I have an application who have multiple files .rtf i open it on a rich text box, but im having an issue
here is my code for print preview
PrintPreviewDialog1.Document = PrintDocument1
i press the button for preview and it shows me the preview.
but if i change the content of the rich text box with another file, the print preview shows me empty
any idea how i can send it to a new preview?
Looks like you've fallen in the pitfall of Magic Coding: where you just implement code, without exactly knowing what's going on in the API. There's very little information to go on, but first thing I would recommend is using the Debugger: set breakpoints to see exactly what data is being handled.
Apperently, data containing Nothing is being sent to the printpreview, thus the PrintDocument1 must be empty. I'd recommend not re-using the objects, but to reinstantiate them. So start with PrintPreviewDialog1 = new PrintPreviewDialog, setting it's settings, etc. Basically, follow any tutorial on Printing in VB.Net and make sure you re-instantiate the objects you're using.
I want to make a desktop item manager program using vb.net.
I hope to create a form there and use the menus etc. to make the desktop icons work.
You want to set the form to always be behind the other windows. Like a widget.
How to do this?
We have been using PDF file as a part of help docs in our vb.net desktop application. In PDF, we would traverse to the certain chapter in the PDF doc.
Now we have decided to use MadCap Flare as documentation tool. We have a menu item in vb.net form for documentation. On click of the link, we want to open the specific chapter of the Flare documentation.
You know managing content with single-source XML authoring is possible when using MapCad Flare (I'm not using Flare!). You can publish content to an increasing number of formats including HTML5, WebHelp, PDF, Word, XHTML, Clean XHTML, EPUB, DITA and more by MapCad Flare.
So, you may continue using PDF and the way connecting your vb.net desktop application help.
Using HTML based topics maybe another solution for your needs by creating Help for a form, a dialog or control with HTML files (See also: Help for controls with VB .NET).
Properties to display help (HTML file - local)
Activate the hlpProvider component hlpHtmlLocal and set the HelpNameSpace property of hlpHtmlLocal to the file name you want to work with.
We open a local HTML file with the dialog using the little button to the right.
The next step is to set the HelpNavigator property of a control (e.g. button) to a value of the HelpNavigator enumeration (see table below). Here we use Topic.
When the application is running click the HelpButton to enable "What's this .." Help. The cursor changes. Now click the button or press F1 when the button has focus. This will open the single HTML file in your browser.
It seems you can't use anchor names to jump to a specific part of your HTML file.
Properties to display help (HTML file - Server http://..)
Activate the hlpProvider component and set the HelpNameSpace property of hlpHtmlServer to the file name you want to work with. Here we use a http:// address of a single HTML file. If you provide the file on your company server, you don't have to update the help file with the customer.
The next step is to set the HelpNavigator property of a control (e.g. button) to a value of the HelpNavigator enumaration (see table below). Here we use Topic. Then we set the HelpKeyword on hlpHtmlSever property to e.g. "anchor3". Don't add a leading "#". Leave it empty if you want to open a HTML file without anchors. The Help Handles cmdControl2.Click Dim sHelpFile As String Dim sStartupPath As String '--- Initialize context-sensitive help --- Keyword property provides the key information to retrieve the help associated with the control.
When the application is running click the HelpButton to enable "What's this .." Help. The cursor changes. Now click the button or press F1 when the button has focus. This will open the single HTML file over the Internet in your browser.
I'm currently using Word documents as templates where blanks have to be filled dynamically/programmatically in PwoerBuilder.
This has always worked fine until the company moves on Windows 7.
In short, the Word application is opened and made invisible.
Word.Application.Visible = false
Except that sometimes, and I don't know why, once the template is accessed, Word opens itself just as if I had double-clicked the template byself through the Explorer - but I didn't.
So, it asks whether I want to open it in read-only mode, since the application already has a handle on the file. And even if I click [Cancel] not to open the file, Word opens with no document, then the application crashes.
It reports PowerBuilder System Error 35.
Error Number 35.
Error text = Error calling external object function open at line 24 in function of_fusion of object n_cst_9999.
The external object that the application is trying to call a function against is Word.
oleobject lole_word
lole_word = create oleobject
lole_word = ConnectToNewObject("Word.Application")
It may work for a few documents, and after a few, the problem comes up. This is the first time ever I meet with this issue.
I'll be glad to answer anyone's question who's trying to help.
Will, you may try setting DisplayAlerts and FeatureInstall properties on Word Application object.
That hid most of word alerts for us. (The code is from C# project and may not be exactly what you need)
Word.Application.DisplayAlerts = Word.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone;
Word.Application.FeatureInstall = 0;
You may also try making a copy of the file before opening it to avoid accessing same .docx from different threads - if that may be the case.
Summary: web page has a few fields to allow the user to enter payments. After the system processes the payments, the fields weren't cleared out. So my task is to simply clear them out. This is the few lines of code:
' first insert the transaction
'clear out the values
txtAddTransAmount.Text = ""
ddlAddTransTypes.SelectedIndex = -1
txtComment.Text = ""
' then create and print the receipt
Payment2MsWordDoc(Payment, PaymentType, PreviousBalance, NewBalance, DueDate, ProjMinPayment)
I added the three lines in the middle resetting the values. Problem is, they don't reset. Doing some debugging the file lines of the Payment2MsWordDoc procedure are the culprit:
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Type", "application/msword")
Response.AppendHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName)
The procedure is writing an HTML receipt into the strBody and displaying it to the user. They see the 'File download, do you want to open or save this file....' and can open the receipt in ms-word. Without those three lines, the resetting works. So clearly they are messing up something, I just don't understand what.
I've got a workaround, but I'd like to know what is going on. Even to the tune of is this a correct way of creating/downloading a document. This in an inherited system, the original designer is long gone. I'm not strong in either VB or web apps so am clueless as to what the problem is.
Imagine you have a textarea on a webpage and then a regular hyperlink to a word document below that. If you type into the textarea and then click the link, do you expect the textarea to clear out? No, the browser will just launch the word document and leave the page as is. The same thing is happening with your form. Upon submit, the server is just sending a word document and since the server hasn't sent any new HTML the browser just stays as is. All of your clearing out of textfields doesn't matter because the new state is never sent down the wire. What you need to do is to send the browser new HTML and not the word doc. In the new HTML you can include a meta redirect to the word doc or better yet a download link.
I am working on a Word VBA macro app for 80 or so users. The office has high staff turnover, so training suffers, and so one of the self imposed requirements for this project is comprehensive, friendly documentation. However, to supplement this, and to save newbies having to open up a 100 page document when they want to try something new, I want a status bar on every userform (there are five) that provides contextual help. I find tooltips annoying.
I don't have a lot of experience, so I was wanting to
Essentially, I have a file containing every status string. (This is currently a text file, but I was wondering if I should use a spreadsheet or csv for ease of editing by other staff in future.) Every control has a MouseMove event which refers to a function: getStatus(cID) that opens the file, grabs the line and displays it in the status label. It also grabs a few parameters from the same line in the file, such as whether the label is clickable (to link to a page in the help file), and what colour the label should be.
So a few questions really:
Will the application be slow if a userform is constantly referring to a file? It feels fine to me, but I've been in it far too long, and I'm the only user accessing that file. There will be 80 constantly accessing it.
Is MouseMove over a control the best way? Should I instead use co-ordinates?
Most importantly (in terms of me having to do as little work as possible) is there some way to do this so that I do not have to have a MouseMove event on every single control? I have a good few hundred or so controls, each with their own identifier (well, not yet, but they will if this is the only way to do it). Maybe when the form loads I could load ALL the possible status lines so they're ready for whenever the control is moused over. But then, maybe the loading time is negligible?
Appreciate any ideas or thoughts - especially if VBA already has a whole range of functions to do this already and I'm just trying to reinvent the wheel. I can't use the application status bar, because the user rarely sees the application itself.
It is for both data entry, clicking around and a bit of document generation.
It is a controlled environment so macro security issues aren't a big concern for me - and if something goes wrong it's someone else's fault or problem :)
Is this data entry app or do they just click stuff? Because often the field with focus is different to the item the mouse is hovering over, this can cause a lot of confusion.
Constantly reading from a file is a huge waste of time and resources - it is much better to load them only once into an array or collection when the form is loaded.
On MouseMouse event is better than coordinates because you can move things around without worrying. It's a lot of code but you should be able to generate most of that if you have a list of control names because the code should be identical.
Sub Control_MouseMove()
End sub
I would consider the StatusText property and ControlTipText property of controls for this kind of help.
This example sets the status bar help text for the form field named "Age."
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Age")
.OwnStatus = True
.StatusText = "Type your current age."
End With
This can be assigned from the property sheet for the control.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
MultiPage1.Page1.ControlTipText = "Here in page 1"
MultiPage1.Page2.ControlTipText = "Now in page 2"
CommandButton1.ControlTipText = "And now here's"
CommandButton2.ControlTipText = "a tip from"
CommandButton3.ControlTipText = "your controls!"
End Sub