Oracle query not displaying date properly - sql

In Oracle, there is a column(dateColumn) in a table with column type = DATE and the value for a particular record is showing as '10/03/2010' when I do a select * from table.
Now, when I do:
FROM table
WHERE dateColumn < '01-JAN-11'
Nothing shows up. When I do:
FROM table
WHERE dateColumn > '01-JAN-11'
The record shows up.
Why is this behaving this way? "10/03/2010" is 10th MArch 2010 so clearly that is < 01 Jan 2011.

There is no definitive date format -- it can be different by region or even business. That's the reality without even considering SQL...
In Oracle, the means of evaluating a string as a date requires you to use the TO_DATE function:
FROM table
WHERE dateColumn > TO_DATE('01-JAN-11', 'DD-MON-YY')
You need to supply the format mask to instruct Oracle how to interpret the date you're supplying it.
The function is often different on other databases, but the experience is otherwise the same. Most databases accept 'YYYY-MM-DD' for implicit conversion of a string into a date. Explicit conversion is when you use a function, like TO_DATE to explicitly change the data type.

Try to use to_date:
select * from table where dateColumn < to_date('01-JAN-11', 'dd-MON-YY')


Getting not valid month in Oracle sql

I have a table called Transactions that has a column called trans_date. I am just trying to do a simple query in the SQL*Plus command window
The query is
SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE
trans_date BETWEEN to_date('09/11/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('09/12/2021','mm/dd/yyyy');
When I run this query I get not valid month and there is a little * under trans_date. Most of what I have read suggests the query is right but I am not sure what the problem is. The data type is varchar2(20).
Since trans_date is a varchar and you're trying to query whether it's between two dates, you need to convert it to a date too. Assuming it has the same format as the literals in your query:
FROM transactions
WHERE to_date(trans_date, 'mm/dd/yyy') BETWEEN
to_date('09/11/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('09/12/2021','mm/dd/yyyy');
Seems like problem is columns data type, Try convert it to date,
SELECT * FROM transactions
WHERE to_date(trans_date,'mm/dd/yyyy') BETWEEN to_date('09/11/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') AND to_date('09/12/2021','mm/dd/yyyy');
You need to convert trans_date to a date. However, you can use date constants for the comparisons:
FROM transactions
WHERE to_date(trans_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy') BETWEEN DATE '2021-09-11' AND DATE '2021-09-12';
You should fix your data model so the dates are stored correctly, using Oracle's built-in data type.

Sql Server Table date query showing incorrect result

I have a Sql server table which contains below Date values(4th october)
Now Below query is not showing any result
from [dbo].[TB_AUDIT] TBA
where TBA.ActionDate >= '10/01/2018' and TBA.ActionDate <= '10/04/2018' which is not correct.
But If I write
from [dbo].[TB_AUDIT] TBA
where TBA.ActionDate >= '10/01/2018' and TBA.ActionDate <= '10/05/2018' it is returning me all results.
What I am doing wrong.
There are two problems with this query. The first, is that it's using a localized string. To me, it looks like it's asking for rows between January and April. The unambiguous date format is YYYYMMDD. YYYY-MM-DD by itself may not work in SQL server as it's still affected by the language. The ODBC date literal, {d'YYYY-MM-DD'} also works unambiguously.
Second, the date parameters have no time which defaults to 00:00. The stored dates though have a time element which means they are outside the search range, even if the date parameter was recognized.
The query should change to :
from [dbo].[TB_AUDIT] TBA
cast(TBA.ActionDate as date) between '20181001' and '20181004'
cast(TBA.ActionDate as date) between {d'2018-10-01'} and {d'2018-10-04'}
Normally, applying a function to a field prevents the server from using any indexes. SQL Server is smart enough though to convert this to a query that covers the entire date, essentially similar to
TBA.ActionDate >='2018:10:01T00:00' and TBA.ActionDate <'2018-10-05T00:00:00'
When you don't specify a time component for a DATETIME, SQL Server defaults it to midnight. So in your first query, you're asking for all results <='2018-10-04T00:00:00.000'. All of the data points in your table are greater than '2018-10-04T00:00:00.000', so nothing is returned.
You want
TBA.ActionDate >= '2018-10-01T00:00:00.000' and TBA.ActionDate < '2018-10-05T00:00:00.000'`
Use properly formatted dates!
select *
from [dbo].[TB_AUDIT] TBA
where TBA.ActionDate >= '2018-10-01' and TBA.ActionDate <= '2018-10-04'
YYYY-MM-DD isn't just a good idea. It is the ISO standard for date formats, recognized by most databases.
when you just filter by the date, it is with regard to the time as per the standard.

Issue querying date from oracle.

I understand that querying a date will fail as its comparing a string to date and that can cause an issue.
Oracle 11.2 G
Unicode DB
select * from table where Q_date='16-Mar-09';
It can be solved by
select * from table where trunc(Q_date) = TO_DATE('16-MAR-09', 'DD-MON-YY');
What I don't get is why this works.
select* from table where Q_date='07-JAN-08';
If anyone can please elaborate or correct my mindset.
Oracle does allow date literals, but they depend on the installation (particularly the value of NLS_DATE_FORMAT as explained here). Hence, there is not a universal format for interpreting a single string as a date (unless you use the DATE keyword).
The default format is DD-MM-YY, which seems to be the format for your server. So, your statement:
where Q_date = '07-JAN-08'
is interpreted using this format.
I prefer to use the DATE keyword with the ISO standard YYYY-MM-DD format:
where Q_Date = DATE '2008-01-07'
If this gets no rows returned:
select * from table where Q_date='16-Mar-09';
but this does see data:
select * from table where trunc(Q_date) = TO_DATE('16-MAR-09', 'DD-MON-YY');
then you have rows which have a time other than midnight. At this point in the century DD-MON-RR and DD-MON-YY are equivalent, and both will see 09 as 2009, so the date part is right. But the first will only find rows where the time is midnight, while the second is stripping the time off via the trunc, meaning the dates on both sides are at midnight, and therefore equal.
And since this also finds data:
select* from table where Q_date='07-JAN-08';
... then you have rows at midnight on that date. You might also have rows with other times, so checking the count with the trunc version might be useful.
You can check the times you actually have with:
select to_char(q_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from table;
If you do want to make sure you catch all times within the day you can use a range:
select * from table where
q_date >= date '2009-03-16'
and q_date < date '2009-03-17';
Quick SQL Fiddle demo.
Although it sounds like you're expecting all the times to be midnight, which might indicate a data problem.

Issue with Fetching Date using SYSDATE?

I have a table structure having a EMP_DATE column as below
---- -----------
5400 14-FEB-2012
and i have inserted records into the table as below
After inserting records while i am trying to fetch the records of those who has EMP_DATE
as SYSDATE its giving no rows selected.
For time being let the SYSDATE be '01-JUL-2012`
i was not able figure out any solution .
Any suggestions would be helpful .
The main problem is that a date includes hours, minutes and seconds, which you're not allowing for. If you want everything for a single day you can use the trunc function in order to get this:
By default trunc removes the time portion of a date, when operating on a date column. I would normally recommend a functional index on trunc(emp_date) in order to optimize this query. Something like:
create index i_test_date on test_date(trunc(emp_date));
I've built a little SQL Fiddle to demonstrate this.
There is an additional problem; though Oracle does support ANSI date literals your second query is wrong. Always, explicitly convert to a string to a date using the to_date function.
SELECT * FROM TEST_DATE WHERE EMP_DATE = to_date('01-07-2012','dd-mm-yyyy');
I've used the mm datetime format model instead of mon as there's no guarantee that JUL will always mean July; it depends on your NLS parameters, what "date language" your particular database or session is using. A datetime format model is how you tell the database the format of whatever string you're passing it to be converted into a date.
If you're interested the ANSI syntax for your second query would be:
It must be in this format (YYYY-MM-DD) to work.

Between operation for date in SQLite database

I have a table student with the following columns:
no - integer
name - string
startdate - date
enddate - date.
Date format is MM/DD/YYYY.
I will give a date as input. Now I need a query the inputdate which found in between the start and end date.
For an example I will give 04/14/2012, then the query should return the 1st record as in the figure.
(because input date (04/14/2012) is found in between the 04/10/2012 to 04/20/2012)
Please help me.
The issue you are having is caused by your assumption that sqlite has a date/datetime type when in fact it doesn't.
I suggest you read the following to have a better understanding of sqlite types.
The dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format are handled as TEXT by sqlite, and so those dates are compared as strings. For example, 02/01/2012 is considered bigger than 01/02/2012by sqlite if compared directly.
You will need to transform those dates to a format that can be string-compared. Here is an example:
sqlite> create table foo (d TEXT);
sqlite> insert into foo values ('02/01/2012');
sqlite> select substr(d, 7, 4) || substr(d, 1, 2) || substr(d, 4, 2) from foo;
You should post what you have tried so far.
There should be a between clause that you can use:
select * from table
where inputdate between startdate and enddate
Dates as a date type in SQLite don't exist. There are a number of approaches to dealing with dates - store them as integer seconds since 1 Jan 1970 (unixepoch) or store them as strings, but if you do, then you really need to store them in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format because that is what the date functions require as input.
Assuming you use the string format in the format I suggested then your query would look something like
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Date(Inputdate) BETWEEEN Date(startDate) AND Date(EndDate);
(although you may want to format the output of the date columns to US date format with
SELECT Strftime("%m/%d/%Y",startDate) As StartDate ...
If you use seconds since 1970 its somewhat easier because the seconds just compare without needing the convert them to dates, although you still might want to output in US date format, so ...
SELECT Strftime("%m/%d/%Y",startDate) As StartDate ... FROM Table WHERE inputDate BETWEEN startDate and EndDate;
sqlite> select *from tbl_node where mydate between '2014-02-02' and '2014-02-06';
it show the output :-
1|1|123|456|12eb-ab|1|1|254|123|19|2014-02-03 16:00:44
2|1|123|456|12eb-ab|1|1|254|123|19|2014-02-03 16:01:03
3|1|123|456|12eb-ab|1|1|254|123|19|2014-02-03 16:00:57
4|1|123|456|12eb-ab|1|1|254|123|19|2014-02-03 16:00:34
Here mydate is column name in tbl_node;
we can also use from current time , using now.
sqlite> select *from tbl_node where mydate between '2014-02-02' and 'now';