I am working with gwtext. I took one panel and set its collapsible to true, I want to show the text on its collapsed line.
Does any body know how to do that?
screen shot is attached for the same.
When I open my react-select component with an item already selected, the menu is scrolled upwards with white space of the next item showing at the bottom:
Menu scrolled upwards on open
What I am required to do, however, is to make it look like this, that is, to have my selected item at the very bottom of the menu box:
Menu as I am trying to get it to look on open
Documentation did not help me regarding this particular issue. Is there a way to achieve this, or is this behaviour imposed by react-select?
Can someone give me insight how can I achieve the form with panel title first and then menu bar below panel (barmanager). Because devexpress always put barmanager on top
Thank you
After I add standalonebardock, the result as picture shown below: the red bar is standalonebardock
After I drag the barmanager menu into standalonedock, now it is already inside the dock. But the menu still on top docking, what I need how to make space above menu so I can write title/image/etc
The StandaloneBarDockControl control allows bars to be displayed at any position within the form, not simply docked to the form’s edge. To do this, create a StandaloneBarDockControl object and add bars to it. Bars can be added to the control at design time or runtime.
I have a program that generates textboxes in a Panel called "PayeGrid". The panel also contains a TableLayoutPanel for displaying Headers for each row of textboxes. See the image below:
When running the program, I can scroll horizontally using PayeGrid scroll bars and the Headers also scroll along,as intended, because they are contained within PayeGrid:
Horizontal Scroll
However, when I scroll vertically, the headers also scroll down and disappear from view.
Vertical Scroll
How can I freeze the TableLayoutPanel when scrolling vertically?
instead of Using Panel and Table Layout Try Using DataGridView ..that may provide freezed header and Scroll its Content Only..
try using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfa1hnpKIzk
I'm working on a WP8.1 app.
I have a circle in the appbar which is an button icon (transparent png).
Also I have a textbox on the screen of the app. When I enter a number in that text box can i show that number also in the middle of the circle in the appbar as well?
In other words can I have dynamic txt content in a WP8.1 app bar overlaid on top or bottom of a transparent Appbar button icon?
Yes you could have that number in that appbar. First you should get the value entered in the textbox using the Tag property. Then pass value to the Text property of the Appbar using the name you gave:
sampleAppBar.Text = //the value you get from the textbox
For more refer here:
Programatically changing the appbar icons
Hope it helps!
How do I make a TW3ListBox scrollable when the number of items is too large to display in the current display space?
TW3ListBox is scrollable by default. Just click and drag (or tap and drag) and it will scroll.