can accomplish that treating them as generic cells (perhaps. At least provided they are of compatible types) without knowing what subtype they are. You should be able to return the base class in your DTO, regardless.
At least, I that's my understanding. I'd certainly wait for more people to chime in before listening to me.

WCF REST and JSON - Serialization and empty elements

I am returning a list of items (user defined class) in a REST service using WCF. I am returning the items as JSON and it is used in some client side javascript (so the 'schema' of the class was derived from what the javascript library required). The class is fairly basic, strings and a bool. The bool is optional, so if it is absent the javascript library uses a default value, and if it is present (true or false) the value is used.
The problem is if I use a bool, the value is defaulted to false when serialized, and if i use a bool?, the member is still sent accross in the JSON and defaulted to null which causes problems with the library (it wont fall back to the default value).
I know I can probably mess around the the javascript library, but I would like to find a way to just not send any members which are null so they dont show up in the serialized JSON at all.
Any ideas?
You could do a little bit of packing and unpacking before and after the serialization. E.g.:
You could make two different versions
of the class, one with and one
without the bool, and convert as
appropriate before and after
transmitting. (sends the least amount
of data, if # of bytes is a greater
consideration than code complexity)
You could add another bool that tells
whether the first bool is supposed to
be null.