How should I design displaying a dynamic map? (Coordinates + Lines) - objective-c

So I want to have a view (NSView, NSOpenGLView, something CG related?) which basically displays a map. Such as:
Obviously that looks horrible, but I did it using an NSView, and it draws SO slow. Clearly not designed for this.
I just need to allow users to click on the individual (x,y) coordinates to make changes, and zoom into a certain area (to see it better).
Should I go the OpenGL route? And if so - any suggestions as to how to get started? (I was able to follow the guide to draw a triangle, so that's good).
I did find this post on zooming in an NSView: How to implement zoom/scale in a Cocoa AppKit-application
My concern is if I'm drawing over 6000 coordinates and the lines connecting them, this isn't efficient at all.

I don't think using OpenGL would be of any good here. The problem does not seem to be the actual painting, but rather the rendering strategy. You would need a scene graph of some kind to dynamically handle level of detail and culling.
Qt has all this packaged in a nice class class QGraphicsScene (see for reference, and for an example).
Some basic concepts you should consider using:

Try using core graphics for this, really there is so much that could be done. Watch the video Practical Drawing for iOS Developers from WWDC 2011 and it should give an over view of what can be done with CG.

I believe even CoreGraphics will suffice for what you want to achieve, and that should work under a UIView if you draw the rectangle of your view completely under the DrawRect method of your UIView (you must overload this method). Please see the UIView Class Reference. I have a mobile application that logs points on the UIMapKit, kind of like Nike+, and it certainly works well for massive amounts of points/line segments. There is no reason why this simple approach cannot work for you as well.


Animating OpenGL content within a Cocoa OSX Application

I am currently attempting to create an interactive, informative poster, with regards to Anti-Aliasing techniques and effects. The application is written in Obj-C within Xcode, and makes use of OpenGL and Cocoa functionalities.
I am attempting to create a small animation to display the difficulties of drawing a diagonal line on a pixel grid, however am having real trouble getting my head around the animation aspect.
I am aiming for something with a similar look and feel to this:
I have currently drawn a grid using OpenGL primitives:
and would like the effect above to be replicated within my grid, however without the shading yet (that is the next part), so just plain black pixels coloured step by step along the line.
I am new to both OpenGL and Obj-C, so am unsure whether best to implement the animation within OpenGL, or using OSx Core Animation - neither of which I have used before.
The OpenGL drawing takes place within my MyOpenGLView class, with the drawing done in a drawAnObject method, which is then called within the drawRect method.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!

Create mock 3D "space" with forwards and backwards navigation

In iOS, I'd like to have a series of items in "space" similar to the way Time Machine works. The "space" would be navigated by a scroll bar like feature on the side of the page. So if the person scrolls up, it would essentially zoom in in the space and objects that were further away will be closer to the reference point. If one zooms out, then those objects will fade into the back and whatever is behind the frame of refrence will come into view. Kind of like this.
I'm open to a variety of solutions. I imagine there's a relatively easy solution within openGL, I just don't know where to begin.
Check out Nick Lockwood's iCarousel on github. It's a very good component. The example code he provides uses a custom carousel style very much like what you describe. You should get there with just a few tweaks.
As you said, in OpenGL(ES) is relatively easy to accomplish what you ask, however it may not be equally easy to explain it to someone that is not confident with OpenGL :)
First of all, I may suggest you to take a look at The Red Book, the reference guide to OpenGL, or at the OpenGL Wiki.
To begin, you may do some practice using GLUT; it will help you taking confidence with OpenGL, providing some high-level API that will let you skip the boring side of setting up an OpenGL context, letting you go directly to the drawing part.
OpenGL ES is a subset of OpenGL, so essentially has the same structure. Once you understood how to use OpenGL shouldn't be so difficult to use OpenGL ES. Of course Apple documentation is a very important resource.
Now that you know a lot of stuff about OpenGL you should be able to easily understand how your program should be structured.
You may, for example, keep your view point fixed and translate the world (or viceversa). There is not (of course) a universal solution, especially because the only thing that matters is the final result.
Another solution (maybe equally good, it depends on your needs), may be to simply scale up and down images (representing the objects of your world) to simulate the movement through the object itself.
For example you may use an array to store all of your images and use a slider to set (increase/decrease) the dimension of your image. Once the image becomes too large for the display you may gradually decrease alpha, so that the image behind will slowly appear. Take a look at UIImageView reference, it contains all the API's you need for it.
This may lead you to the loss of 3-dimensionality, but it's probably a simpler/faster solution than learn OpenGL.

OpenglES - Transparent texture blocking objects behind

I have some quads that have a texture with transparency and some objects behind these quads. However, these don't seem to be shown. I know it's something about GL_BLEND but I can't manage to make the objects behind show.
I've tried with:
but still not working. What I basically have is:
// I paint the object
draw_ac3d_file([actualObject getCurrentObject3d]);
// I paint the quad
There are two common scenarios that create this situation, and it is difficult to tell which one your program is doing, if either at all.
Draw Order
First, make sure you are drawing your objects in the correct order. You must draw from back-to-front or else the models will not be blended properly.
note as Arne Bergene Fossaa pointed out, front-to-back is the proper way to render objects that are not transparent from a performance stand point. Because of this, most renderers first draw all the models that have no transparency front-to-back, and then they go back and render all models that have transparency back-to-front. This is covered in most 3D-graphic texts out there.
image credit to Geoff Leach at RMIT University
The second most common issue is improper use of lighting. Normally in this case if you were using the fixed-function pipeline, people would advise you to simply call glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
Now this should work (if it is the cause at all) but what if you want lighting? Then you would either have to employ custom shaders or set up proper material settings for the models.
A discussion of using the material properties can be found at

Getting started with cocoa drawing

I want to do some custom drawing in a NSView subclass where should I get started?
As Jarret mentioned the Apple docs are a great place to start. However, some things to bear in mind:
The default coordinate system used with views is the Cartesian coordinate system where the origin is in the bottom left corner of the view. Most often you want the origin to be in the top left corner of the view so this is where you override the isFlipped: method (the default implementation which returns NO), returning YES:
- (BOOL)isFlipped
return YES;
This "flips" the coordinate system so that the origin becomes in the top left corner, after a vertical flip has taken place. This can make some drawing position calculations easier.
The main things you'll probably want to get started with are things such as:
Filling basic rectangles (using the NSBezierPath class method fillRect:, along with the NSColor class for setting and using colours).
Working with images (using the NSImage class and the drawing methods it provides).
Paths, where you can draw lines and other shapes (with the NSBezierPath class).
You'll also want to take a look into Graphics Contexts at some point, and working with setting attributes (such as the current colour, a shadow etc) on them, used for subsequent drawing operations.
Probably not of immediate concern, but just a side note, that at some point you should take a look at the Optimizing View Drawing section of the View Programming Guide for Cocoa. Drawing operations should be fast, and it amazes me sometimes how little consideration people put into the performance aspects of drawing, when there are some basic things you can do to make your drawing – and therefore application – more efficient, such as only redrawing parts of the view that have actually changed, rather than the entire thing.
Apple's Introduction to Cocoa Drawing Guide is the best place to start. Lots of examples there.
You should start at the beginning.

Using Core Animation/CALayer for simple layered painting

I would like to create a custom NSView that takes a layered approach to painting. I imagine the majority of the layers would be the same width and height as the backing view.
Is it appropriate to use the Core Animation classes like CALayer for this task, even though I don't expect to need much animation? Is there a more appropriate approach?
To clarify, the view is not meant to be like a canvas in a Photoshop-like application. It more of a data display that should allow for user interaction (selecting, moving, scrolling, etc.)
If it's display and layout you're after, I'd say that a CALayer-based architecture is a good choice. For the open source Core Plot framework, we construct all of our graphs and plot elements out of CALayers, and organize them in a regular hierarchy. CALayers are lightweight and use almost identical APIs between Mac and iPhone. They can even be made to respond to touch or mouse events.
For another example of a CALayer-based user interface, my iPhone application's entire equation entry interface is composed of CALayers, including the menu that slides up from below. Performance is slightly better than that of my previous UIView-based implementation, but the same code also works within my preliminary desktop version of the application.
For a drawing program, I would imagine it would be important to hold a buffer of the bitmap data. The only issue with using a CALayer is that the contents property is a CGImageRef. To turn that back into a graphics context for doing further drawing can be a bit of a pain. You'd have to initialize a new context, draw the bitmap data into it, then do whatever drawing operations you wanted to do, and finally turn that back into a CGImageRef. You probably wouldn't be able to avoid doing a number of pretty large memory allocations, which is virtually guaranteed to slow your program way down.
I would consider holding an off-screen buffer for each layer. Take a look at the Quartz CGLayerRef object. I think it probably does what you want to do: it's an off-screen buffer that holds things you might want to draw repeatedly. You can also quickly get a CGContextRef whenever you need it so you can do additional drawing. And you can always use that CGContextRef with NSGraphicsContext if you want to use Cocoa drawing methods.