DB2 SQL array in attribute-defs of user defined type - sql

I have a question concerning user defined types in DB2(v. I want to create a type which has an attribute-array of another user defined type. Let me show you what I mean by a brief (fictional) example:
This is the UDT I want to use in another type
Sport VARCHAR(10)
This is the UDT which should use the one above
plays sport ARRAY[3] // 'REF(sport)' or 'plays VARCHAR(10) ARRAY[3]' don't work either
DB2 just says that the token ARRAY[3] is unexpected.
Any hint what could be wrong here? By now it would be enough to have an CHAR Array in a UDT...
Thanks in advance

Ok ok,
according to db2's CREATE TYPE (array) statement "an array type can only be used as the data type of:
A local variable in a compound SQL (compiled) statement
A parameter of an SQL routine
A parameter of a Java procedure (ordinary arrays only)
The returns type of an SQL function
A global variable
A variable or parameter defined with an array type can only be used in compound SQL (compiled) statements
So its just not possible to use an array type inside a user defined type :-/

I would assume something like the following...
CREATE TYPE PersonT AS (plays SportT SportArrayT) MODE DB2SQL;
However, the 3rd statement fails. Obviously an array of a user-defined type (or REF(SportT)) is not allowed :-(

Have a look at the doc for CREATE TYPE (array).
I'm not really sure what you're trying to do but the examples they give are like this:


How can I perform a regex/text search on a SUPER type?

What I'm doing now:
I have a table with one field that is a json value that is stored as a super type in my staging schema.
the field containing the json is called elements
In my clean table, I typecast this field to VARCHAR in order to search it and use string functions
I want to search for the string net within that json in order to determine the key/value that I want to use for my filter
I tried the following:
, elements_raw
from clean.events
where 1=1
and lower(elements) like '%net%'
or strpos(elements,'net')
My output
When running the above query, I keep getting an empty set returned.
My issue
I tried running the above code and using the elements_raw value instead but I got an issue :ERROR: function strpos(super, "unknown") does not exist Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts.
I checked the redshift super page and it doesn't list any specifics on searching strings within super types
Desired result:
Perform string operations on super field
Cast super field to a string type
There are some super related idiosyncrasies that are being run into here:
You cannot change the type of a super field via :: or cast()
String functions like and strpos do not work on super types
To address both of these issues, you can use the function json_serialize to return your super as a string.

Convert dynamic REF TO DATA structure to static

I created structure with three components, one of which is type ref to data and a table type of this structure. The problem is, how do I add data to this table?
It always has three components, but only one of them is discovered during processing, I always know two of them. Thus I always use the entire table type ref to data and then determine the type of this structure and create the table on it.
The issue here is that by doing this, even though I know two of the components, the whole itab will be dynamic, so I must use it in methods exporting/importing a type ref to data, which is inconvenient.
The method below will always return a table type ref to data, which is completely dynamic (type ref to data), but the structure of the table will always be like this:
component 1 -> type pc261.
component 2 -> type pay99_international.
compoment 3 -> well this is always a mistery hehe
methods get_payroll
importing it_rgdir type hrpy_tt_rgdir
returning value(rt_value) type ref to data.
method get_payroll.
field-symbols: <lt_payroll> type standard table.
create data rt_value type standard table of (mv_py_struct_type).
assign rt_value->* to <lt_payroll>.
My intention was to have the returning value with another type, a known type, with which I can use the two known components more easily. The idea I had was to create a type with only the unknown field as ref to data, than have a table of it.
This way, I would be able to use it inside methods without having to work so "dynamicaly", which altough works perfectly, is kind of difficult to understand only by reading the code.
types begin of gty_s_generic_payroll.
types evp type pc261.
types inter type pay99_international.
types nat type ref to data.
types end of gty_s_generic_payroll.
types gty_t_generic_payroll type table of gty_s_generic_payroll.
The problem is, how to use an itab of type gty_t_generic_payroll as declared above?
I must somehow create the component 3, but I have no idea how to do it...
At the end, I have a generic field-symbol, that is type table, that has the two known components + the third one that was discovered during processing time.
So how can I pass the content of this field symbol to a table type gty_t_generic_payroll?
data lt_payroll type ref to data.
field-symbols <lt_payroll> type any table.
lt_payroll = mo_payroll->get_payroll( lt_rgdir ). "this will return type ref to data
assign lt_payroll->* to <lt_payroll>.
After executing this code <lt_payroll> has all the values, but it is a dynamic table where I cannot use components <lt_payroll>[1]-inter.
So how to pass to gty_t_generic_payroll-typed variable, so that I can access components without much dynamics?
Given your target structure and table like this:
BEGIN OF payroll_row_type,
known_first_component TYPE something_we_know,
known_second_component TYPE something_else_we_know,
discovered_component TYPE REF TO data,
END OF payroll_row_type.
TYPES payroll_table_type TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF payroll_row WITH EMPTY KEY.
If you now have another table, whose type at runtime is:
BEGIN OF discovered_row_type,
known_first_component TYPE something_we_know,
known_second_component TYPE something_else_we_know,
known_third_component TYPE some_data_type,
END OF discovered_row_type.
TYPES discovered_table_type TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF discovered_row WITH EMPTY KEY.
You can move one to the other with
DATA source TYPE discovered_table_type.
DATA target TYPE payroll_table_type.
DATA resolved_component TYPE REF TO DATA.
DATA(descriptor) =
cl_abap_elemdescr=>describe_by_data( source_row-known_third_component ).
LOOP AT source INTO DATA(source_row).
DATA(target_row) =
VALUE payroll_row_type(
known_first_component = source_row-known_first_component
known_second_component = source_row-known_second_component ).
CREATE DATA target_row-discovered_component TYPE descriptor.
ASSIGN source_row-known_third_component TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<source_component>).
ASSIGN target_row-discovered_component TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<target_component>).
<target_component> = <source_component>.
INSERT target_row INTO TABLE target.
The question and answers may look confusing for future visitors (what is the actual question?), so here is my two cents.
Summary of the question :
You call an external code (1) which gives you an internal table generated dynamically, but you know that all the components are always the same except one which varies but is at the same position, so you'd like to refer to its components statically, except for the one which varies.
(1) so, you can't adapt it.
Your workaround is to define an equivalent internal table statically and the component which varies will be defined as a data reference type (pointer to any data object), then to initialize it by copying the data from the dynamic internal table.
You ask for another better solution because yours consumes extra memory (two internal tables) and decreases the performance (copy process).
Answer :
No better solution
It looks like I was able to pass the values from the fully generic table (type ref to data) to another table that is 1/3 generic (type gty_t_generic_payroll):
methods get_payroll
importing it_rgdir type hrpy_tt_rgdir
returning value(rt_value) type gty_t_generic_payroll.
method get_payroll.
data lt_payroll type gty_t_generic_payroll.
data lt_payroll_aux type ref to data.
field-symbols: <lt_payroll_aux> type standard table.
create data lt_payroll_aux type standard table of (mv_py_struct_type).
assign lt_payroll_aux->* to <lt_payroll_aux> .
call function ' '.
call function ' '
= mv_relid
= mv_pernr
= xsdbool( gs_parm-use_natio <> abap_true )
= it_rgdir
= <lt_payroll_aux> "table with the values I need
= 0.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
loop at <lt_payroll_aux> assigning field-symbol(<ls_payroll_aux>).
assign component 1 of structure <ls_payroll_aux> to field-symbol(<evp>).
assign component 2 of structure <ls_payroll_aux> to field-symbol(<inter>).
assign component 3 of structure <ls_payroll_aux> to field-symbol(<nat>).
data(ls_value) = value gty_s_generic_payroll(
evp = <evp>
inter = <inter>
get reference of <nat> into ls_value-nat.
append ls_value to rt_value. "returning table, with values I need and
"now with 2/3 known types
At the end of the day, I acomplished what I needed, but unfortunately I do loose a lot of performance, since I must loop twice in the results now.
to populate the not-so-dynamic-table
to do the actual process of the report (at least it gets pretier lol)
This is the only way because I can't simply use insert lines of dynamic_itab to not_so_dynamic_itab, since the third component is reference .

SQL: Agregate function for user defined type

I have user defined type:
create type indeks as integer
And question for my exam says: "Define aggregate function max for type indeks"
create function max(indeks)
returns indeks
source sysibm.max(integer);
Can you help me understand this? Because I know this is some elementary stuff.
create function max(indeks)
returns indeks
These two lines are OK, I'm creating function and return type is also indeks.
source sysibm.max(integer);
But this is what I don't understand. I have no idea what is this line for.
Thanks in advance.
The schema name SYSIBM is used for built-in data types and built-in functions. The function source from the SYSIBM.MAX catalog table is merged into the statement.
The built-in functions cannot simply
be applied to User Defined Types. If they are
required, then UDFs-based on the desired built-in functions must be generated. It means that you need to put this statement there
source sysibm.max(integer);

when to use TYPE and LIKE in ABAP

Why is this error
NAME must a flat structure you can not use internal table,string referenceses or structure as component
raised when I am using type in place of like in line no 2) dosen't show any error, when I am using like shows error.
What is the difference between LIKE and TYPE?
TYPES name(20) type c.
data student_name like name. "<=============== like or type
student_name = 'satya'.
write student_name.
You have created name as a type. Therefore, if you declare a variable of type name, you need to write the statement as data student_name type name..
Now if you want to create another variable like the variable student_name, you would use the like keyword in the declaration as data student_name2 like student_name.
For a more detailed explanation, refer to the documentation

PostgreSQL create type PL/pgSQL and cstring

I wanna format some fields in the output of my PostgreSQL 9.1 database. I thought of creating a type, so I could do the formatting in the output function, and checking for inconsistencies in the input function. I decided to use the procedural language PL/pgSQL. But I'm getting some errors:
"PL/pgSQL functions cannot accept type cstring"
(But that's how it is in the manual.) I can put "character varying" instead of cstring, or even leave the () empty. But when I'm going to create the desired type:
INPUT = CPF_in(character varying),
I got an error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near ")"
LINE 2: INPUT = CPF_in(character varying),
and if I try
INPUT = CPF_in(),
I get
ERROR: syntax error at or near ")"
LINE 2: INPUT = CPF_in(),
How is this supposed to be done? The manual only say cstring...
The cstring pseudo-type is used for programming in a low-level language like C, not in PL/pgSQL. You have to use a low-level language like C if you're creating a new base type.
You must register two or more functions (using CREATE FUNCTION) before
defining the type. The support functions input_function and
output_function are required . . . .
Generally these functions have to be coded in C or another low-level
A simpler way to control the output format is to use a view. If your formatting is complex, write a function, and call that function from a view. You can revoke permissions on the base table if you need to force every client to use your formatting. You might need to create triggers to make your view fully updatable.
For controlling input, you can use a function. (CREATE FUNCTION...) You can write functions in PL/pgSQL. Again, consider revoking permissions on the table.