Postgres - Cast to boolean - sql

I'm trying to update a Postgres database to set a boolean but I'm getting the following error
No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You may need
to add explicit type casts.
I've cut down the table description to show it's structure.
Column | Type | Modifiers
archived | boolean |
The column in the db is currently empty so I have no others to use as a comparison.
I've tried the following:
UPDATE table_name SET archived=TRUE WHERE id=52;
UPDATE table_name SET archived='t' WHERE id=52;
UPDATE table_name SET archived='1' WHERE id=52;
UPDATE table_name SET archived='t'::boolean WHERE id=52;
Neither of these have worked.
How do I cast my UPDATE to a boolean?
UPDATE: full error message
play_mercury=# UPDATE opportunities SET archived=TRUE WHERE id=(52,55,35,17,36,22,7,2,27,15,10,9,13,5,34,40,30,23,21,8,26,18,3,42,25,20,41,28,19,14,39,44,16,24,4,33,54,47,29,38,64);
ERROR: operator does not exist: bigint = record
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You may need to add explicit type casts.

The problem is in the WHERE id=(52,55,...)
Use: WHERE id IN (52,55,...)

Your WHERE condition is wrong. You need to use IN instead of =
UPDATE opportunities
SET archived=TRUE
WHERE id IN (52,55,35,17,36,22,7,2,27,15,10,9,13,5,34,40,30,23,21,8,26,18,3,42,25,20,41,28,19,14,39,44,16,24,4,33,54,47,29,38,64);

How are you trying this? Via plsql?
According to the docs those should be valid and this also works for me:
tmp=# create table bar (a boolean, b int);
tmp=# insert into bar values (TRUE, 1);
tmp=# update bar set a=false where b=1;
tmp=# \d bar
Table ""
Column | Type | Modifiers
a | boolean |
b | integer |


SQL Error [XX000]: ERROR: Already present: The column already exists - Yugabyte DB

SQL Alter script:
alter table table_name ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS chk_col jsonb not null
DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb;
In this script, I am getting "ERROR: Already present: The column already exists" but the column chk_col is not present in the table.
If I remove DB and then create again the same script is executed successfully.
How do I correct it without removing the database?
Can you explain more your setup ?
What version are you using ?
Are there needed other steps to reproduce ?
I can't reproduce in
yugabyte=# create database fshije
yugabyte=# \c fshije
fshije=# create table table_name(id bigint);
fshije=# alter table table_name ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS chk_col jsonb not null DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb;
fshije=# \d table_name
Table "public.table_name"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | bigint | | |
chk_col | jsonb | | not null | '{}'::jsonb

Set a field to the value of another field [duplicate]

Is it possible to copy data from column A to column B for all records in a table in SQL?
How about this
UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA;
This will update every row.
UPDATE table_name SET
WHERE condition_if_necessary
This will update all the rows in that columns if safe mode is not enabled.
UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA;
If safe mode is enabled then you will need to use a where clause.
I use primary key as greater than 0 basically all will be updated
UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA where table.column>0;
If you want to copy a column to another column with a different data type in PostgresSQL, you must cast/convert to the data type first, otherwise it will return
Query 1 ERROR: ERROR: column "test_date" is of type timestamp without
time zone but expression is of type character varying LINE 1: update
table_name set test_date = date_string_col
^ HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
An example of converting varchar to timestamp:
update table_name set timestamp_col = date_string_col::TIMESTAMP;
An example of converting varchar to int:
update table_name set int_column = string_col::INTEGER;
but any column type(except file or the similar) can be copied to string(character varying) without cast the type.

Postgres - How to cast an array of enum_1 to enum_2?

I'm trying to modify the values of an enum in my schema ("feature" in the below example).
I'm trying to do this by renaming the old enum and introducing a new one that has the values I want, and then altering the table definition to the new enum.
I'm following this blog post here:
But instead of the column being a simple column of the enum, my column is actually an array of the enum.
When I try to run the alter table statement in the below statements, I get the error:
[42804] ERROR: column "features" is of type feature_old[] but expression is of type feature_v2[] Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
alter type feature rename to feature_old;
create type feature_v2 as enum (
-- ... cleanup of column array values to be compatible with new enum ...
alter table app_user alter column features type feature_v2
using features::feature_old[]::feature_v2[];
drop type feature_old;
But, I'm lost - what should the cast expression look like?
Postgres version is 9.6
This is the relevant part of the previous version's schema DDL for the feature enum and app_user table that was requested by #VaoTsun.
-- feature enum and column
create type feature as enum ('enable_create_keyword', 'enable_make_payment');
comment on type feature is
'if default functionality is disabled feature name starts with enable_, if default is enabled starts with disable_'
alter table app_user add column
features feature[] not null default ARRAY[]::feature[];
-- feature data
update app_user
set features = ARRAY['enable_create_keyword', 'enable_make_payment']::feature[]
where email = '';
update app_user
set features = ARRAY['enable_create_keyword']::feature[]
where email = '';
Thanks to both Vao Tsun and Nick Barnes; this is the code that appears to work for me. I have marked Vao Tsun's answer as correct. Any answers that provide a more concise version would be gratefully upvoted.
alter type feature rename to feature_old;
create type feature_v2 as enum (
alter table app_user alter column features drop default ;
alter table app_user alter column features type feature_v2[]
using features::feature_old[]::text[]::feature_v2[];
alter table app_user alter column features set default ARRAY[]::feature_v2[];
drop type feature_old;
with assumption that old enum has same values, but less, you should be able to simply cast it's value to text and then to a v2:
try this:
t=# create or replace function feature2v2(feature_old) returns feature_v2 as
select $1::text::feature_v2;
language sql strict;
t=# create cast (feature_old AS feature_v2) WITH FUNCTION feature2v2(feature_old) AS ASSIGNMENT;
gives me:
t=# alter table app_user alter column features type feature_v2[]
using features::feature_v2[];
t=# \d+ app_user
Table "postgres.app_user"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
email | text | | | | extended | |
features | feature_v2[] | | not null | ARRAY[]::feature_old[] | extended | |
t=# \dT+ feature_v2
List of data types
Schema | Name | Internal name | Size | Elements | Owner | Access privileges | Description
postgres | feature_v2 | feature_v2 | 4 | enable_create_keyword +| postgres | |
| | | | enable_make_payment +| | |
| | | | enable_test_data_flags | | |
(1 row)
which looks like what you expect
catching up with Nick Barnes comments - creating a cast here is overhead and leaves bad defualt for column, the right approach her is:
alter table app_user alter column features drop default;
alter table app_user alter column features type feature_v2[] using features::feature_old[]::text[]::feature_v2[];
alter table app_user alter column features set default ARRAY[]::feature_v2[];
Leaving the previous version untouched to demonstrate the bad approach with hints how it is bad

Create table with a variable name

I need to create tables on daily basis with name as date in form at (yyMMdd), I tried this :
dbadmin=> \set table_name 'select to_char(current_date, \'yyMMdd \')'
dbadmin=> :table_name;
(1 row)
and then tried to create table with table name from the set parameter :table_name, but got this
dbadmin=> create table :table_name(col1 varchar(1));
ERROR 4856: Syntax error at or near "select" at character 14
LINE 1: create table select to_char(current_date, 'yyMMdd ')(col1 va...
Is there a way where i could store a value in a variable and then use that variable as table name or to assign priority that the inner select statement has execute first to give me the name i require.
Please suggest!!!
Try this
for what ever reason the variable stored comes with some space and i had to remove it and also cannot start naming table starting with numbers so i had to add something in form like tbl_
in short you just need to store the value of the exit so you need to do some extra work and execute the query.
\set table_name `vsql -U dbadmin -w d -t -c "select concat('tbl_',replace(to_char(current_date, 'yyMMdd'),' ',''))"`
Create table:
create table :table_name(col1 varchar(1));
(dbadmin#:5433) [dbadmin] *> \d tbl_150515
Schema | public
Table | tbl_150515
Column | col1
Type | varchar(1)
Size | 1
Default |
Not Null | f
Primary Key | f
Foreign Key |

Altering JSON column to INTEGER[] ARRAY

I have a JSON column that contains an array of integers. I am trying to convert it to an INTEGER[] column, but I'm running into casting errors.
Here's my final alter version:
ALTER TABLE namespace_list ALTER COLUMN namespace_ids TYPE INTEGER[] USING string_to_array(namespace_ids::integer[], ',');
However, this throws this error:
ERROR: cannot cast type json to integer[]
Any ideas how I can abouts this conversion? I've tried several things but I end up with the same error. Seems like going json --> string --> --> array does not work. What are my options?
Table definition:
db => \d+ namespace_list;
Column | Type | Table "kiwi.namespace_list" Modifiers|
id | integer | not null default nextval('namespace_list_id_seq'::regclass)
namespace_ids | json | not null default '[]'::json
Sample data:
id | namespace_ids |
1 | [1,2,3] |
Assuming no invalid characters in your array.
IN Postgres 9.4 or later use a conversion function as outlined here:
How to turn JSON array into Postgres array?
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION json_arr2int_arr(_js json)
'SELECT ARRAY(SELECT json_array_elements_text(_js)::int)';
ALTER TABLE namespace_list
, ALTER COLUMN namespace_ids TYPE int[] USING json_arr2int_arr(namespace_ids);
db<>fiddle here
For Postgres 9.3 or older:
ALTER TABLE namespace_list
USING translate(namespace_ids::text, '[]','{}')::int[];
The specific difficulty is that you cannot have a subquery expression in the USING clause, so unnesting & re-aggregating is not an option:
SELECT ARRAY(SELECT(json_array_elements(json_col)::text::int))
FROM namespace_list;
Therefore, I resort to string manipulation to produce a valid string constant for an integer array and cast it.
column DEFAULT
If there is a column default like DEFAULT '[]'::json in your actual table definition added later, drop it before you do the above.
You can add a new DEFAULT afterwards if you need one. Best in the same transaction (or even command):
ALTER TABLE namespace_list
, ALTER COLUMN namespace_ids TYPE INT[] USING translate(namespace_ids::text, '[]','{}')::int[]
, ALTER COLUMN namespace_ids SET DEFAULT '{}';
db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle