VB6 and SQL mistake - sql

Here is a line of code in SQL I am attempting to use in VB6.
Dim Sqlstring As String
Sqlstring = "Update TroubleTickets set ResolvedDate = ' " + DateValue(Now) + "' where Title ='" + Trim(TicketComboBox.Text) + "'"
I am getting an error that says types do not match when i run the debugger.
any suggestions?

Dim Sqlstring As String
Sqlstring = "Update TroubleTickets set ResolvedDate = ' " & DateValue(Now) & "' where Title ='" & Trim(TicketComboBox.Text) & "'"
The concat-operator in VB is the ampersand &.
You get a type mismatch error because VB expects a number if you use +.
You should also consider using prepared statements to insert parameters into SQL queries.


Two combo values into sql string

I am trying to combine two combobox selected values in a sql string with the following code :
opdragplaasnommer.CommandText = "SELECT plaasnommer FROM oesskattings
WHERE plaasnaam = '" & CmbPlaasnaam.Text & "'" And aliasnaam = " '" &
CmbAliasnaam.Text & "'"
However, I think I am messing up with my quotes and double quotes. I get the following error message :
Additional information: Conversion from string "SELECT plaasnommer
FROM oesskatt" to type 'Boolean' is not valid.
You really ought to learn how to use the String.Format method or string interpolation. It is far less error-prone than using the concatenation operator (&) over and over. You can see the issue with your code simply by looking at the colour. Anything in a literal String should be red and you can see some of yours that should be red but isn't. Presumably it should be something like this:
opdragplaasnommer.CommandText = "SELECT plaasnommer FROM oesskattings WHERE plaasnaam = '" & CmbPlaasnaam.Text & "' And aliasnaam = '" & CmbAliasnaam.Text & "'"
Using String.Format would look like this:
opdragplaasnommer.CommandText = String.Format("SELECT plaasnommer FROM oesskattings WHERE plaasnaam = '{0}' And aliasnaam = '{1}'", CmbPlaasnaam.Text, CmbAliasnaam.Text)
As you can see, far less easy to mess up. String interpolation would look like this:
opdragplaasnommer.CommandText = $"SELECT plaasnommer FROM oesskattings WHERE plaasnaam = '{CmbPlaasnaam.Text}' And aliasnaam = '{CmbAliasnaam.Text}'"
Given that this is SQL code, an even better idea would be to use parameters. I'm not going to go into detail about that because there's information all over the place but it's something that you really need to learn. Apart from your code being less error-prone, it will help avoid crashes due to formatting issues and, most importantly, protect you from SQL injection attacks.
You have messed up with your string;
opdragplaasnommer.CommandText = "SELECT plaasnommer FROM oesskattings WHERE plaasnaam = '" & CmbPlaasnaam.Text & "' And aliasnaam = '" & CmbAliasnaam.Text & "'"
In VB .NET string concatination is performed with & symbol. And new line requires underscore.
opdragplaasnommer.CommandText = "SELECT plaasnommer FROM oesskattings" & _
" WHERE plaasnaam = '" & CmbPlaasnaam.Text & "' And aliasnaam = '" & _
CmbAliasnaam.Text & "'"
But I would suggest to use String.Format function in this case.
opdragplaasnommer.CommandText = String.Format("SELECT plaasnommer FROM oesskattings WHERE plaasnaam = '{0}' and aliasnaam = '{1}'",
And again this just another way. But, to say the truth, I hate concatination for SQL queries. Better to declare SQL Parameters and assign value to them.

visual basic like error

Private Sub txtmid_Change()
On Error Resume Next
Mmid = txtmid.Text
Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from members where txtmid like '" & Mmid & "'"
Mname = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("Mname").Value
Expiryd = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("Expiryd").Value
txtname.Text = Mname
txtedate(1).Text = Format(Expiryd, "dd / mm / yyyy")
End Sub
I am getting FROM clause error. Please help me to resolve this error. Thank you.
Try this:
First of all, remove On Error Resume Next, because it's dangerous (you should use a very error handler, instead).
Adodc1.RecordSource = "select * from members where Mmid = '" & Mmid & "'"
Note: anyway, for fields of TEXT type, you should use always Replace$() to 'double quote' to avoid mistake when string values contains a single quote. Example:
Dim sql As String
Dim sSearch As String
sSearch = "You are 'magic' developer"
sql = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Note = '" & Replace$(sSearch, "'", "''") & "'"
Otherwise, in this case, if you use (wrongly):
sql = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Note = '" & sSearch & "'"
You will get a error.

Incorrect syntax near 's'. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string

I'm using a query to pull data from an SQL database, at times the last dropdown im using to get the record i'm looking for has a single quote, when it does I get the following error: Incorrect syntax near 's'. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string
This is the code I have:
Using objcommand As New SqlCommand("", G3SqlConnection)
Dim DS01 As String = DDLDS01.SelectedItem.Text
Dim State As String = DDLState.SelectedItem.Text
Dim Council As String = DDLCouncil.SelectedItem.Text
Dim Local As String = DDLLocal.SelectedItem.Text
Dim objParam As SqlParameter
Dim objDataReader As SqlDataReader
Dim strSelect As String = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM ConstitutionsDAT " & _
"WHERE DS01 = '" & DS01 & "' AND STATE = '" & State & "' AND COUNCIL = '" & Council & "' AND LOCAL = '" & Local & "' AND JURISDICTION = '" & DDLJurisdiction.SelectedItem.Text & "' "
strSelect.ToString.Replace("'", "''")
objcommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
objcommand.CommandText = strSelect
objDataReader = objcommand.ExecuteReader
While objDataReader.Read()
If Not IsDBNull(objDataReader("SUBUNIT")) Then
txtSubUnit.Text = (objDataReader("SUBUNIT"))
End If
If Not IsDBNull(objDataReader("DS02")) Then
lblDS02.Text = (objDataReader("DS02"))
End If
If Not IsDBNull(objDataReader("LEGISLATIVE_DISTRICT")) Then
txtALD.Text = (objDataReader("LEGISLATIVE_DISTRICT"))
End If
If Not IsDBNull(objDataReader("REGION")) Then
txtRegion.Text = (objDataReader("REGION"))
End If
If DDLState.SelectedItem.Text <> "OTHER" Then
If Not IsDBNull(objDataReader("UNIT_CODE")) Then
txtUnitCode.Text = (objDataReader("UNIT_CODE"))
End If
End If
End While
Catch objError As Exception
OutError.Text = "Error: " & objError.Message & objError.Source
Exit Sub
End Try
End Using
Not all records contain a single quote, only some, so i'd need something that would work if a single quote is present or not.
Your problem is this line here:
strSelect.ToString.Replace("'", "''")
This is changing your WHERE clause from something like
WHERE DS01 = 'asdf' AND ...
WHERE DS01 = ''asdf'' AND ...
You need to do the replace on the individual values in the where clause, not on the whole select statement.
What you should really be doing is using a parameterized query instead.
Update: added same link as aquinas because it's a good link
Use parameterized queries, and only EVER use parameterized queries. See: How do I create a parameterized SQL query? Why Should I?

'if exist' SQL query in VBA with ADODB database connection

I need to uplad data from excel into a database, but I need to check first if there is data in the table for each upload so that I Update or Insert data.
To diferentiate Update or Insert, I'm usign a SQL IF EXIST command, which works okay in SQL. When I try this in Excel VBA I get an error message: "Command text was not set for the command object."
See code below
Dim strSQL As String
Dim Value As String
Dim Reference As String
Set RCconn = New ADODB.Connection
Set TuneCMD = New ADODB.Command
' Establish Recordset
Set Results = New ADODB.Recordset
'Establish a Connection
With RCconn
.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"
.ConnectionString = ConStr
End With
'Open the connection
'i Columns
For i = 5 To 10 '16
'j rows
For j = 6 To 60 '145
Value= Sheets("Value").Cells(j, i)
Reference= "W_F/P_" & Sheets("Reference").Cells(j, i)
stringTest = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM UploadTable WHERE Ref = '" & Reference & "') "
stringTest = stringTest & "UPDATE Val "
stringTest = stringTest & "SET Val = '" & Value & "' "
stringTest = stringTest & "where Ref = '" & Reference & "' "
stringTest = stringTest & "Else "
stringTest = stringTest & "INSERT INTO UploadTable (Val , Ref ) "
stringTest = stringTest & "values ('" & Value & "', '" & Reference & "')"
RCconn.Execute strSQL
Set Results = Nothing
Set RCconn = Nothing
Is it the case that 'IF EXIST' can not be used in VBA? Is there a work around?
ADODB.Connection.Execute sends a pass-through query to your database. It doesn't matter what SQL statement was in that string; if your database can understand it, it will be executed.
So inspect your SQL query again.
Try this:
Put a breakpoint on the line RCconn.Execute strSQL. When the debugger breaks there, inspect the value of strSQL. Copy it and execute in SQL Server Management Studio directly. If that doesn't work, correct your code that builds that string. If it works, then there is some problem with your ConnectionString. In that case, check that the userID and password you are using in the ConnectionString to connect has adequate privileges.

VBscript/SQL concatenation of %

Ok, I am new to the forum and fairly new to coding, I've searched high and low, and I understand that vbscript requires escapes or Chr() to use special characters. In the following code I need to concatenate a '%' after the "doc_no" as a wildcard for a sybase database to pull up the list of document numbers that I need to appear in my table.
I have tried
' " & doc_no " ' & Chr(37) " 'this returned that "&" is an invalid character
' " & doc_no " ' || Chr(37) "
' " & doc_no " ' + ""%"" " returned + as an invalid character
I have tried several variations of each type, and I cannot find any similar situation online. Any advice? Again, I am only 4 months into my programming life so bear with me please. Below is a snippet of the code from which the above originates.
Dim document(1024)
counter = 0
cmdString = ""
cmdString = cmdString & "SELECT dbo.dsk_obj.obj_id,"
cmdString = cmdString & " docno = dbo.dsk_obj.obj_usr_num "
cmdString = cmdString & "FROM dbo.dsk_obj "
cmdString = cmdString & "WHERE dbo.dsk_obj.obj_usr_num LIKE '" & doc_no & "' I NEED TO CONCAT. % HERE "
objRS.Open cmdString, objConn, adOpenStatic, 3, adCmdText
WHILE (objRS.EOF = False)
document(counter) = objRS("docno")
counter = counter + 1
<% FOR ii = 0 TO counter -1 %>
the output should look something like this
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Jeremy
First, you should avoid string concatenation because of SQL injection.
Now what you are trying to do is to create a SQL string in VBScript. The SQL you desire looks something like:
LIKE '123%'
To create this, you need a string in VBScript like:
Dim string = "LIKE '123%'"
To change out 123 for your doc number, you can do:
Dim string = "LIKE '" & doc_no & "123%'"
In your case, it would be:
cmdString = cmdString & "WHERE dbo.dsk_obj.obj_usr_num LIKE '" & doc_no & "%'"
But please don't do this. You should pass the parameter in instead of using string concatenation.