LabView cos fitting - labview

I am working on a program that needs to fit numerous cosine waves in order to determine one of the parameters for the function. The equation that I am using is y = y_0 + Acos((4*pi*L)/x + pi) where L is the value that I am trying to obtain from the best fit line.
I know that it is possible to do this correctly by hand for each set of data, but what is the best way to automate this process? I am currently reading in the data from text files, and running a loop with the initial paramiters changing until I have an array of paramater values that have an amplitude similar to the data, then I check the percent difference between points on the center peak and two end peaks to try to pick the best one. It in consistently picking lower values than what I get when fitting by hand (almost exactly one phase off). So is there a way to improve this method, or another method that works better?
Edit: My LabVIEW version has a cos fitting VI which is what I am using, the problem is when I try to automate the fitting by changing the initial parameters using a loop, I cant figure out how to get the program to pick the same best fit line as a human would pick.

Why not just use a Fast Fourier Transform? This should be way faster than fitting a cosine. In the result vector of complex numbers look for the largest peak of in the totals. You're given frequency (position in the FFT result vector), amplitude and phase.

You can evaluate the goodness of the fit by computing the difference between fitting curve and your data. A VI does this in the "Advanced curve fitting" palette. Then all you have to do is pick up the best fit.


How to do polynomial transformations programmatically?

Suppose i have bunches of the below n=36 polynomials/data:
They are all quite similar but with sightly different roof and amplitude, what is the best approach for me to code a sequence of coefficients/changes so that i can use this sequence to transform one polynomial to another one, say: the blue one + a change sequence -> the green one?
I had tried to use gaussian curve to fit the data, but unfortunately the results were very poor, so i have to use polynomials;
Currently the data are fitted by numpy.polyfit(x, y, 35)
The intention is to find a way to generically describe the transformation between two polys, so i can use it to transform the future polys, say: in future i get a totally new poly like above, i can use this transformation code to transform it in a specific manner: increase/decrease the roof/amplitude, by specific manner i mean, note in the graph, the y changes around the roof x is always bigger, along +x / -x the changes are descending in a way, quite like gaussian curve, but unfortunately cannot use gaussian curve to express the data

Determine the running time of an algorithm with two parameters

I have implemented an algorithm that uses two other algorithms for calculating the shortest path in a graph: Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford. Based on the time complexity of the these algorithms, I can calculate the running time of my implementation, which is easy giving the code.
Now, I want to experimentally verify my calculation. Specifically, I want to plot the running time as a function of the size of the input (I am following the method described here). The problem is that I have two parameters - number of edges and number of vertices.
I have tried to fix one parameter and change the other, but this approach results in two plots - one for varying number of edges and the other for varying number of vertices.
This leads me to my question - how can I determine the order of growth based on two plots? In general, how can one experimentally determine the running time complexity of an algorithm that has more than one parameter?
It's very difficult in general.
The usual way you would experimentally gauge the running time in the single variable case is, insert a counter that increments when your data structure does a fundamental (putatively O(1)) operation, then take data for many different input sizes, and plot it on a log-log plot. That is, log T vs. log N. If the running time is of the form n^k you should see a straight line of slope k, or something approaching this. If the running time is like T(n) = n^{k log n} or something, then you should see a parabola. And if T is exponential in n you should still see exponential growth.
You can only hope to get information about the highest order term when you do this -- the low order terms get filtered out, in the sense of having less and less impact as n gets larger.
In the two variable case, you could try to do a similar approach -- essentially, take 3 dimensional data, do a log-log-log plot, and try to fit a plane to that.
However this will only really work if there's really only one leading term that dominates in most regimes.
Suppose my actual function is T(n, m) = n^4 + n^3 * m^3 + m^4.
When m = O(1), then T(n) = O(n^4).
When n = O(1), then T(n) = O(m^4).
When n = m, then T(n) = O(n^6).
In each of these regimes, "slices" along the plane of possible n,m values, a different one of the terms is the dominant term.
So there's no way to determine the function just from taking some points with fixed m, and some points with fixed n. If you did that, you wouldn't get the right answer for n = m -- you wouldn't be able to discover "middle" leading terms like that.
I would recommend that the best way to predict asymptotic growth when you have lots of variables / complicated data structures, is with a pencil and piece of paper, and do traditional algorithmic analysis. Or possibly, a hybrid approach. Try to break the question of efficiency into different parts -- if you can split the question up into a sum or product of a few different functions, maybe some of them you can determine in the abstract, and some you can estimate experimentally.
Luckily two input parameters is still easy to visualize in a 3D scatter plot (3rd dimension is the measured running time), and you can check if it looks like a plane (in log-log-log scale) or if it is curved. Naturally random variations in measurements plays a role here as well.
In Matlab I typically calculate a least-squares solution to two-variable function like this (just concatenates different powers and combinations of x and y horizontally, .* is an element-wise product):
x = log(parameter_x);
y = log(parameter_y);
% Find a least-squares fit
p = [x.^2, x.*y, y.^2, x, y, ones(length(x),1)] \ log(time)
Then this can be used to estimate running times for larger problem instances, ideally those would be confirmed experimentally to know that the fitted model works.
This approach works also for higher dimensions but gets tedious to generate, maybe there is a more general way to achieve that and this is just a work-around for my lack of knowledge.
I was going to write my own explanation but it wouldn't be any better than this.

Which scipy.optimize.minimize is least sensitive to starting location?

I'm trying to minimize a function using one of the scipy minimizers. Unfortunately my function has plateaus of equal value so minimisers get stuck there. I was wondering which of the scipy optimisers would be least sensitive to this and why?
I know I could start a number of times at random locations but I'm not able to do that with what I am currently working on and have to use on of these minimisers out of the box.
Add a linear function of the coordinates to your function to give some nonzero, but very small slope to the flat areas. If your minimum/maximum is in a flat area, you need to decide which part of the flat area to choose as your final answer, so you might as well bias the whole search. After this arrives at a minimum/maximum, rerun the optimization using that as the starting point and no added bias.
If there is a way to determine the boundaries of the search space, then you might try a large number of starting locations that uniformly sample the search space.

Optimizing interpolation in Mathematica

As part of my work, I often have to visualize complex 3 dimensional densities. One program suite that I work with outputs the radial component of the densities as a set of 781 points on a logarithmic grid, ri = (Rmax/Rstep)^((i-1)/(pts-1), times a spherical harmonic. For low symmetry systems, the number of spherical harmonics can be fairly large to ensure accuracy, e.g. one system requires 49 harmonics corresponding to lmax = 6. So, to use this data within Mathematica, I would have a sum of up to 49 interpolated functions with each multiplied by a different spherical harmonic. While using v.6 and constructing the interpolated radial functions using Interpolation and setting r = Sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), I would stop ContourPlot3D after well over an hour without anything displayed. This included reducing both the InterpolationOrder and MaxRecursion to 1.
Several alternatives presented themselves:
Evaluate the density function on a fixed grid, and use ListContourPlot instead.
Or, linearly spline the radial function and use Piecewise to stitch them together. (This presented itself, as I could use simplify to help reduce the complexity of the resulting function.)
I ended up using both, as InterpolatingFunction gives a noticeable delay in its evaluation, and with up to 49 interpolated functions to evaluate, any delay can become noticeable. Also, ContourPlot3D was faster with the spline, but it didn't give me the speed up I desired.
I'll freely admit that I haven't tried Interpolation on v.7, nor I have tried this on my upgraded hardware (G4 v. Intel Core i5). However, I'm looking for alternatives to my current scheme; preferably, one where I can use ContourPlot3D directly. I could try some other form of spline, such as a B-spline, and possibly combine that with UnitBox instead of using Piecewise.
Edit: Just to clarify, my current implementation involves creating a first order spline for each radial part, multiplying each one by their respective spherical harmonic, summing and Simplifying the equations on each radial interval, and then using Piecewise to bind them into one function. So, my implementation is semi-analytical in that the spherical harmonics are exact, and only the radial part is numerical. This is part of the reason why I would like to be able to use ContourPlot3D, so that I can take advantage of the semi-analytical nature of the data. As a point of note, the radial grid is fine enough that a good representation of the radial part is generated and can be smoothly interpolated. While this gave me a significant speed-up, when I wrote the code, it was still to slow for the hardware I was using at the time.
So, instead of using ContourPlot3D, I would first generate the function, as above, then I would evaluate it on an 803 Cartesian grid. It is the data from this step that I used in ListContourPlot3D. Since this is not an adaptive grid, in some places this was too course, and I was missing features.
If you can do without Mathematica, I would suggest you have a look at Paraview (US government funded FOSS, all platforms) which I have found to be superior to everything when it comes to visualizing massive amounts of data.
The core of the software is the "Visualization Toolkit" VTK, and you can find/write other frontends if need be.
VTK/Paraview can handle almost any data-type: scalar and vector on structured grids or random points, polygons, time-series data, etc. From Mathematica I often just dump grid data into VTK legacy format which in then simplest case looks like this
# vtk DataFile Version 2.0
Generated by mma via vtkGridDump
SPACING 0.125 0.125 0.0625
ORIGIN 8.5 5. 0.7124999999999999
SCALARS RF_pondpot_1V1MHz1amu double 1
... <18373 more numbers> ...
If it really is the interpolation of the radial functions that is slowing you down, you could consider hand-coding that part based on your knowledge of the sample points. As demonstrated below, this gives a significant speedup:
I set things up with your notation. lookuprvals is a list of 100000 r values to look up for timing.
First, look at stock interpolation as a basemark
Out[259]= 2.28466
Switching to 0th-order interpolation is already an order of magnitude faster (first order is almost same speed):
Out[271]= 0.146486
We can get another 1.5 order of magnitude by calculating indices directly:
Module[{avg=MovingAverage[yvals,2],idxfact=N[(pts-1) /Log[Rmax/Rstep]]},
Timing[res=Part[avg,Ceiling[idxfact Log[lookuprvals]]]][[1]]]
Out[272]= 0.006067
As a middle ground, do a log-linear interpolation by hand. This is slower than the above solution but still much faster than stock interpolation:
idxfact=N[(pts-1) /Log[Rmax/Rstep]]},
idxraw=1+idxfact Log[lookuprvals];
Out[276]= 0.026557
If you have the memory for it, I would cache the spherical harmonics and radius (or even radius-index) on the full grid. Then flatten the grid caches so you can do
Sum[ interpolate[yvals[lm],gridrvals] gridylmvals[lm], {lm,lmvals} ]
and recreate your grid as discussed here.

Mathematical analysis of a sound sample (as an array of numbers)

I need to find the frequency of a sample, stored (in vb) as an array of byte. Sample is a sine wave, known frequency, so I can check), but the numbers are a bit odd, and my maths-foo is weak.
Full range of values 0-255. 99% of numbers are in range 235 to 245, but there are some outliers down to 0 and 1, and up to 255 in the remaining 1%.
How do I normalise this to remove outliers, (calculating the 235-245 interval as it may change with different samples), and how do I then calculate zero-crossings to get the frequency?
Apologies if this description is rubbish!
The FFT is probably the best answer, but if you really want to do it by your method, try this:
To normalize, first make a histogram to count how many occurrances of each value from 0 to 255. Then throw out X percent of the values from each end with something like:
for (i=lower=0;i< N*(X/100); lower++)
//repeat in other direction for upper
Now normalize with
A[i] = 255*(A[i]-lower)/(upper-lower)-128
Throw away results outside the -128..127 range.
Now you can count zero crossings. To make sure you are not fooled by noise, you might want to keep track of the slope over the last several points, and only count crossings when the average slope is going the right way.
The standard method to attack this problem is to consider one block of data, hopefully at least twice the actual frequency (taking more data isn't bad, so it's good to overestimate a bit), then take the FFT and guess that the frequency corresponds to the largest number in the resulting FFT spectrum.
By the way, very similar problems have been asked here before - you could search for those answers as well.
Use the Fourier transform, it's much more noise insensitive than counting zero crossings
Edit: #WaveyDavey
I found an F# library to do an FFT: From here
As it turns out, the best free
implementation that I've found for F#
users so far is still the fantastic
FFTW library. Their site has a
precompiled Windows DLL. I've written
minimal bindings that allow
thread-safe access to FFTW from F#,
with both guru and simple interfaces.
Performance is excellent, 32-bit
Windows XP Pro is only up to 35%
slower than 64-bit Linux.
Now I'm sure you can call F# lib from, C# etc, that should be in their docs
If I understood well from your description, what you have is a signal which is a combination of a sine plus a constant plus some random glitches. Say, like
x[n] = A*sin(f*n + phi) + B + N[n]
where N[n] is the "glitch" noise you want to get rid of.
If the glitches are one-sample long, you can remove them using a median filter which has to be bigger than the glitch length. On both sides of the glitch. Glitches of length 1, mean you will have enough with a median of 3 samples of length.
y[n] = median3(x[n])
The median is computed so: Take the samples of x you want to filter (x[n-1],x[n],x[n+1]), sort them, and your output is the middle one.
Now that the noise signal is away, get rid of the constant signal. I understand the buffer is of a limited and known length, so you can just compute the mean of the whole buffer. Substract it.
Now you have your single sinus signal. You can now compute the fundamental frequency by counting zero crossings. Count the amount of samples above 0 in which the former sample was below 0. The period is the total amount of samples of your buffer divided by this, and the frequency is the oposite (1/x) of the period.
Although I would go with the majority and say that it seems like what you want is an fft solution (fft algorithm is pretty quick), if fft is not the answer for whatever reason you may want to try fitting a sine curve to the data using a fitting program and reading off the fitted frequency.
Using Fityk, you can load the data, and fit to a*sin(b*x-c) where 2*pi/b will give you the frequency after fitting.
Fityk can be used from a gui, from a command-line for scripting and has a C++ API so could be included in your programs directly.
I googled for "basic fft". Visual Basic FFT Your question screams FFT, but be careful, using FFT without understanding even a little bit about DSP can lead results that you don't understand or don't know where they come from.
get the Frequency Analyzer at and run it and look at the code.