caches_page seems doesn't work properly in Rails 3? - ruby-on-rails-3

I used caches_page in rails 3, everything went well, but I don't want those cache files spread in public directory by default, so I changed the default cache directory like this:
config.action_controller.page_cache_directory = Rails.public_path + "/caches"
Yes, it still works, it writes cache file to public/caches directory, but it seems doesn't read it back while refreshing the same page, it writes a new cache file again every time.
Is there something or any configuration I should do to fix this? or I should just use the default cache directory?
thank you all :)

Actually it is related to the server that is running the application .
for example: Webrick default cache directory is "public"
So when you set page_cache_directory to public, cached pages will be served properly .
The issue is related to the server not the app at all .
Quoted from :
"By default, the page cache directory is set to Rails.public_path (which is usually set to the public folder) and this can be configured by changing the configuration setting config.action_controller.page_cache_directory. Changing the default from public helps avoid naming conflicts, since you may want to put other static html in public, but changing this will require web server reconfiguration to let the web server know where to serve the cached files from."

You might need to add a / after caches, try:
config.action_controller.page_cache_directory = Rails.public_path + "/caches/"
I have this on a Rails 3 app and it works:
config.action_controller.page_cache_directory = Rails.root.to_s + "/tmp/cache/"


Nuxt JS - reading conf/env file in static site generation

My project with Nuxt JS is set with target:static and ssr: false.
This app need to connect to a local endpoint to retrieve some informations.
I have multiple endpoints and I need multiple instances of the app, every app must read only his endpoint.
The question is: how change the endpoint address for every app without rebuild everyone?
I tried with env file or a json file in the static folder (in order to have access to this file in the dist folder after the build process).
But if I modify the content of the env/json file in the dist folder and then reload the webpage (or also restart the web server that serve the dist folder), the app continue to use the original endpoint provided at the build time.
There is a way or I have to switch to server side rendering mode (which I would rather not use)?
Thank you!
When you use SSG, it will bundle your app at build time. Last time I checked, there was no hack regarding that. (I don't have the Github issue under my hand but it's a popular one)
And at the same time, I don't really see how it would be done since you want to mix something static and dynamic at the same time.
SSR is the only way here.
Otherwise, you may have some other logic to generate dynamic markup when updating your endpoints (not related to Nuxt) by fetching a remote endpoint I guess.
With the module nuxt content it's possible to create a folder "/content" in project directory and read json files from that directory.
After, when creating the dist with nuxt generate command, the "content" folder it's included in "_nuxt" folder of the dist and if you modify the content of the json file and refresh the webpage that read it, will take the new values.

smarty migration website doesn't work. Error 500

I've got to transfer a website from an hoster to another (MelbourneIT).
So I've done as usual with my favorite FileZilla, just copy the html website (without DB) to the other url.
So this one work for the first page ( because it's an html one but all my other pages doesn't work!
I've check the folders of my website and I found that this one worked with "Smarty" who is apparently a third party application.
I tried for 5 hours different things as : create an .htaccess to launch index.php instead of index.html, change the configuration on my site_globals.php but it didn't work. It looks like only the first page : index.html is loading.
I can give the access to the ftp if anyone could help it will be sweet as it's one website of my company!
Thanks guys.
Initially I tested whether PHP was working, then when I was sure I looked at the error log. The overriding issue was a required library not being found because of a broken path, and PHP's display_errors setting was disabled so it resulted in a white screen.
The site main pages now function.
In site_globals.php, there were two paths that begun with a forward slash. This results in the code looking in the root directory of the server for a particular folder of files (the Smarty library, and the Smarty templates), which likely worked on the old server but not on the new shared hosting environment. New code italicised:
define( "SMARTYPATH", _$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ._ "/deldridge_smarty/" );
define( "TEMPLATEPATH", _$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ._ '/smarty/' );
Once that was fixed the code library and templates could be loaded and the rest of the configuration file continued to load. It then dies on:
$db_interface = new DBInterface;
$db_interface->connect( '' , 'ampnet', 'cable05' );
This is an attempt to connect to a database. I haven't investigated what the database was for yet (that'd require looking through the PHP files in depth) but I'm assuming it was the login system or some such. Almost all of the pages in the site function with those two lines commented out, which I've done for now so that the majority of the content is available again. There's another reference to database connection details further down but they were already commented out.
One other area of particular interest is this:
// different dir structure on secure domain, make ammends
// ensure trailing slash if directory present
define( "SECURE_DIR", 'buildersbollards/' );
if ( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] == '/home/deldridge/' )
$site_path = '/' . SECURE_DIR;
Hop that helps!
It's difficult to know with so little information. Enable error reporting in php or just look at the php error log in your server. One probable cause for the error 500 may be that some key folders don't have CHMOD permission to write; In smarty, for example, templates_c must be writable

Rails 4 images in public folder are not loading on Apache development

I am new to rails. I am working on a sample application for social networking. I have managed to upload the profile picture of users manually (By copying the image uploaded to /tmp/image to the public folder- public/images/tmp/image) and saved the path to db as avatar_url.
In the profile view I used
<%= image_tag(#userinfo.avatar_url, :alt=>"Avatar image")%>
and getting the picture when running on the rails server.
But after that I have deployed the app in apache with passenger in the development environment by setting RailsEnv development. After that the images are not loading. I tried to go to myip:80/public/images/tmp/image, and it gives Routing Error.
After searching on the web, I found that adding config.serve_static_assets = true in production.rb will solve the problem in production. But no use for me because it also stated that the static files will serve in development by default. For confirming the problem again, I started the rails server and opened localhost:3000/profile, image is there and not getting the image in myip:80/profile.
So do I need to add any other config. Or am I not supposed to do that in this way.
Finally, I got the solution for my problem. Just sharing here.
The problem was actually because of permission issues. The picture will be created in a root temp directory on the form submission. Then I copied the image form the temp folder to the public folder. Hence it has only read permissions. After I deployed it, the image gets returns 403 forbidden error.
I used,
FileUtils.chmod 775, target
to set the permission. After that it worked well.
The option config.serve_static_assets = true tells rails to serve the static assets for your application, but that job should really be left to Apache.
Your issue sounds more related to your Apache configuration than rails.
I would take a look at a tutorial on how to configure Apache and Passenger to make sure your environment is setup correctly.
Anything in the public folder should be served by the web server. However myip:80/public/images/tmp/image is not a valid path. You would need to also have a filename at the end with an extension.

Issues with intern-runner and proxyUrl that contains subfolders

I need to setup intern to test ajax calls from a different server. I set everything up sort of following the official wiki in this address
My config file has proxyUrl set to http://localhost:8080/sub
and http://localhost:8080/sub is setup as a reverse proxy to inter-runner in http://localhost:9000
When I run ./node_modules/.bin/intern-runner -config=tests/config from the tests root folder, the browser opens up and is able to request several files, until it tries to request the config file. That's when it receives a 404, because it requests the wrong address - http://localhost:8080/tests/config.js - without the sub folder.
I'm wondering if I'm missing something inside the config file, or if intern is not able to use proxies with subfolders. I tried to set the baseUrl parameter, but it had no effect.
Any ideas?
It seems that sometimes intern-runner uses the path provided in the config param, and sometimes it uses the one in the proxyUrl parameter inside the config file. As a workaround, what I did was to place the config file and the tests on 2 folders (actually I made a symbolic link). The first on tests/ and the second on sub/tests/ and ran it using ./node_modules/.bin/intern-runner -config=sub/tests/config.
It works, but it's kind of stupid and I really wished there was a better way to do it.
This is indeed a limitation/bug of intern. It assumes that the proxy sits at the root of the absolute domain name, i.e. that it has a pathname of /.
An issue has been created on intern's github repository here and the corresponding pull request that fixes the problem is here. Hopefully this gets merged into the upcoming 2.1 release of intern.

HTML5 Cache Manifest problem

I am trying to use it to cache all the static files for my application (images, JS etc.) but I am running into a problem. My cache manifest file can looks like this:
This does cache those files that I have added to it (a few hundred so I omitted most of them out) but it also caches pages that I don't want (ex. index.php). It dramatically lowers the loadtime of the whole application but I need it not to cache any php files. I am using MultiViews if that makes any difference.
I have also tried adding a list of the files that I don't want cached under network but it still caches them. The full file can be found at
The problem might not be with the manifest itself.
Are you adding the manifest attribute to all your php pages? That could be the issue.
The manifest attribute should be included on every page of your web
application that you want cached. The browser does not cache a page if
it does not contain the manifest attribute (unless it is explicitly
listed in the manifest file itself. This means that any page the user
navigates to that include a manifest will be implicitly added to the
application cache.
You can also specify the .php files which you do not want to be cached in the NETWORK section. WHichever file you specify here will be accessed from the server.
You can make use of wildcard i believe for all php files