Is it possible to use Variables without DIM in VB.NET? -

Is it in VB.NET possible to use variables without the need of use DIM?
now I have to use the variables like this:
dim a = 100
dim b = 50
dim c = a + b
I want to be able to use vars in this way:
c=a+b 'c contains 150
I think in VB6 and older VB this was possible, but I am not sure.

As far as what #Konrad said, he is correct. The answer, buried in all his caveat emptors, is the answer of "yes", you can absolutely do this in VB.NET by declaring Option Explicit Off. That said, when you do a=1, the variable a is NOT an Integer - it is an Object type. So, you can't then do c = a + b without compiler errors. You'll need to also declare Option Strict Off. And at that point, you throw away all the benefits of a compiler. Don't do it.
As an alternative, with Option Infer On, Dim behaves the same as C#'s var keyword and gives you a lot of advantages if you're trying to save on typing.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how VB is supposed to work. The Dim statements are there to help you. Your wish to elide them is misplaced.
The compiler enforces variable declaration so that it can warn you when you have accidentally misspelt a variable name, thus inadvertently creating a new variable, and is required to enforce type safety. Without variable declaration, VB code becomes an unreadable, unmaintainable mess.
Incidentally, the same was true in VB6, and you should have used Option Explicit in VB6 to make the compiler force you to use them properly. This option still exists in VB.NET but switching it off has no advantage, and a whole lot of disadvantages so don’t do it – instead, learn to appreciate explicit variable declarations, and all the help that the compiler is giving you through them.


What are the risks of declaring a variable in the middle of the code?

I usually see in almost all of VBA codes all variables are declared after e.g. Sub/Function name line
I know and I used variable declaration in the middle of some of my codes (Not inside a loop) and saw no problems.
I usually avoided that because I see most of VBA example codes have them declared right after the first line. I just want to know what are the risks from an expert/experienced VB programmer point of view.
There are no risks of declaring it in the middle.
The effect of declaring a variable in the middle is that it can only be used after that point and not before (which is scope).
The lifetime of the variable is different: the variable is created (allocated and initialized to its respective flavour of zero) when you enter the procedure, but you may not actually use it until you reach its scope (the point in the procedure where it's declared).
Declaring inside or outside a loop does not make a difference in VB6/A as they do not have block scope, unlike VB.NET.
So there is no performance difference between the two approaches (because all variables are created when you enter the procedure), but there is a difference in usage (you may not use a created variable before its declaration line). If you think that distinction is helpful in making sure you are not using a variable wrongly, declare your variables only where needed. Otherwise you are free to pick any of the two approaches, just apply it consistently (it's probably not a good idea to declare most of the variables in the beginning and then some in the middle).
Declare your variables, when you actually need them. When you have all declarations lumped at the top of the procedure, refactoring becomes much harder. And when you want to double check your declaration as you read your code (or, perhaps, someone else), searching it at the top may be again quite inconvenient, unless you procedure is short.
I would try to declare variables in a location that conveys useful information to the next programmer, over and above being functionally correct. This normally means: follow the scoping rules of the language.
By declaring all variables at the top you are making them available (in scope) for the entire procedure. That increases the work for a reader in the future, trying to understand how they will be used. Better to have them as local as possible.
I would not declare them in a loop since that actually would not have significance in VB6/VBA - but someone else might find confusing or misleading, or worst case it may cause subtle bugs.
Of course remember that this is not the only coding practice that we should be mindful of - if the procedure is so long that the location of the variable declarations is a big problem, that's a really good sign that the procedure should be broken up into smaller discrete logical blocks. The variable declarations would just be a symptom, not the main cause.
IMO there were many bad programming practices back in the 90s and earlier when VBA/VB6 were invented, but the industry has significantly learned & improved since then. So code from that era (or inspired by it) is often not a good example.
Declaring your variables up front, at the top of your sub/function makes it easy for others (and perhaps for you if you come by the code after, say a month) to read and understand what your code needs to calculate, and what placeholders/variables are required for the code to function.
You can of course declare variables anywhere (as long as you remember not to use a variable unless you have actually declared it first). That can work, and it has no effect whatsoever on the performance of your code (unless your logic includes an early Exit Sub or Exit Function. In this case, there will be a difference in performance depending on if your code does actually allocate memory for the variables or not).
It just isn't good practice to declare some variables at the top then do some work, then declare another set of variables mid-code. There are exceptions of course. When the variable you declared mid-code is for a temporary use, or something like that.
Sub CalculateAge()
Dim BirthYear As Integer
Dim CurrentYear As Integer
'Code to fetch current year
'Code to get BirthYear from user/or document
'Code to report result
End Sub
Compare that with the following:
Sub CalculateAge2()
Dim BirthYear As Integer
'Code to ask the user or fetch the birth year from the document
Dim CurrentYear As Integer
'Code to populate currentYear
'Code to do the calculation and report result
End Sub
In the first example, there is a clear separation from variables and logic. In the second, everything is mixed.
The first example is a lot easier to read and understand, especially if you use a good naming convention.
If you look at how classes are written or defined, you will see properties usually are first declared, then methods/logic below. This is the common practice used to write code.
PS: In other languages, you can declare and assign variables in the same line. in C# or VB.Net you could say something like:
int Age = CurrentYear - BirthYear; //C#
Dim Age As Integer = CurrentYear - BirthYear 'VB.Net
This is great if you use a lot of temporary variables, that you don't intend to declare ahead of time or maybe it would be more clear if declared mid-logic. But that's not possible in VBA. You need a separate line to declare a variable, and another to assign a value. You end up with a lot of Dim ___ As ___ statements. You might as well move the declaration part somewhere else to reduce distraction while reading the logic. Again, this works best if you use a good and consistent naming convention. If not, you end up in a worse situation like:
Dim w As Integer
Dim a As Integer
a = 42 'we don't know what this variable is for
'but we know its type from the previous line
' more code
' more code
w = 2 'we don't know what (w) is for, and we have to
'look up its declaration to get a hint
'which might be tedious

Why should I use the DIM statement in VBA or Excel?

So there is a question on what DIM is, but I can't find why I want to use it.
As far as I can tell, I see no difference between these three sets of code:
'Example 1
myVal = 2
'Example 2
DIM myVal as Integer
myVal = 2
'Example 3
DIM myVal = 2
If I omit DIM the code still runs, and after 2 or 3 nested loops I see no difference in the output when they are omitted. Having come from Python, I like to keep my code clean*.
So why should I need to declare variables with DIM? Apart from stylistic concerns, is there a technical reason to use DIM?
* also I'm lazy and out of the habit of declaring variables.
Any variable used without declaration is of type Variant. While variants can be useful in some circumstances, they should be avoided when not required, because they:
Are slower
Use more memory
Are more error prone, either through miss spelling or through assigning a value of the wrong data type
Using Dim makes the intentions of your code explicit and prevents common mistakes like a typo actually declaring a new variable. If you use Option Explicit On with your code (which I thoroughly recommend) Dim becomes mandatory.
Here's an example of failing to use Dim causing a (potentially bad) problem:
myVar = 100
' later on...
myVal = 10 'accidentally declare new variable instead of assign to myVar
Debug.Print myVar 'prints 100 when you were expecting 10
Whereas this code will save you from that mistake:
Option Explicit
Dim myVar as Integer
myVar = 100
' later on...
myVal = 10 ' error: Option Explicit means you *must* use Dim
More about Dim and Option Explicit here:
Moderators, I'm making an effort, assuming you'll treat me with due respect in thefuture.
All local variables are stored on the stack as with all languages (and most parameters to functions). When a sub exits the stack is returned to how it was before the sub executed. So all memory is freed. Strings and objects are stored elsewhere in a object manager or string manager and the stack contains a pointer but vb looks after freeing it. Seting a vbstring (a bstr) to zero length frees all but two bytes. That's why we try to avoid global variables.
In scripting type programs, typeless programming has many advantages. Programs are short and use few variables so memory and speed don't matter - it will be fast enough. As programs get more complex it does matter. VB was designed for typeless programming as well as typed programming. For most excel macros, typeless programming is fine and is more readable. Vbscript only supports typeless programming (and you can paste it into vba/vb6).

Instantiating a variable with Nothing, then assigning a New object instance

Looking through some old VB.Net code, I noticed a strange pattern that is making me scratch my head.
Dim objMyObject As Namespace.Child.ChildType = Nothing
objMyObject = New Namespace.Child.ChildType
(There is no additional code between the dimension and the assignment.)
It seems like the preferred style would be to do both on one line, or else skip the = Nothing. As follows:
Dim objMyObject As Namespace.Child.ChildType = New Namespace.Child.ChildType
Dim objMyObject As Namespace.Child.ChildType
objMyObject = New Namespace.Child.ChildType
OR, as suggested by #helrich
Dim objMyObject As New Namespace.Child.ChildType
Is there any particular value to doing it this way, or is this an instance of the original programmer being used to the VB6 way of doing things?
In VB6, dimensioning and instantiating a variable on one line was considered problematic because it would rerun the instantiation (if necessary) when the variable was accessed - effectively, a variable dimensioned in this way could never be tested for Nothing, because a new instance would be created on demand. However, VB.Net does not preserve this convention.
No, this is pointless. The CLR already provides a hard guarantee that variables are initialized to Nothing.
It is otherwise completely harmless, the jitter optimizer will completely remove the code for the assignment. So if the original author preferred that style then that's okay. Maybe he was a former C# programmer that didn't understand the definite assignment rules in that language. VB.NET does some checking too but it isn't nearly as strict. Do check if this is a team standard that you are supposed to follow as well, hopefully not.
In the first example, there's no need to separate the declaration and assignment.
But I was wondering here (a hypothesis): Since you should split this way when you want to persist the variable in the stack when it is assigned in a code block (e.g: If statement), maybe once upon a time this block existed and it was removed keeping a constant association to it.
Its association, though, was not merged with its declaration.
About associating Nothing to an empty variable: I personally like this pattern. :)
It tells myself (in future maintainances) that the variable was declared with an empty (null) value on purpose. It eliminates the doubt that I, maybe, forgot to write the New keyword behind the type.
Ahh, and it will also eliminate a warning during build.

Why do we declare variables at the start of a module?

As my first language and as completely taught from other's example I never questioned the standard practice in VBA of grouping all variable declarations at the start of the module, routine or function they are scoped to as in this example.
Sub Traditional()
Dim bVariable as Boolean
Dim OtherVariable
' Some code using OtherVariable goes here
' Now we use bVariable
bVariable = True
Do While bVariable
bVariable = SomeFunction()
End Sub
Now I'm learning that standard practice in other languages is to declare variables as close to where they are used as possible, like this:
Sub Defensive()
Dim OtherVariable as String
' Some code using OtherVariable goes here
' Now we use bVariable
Dim bVariable as Boolean
bVariable = True
Do While bVariable
bVariable = SomeFunction()
End Sub
This seems completely sensible to me as a defensive programming practice - in that it limits both span and live time (as explained in Code Complete), so I'm wondering if there is any reason for not doing the same in VBA? Possible reasons I can think of are memory, running time (e.g. repeatedly declaring inside a loop), tradition - arguably a good reason as there must be hundreds of thousands of VBA programmers who expect to see all used variables at the start of the routine. Are there any I've missed that might explain the benefit of this practice or at least where it came from?
I declare all my variables at the top. I think declaring them closer to first use masks (at least) two other problems that should be fixed first.
Procedures too long: If you're procedure is more than fits on a screen, perhaps it's doing too much and should be broken into smaller chunks. You'll also find that unit tests are way easier to write when your procedures are small and only do one thing.
Too many variables: If you have a bunch of related variables, consider using a custom class module or user-defined type. It will make the code more readable and easier to maintain.
If your procedures are short and you're using classes and UDTs, the benefits of declaring the variables at the point of use are lessened or eliminated.
I think both way are just different coding style in VBA
In old C Standard, all Declaration must be on the top, I think many people just adopt this habit and bring it into other PL such as VBA.
Declaring variable on the top is clear for short list of variable names. It will be unreadable for a long list of variable name
Declaring variable close to where it's being used is introduced later. I think this practice has a clear advantage over "declare on the top" for PLs that has optimizer or more scope than VBA. (Like you can declare variables where the scope is visible in a FOR loop only) Then the optimizer will change the scope for you. (In VBA words, it may change a GLOBAL variable to a PROCEDURE variable)
For VBA, no perference

VB.Net variable declaration

I notice that both of these compile without any compiler warnings or errors, even with Option Strict and Option Explicit both turned on:
Dim x As Exception = New Exception("this is a test")
Dim y = New Exception("this is another test")
My question is, is it more proper to use the first way (see variable x) or the second way (see variable y)? My guess is that VB doesn't need the As clause since the variable is being initialized in place, so the compiler can infer the type.
I tend to like the first way as it just "feels" right and is more consistent with other languages like C#, just wondered if there was some good reason for one way over the other. I guess it's really personal choice.
Behold the wonder of Option Infer On, the compiler figures out the type of "y" automatically. Available since VS2008. You'll get the error you are looking for by turning it off:
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim x As Exception = New Exception("this is a test")
Dim y = New Exception("this is another test") ''# error BC30209
Dim z As New Exception("this is a third test")
End Sub
End Module
I'd do Dim x As New Exception("this is a test"). Best of both worlds, no infering but you still only have to type Exception once :)
Option Infer is what controls this compiler feature. Both are equivalent--this is similar to the (moot) C# debate about whether to use the var keyword. My two-cents is to leave it up to the individual developer, however many people will likely say to establish a convention and follow it.
I think the first one (with the variable type declaration) would be the safest to use. If the program is small, it won't really make a difference, but for larger program's, there could be a noticeable compiler lag. So (in my opinion) declaring the type is the best thing to do.