I using Ioc pattern(Ninject) in my application. I want make a test case (using TypeMock) to testing Ioc pattern(Ninject). but I don't know how to mock object which creating using Ninject. Kindly let me know how can I inject mock or inject dependencies using TypeMock. Thanks
I'm not sure what you're testing but you might be interested in using Isolate.Swap
Just create a fake object and then call Swap so that the next instance created shall be a fake one - no need for Ioc:
var fakeObject = Isolate.Fake.Instace<MyObject>();
// Call code under test
The first object of type MyObject created after this code will be a fake object.
If you do want to use Ioc to inject your fake object you need to be able to set it to return the object created using Isolate.Fake.Instace.
We have migrated from a windows Framework 4.7 application to .NET 6.0. Lamar is added for Dependency Injection. We are trying to finalize a refactor to the latest "one-file" program.cs but are getting unexpected System.ObjectDisposedException: 'Cannot access a disposed object'. In all cases, the error is against a Func<T> during object creation.
All our tests are running correctly using the same environment, except to start the tests we (a) create the DI container and (b) use the container to create an object that loads the singletons (from MongoDB):
Container = new Container(registry);
var start = Container.GetInstance<HomeService>();
In the program.cs, we configure the container, but do not get to see it created, or access it inside program.cs. Instead we create HomeService from IServiceProvider during the first use of a controller. Here we were trying to limit the lifecyle scope during creation:
using (var scope = _container.CreateScope())
For test, we use the same loading steps, except for adding controllers/mvc, of course (i.e. NOT using builder.Services.AddControllers(); and builder.Services.AddMvc() for (integration) testing).
We have tried a lot of different things, like creating our object independently to the startup, but that did not align the singletons. We can get functionality by using static instead, but then we lose dynamic change access.
Some great tips like Resolving instances with ASP.NET Core DI from within ConfigureServices and https://andrewlock.net/exploring-dotnet-6-part-10-new-dependency-injection-features-in-dotnet-6/ but I can't see the specific example to get the live container just after initial creation.
Is it possible that the issue is just the difference between the lifecycle management of the new .NET DI implementation? As this is configuration at the composition root, if we can configure as per our testing approach, it should solve our problem. Other solutions welcome!
The problem 'Cannot access a disposed object' was being caused by a lifecycle mismatch between retained context and the controller access. The code retained a handle on the state object, that had a handle on the factory using FUNC. As we did not configure the Func as anything, it was transient during the controller graph creation, and so was disposed when the controller request ended.
To solve, we tried registering ALL of the FUNC, per How to use Func<T> in built-in dependency injection which was a large task as we had a few factories throughout an old codebase.
The better solution was to create a factory in the composition root, and use an injected IserviceProvider (or with Lamar an IContainer). This is a simple workaround.
With our creation concern, the creation of our object after the completion of the startup process is working correctly as a lazy validation of the first controller access.
I have started using Specflow 3.0 for .NET core tests project with built-in MSTest runner.
I encountered problem while trying to setup one-time method execution in order to persist bearer token value for all running tests in Specflow.
So my idea was to create [BeforeTestRun] Hook static method which would make HTTP request with given credentials. The problem is that those credentials are stored in .runsettings file, so I need to have MSTest's TestContext object in order to access dictionary property.
In Scenario's I'm injecting TestContext and it works fine, however I do not know how to access this object in static [BeforeTestRun] method. Is there any chance to create this object myself and store in static property?
As you see this is abstract class, so I guess Test Framework is automatically injecting concrete implementation in Scanarios with DI. How could I get this concrete implementation?
If solution is not present, would you suggest another approach how could I store configurable settings besides .runsettings so I could access them in static [BeforeTestRun] method without DI?
Thank you
AFAIK I know the behaviour of TestContext in MSTest, you get in plain MSTest for every test your own instance of TestContext.
So you can't get an instance for the whole testrun.
What you could do is, that you do the HTTP request in the BeforeScenario hook of the first scenario that gets executed. There you can get to the TestContext instance without problems.
A similar question has been answered here:
How can I pass a runtime parameter as part of the dependency resolution?
However, I was wondering how this can be done when registering a generic class?
Normally, I would register it as following:
services.AddScoped(typeof(ITest<>), typeof(Test<>));
But what if I want to pass a runtime parameter to constructor? Without using DI, it would be something like:
new Test<MyClass>(string mystring, int myInt)
In the linked answer it's suggests using a factory method but this is giving me an error if I don't pass it the exact type.
The alternative would be to get an instance without passing a runtime parameter in the constructor and instead using a setter method after getting exact instance. I would like to avoid this however because every time after getting instance you must remember to call setter method.
Is there some way around it? I guess I could use some factory class instead of registering it in startup class...
After reading Steven's answer which was very useful, I updated question with more concrete example:
Following example is inside some method:
//instance of repository are passed inside constructor of class
//calling some to update/insert
//IMPORTANT - calling external service I want save parameters to db no matter what
using(var ctx=new DbContext())
//create log object
//some code after
Let's say I want to be consistent and call method of my loggingrepository and there add logging object and save everything to database
However, every repository in constructor accepts DbContext, which is registered as scoped (durig one request).
If it's inside transaction, saving depends about code after calling external service and it can throw exception and save nothing.
So yeah, I could create new dbContext and pass it in logging method or call some private logging function and save inside it,
but point is that if I would ask for instance of loggingRepository I would want DI to pass this localy created dbContext variable to constructor
and not one registered as scoped inside startup method, so that addind and saving log happens no matter what external service or code after calling it does.
My situation in something similar, but it's going for some data in db based on current user and I don't wanna pass same parameter to numerous method, but only inside class constructor.
The general solution in injecting primitive configuration values into your application components, is to extract them into a Parameter Object. This gives those values a new, unambiguous type, which can be registered into your container:
// Parameter Object
public TestConfiguration
public string Mystring;
public int MyInt;
// (Generic) class using the Parameter Object
public class Test<T>
public Test(TestConfiguration config) { ... }
// Registering both
services.AddScoped(typeof(ITest<>), typeof(Test<>));
services.AddSingleton(new TestConfiguration { Mystring = ..., Myint = ... });
Configuration values are not considered to be runtime data as their values are known at startup and constant for the duration of the application. That's why you can supply them to the constructors of your application components.
Real runtime data, however, should not be passed on to a component during construction. Runtime data are values that are not known at startup and typically passed along by the user through a web request, are retrieved from the database, session, or anything that can change during the lifetime of the application.
Instead of passing runtime data in through the constructor, you should either:
Pass runtime data through method calls of the API or
Retrieve runtime data from specific abstractions that allow resolving runtime data.
You can find more information about passing runtime data here.
Here is the scenario. I have a WCF service, when this service is called it passes control to an instance of another class (created via Ninject). In that class I need to do some work, specifically with Entity Framework and repositories. To cut a long story short, I have the following binding declared.
.WithConstructorArgument( "context", new StagingDataContext());
When I want to use this repository I have the following.
using (var genericProductRepository = IoC.Resolve<IGenericProductRepository>())
The problem is, that I only get a new instance of genericProductRepository if it's a brand new request, if the method is called multiple times in the same request I get an error stating that the context (the EF context) is already disposed, this is because it seems like I am getting the same instance back that was already disposed in the using statement. To explain it another way, using the Microsoft WCF Test Client, if I invoke it the first time, the code runs fine, if I push the invoke button again (without restarting the test client, i.e. the same request) then it throws this error about it being disposed already.
I have tried to play around with the various "scopes" that come with Ninject, but clearly I am missing something.
So my basic question is, how do I get a new repository whenever it hits that line, instead of using the same one ? Help would be greatly appreciated, I'm really trying to push for my company to adopt Ninject and drop Spring.
Look at your binding again. Even without any knowledge about Ninject you should notice that the instance of your context is created exactly once at the time the binding is defined. But what you want is have a new context on every resolve. Best it is done by not using WithConstructorArgument and let Ninject create the instance. Therefore you have to define a additional binding for the type of context. If this is not possible for some reason you have to use the lazy version of WithConstructorArgument
WithConstructorArgument("context", ctx => new StagingDataContext())
Furthermore, you might want to try The WCF extension for Ninject:
That way you can get rid of the ServiceLocator like usage.
from what dll can i get the extension of Intercept ?
I've added Ninject.Extensions.Interception from http://github.com/danielmarbach/ninject.extensions.interception
No luck there.
Is there some sample working ?
What I need is to make an interceptor that will path through from WcfClient to WcfServer a different functions with different parameters , that way I wouldn't have to implement already implemented functions behind the WcfServer code.
So the the signature of the function I've already implemented is -
public static T InvokeService<T>(MethodInfo MethodName, Type genericType, Type BlClass, params object[] ParamList)
What it does is activates the Method by BlClass and sends to it the ParamList .
I'd like to make an Interceptor that will dynamically fill the parameters while addressing the WcfServer side .
But first how can I get access to the Intercept extension in my ninjectModule?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide :)
p.s. Tried out :
using Ninject.Extensions.Interception;
using Ninject.Core;
using Ninject.Core.Interception;
the intercept() Method is within Ninject.Extensions.Interception.Infrastructure.Language.
I had trouble myself to find it.
All of the ninject projects are under http://github.com/ninject
You can find the latest pre-built binaries on our CI server at CodeBetter.com. In order to extend the interception mechanism, you need to reference the Ninject.Extensions.Interception dll and implement the IInterceptor interface or extend the SimpleInterceptor class.