MODx Local Development Setup/System - development-environment

I'm new to MODx, but am quite impressed with its power and flexibility. There's only one caveat, and I'm hoping it's just because I don't know any better.
I'm a frontend dev, and I'm used to building websites of all sizes. But I usually work with files and version control. How would I keep this paradigm with MODx?
From my poking around so far, the only way I found to use an IDE, is to keep static files with my code, to later on copy/paste into MODx Manager. Far from ideal.
I'm aware that a lot of people use an "include" snippet, to include snippets, chunks, etc. Does this work for MODx specific tags? For example, if I include a file as a snippet, and I have a template variable defined in there (or a resource link), would that be properly rendered?
Also, is there a performance hit using a snippet by including a file, vs having the snippet code entered into MODx Manager?
Bottom line, how do you develop sites on MODx? Where do you enter your code? Is there a feature like the "Import HTML" but for snippets and chunks? Is there a way to create new Templates, Documents, Chunks, TVs, etc. without going through the Manager?
Thanks in advance!

there is a whole documentation site for developing in modx, - though it mostly concerns extending it - not customization & modification. The short answer is no, there is no version control for your snippets & such, yes, you will have to maintain them manually. [I wish that was not the case]
Most of your php code will go into either a snippet or a plugin, and yes you can include static files in either of those resource types, no, I on't know if there is a performance gain/loss, but I would imagine "no" if your include is cache-able.
for the includes you can do something like this:
include_once $modx->config['base_path'].'_path_to_my.php_';

There is VersionX for revolution that will allow you version control of chunks, snippets, resources and so on.

There is package called Auditor that will allow you to implement version control in Modx
Sorry just noticed your question is tagged Revolution, Auditor is for Evo. I don't think there's a solution available yet although I believe it is on the Roadmap


IntelliJ: Search structurally in different projects

Structural search in IntelliJ IDEA is not only powerful, but also not trivial at all to get right. Now when I have created a working template of my own, I might want to use it in multiple projects.
I do not see a way to save globally. Is there anything I can do short of copying the relevant bits from one workspace.xml to another?
Unfortunatelly, it's not supported at the moment, please follow this feature request for updates.

Workflow / best practices for XLIFF

I am using a command line tool (ng-xi18n) to extract the i18n strings from an angular 2 app I wrote. The output of this command is a messages.xlf file. Coming from a .po background, and being not familiar with .xlf, I assumed that this file is the equivalent to the .pot file (correct me if I am wrong).
I then assumed that if I want to translate my app, I had to cp messages.xlf to have a copy ( of the template file (messages.xlf) where I can translate each message into German (hence the .de.xlf).
After translating some dummy texts and running the app, I saw that it worked as expected, so I quit translating and continued developing the app. After some time, I added more i18n strings, and eventually thought that I had to update my template. And this is where things got hardly maintainable. I updated the template messages.xlf file, and quickly was wondering how I could update the new strings to my already translated file without loosing my progress.
When I was developing using .po files, this was no problem thanks to good tools like poEdit, but I didn't find anything comparable for .xlf. After trying some tools, I thought that the best choice would be Lokalize, but I didn't find a possibility to merge the template file to already translated (but outdated) files either.
Up to now, this was rather an essay than a question, so here's a quick summary:
Is the workflow of dealing with .xlf files really comparable to .po as I initially thought (described above), or is it completely different?
How am I suppose to update my already translated files?
What are the best practices dealing with .xlf files?
What are proof of concept tools to work with .xlf?
The Lokalize handbook was not helpful at all. I see a lot of functions that sound promising, like:
"File" > "Update file from template". I did not find anything in the handbook to explain this function. If I click on this, nothing happens.
"Sync" > "Open file for sync/merge". This seems to be a function to merge two similar files (by multiple translators) rather than a tool to update the translation file from a template. Even though there is a tooltip in Lokalize's primary sync tab, notifying me about "x unmatched entries", I just couldn't find anything to append those unmatched entries to my .de.xlf file.
[Update] Turns out, I had similar issues as in this question. After downgrading my version of Lokalize to the suggested one, many issues (including the ones mentioned in the question) disappeared. However, now the "Update file from template" option is greyed out, and I don't know why.
I also tried OmegaT, which does not work at all on my platform (Ubuntu 16.04).
[Update] Virtaal works great for merging new strings from a template, but the UI in general is very poorly designed...
Googling did not help, as every hit seems to be related to XCode or something.
Thanks for any help in advance, I really appreciate it
I wrote a small npm command line tool called xliffmerge.
In principle it does the same, that Roland Oldengarm does with his gulp tasks described in his blog article.
It is free and you can have a look at it at
The best workflow automation solution I have seen described so far is from Roland Oldengarm's blog entry "Angular 2: Automated i18n workflow using gulp". To summarize, in a few dozen lines of Gulp code he created the tooling to handle some of the challenges you faced. Specifically it runs ng-xi18n to extract the messages; creates an English translation with sources copied to targets; updates existing translations by adding new trans-units, keeping existing ones, and removing missing ones; and then exposes all xlf files as TypeScript string constants. These last strings can then be imported to supply the bootstrapModule with its translation provider options.
Caveat: I have not used this exact solution (and code) myself, but I was able to expose generated xlf as TypeScript strings and use them in an app in a manner similar to what he described. As for maintaining translations, I have leveraged IntelliJ IDEA (WebStorm) file comparison features and Counterparts Lite (for Mac) for that. My own efforts are still in early stages but are working end to end for an application that is in active development.
Official Angular docs are now updated for Internationalization (i18n) at including a section specifically for creating a translation source file with the ng-xi18n tool.

How to add more images on Stores (Prestashop)

On Prestashop 1.4 you can add stores on BO "AdminStores", but you only can upload ONE picture, I need to upload more, anybody have some modification for these?
PrestaShop has a "Spaghetti and meatballs" code architecture. They have (at least they used to have pre 1.4) a very hard coded Admin area mixing PHP-SQL-HTML-inline CSS-inline JavaScript, hrm "the works".
You may be able to write a sweet front-end code to associate a Scene to the main home category of that Store you would only need to alter one of the root files.
Making a full-working back-end solution without a module implies some serious hacking and non-maintainable code also you can't allow updates.
You best bet is finding a module but that needs to implement everything including new DB tables and upload interface etc. and then make sure it associates images to Stores.
When in lack of either, solution no.2 becomes imminently more probable if you have the necessary skills.

How to do File I/O in Opa?

After reading (nearly) the whole ebook and taking a look at the API
i am still asking myself how to realize "traditional" web server behaviour with opa.
I understand (at least i believe that) that opa links external resources specified at
compile time into the executable, making them immutable and permament.
But what if, say, i would want to change the stylesheet of an application without recompiling it?
There seems to be a few methods in the stdlib (apidoc) but they are not covering
what i am used to from other programming languages.
A possible solution i could think of is making use of the internal database,
but that looks like a bit of an overkill for something simple like traditional File I/O.
Edit: this blog post explains more about dealing with external resources in Opa.
Long story short: you'll rarely work with external files in Opa.
Let me try to break this down. Opa will indeed embed resources. But for development mode you indeed just want to be able to tweak them (mainly CSS) and see changes immediately. If you compiled your program in a non-release mode then it will support this kind of actions (try --help, below is an excerpt)
Debugging Resources : dynamic edition:
Export the CSS files embedded in the server to the file
system, so that they can be viewed and edited during
execution of the application
For many other editable&changing resources one would indede use the database.
And if you really need to work with files (again: with Opa you'll need it much less than with traditional web languages) then take a look at and, for advanced use, at BslFile module with bindings to Ocaml functions for file manipulation.
I think this module is for you :!/
my_css = File.content("css/file.css")
I am not seeing some way to write file, but I think if you need to write you should use the db.
But to read I think this is the solution :)

Dojo vs Dijit - files to include or reference?

I've been reading O'Reilly book "Dojo - The Definitive Guid" but somethings are still not definitive to me.
They talk about "bootstrapping" and getting the dojo.css from the AOL CDN".
When I'm testing on my machine, should I use the CDN? Or should I wait and use that only when I deploy?
Secondly, the book talks about CDN for dojo, but not for dijit.
I'm developing on Google App Engine (GAE) - so having the 2000+ Dojo/Dijit files in my Javascript directory is a little annoying, because it slows down my upload to GAE each time.
Firebug is giving me this error:
GET http://localhost:8080/dijit/nls/dijit-all_en-us.js 404 not Found
GET http://localhost:8080/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js 404 not Found
I downloaded the sample from here:
and I'd like to "simply" get it to run on my machine under local google app engine (which is the localhost:8080 that you see in the URLs above).
I see this statement which probably is causing the second 404 above:
One other error:
cannot access optimized closure
preload("en-us") dijit-all.js (line 479)
anonymous("dijit.nls.dijit-all", ["ROOT", "ar", "ca", 40 more... 0=ROOT 1=ar 2=ca 3=cs 4=da 5=de 6=de-de 7=el 8=en 9=en-gb])dijit-all.js (line 489)
dojo.i18n._searchLocalePath(locale, true, function(loc){\n
To continue for now, I'm going to try to copy the entire dijit library, but is there a solution short of that?
My current script includes look like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/dijit.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/dijit-all.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I got the dijit.js file by copying and renaming dijit.js.uncompressed.js to dijit.js.
You have a few options actually:
You could use the CDN for everything (though using the full source locally does give you better error messages). Google has them as well. Dijit is here: FYI. This has many advantages in my opinion. User caching of the JS being the primary one.
Build a layered file. I think the O'Reilly book has a section about it but the PragProg book is better in this regard IMO. There's also this doc on about building. This will trim down the files you need to upload to GAE and speed up your app loading. This is actually what I do in order to cut down on HTTP requests.
Keep doing what you are doing. :)
Regarding the errors you are seeing about 404 for en-us files are essentially harmless. Here's a better description.
You also might be reloading dijit files by using dijit.uncompressed.js and dijit-all.js and causing problems in the process...but I'm not sure about this one.
I just want to clarify that when using CDN all you need to include is the main Dojo script. The rest will be pulled in automatically when you dojo.require() them.
If for some (technical) reasons you don't want to use the X-Domain loader (CDNs use this type of loader), you can do a custom build (well-described in many places). After the build you copy only relevant files to your server. No need to copy all 2000+ tests, demos, unused DojoX projects, Dijits and so on.
During the build you will create a single minified file (or a few layers), which will include all Dojo JavaScript code you use. If you use Dojo widgets, their templates will be already inlined, so you do not incur hits for them. As part of the build CSS files are combined together and minified too. So literally in most cases you will have just two files: a Dojo layer, which includes everything + your custom code, and a CSS file. In more complex cases you may have more files, but usually we are talking about handful.
How to make sure that everything is in the build? Fire up your favorite network analyzer (Live HTTP Headers, Firebug, Fiddler2, or Charles Proxy would do fine) and see if you hit any files outside of your build. If you do — include them in the build, or try to figure out why they are requested, and eliminate these requests (some localization-related calls are fine).
Personally I would start with the CDN option — works well, no hassle, hosted by somebody else with fat pipes.
To address your first question, use the full source version locally for development, so that you can get clearer debug info which points to a legible line in source, rather than the single line the minified version is reduced to. Use the CDN for production.