What Are the Performance Differences Between Running One vs Many Inserts - sql

I'm currently in a situation where I'm building a script that I know will need to insert multiple rows. I'm doing this in Perl, so in terms of parameterization, it's much easier to insert each row individually. In terms of speed, I'm guessing running just one insert statement will be faster (although latency will be relatively low as I'm quite close to the database itself). I'm thinking the number of rows per run of the script will be about 20-40 on average. That said, what would be the approximate performance differences between running just 1 INSERT INTO statement v.s. running one for each row? Note: The server is running SQL 2008.
[EDIT]Since there seems to be a lot of confusion, I'd like to clarify that what I'm really asking for is the theory behind how a multi-row insert is handled by SQL Server 2008. Does it essentially just convert it internally into a bunch of individual insert statements and run those over one connection, or does it do something more intelligent?
Yes, I know I can run timed loops. No, that's not what I'm asking for. [/EDIT]

Combining multiple inserts into one command is always going to execute much more quickly than executing separate inserts. The reasons are:
A lot of work is done parsing the SQL - with multi version, there's only one parsing effort
More work is done checking permissions - again, only done once
Database connections are "chatty" - with multi version, handshaking only done once. You really notice this issue when using a poor network connection
Finally, multi version gives opportunity for server to optimize the operation

There is a general idea to let the SQL database do its thing and not try to treat the database as some sort of disk read. I've seen many times where a developer will read from one table, then another, or do a general query and then run through each row to see if it's the one they want. Generally, it's better to let the SQL database do its thing.
In this case, I can't really see an advantage of doing a single vs. multiple row insert. I guess there might be some because you don't have to do multiple prepares, and commits.
It shouldn't be too difficult to actual create a temporary database and try this out. Create a database with two columns, and have the program generate data to toss into the tables. Give yourself a decent amount to do. For example, how many items will this table have? And, how many do you think you'll be inserting at once? Say create a table of 1,000,000 items, and insert into this table 1000 items at a time, 100 items at a time, and one item at a time. Just generate data using the increment operator. There may be a "sweetspot" of the number of items you can insert at once.
In my unbiased, and always correct opinion, you'll probably find that the difference isn't worth fretting over, and you should instead employ the method that makes your code the easiest to maintain.
I've have a programming dictum: The place where you want to optimize your code is probably the wrong place. We like efficiency, but we usually attack the wrong item. And, whatever we've squeezed out in terms of efficiency, we end up wasting in maintenance.
So, just program what is the easiest to understand and don't fret about being overly efficient.

Just to add a couple of other performance differentiators to think about on insertion:
Foreign Keys - If the table you are inserting into has foreign keys, SQL Server effectively needs to join to the foreign key tables on insert. When you do your inserts in one query, SQL server can be more efficient in doing these joins.
Transactions - As you don't mention transactions, I assume you must be using SQL Server auto-commit mode. With such a small number of rows, it is likely that the overhead of creating 40 transactions vs. 1 transaction would be higher than maintaining the log to allow rollback. However, if you were inserting 400000 rows, it would likely be more expensive to insert in one statement/transaction than insert 400000 separate rows as the cost to be prepared to roll back up to 400000 rows is very high (if you were to insert 400000 rows, it usually is best to insert in batches -> the optimal batch size can be determined through testing). Also, above a certain row count, it may become more efficient to disable the foreign keys, insert the rows, then re-enable them.


What to do if the speed of data availability is faster than insert?

I am inserting large amounts of data into a table.
For example once every 15 minutes, N records of data become available to be inserted into the table.
My question is, what should I do if inserting N records takes more than 15 minutes? That's, the next insertion cannot begin because the previous one is still in progress.
Please assume that I've used the most affordable hardware and even dropping indexes before starting to insert data does not make inserting faster than 15 minutes.
My preference is not to drop indexes though, because at the same time, the table is queried. What's the best practice in such scenario?
P.S. I don't have any actual code. I am just thinking of and questioning about a possible scenario.
If you are receiving/loading a large quantity of data every quarter hour, you have an operational requirement, not an application requirement, so use an operational solution.
All database have a "bulk insert" utility, sql server is no exception and even calls the function BULK INSERT:
BULK INSERT mytable FROM 'my_data_file.dat'
Such utilities are built for raw speed and will outstrip any alternative application solution.
Write a shell script to receive the data into a file, formatting it as required using shell utilities, and invoke BULK INSERT.
Wire the process up to crontab (or the equivalent Windows scheduler such as AT if you are running on Windows).
First thing is to look for basic optimizations for inserts.
You can find many posts about it:
What is the fastest way to insert large number of rows
Insert 2 million rows into SQL Server quickly
Second thing is to see why it takes more than 15 minutes? Many things can explain that - locks, isolation level etc. So try to challenge it (for example can some portion of the queries can read uncommitted records?).
Third thing - finding the right quota for insert, and consider splitting to several smaller chunks of data, with intermediate commits. Many inserts in one transaction without committing may have a bad affect on the server (log file/locks wise - you need to be able to rollback the entire transaction).

Checking Duplicates before inserting into SQL database

So I've been doing some research and I need to write up an INSERT statement to insert unique client names into a table on my server. However the default standard of the database already has thousands of clients in it, and when inserting new clients we need to check if they already exist before attempting to add it to the system.
My question is what would be the best/fastest way to do this? Would it be better to run a simple select query on the clients table (ordered by ASC), and do a binary search or something on the results, or perhaps just do a SQL query similar to the one below?
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM clients AS c WHERE c.clientname = ?)
INSERT INTO clients (clientname, address, ...)
VALUES (?, ?, ...)
Is this a slow statement? I may have to run the insert several hundred times per each submission.
The standard advice is to create a UNIQUE constraint if you want a given column to be unique.
ALTER TABLE clients ADD UNIQUE KEY (clientname);
Then try to do the INSERT, and it'll succeed if there is no matching row, and it'll fail if there is a duplicate. No SELECT is necessary.
It is not too uncommon to calculate the cost of a SQL in query in terms of disk operations (usually that means reading/writing a block (typically 8 KB) is the unit for your costs). (In Memory-DBs should change something about this line of thought).
If you have hundreds, possible thousands of items and each item is... Say 20 Bytes, then your full database will possibly fit in a single block on disk (400 items/block). Maybe it needs a couple more blocks, but hurray: It is a neglectable small number. With such a small database, your database will probably lounge around in your database' memory cache and you will only need to pay for write access.
As your database grows the number of block accesses that you need can be exponentially reduced if you have an index.
Both your solution and Bill's solution will not cause any write access if an item is already present in the database and thus it should both be equally fast.
The interesting part would be:
I may have to run the insert several hundred times per each
That would mean that you might write one and the same block on disk hundreds of times. It would be faster if you could do this in a single step. However, this is indeed a problem as I am not aware of any SQL function that allows this behavior. MySQL's INSERT offers a way to specify a number of values in a single statment. This MIGHT be a considerable plus (I don't know how smart MySQL handles this situation) but it is specific to MySQL and it is not portable.
Another way to speed things up is to not wait until the blocks you have changed are written to disk. This comes at the risk of loosing data without notice, but can be a significant performance boost. Again this is specific to the DBMS that you use. E.g. if you use MySQL with InnoDB you can set the option innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 in your my.ini to archieve this behaviour.
Would it be better to run a simple select query on the clients table
(ordered by ASC), and do a binary search or something on the results
This would needlessly copy large amounts of data from your DBMS to a client (which may possibly be on different machines, communicating over a network protocol). This would still be OK for your small DB, but it does not scale well. It may only be of use if it helps you to save data in a single operation to disk.

Performance considration between Cursor with 30000 record or create 30000 update statement

Which is better?
1)A cursor that loop 30000 record and perform update one by one
2)Create a script that has 30000 update command
Both should take about the same time, mainly subject to how the CURSOR is declared.
Reason? You have 30,000 individual updates which is usually the main factor
Note that 30,000 individual UPDATES in one batch will probably fail because of batch size and compile time anyway...
SQL is a set based language and you can most likely do a single UPDATE to update all rows in one go. If you can't, it is because of 2 reasons
You need "per row" logic: this can usually be achieved by CASE expressions, UDFs etc
You don't understand sets and SQL
With more information (the SQL and logic) we could help you more...
There is a very easy way to tell: Do it and measure the time.
Other than that, having 30000 lines does not make a lot of sense when you can have just 10.
Making updates this way for reasons other than data migration or maintenance doesn't sound like wise either, and in those cases performance is not an issue - but maintenance and legibility always is.
You know, that depends on context.
It helps, though, to learn. SQL for example. You are on a low level not to see the real optimizations possible here. SQL is a lot more than just Update, Insert and simple Select statements.
1)A cursor that loop 30000 record and perform update one by one
Linear step by step processing. No way to paralellize as SQL itself has no threading mechanisms available to the user; Optimizations are one by one - i.e. the query optimizer looks at items one statement at a time.
2)Create a script that has 30000 update command
Assuming the script is external, it could split the work and run it concurrent on multiple connections, i.e. run more than one parallel.
But there is more:
Make a script that calculates the new values.
Bulk import them into a temporary table using the buld copy API
Issue ONE update statment that takes the updated values from the temporary table to the final one.
Maybe have a script that issues a merge statement for multi update? There are tons of variations there if you know the SQL api more than "update, open cursor, simple select".
I do that - though a lot more data (batches of 50.000, sometimes 4-6 at the same time). The problem being that sql bulk copy has some overhead. But I manage 75.000 inserts per second that way.
A lot depends on the business questions and the complexity of the logic - if it is simple updates then the question is: Calculated or externally driven? Multiple values by 2 = calculated, updating addresses = data driven (i.e. you need the new data from somewhere).

SQL transaction affecting a big amount of rows

The situation is as follows:
A big production client/server system where one central database table has a certain column that has had NULL as default value but now has 0 as default value. But all the rows created before that change of course still have value as null and that generates a lot of unnecessary error messages in this system.
Solution is of course simple as that:
update theTable set theColumn = 0 where theColumn is null
But I guess it's gonna take a lot of time to complete this transaction? Apart from that, will there be any other issues I should think of before I do this? Will this big transaction block the whole database, or that particular table during the whole update process?
This particular table has about 550k rows and 500k of them has null value and will be affected by the above sql statement.
The impact on the performance of other connected clients depends on:
How fast the servers hardware is
How many indexes containing the column your update statement has to update
Which transaction isolation settings the other clients connect to the database
The db engine will acquire write locks, so when your clients only need read access to the table, it should not be a big problem.
500.000 records sounds not too much for me, but as i said, the time and resources the update takes depends on many factors.
Do you have a similar test system, where you can try out the update?
Another solution is to split the one big update into many small ones and call them in a loop.
When you have clients writing frequently to that table, your update statement might get blocked "forever". I have seen databases where performing the update row by row was the only way of getting the update through. But that was a table with about 200.000.000 records and about 500 very active clients!
it's gonna take a lot of time to complete this transaction
there's no definite way to say this. Depends a lot on the hardware, number of concurrent sessions, whether the table has got locks, the number of interdependent triggers et al.
Will this big transaction block the whole database, or that particular table during the whole update process
If the "whole database" is dependent on this table then it might.
will there be any other issues I should think of before I do this
If the table has been locked by other transaction - you might run into a row-lock situation. In rare cases, perhaps a dead lock situation. Best would be to ensure that no one is utilizing the table, check for any pre-exising locks and then run the statement.
Locking issues are vendor specific.
Asuming no triggers on the table, half a million rows is not much for a dediated database server even with many indexes on the table.

How many rows in a database are TOO MANY?

I've a MySQL InnoDB table with 1,000,000 records. Is this too much? Or databases can handle this and more? I ask because I noticed that some queries (for example, getting the last row from a table) are slower (seconds) in the table with 1 millon rows than in one with 100.
I've a MySQL InnoDB table with 1000000 registers. Is this too much?
No, 1,000,000 rows (AKA records) is not too much for a database.
I ask because I noticed that some queries (for example, getting the last register of a table) are slower (seconds) in the table with 1 million registers than in one with 100.
There's a lot to account for in that statement. The usual suspects are:
Poorly written query
Not using a primary key, assuming one even exists on the table
Poorly designed data model (table structure)
Lack of indexes
I have a database with more than 97,000,000 records(30GB datafile), and having no problem .
Just remember to define and improve your table index.
So its obvious that 1,000,000 is not MANY ! (But if you don't index; yes, it is MANY )
Use 'explain' to examine your query and see if there is anything wrong with the query plan.
I think this is a common misconception - size is only one part of the equation when it comes to database scalability. There are other issues that are hard (or harder):
How large is the working set (i.e. how much data needs to be loaded in memory and actively worked on). If you just insert data and then do nothing with it, it's actually an easy problem to solve.
What level of concurrency is required? Is there just one user inserting/reading, or do we have many thousands of clients operating at once?
What levels of promise/durability and consistency of performance are required? Do we have to make sure that we can honor each commit. Is it okay if the average transaction is fast, or do we want to make sure that all transactions are reliably fast (six sigma quality control like - http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2010/06/07/performance-optimization-and-six-sigma/).
Do you need to do any operational issues, such as ALTER the table schema? In InnoDB this is possible, but incredibly slow since it often has to create a temporary table in foreground (blocking all connections).
So I'm going to state the two limiting issues are going to be:
Your own skill at writing queries / having good indexes.
How much pain you can tolerate waiting on ALTER TABLE statements.
If you mean 1 million rows, then it depends on how your indexing is done and the configuration of your hardware. A million rows is not a large amount for an enterprise database, or even a dev database on decent equipment.
if you mean 1 million columns (not sure thats even possible in MySQL) then yes, this seems a bit large and will probably cause problems.
Register? Do you mean record?
One million records is not a real big deal for a database these days. If you run into any issue, it's likely not the database system itself, but rather the hardware that you're running it on. You're not going to run into a problem with the DB before you run out of hardware to throw at it, most likely.
Now, obviously some queries are slower than others, but if two very similar queries run in vastly different times, you need to figure out what the database's execution plan is and optimize for it, i.e. use correct indexes, proper normalization, etc.
Incidentally, there is no such thing as a "last" record in a table, from a logical standpoint they have no inherent order.
I've seen non-partitioned tables with several billion (indexed) records, that self-joined for analytical work. We eventually partitioned the thing but honestly we didn't see that much difference.
That said, that was in Oracle and I have not tested that volume of data in MySQL. Indexes are your friend :)
Assuming you mean "records" by "registers" no, it's not too much, MySQL scales really well and can hold as many records as you have space for in your hard disk.
Obviously though search queries will be slower. There is really no way around that except making sure that the fields are properly indexed.
The larger the table gets (as in more rows in it), the slower queries will typically run if there are no indexes. Once you add the right indexes your query performance should improve or at least not degrade as much as the table grows. However, if the query itself returns more rows as the table gets bigger, then you'll start to see degradation again.
While 1M rows are not that many, it also depends on how much memory you have on the DB server. If the table is too big to be cached in memory by the server, then queries will be slower.
Using the query provided will be exceptionally slow because of using a sort merge method to sort the data.
I would recommend rethinking the design so you are using indexes to retrieve it or make sure it is already ordered in that manner so no sorting is needed.