Choosing existing banking information in iTunes Connect [closed] - app-store-connect

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I had to re-request a contract in iTunes Connect. When doing so I need to set the Bank Info again but it wouldn't let me use the existing bank account which I have entered in ITC. When I press "Set Up" under Bank Info it gives me two things. First I get the "Current Bank Account" which I can view or edit (I don't want to edit anything since the account is correct). Second, I get "Select a different Bank Account" option with an empty drop-down list (since I don't have other bank accounts specified). What I would like to do is just comfirm the existing bank account, but when I press Save it says "You must make a change in order to Save". The only button I can press is Cancel which brings me back to the previeus page showing my contract overview where I can see that the contract has a "Pending Bank" status. So it seems somewhat of a paradox. Am I missing something here?

Well, the issue was resolved by it self. I read somwhere else that others have had the same expirience. Weird...

Same issue here (for the second time!). I solved it creating another bank account and then changed back to my default one.

I had the same problem and I've contacted Apple support to solve it. As usual in Apple case they haven't give me any feedback about the nature of the problem, they just fixed the contract for me.
I think you should try doing the same, although it takes quite a long - around 1 week in my case.

I had the same issue. Contacted Apple and they fixed it but other people said they had to wait for 2-3 days and the problem solved itself. I hope this helps:


An API is (incorrectly) updating the shop hours for my business on Google Maps. How do I find the API making these updates and change it? [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 5 days ago.
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I work for a small business. We update our hours occasionally to reflect seasonal traffic, and like to reflect those changes in Google Business. For the past year, every time I try to make those changes, an API has come along within a couple of days to change the hours back. None of us who are currently affiliated with the business have created or accessed an API to authorize this.
At this point, most of our hours are correct, except Mondays. Google Business reflects that we're closed on Mondays. We are, in fact, open on Mondays.
How do we go about identifying the API making these unauthorized changes to our updates and fixing or removing it?
I've tried updating our hours through the currently available Google MyBusiness/Maps interface. I check them an hour later and see a message that the changes have been accepted, and verify that the hours reflect the information I know to be accurate. A week later, I check again, and the old hours are displayed.
I asked Google Business Support about this, and was told the change is being made by an API. It took some digging, but I also got information that seemed to indicate the user associated with the API was "", which is not an email address associated with anyone working at this business.
We removed manager permissions for "" and tried again, with the same results.
I cannot say with certainty that the issue is specific to "closed" days that are no longer closed, but fixing that would be a great start.

Pausing item creation until a change is approved [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to use an approval workflow to accept or reject additions to my sharepoint site. The caveat is that I don't want any changes that are pending approval to appear. Only changes that have been submitted and approved should be visible to others who open the page.
Is a workflow the best way to go about this? If it is, what do I need to change from the OTB Approval solution to have only approved changes be visible? Or is this a code-only problem that I need to dig deeper to solve?
I'm currently testing this with a Calendar web part, but the solution to this could potentially apply to any other type added to the page.
The way I see it, there are two requirements:
Being able to change your site and have the updates only visible to a select few
(optional) A workflow to handle the process.
So the first requirement could be handled by the SharePoint Publishing Infrastructure. Take a look at the interwebs and see if that would work for you. You could also just require approval for items added to the library where your pages are stored but that doesn't seem as straightforward.
I mentioned your second requirement being optional because it might be overkill depending on your situation. You would want to require approval on the library, then attach a workflow to the library. But if you're in constant contact with the approver(s) otherwise, it might be just as easy to say "he dude, check out the 'About Us' page, if you like it, click the approve button in the toolbar".
Hope that helps. There's probably a bunch of different ways to go about it.

How to create draft invoice from supplier's delivery orders at Openerp 7.0? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have created an Incoming shipment, and i have received those item. I remember at Openerp 6.1, draft invoice can be easily created base on reception of delivery by supplier. At 7.0 when I go to "More->Create draft invoices" even i have set the option as
it still give me this error
"Warning! This picking list does not require invoicing."
So I got to manually create an invoice by re-entering each item again.
Hopefully someone can help,
Appreciate so much.
I found a way but I'm not sure whether it is the correct way or not.
I enabled "Developer Mode", then I go to "Incoming Shipment->Create" to open new form. then at the top, there is a droplist "Debug View#552->Edit FormView" and found there is a line...
<field name="invoice_state" string="Invoice Control" groups="account.group_account_invoice" attrs="{'invisible':[('invoice_state', '=', 'none')]}"/>
so I remove the attrs="{'invisible':[('invoice_state', '=', 'none')]}" and save, then the Invoice Control show up with few option such as Invoiced, To be invoice, Not applicable. I believe this can help to create the draft invoice but it looks like a hack to me.
any thought?
I just made some tests with and It doesnt work as expected, This is not a configuration issue there is a bug with current 7.0 version you should report it on launchpad.
This has been reported (and fixed).
Details at

Apple Dev Portal is showing other people's and company's provisioning information, not my own? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Not sure where to post this, but I can't find any information anywhere and it seems a bit urgent. When I login to Apple's developer site and go into the provisioning portal, there are app ids, devices, certificates, and company names that I do not recognize. I have sent an email to Apple but it could be days before it is seen and this is a serious security issue. I cannot access any of my own data, and it says I am someone else; I cannot logout this other person, and clearing cache and restarting browser doesn't remove this person as the logged-in user. If I click on "app ids" i see yet another person, the logged-in name changes. If I click on Edit Profile, it correctly shows my name. But nothing I can do allows me to actually see any of my own apps that have been published, and I surely wonder if others are able to somehow see my own apps just like I can see theirs.
Anyone know a more urgent place to report this? Is it happening to anyone else, or have you experienced this before?
Call them. Everytime I've dealt with apple on the phone, I've been treated efficiently and professionally.
The US number is 1 (408) 974-4897.
Find the other numbers here:

Comment Moderation [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm planning to create a custom system for comments. I was wondering about comment moderation. For approving comments, is it as simple as just creating a field called "Moderated" in MySQL?
What's a good suggestion for countering spam? Akismat?
If you design your columns to have a status column, so only approved comments are displayed, then you could use a DATETIME column called approved date:
comment_id, INT, primary key
comment_detail, VARCHAR
approved_date, DATETIME, NULL
This way, you know it was approved and when. But it also relies on staff to approve things before they are visible. It's unclear if there are other statuses involved in your proposed comment system - if there are, it might require a COMMENT_STATUS_CODE table.
You could use a bit field called Moderated which has 0 for unmoderated and 1 for moderated. Then, from your app, simply query those comments which have Moderated = 1. There are various ways of countering spam, which also depends on how you're moderating comments. If you're manually reading each comment before they appear on the site, then spam wouldn't really get through to the site itself, but it could still get to your inbox. You could use a Captcha program such as ReCaptcha. This will make it trickier to submit multiple comments with a bot.
It's highly depend on your site traffic.
Yep, a 'moderated' flag would enough if your traffic is low now, but later you should look forward for another technics (captcha, spam dbs etc, filter apps).
You can check the comments manually, and thats the best, but later you cant check every comments.
But I dont know anything about your site traffic.