Rails 3.1.0.rc4: 304 Not Modified. Is there any known working configuration? - assets

Trying the basic example in rails 3.1 RC 4, I get the error
Compiled app/assets/javascripts/application.js
Served asset /application.js - 304 Not Modified
(same with .css and asset/rails.png on the default index page)
My workflow is:
rails new example -j
rails g Book name:string year:integer
rake db:migrate
I get this error on both linux 64bit and win7 32 bit.
I tried many suggestions, but couldn't get it working. Is there anyone out there able to manage this known issue? Any configuration that works (combination of gems or asset setting configuration)?
[Here's my win7 gemlist:
abstract (1.0.0)
actionmailer (3.1.0.rc4)
actionpack (3.1.0.rc4)
activemodel (3.1.0.rc4)
activerecord (3.1.0.rc4)
activeresource (3.1.0.rc4)
activesupport (3.1.0.rc4)
arel (2.1.3)
bcrypt-ruby (2.1.4 x86-mingw32)
builder (3.0.0)
bundler (1.0.15)
coffee-script (2.2.0)
coffee-script-source (1.1.1)
erubis (2.7.0)
execjs (1.2.0)
hike (1.1.0)
i18n (0.6.0)
jquery-rails (1.0.12)
json (1.5.3)
mail (2.3.0)
mime-types (1.16)
multi_json (1.0.3)
polyglot (0.3.1)
rack (1.3.0)
rack-cache (1.0.2)
rack-mount (0.8.1)
rack-ssl (1.3.2)
rack-test (0.6.0)
rails (3.1.0.rc4)
railties (3.1.0.rc4)
rake (0.9.2)
rdoc (3.7)
sass (3.1.3)
sass-rails (3.1.0.rc.3)
sprockets (2.0.0.beta.10)
sqlite3 (1.3.3 x86-mingw32)
thor (0.14.6)
tilt (1.3.2)
treetop (1.4.9)
tzinfo (0.3.29)
uglifier (1.0.0)
win32-open3 (0.3.2 x86-mingw32)]

A 304 message isn't an error. When most modern browsers request a file, they also send the file's "ETag" with it to identify the version the browser currently has. If the browser's requested ETag matches the ETag on the server version, the browser will just send the 304 message instead of serving the actual file.
Essentially, it's just your app telling the browser/client "Hey, this resource hasn't changed at all since the last time you requested it, so just use your cached version. If you don't have one, then request the file again (without the ETag) and I'll give it to you."
Is something actually preventing your app from working?


rake assets:precompile not working always showing : read': No such file or directory - assets:precompile:all

I am using ubuntu 64-bit machine using, rvm, ruby 1.9.3-p448 , rails 3.2.13
And am not able to precompile assets.
I used following commands but got same error always :-
rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
rake assets:precompile
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
mymachine:~/mymachine-rails/prod$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile --trace
DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails
4.0. Move them out and bundle them in your Gemfile, or fold them in to your app as lib/myplugin/* and config/initializers/myplugin.rb. See
the release notes for more on this:
(called from at
DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails
4.0. Move them out and bundle them in your Gemfile, or fold them in to your app as lib/myplugin/* and config/initializers/myplugin.rb. See
the release notes for more on this:
(called from at
DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails
4.0. Move them out and bundle them in your Gemfile, or fold them in to your app as lib/myplugin/* and config/initializers/myplugin.rb. See
the release notes for more on this:
(called from at
DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails
4.0. Move them out and bundle them in your Gemfile, or fold them in to your app as lib/myplugin/* and config/initializers/myplugin.rb. See
the release notes for more on this:
(called from at
** Invoke assets:precompile (first_time)
** Execute assets:precompile
/home/mymachine/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/bin/ruby /home/mymachine/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448#mymachine/bin/ruby_executable_hooks
assets:precompile:all RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets --trace
read': No such file or directory - assets:precompile:all
from /home/mymachine/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448#mymachine/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:14:in
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [/home/mymachine/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/...]
block in create_shell_runner'
/home/mymachine/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448#mymachine/gems/actionpack-3.2.13/lib/sprockets/assets.rake:12:in ruby_rake_task'
/home/mymachine/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448#mymachine/gems/actionpack-3.2.13/lib/sprockets/assets.rake:29:in block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
block in execute'
block in invoke_with_call_chain'
block (2 levels) in top_level'
block in top_level'
block in run'
<top (required)>'
/home/mymachine/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448#mymachine/bin/rake:19:in <main>'
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile
Gems List :-
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
actionmailer (3.2.13)
actionpack (3.2.13)
activemodel (3.2.13)
activerecord (3.2.13)
activeresource (3.2.13)
activesupport (3.2.13)
acts-as-taggable-on (2.4.1)
acts_as_paranoid (0.4.2)
angularjs-rails (1.0.7)
arel (3.0.2)
bcrypt-ruby (3.1.1)
browser (0.2.0)
builder (3.0.4)
bundler (1.3.5)
bundler-unload (1.0.2)
cancan (1.6.10)
chronic (0.9.1)
climate_control (0.0.3)
cocaine (0.5.1)
coffee-rails (3.2.2)
coffee-script (2.2.0)
coffee-script-source (1.6.3)
columnize (0.3.6)
commonjs (0.2.6)
couchrest (1.1.3)
couchrest_model (1.1.2)
daemons (1.1.9)
debugger (1.6.1)
debugger-linecache (1.2.0)
debugger-ruby_core_source (1.2.3)
devise (3.0.0)
em-synchrony (1.0.3)
erubis (2.7.0)
eventmachine (1.0.3)
execjs (1.4.0)
executable-hooks (1.2.2)
faraday (0.8.7)
faye-websocket (0.6.2)
hashie (2.0.5)
hike (1.2.3)
hiredis (0.4.5)
httpauth (0.2.0)
i18n (0.6.1)
journey (1.0.4)
jquery-rails (3.0.4)
jquery-ui-rails (4.0.4)
json (1.7.7)
jwt (0.1.8)
less (2.3.2)
less-rails (2.3.3)
libv8 ( x86_64-linux, x86_64-linux)
localtunnel (0.3)
magic_multi_connections (1.2.1)
mail (2.5.4)
masonry-rails (0.2.0)
mime-types (1.23)
mini_portile (0.5.1)
multi_json (1.7.7)
multipart-post (1.2.0)
mysql2 (0.3.13)
net-ssh (2.6.8)
net-ssh-gateway (1.2.0)
nokogiri (1.6.0)
oauth (0.4.7)
oauth2 (0.8.1)
omniauth (1.1.4)
omniauth-facebook (1.4.1)
omniauth-google-oauth2 (0.2.0)
omniauth-linkedin-oauth2 (0.0.2)
omniauth-oauth (1.0.1)
omniauth-oauth2 (1.1.1)
omniauth-twitter (1.0.0)
orm_adapter (0.4.0)
paperclip (3.5.0)
polyglot (0.3.3)
rack (1.4.5)
rack-cache (1.2)
rack-offline (0.6.4)
rack-ssl (1.3.3)
rack-test (0.6.2)
rails (3.2.13)
railties (3.2.13)
rake (10.1.0)
rb-readline (0.4.2)
rdoc (3.12.2)
redis (3.0.4)
ref (1.0.5)
rest-client (1.6.7)
rsolr (1.0.9)
rubygems-bundler (1.3.2)
rvm (
sass (3.2.9)
sass-rails (3.2.6)
sprockets (2.2.2)
swipe-rails (0.0.5)
therubyracer (0.12.0, 0.11.4)
thin (1.5.1)
thor (0.18.1)
tilt (1.4.1)
time_diff (0.3.0)
treetop (1.4.14)
twitter-bootstrap-rails (2.2.7)
tzinfo (0.3.37)
uglifier (2.1.2)
warden (1.2.3)
websocket-driver (0.2.1)
websocket-rails (0.4.9)
whenever (0.8.4)
will_paginate (3.0.4)
Seems to be an RVM quirk. I ran into this using rvm + ruby 2.0.0-p247 and this worked for me:
rvm ruby-2.0.0-p247#global do gem install executable-hooks

sass #import issue

So I've been using sass on my site for a while with no problems. I've had this working for about a year.
*= require_self
*= depend_on sitewide.css.scss
#import "sitewide.css.scss";
Recently I added a gem, and I seem to recall the sass gem getting updated as a result of installing this new gem (simple_form).
When I went to precompile assets in production, the import barfed complaining it couldn't find 'sitewide.css.scss'
I had to modify the #import to:
#import "app/assets/stylesheets/sitewide.css.scss";
To get my assets compiled, and the production site works fine now.
Now development is broken!
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET]
config/initializers/quiet_assets.rb:6:in `call_with_quiet_assets'
Development and production have both been bundle updated so all the gems are (should be?) identical
So this has to be an issue with my environments/development.rb???
It contains the following relating to assets config:
config.assets.compress = false
config.assets.debug = true
What happened?
Here is bundle show:
Ascii85 (1.0.2)
actionmailer (3.2.8)
actionpack (3.2.8)
activemodel (3.2.8)
activerecord (3.2.8)
activerecord-sqlserver-adapter (3.2.10)
activeresource (3.2.8)
activesupport (3.2.8)
addressable (2.3.2)
afm (0.2.0)
arel (3.0.2)
bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1)
builder (3.0.4)
bundler (1.0.21)
coffee-rails (3.2.2)
coffee-script (2.2.0)
coffee-script-source (1.4.0)
devise (2.0.4)
erubis (2.7.0)
execjs (1.4.0)
hashery (2.1.0)
hike (1.2.1)
i18n (0.6.1)
journey (1.0.4)
jquery-rails (2.1.4)
json (1.7.6)
kaminari (0.14.1)
libxml-ruby (2.3.3)
mail (2.4.4)
mime-types (1.19)
multi_json (1.5.0)
mysql2 (0.3.11)
orm_adapter (0.0.7)
pdf-reader (1.3.0)
polyglot (0.3.3)
prawn (0.12.0)
rack (1.4.1)
rack-cache (1.2)
rack-ssl (1.3.2)
rack-test (0.6.2)
rails (3.2.8)
railties (3.2.8)
rake (10.0.3)
rdoc (3.12)
ruby-rc4 (0.1.5)
sass (3.2.5)
sass-rails (3.2.5)
simple_form (2.0.4)
sprockets (2.1.3)
thor (0.16.0)
tilt (1.3.3)
tiny_tds (0.5.1)
treetop (1.4.12)
ttfunk (1.0.3)
tzinfo (0.3.35)
uglifier (1.3.0)
warden (1.1.1)
Try to rename your app/assets/stylesheets/application.css to app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss and remove the absolut path in your import.
You have to move/rename it. If you leave your old file "applcation.css" in the directory, you will get the same errors. Plain CSS file are not handled the same way as scss or sass files. If you want to use #import feature of scss or sass, you have to change the file extension.

rails g mongoid config error

Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Master:blog shaunstanislaus$ bundle update
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.........
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/..
Enter your password to install the bundled RubyGems to your system:
Using rake (
Enter your password to install the bundled RubyGems to your system:
Using i18n (0.6.0)
Using multi_json (1.3.6)
Using activesupport (3.2.6)
Using builder (3.0.0)
Using activemodel (3.2.6)
Using erubis (2.7.0)
Using journey (1.0.4)
Using rack (1.4.1)
Using rack-cache (1.2)
Using rack-test (0.6.1)
Using hike (1.2.1)
Using tilt (1.3.3)
Using sprockets (2.1.3)
Using actionpack (3.2.6)
Using mime-types (1.19)
Using polyglot (0.3.3)
Using treetop (1.4.10)
Using mail (2.4.4)
Using actionmailer (3.2.6)
Using arel (3.0.2)
Using tzinfo (0.3.33)
Using activerecord (3.2.6)
Using activeresource (3.2.6)
Using bson (1.6.4)
Using bson_ext (1.6.4)
Using bundler (1.1.5)
Using coffee-script-source (1.3.3)
Using execjs (1.4.0)
Using coffee-script (2.2.0)
Using rack-ssl (1.3.2)
Using json (1.7.4)
Using rdoc (3.12)
Using thor (0.15.4)
Using railties (3.2.6)
Using coffee-rails (3.2.2)
Using jquery-rails (2.0.2)
Using mongo (1.0.9)
Using will_paginate (3.0.3)
Using mongoid (2.0.0.beta.19)
Using rails (3.2.6)
Using sass (3.1.20)
Using sass-rails (3.2.5)
Using sqlite3 (1.3.6)
Using uglifier (1.2.7)
Your bundle is updated! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Master:blog shaunstanislaus$ rails g mongoid:config
method_missing': undefined methodgenerators' for #
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongoid-2.0.0.beta.19/lib/mongoid/railtie.rb:13
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongoid-2.0.0.beta.19/lib/mongoid.rb:89:in
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongoid-2.0.0.beta.19/lib/mongoid.rb:89
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68:in
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68:in
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66:in
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66:in
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55:in
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55:in
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler.rb:119:in
from /Users/shaunstanislaus/Desktop/code/blog/config/application.rb:7
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.6/lib/rails/commands.rb:24:in
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.6/lib/rails/commands.rb:24
from script/rails:6:inrequire'
from script/rails:6
how do i fix this?
i entered this command and error appears above.
Master:blog shaunstanislaus$ rails g mongoid:config
I have done trying to remove gemfile.loc
bundle install
rails g mongoid:config, came out this error again. still the same.
Master:blog shaunstanislaus$ rails g mongoid:config
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68:in require': /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongoid-3.0.3/lib/mongoid.rb:148: odd number list for Hash (SyntaxError)
{ to: Config }))
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongoid-3.0.3/lib/mongoid.rb:148: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}'
{ to: Config }))
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68:inrequire'
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66:in each'
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66:inrequire'
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55:in each'
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55:inrequire'
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler.rb:119:in require'
from /Users/shaunstanislaus/Desktop/code/blog/config/application.rb:7
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.6/lib/rails/commands.rb:24:inrequire'
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.6/lib/rails/commands.rb:24
from script/rails:6:in `require'
from script/rails:6
Remove your GemFile.lock, run bundle install. If you're running on the latest version of Rails (3.2?) and Ruby (1.9.3-p###) it should work.
The reason the "generator" commands for Mongoid isn't showing is most likely that the gem didn't install properly for the version of rails and ruby you have.
Check this out: Rails g failing for mongoid commands… – Dominic Tancredi 2
I have this set up
ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-darwin12.0.0]
bundle -v
Bundler version 1.1.5
bundle install succeeds; rake server still gives the error
/Users/avaranovich/.gem/gems/bundler-1.1.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68:in `require': /Users/avaranovich/.gem/gems/mongoid-3.0.4/lib/mongoid.rb:148: odd number list for Hash (SyntaxError)
{ to: Config }))
I fixed this with typing bundle exec rails g mongoid:config

how to make rails 3.0 default on mac?

Here are my gems when I type in gem list in the terminal:
abstract (1.0.0)
actionmailer (3.0.10)
actionpack (3.0.10)
activemodel (3.0.10)
activerecord (3.0.10)
activeresource (3.0.10)
activesupport (3.0.10)
arel (2.0.10)
builder (2.1.2)
bundler (1.0.18)
erubis (2.6.6)
i18n (0.5.0)
mail (2.2.19)
mime-types (1.16)
minitest (1.6.0)
mysql2 (0.3.7)
polyglot (0.3.2)
rack (1.2.3)
rack-mount (0.6.14)
rack-test (0.5.7)
rails (3.0.10)
railties (3.0.10)
rake (0.8.7)
rdoc (3.9.3, 2.5.8)
rubygems-update (1.8.9)
thor (0.14.6)
treetop (1.4.10)
tzinfo (0.3.29)
Ruby -v: ruby 1.9.2
How come when I type rails -v it gives me: Rails 1.2.6? I need the 3.0 to be the default.
Try running:
gem uninstall rails -v 1.2.6
and see if that works. You can also look into RVM there is a RailsCast http://railscasts.com/episodes/200-rails-3-beta-and-rvm
It also may be necissary to use sudo on a mac like so:
sudo gem uninstall rails

Is the slug size normal?

I just started using Rails 3 on Heroku and was surprised at how much bigger the slug size (28MB) is compared to using Rails 2.3.5 on Heroku (less than 5MB). Is this normal? It's a simple application that only uses the reque, aasm, and unicorn gems. Everything else is the default.
source 'http://rubygems.org'
gem 'rails', '3.1.0.rc4'
gem 'pg'
# Asset template engines
gem 'sass-rails', "~> 3.1.0.rc"
gem 'coffee-script'
gem 'uglifier'
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'aasm'
gem 'resque'
# Use unicorn as the web server
gem 'unicorn'
group :production do
gem 'therubyracer-heroku', '0.8.1.pre3'
-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Ruby/Rails app detected
-----> Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.1.pre.5
Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --deployment
Using rake (0.9.2)
Using aasm (2.2.0)
Using multi_json (1.0.3)
Using activesupport (3.1.0.rc4)
Using bcrypt-ruby (2.1.4)
Using builder (3.0.0)
Using i18n (0.6.0)
Using activemodel (3.1.0.rc4)
Using erubis (2.7.0)
Using rack (1.3.0)
Using rack-cache (1.0.2)
Using rack-mount (0.8.1)
Using rack-test (0.6.0)
Using hike (1.1.0)
Using tilt (1.3.2)
Using sprockets (2.0.0.beta.10)
Using tzinfo (0.3.29)
Using actionpack (3.1.0.rc4)
Using mime-types (1.16)
Using polyglot (0.3.1)
Using treetop (1.4.9)
Using mail (2.3.0)
Using actionmailer (3.1.0.rc4)
Using arel (2.1.3)
Using activerecord (3.1.0.rc4)
Using activeresource (3.1.0.rc4)
Using coffee-script-source (1.1.1)
Using execjs (1.2.0)
Using coffee-script (2.2.0)
Using rack-ssl (1.3.2)
Using rdoc (3.8)
Using thor (0.14.6)
Using railties (3.1.0.rc4)
Using jquery-rails (1.0.12)
Using json (1.5.3)
Using kgio (2.5.0)
Using pg (0.11.0)
Using bundler (1.1.pre.5)
Using rails (3.1.0.rc4)
Using raindrops (0.7.0)
Using redis (2.2.1)
Using redis-namespace (1.0.3)
Using sinatra (1.2.6)
Using vegas (0.1.8)
Using resque (1.17.1)
Using sass (3.1.4)
Using sass-rails (3.1.0.rc.4)
Using therubyracer-heroku (0.8.1.pre3)
Using uglifier (1.0.0)
Using unicorn (4.0.1)
Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./vendor/bundle
Cleaning up the bundler cache.
-----> Creating ERB based database.yml
-----> Rails plugin injection
Injecting rails_log_stdout
Injecting rails3_serve_static_assets
-----> Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline
-----> Discovering process types
Procfile declares types -> web, worker
Default types for Ruby/Rails -> console, rake
-----> Compiled slug size is 28.3MB
-----> Launching... done, v59
yes, it's perfectly fine. Especially since it's Rails 3.1 since it has dependency on a few large gems like rubyracer etc.