Difference between Obj-C object and instance? - objective-c

I am learning Objective-C and I don't really understand the difference between an instance and an object. They commonly use both terms. Also, why is the alloc method applied to the class and the init method applied to the object?

An instance is the same as an object, hence why both terms are used and can be used interchangeably — an instance of NSString, or an NSString object.
+alloc is a class method responsible for allocating the memory needed to store a new instance/object, and zeroing-out that memory. It returns a newly created instance/object.
-init, on the other hand, is responsible for further initialising this new instance;1 for example, assigning default values to instance variables. Since -init operates on an existing instance, it’s an instance method.
1In some cases -init might return an instance different from the one created by +alloc.


When do we create memory for ivars in Singleton example by Apple?

I have seen the Apple's example of Singleton and couple of other examples.
People say that it is too strict!
But the point is ..even if it is too strict, I want to understand it.
I dont understand that when we call allocWithZone on super, What happens ?
Memory will be created according to super's instance size.
What if our Singleton has ivars ?
I also dont understand that, Why does allocWithZone return the object with a retain call when retain itself is returning the object as it is.
Whenever a method is called in Obj-C it is passed an object reference via the hidden parameter self. For an instance method self refers to the object the method was invoked on, for a class method self refers to the the class object (of type Class) the method was invoked on. Calls to super implicitly pass on self.
Therefore in Apple's example code the call [super allocWithZone:NULL] calls the super implementation of allocWithZone passing the current value of self, which is MyGizmoClass's class object as it is a static method. The implementation of allocWithZone can determine the required memory size from the passed Class object – the details of how are private.
As you've correctly spotted, the call to retain in allocWithZone is pointless but harmless.

What happens when alloc or allocWithZone is called?

I wanted to know , How exactly does an Objective C object gets created. I have been reading different blog posts and apple docs but I could only find incomplete information here and there about ivar and objc_class structures ad various other runtime methods and structures.
But I still did not get, What happens when we call alloc on a Class and how are superclass data members added to the structure ?
If possible, can any one Explain this to me or point me to the source code of these methods that actually allocate memory ?
When alloc is called, it (as any other message send) first gets transformed (by the compiler) into one of the objc_msgSend* functions. This function will get the class structure pointer as its first argument, and #selector(alloc) as its second.
Then, objc_msgSend looks up the corresponding method implementation of +[class alloc], which is, in general, not overridden (custom initialization is conceptually done in -initWith...), so it will generally be +[NSObject alloc]. It is likely that alloc simply calls +[NSObject allocWithZone:]; that function's implementation might do the following steps:
1) It finds the class' istance size (probably via class_getInstanceSize())
2) It allocates memory, most likely using the class_createInstance() function. This function clears the allocated memory to zeroes (that's why, as the specs say, all your ivars are explicitly initialized to 0 on startup), then sets the newliy created object's isa pointer to the class structure itself.
3) The allocWithZone: methods returns the fresh object pointer to alloc
4) alloc returns the object pointer to the sender, most likely it will run into [Class initWith...:].
Hope this helps. Also, apart from the Obj-C runtime docs, don't forget to check the GNUstep NSObject implementations. That's a logic and possible way how the GNU people implemented it and how Apple might have implemented it.
Check out http://www.mikeash.com/pyblog/friday-qa-2009-03-13-intro-to-the-objective-c-runtime.html

Objective-C, ownership and class methods

First off, I'm a Objective-C newbie. :)
I've learned that anything that starts with alloc, new, and copy, gives the caller ownership of the returned object. Does this also apply to class methods? I'm guessing it does, and a recent crash in one of my unit tests seems to confirm it. Apple's Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide doesn't say anything whether there's a difference between class and instance methods.
What I mean that it also applies to class methods is really the "inverse". For instance, NSDecimalNumber has a class method called +decimalNumberWithDecimal:. It seems to return an auto released object (if I release it explicitly, a crash occurs shortly after that). In hindsight, the answer to my question is obvious, as Apple's guide refers to new and alloc as ownership-giving methods, and they're all class methods. Sorry for taking up your valuable time. :)
Also alloc and release. init does not indicate ownership, you are likely mixing that up with alloc. You can memorise it easily with the mnemonic NARC.
If you are naming any class methods init, copy or retain, you should stop that. Those are methods that only make sense in the context of instances. alloc and new are class methods and should only be used in that context. Don't name instance methods alloc or new.
The reason why the guide doesn't say that it applies to both instance methods and class methods is that the methods in question are clearly a mixture of both, so it's obviously the case.
Yes this applies to class methods since alloc and new are class methods which return ownership to the caller. The prefix of copy or mutableCopy should be used for instance methods returning ownership.
Edit For The Update:
You are correct a method like +decimalNumberWithDecimal: is expected to return an autoreleased object, therefore there is no reason to release it. If however they decided to name the method +newNumberWithDecimal: then you would have ownership of the returned object and need to release it. Clang static analyzer will actually complain if you prefix a method with new and return an autoreleased object.
Actually, this is almost correct. alloc, new, and copy give you ownership of the returned object. These are class methods. Other class methods should return an autoreleased object. Instance methods should also return an autoreleased object.
init does not effect ownership and should be use in conjunction with alloc as follows.
[[SomeCoolClass alloc] init]
new is usually the same thing as the above and is sometimes described as "almost deprecated" because it is a throwback to the NeXT days when the allocation and initialization were done in the same step and could not be plot apart as we do today with alloc and init.
Release does not effect ownership, but should only be used on object you already own. Otherwise a crash is likely to occur.
Retain also does not affect ownership, but should only be used on an object you already own. Otherwise the object may not be deallocated when it should be. The result could be a crash, but it can also be very very strange behavior that is difficult to troubleshoot because messages may be sent to the original object that was supposed to have been deallocated instead of a new object pointed to at the same address.

always mandatory or sometimes optional?

As i was reading through the book on Objective-C, i came across an example that initialized a class as follows:
ClassName *p = [[ClassName alloc] init];
While it makes sense that first we need to allocate memory to store data ClassName has before initializing, the following works just as well:
ClassName *p = [ClassName alloc];
Is init always needed?
In theory, it's not technically required. That's because NSObject's init method is effectively just return self;. However, in practice, it's absolutely essential. Objects perform internal setup inside the init method - creating internal state, allocating private members, and generally getting ready for action. The init method may not even return the same object as you allocated.
Think of it in two phases: alloc allocates memory, but that's it - it's analogous to Java's new. init configures the state of the memory so that the object can perform it's tasks - analogous to Java calling the constructor. Don't leave it out!
Good question. And you're right. Strictly speacking "init" is not required.
"alloc" does three important things to create an object:
- allocate enough memory to hold all instance variables
- initialize the "isa" instance variable
- all other instances are set to 0
Consider that the "root" Cocoa object, NSObject, simply returns "self" in its init method.
But, if you want to be a good Obj-C citizen, you must use "init". It is part of the "contract" between you, the developer, and the environment.
You should always call one of the initializer methods especially when the class isn't your own. The pointer returned from init isn't necessarily the same as returned by alloc.
Read the documentation:

I need a good analogy to make sense of Class methods vs. instance methods

Im getting fairly confused as the book im reading is delving into the NSNumber class and talks about all the different methods you can call on it. I have a couple questions:
1.) Do you not have to call a typical alloc or init on foundation classes?
2.)in what cases would you use, say, numberWithChar: as opposed to initWithChar (i think this is the part that is messing me up the most, not really sure im groking this concept on the level i need to be, if you folks could break it down for me I think it would really help me get over this humper-roo.
Class/Instance Analogies
Classes are like blueprints for a type house. Instances are like actual houses. So you can only have one blueprint for a single type of house, but you can have multiple actual houses of the same type. Also, you can have multiple blueprints, and each blueprint describes a different type of house.
Another analogy you can use is that classes are like cookie cutters, and instances are like cookies made from a cookie cutter.
How It Applies To Objective-C
There is one "class object" for every class in your code. To refer to the class object, you just use the class name. alloc is a class method that allocates a new instance like so:
MyWidget* w = [MyWidget alloc];
However, alloc doesn't initialize the class, so none of the member variables will be set up. init is an instance method that will initialize a newly allocated instance. So to allocate and initialize a new instance, you do this:
MyWidget* w = [[MyWidget alloc] init];
Which is equivalent to this:
MyWidget* w = [MyWidget alloc]; //alloc is being called on the class
w = [w init]; //init is being called on the instance
Another common type of class method is a factory method like numberWithChar:. This is basically what numberWithChar: does:
+(NSNumber*) numberWithChar:(char)c;
return [[[NSNumber alloc] initWithChar:c] autorelease];
The only real difference is that numberWithChar: returns an autoreleased object.
All objects must be allocated and initialized. That includes foundation classes.
1) alloc and init need to be called virtually always. numberWithChar is a convenience method, which means it calls alloc, init, and autorelease for you and returns the autoreleased instance.
2) Since numberWithChar returns an autoreleased object, that means unless you retain it (or pass it to something like an NSArray which will retain it), it'll be destroyed shortly. initWithChar returns a retain-ed object, which means you have to release it when you're done with it.
I found when I was starting out that it was helpful to use init-alloc as a rule, instead of the convenience methods, because it made me pay close attention to my memory management.
The difference between class and instance methods is addressed from a number of angles in the answers to this question What is the difference between class and instance methods?
To be honest, the analogy I use when I call a class method on, say NSString, is praying to the god of NSStrings to bestow upon me a magnificent new NSString. Notice that class methods are almost 100% used for creation. e.g. alloc is a class method, stringWithFormat is a class method, and so on.
Yes, it's ridiculous, I know.
Ok, first thing: In Objective-C, you don't call a method, you send a message to an object. The runtime looks up the methods and calls them.
It might help you to think of a class as a factory. In fact, years ago, we used to refer to class methods as factory methods.