Cannot make Rhino Mocks return the correct type - rhino-mocks

I just started a new job and one of the first things I've been asked to do is build unit tests for the code base (the company I now work for is committed to automated testing but they do mostly integration tests and the build takes forever to complete).
So everything started nicely, I started to break dependencies here and there and started writing isolated unit tests but now I'm having an issue with rhino mocks not being able to handle the following situation:
//authenticationSessionManager is injected through the constructor.
var authSession = authenticationSessionManager.GetSession(new Guid(authentication.SessionId));
((IExpirableSessionContext)authSession).InvalidateEnabled = false;
The type that the GetSession method returns is SessionContext and as you can see it gets casted into the IExpirableSessionContext interface.
There is also an ExpirableSessionContext object that inherits from SessionContext and implements the IExpirableSessionContext interface.
The way the session object is stored and retrieved is shown in the following snippet:
private readonly Dictionary<Guid, SessionContext<TContent>> Sessions= new Dictionary<Guid, SessionContext<TContent>>();
public override SessionContext<TContent> GetSession(Guid sessionId)
var session = base.GetSession(sessionId);
if (session != null)
return session;
public override SessionContext<TContent> CreateSession(TContent content)
var session = new ExpirableSessionContext<TContent>(content, SessionTimeoutMilliseconds, new TimerCallback(InvalidateSession));
Sessions.Add(session.Id, session);
return session;
Now my problem is when I mock the call to GetSession, even though I'm telling rhino mocks to return an ExpirableSessionContext<...> object, the test throws an exception on the line where it's being casted into the IExpirableSession interface, here is the code in my test (I know I'm using the old syntax, please bear with me on this one):
Mocks = new MockRepository();
IAuthenticationSessionManager AuthenticationSessionMock;
AuthenticationSessionMock = Mocks.DynamicMock<IAuthenticationSessionManager>();
var stationAgentManager = new StationAgentManager(AuthenticationSessionMock);
var authenticationSession = new ExpirableSessionContext<AuthenticationSessionContent>(new AuthenticationSessionContent(AnyUserName, AnyPassword), 1, null);
using (Mocks.Record())
using (Mocks.Playback())
var result = stationAgentManager.StartDeploymentSession(anyAuthenticationCookie);
I think it makes sense the cast fails since the method returns a different kind of object and the production code works since the session is being created as the correct type and stored in a dictionary which is code the test will never run since it is being mocked.
How can I set this test up to run correctly?
Thank you for any help you can provide.

Turns out everything is working fine, the problem was that on the setup for each test there is an expectation on that method call:
So this expectation was overriding the one I set on my own test. I had to take this expectation out of the setup method, include it on a helper method and have all the other tests use this one instead.
Once out of the way, my test started working.


How to unit test azure function using Xunit and Moq

I am very new to unit tests and recently started learning it from various online resources.
But still it confuses me when I need to implement it in my code.
For the given image which I have attached here, could anyone of you suggest me how should I start or where to start?
This is Azure function which I will be creating unit test for, framework/library I would prefer is Xunit and moq.
As mentioned in a comment, a good place to start when unit testing is looking at your code and identifying the different "paths" it can take and what the result of that path will be.
if (inventoryRequest != null)
// path 1
await _inventoryService.ProcessRequest(inventoryRequest);
_logger.LogInformation("HBSI Inventory Queue trigger function processed.");
// path 2
_logger.LogInformation("Unable to process HBSI Rate plan Queue.");
In your code, because of your if statement, there are 2 possible paths which will end in 2 different results = 2 unit tests.
Now you can start creating your unit tests but first you need to find out what you need to set up to be able to trigger your code.
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IInventoryService _inventoryService;
public InventoryServiceBusFunction(ILogger logger, IInventoryService inventoryService)
_logger = logger;
_inventoryService = inventoryService;
You have some dependencies being passed into your constructor with interfaces - great, this means we can mock them. We want to mock dependencies in unit tests because we want to control their behaviour for the tests. Also, mocking the dependencies negates any "real" behaviour the dependency might be performing i.e. database operations, API calls etc.
Using Moq we can mock the objects like so:
public class InventoryServiceBusFunctionTests
private readonly Mock<ILogger> _mockLogger = new Mock<ILogger>();
private readonly Mock<IInventoryService> _mockInventoryService = new Mock<IInventoryService>();
We will use these mocks later to make verifications on behaviour we expect to happen.
Next, we need to create an instance of the actual class we want to test.
// using a constructor in the test class will run this code before each test
public InventoryServiceBusFunctionTests()
// pass the mocked objects to initialize class
_inventoryServiceBusFunction = new InventoryServiceBusFunction(_mockLogger.Object, _mockInventoryService.Object);
Now that we have an instance of the InventoryServiceBusFunction class, we can use any of the public properties/methods in our tests.
public async Task GivenInventoryRequest_WhenFunctionRuns_ThenInventoryServiceProcessesRequest()
Now, remembering the paths from earlier, we can start to create the test cases. We can take the first path and create a [Fact] for it. You want to give your test case a meaningful name. I usually use the style of Given_When_Then to describe what is expected to happen.
Next, I usually add 3 comment sections to my test case:
// arrange
// act
// assert
This allows me to clearly see which parts of the test are doing what.
// act
await _inventoryServiceBusFunction.Run(inventoryRequest);
Next, I would fill in the \\ act section because this will tell me (via Intellisense) what I need to arrange. e.g. above, when hovering my mouse over the Run method, I can see that I need to pass an instance of InventoryRequest.
// arrange
var inventoryRequest = new InventoryRequest
Name = "abc123",
Quantity = 2,
Tags = new List<string>
In the \\ arrange section, initialize an instance of the InventoryRequest class and set the properties. This can be any data as we aren't really interested in the data itself but more what happens when the code runs.
if (inventoryRequest != null)
// path 1
await _inventoryService.ProcessRequest(inventoryRequest);
_logger.LogInformation("HBSI Inventory Queue trigger function processed.");
Lastly, the \\ assert section. Here, we want to make assertions on what we expect to happen given the set up of the test. So given the InventoryRequest is not null, we expect the if to evaluate to true and we expect the _inventoryService.ProcessRequest(inventoryRequest) method to be executed.
// assert
.Verify(x => x.ProcessRequest(It.Is<InventoryRequest>(ir => ir.Name == inventoryRequest.Name
&& ir.Quantity == inventoryRequest.Quantity
&& ir.Tags.Contains(inventoryRequest.Tags[0]))));
In Moq, we can use the .Verify() method on the mock object to assert that the method was called. We can use the It.Is<T> syntax to make assertions on the data that is passed to the method.
Here is the full test case for path 1:
public async Task GivenInventoryRequest_WhenFunctionRuns_ThenInventoryServiceProcessesRequest()
// arrange
var inventoryRequest = new InventoryRequest
Name = "abc123",
Quantity = 2,
Tags = new List<string>
// act
await _inventoryServiceBusFunction.Run(inventoryRequest);
// assert
.Verify(x => x.ProcessRequest(It.Is<InventoryRequest>(ir => ir.Name == inventoryRequest.Name
&& ir.Quantity == inventoryRequest.Quantity
&& ir.Tags.Contains(inventoryRequest.Tags[0]))));
Then for path 2, you are setting up the test so that the else condition is executed.
public async Task GivenInventoryRequestIsNull_WhenFunctionRuns_ThenInventoryServiceDoesNotProcessRequest()
// arrange
InventoryRequest inventoryRequest = null;
// act
await _inventoryServiceBusFunction.Run(inventoryRequest);
// assert
.Verify(x => x.ProcessRequest(It.IsAny<InventoryRequest>()), Times.Never);
Note - in the \\ assert here, I am asserting that the await _inventoryService.ProcessRequest(inventoryRequest) method is never called. This is because you want the test to fail in this scenario as the method should only be executed in the if condition. You may also choose to verify that the logger method is called with the correct message.

Strongly typed configuration is not registered but still retrieved from ServiceProvider

I wrote a test that checks that every ...Configuration class in my project (I have several of them) is resolved when I call serviceProvider.GetRequiredService. The test works, but I don't understand why it works also when I remove the registration for a class: I just need to register a single configuration. For example:
public void Test()
var configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
var services = new ServiceCollection();
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var configurationSection = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IOptionsMonitor<ElasticSearchConfiguration>>();
Assert.Equal("elasticsearchserverurl", configurationSection.CurrentValue.ServerUrl);
if I run the test in this way, without any call to services.Configure, then I get the expected behaviour with a "No service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Options.IOptionsMonitor`1[TNW.Server.Configurations.ElasticSearchConfiguration]' has been registered." exception.
If I remove the comment on the line about services.Configure (note: about another configuration section!) then I always get an empty but not null configuration object.
From the documentation GetRequiredService should throw the exception and GetService should return a null object.
I want to understand what is going on in order to be sure that I am not doing anything wrong and eventually I don't need to care about missing registrations here.

Reading parameters from TestNG file

I successfully implemented several tests within TestNG framework, where parameters are being read from xml file.
Here is the example block that is executed as first:
#Parameters({ "country" })
#BeforeSuite(alwaysRun = true)
public void prepareRequest(String country, ITestContext cnt) {
LoginInfoRequestParm loginParms = new LoginInfoRequestParm(country);
Headers reqHeaders = new Headers();
The problem/question is, why does it work only if the ITestContext is specified? Once it is removed, the overall suite is broken and it will never come to the specified method prepareRequest(). I was not able to debug it, because I cannt set breakpoint before the method to be able to see what is going on in TestNG itself.
Thank you for your explanation.
To get out of this situation, try something like this
String myPar = context.getCurrentXmlTest().getParameter("country");
if (myPar == null) {
myPar = "INDIA";
now myPar can be used, only thing here is if you run class for debug or any other purpose then we are using INDIA. if we run from testng.xml file then it will take values from that file.

Unit test service call

I'm trying to unit test code surrounding a service call - i want to test that
1. the client.retrieveDetails call is made,
2. the client.retrieveDetails call is made with the correct request and
3. the result contains an error code and an exception is thrown if it matches a specific one.
I have the following method in a class, it contains other operations as well. I need to instantiate the proxy in each method call (MyClient), so i cannot have one instance of it at class level. How can I unit test this method?
public virtual List<Detail> GetDetails(long code)
detail_Type[] details;
var client = new MyClient();
var context = ContextV2();
var result = client.retrieveDetails(
ref context,
out details);
_exceptionGenerator.ThrowExceptionIfCodeIncorrect("" + result.resultCode, result.resultMessage);
List<Detail> response = Mapper.Map<detail_Type[], List<Detail>>(details);
return response;
the client.retrieveDetails call is made
the client.retrieveDetails call is made with the correct request and
You can create a wrapper around your service and use a mock. If you use a mock framework like moq, it is pretty easy to check for a method call.
the result contains an error code and an exception is thrown if it matches a specific one.
For this, I would create separate tests, which only tests the behaviour of the service implementation.

How do you set a custom session when unit testing with wicket?

I'm trying to run some unit tests on a wicket page that only allows access after you've logged in. In my JUnit test I cannot start the page or render it without setting the session.
How do you set the session? I'm having problems finding any documentation on how to do this.
WicketTester tester = new WicketTester(new MyApp());
//Fails to start below, no session seems to be set
What I frequently do is to provide a fake WebApplication with overrides for things that I want to mock or stub.
Among the things I override is the method
public abstract Session newSession(Request request, Response response);
which allows you to return a fake session setup with anything you want.
This is in Wicket 1.3 - if you're using 1.4, some of this may have changed, and as noted in another response, it may be related to a wicket bug.
But assuming the interface hasn't changed too much, overriding this method may also be another way of working around the issue in WICKET-1215.
You may be running into WICKET-1215. Otherwise what you're doing looks fine. For example, I have a Junit4 setup method that looks like:
public void createTester() {
tester = new WicketTester( new MyApp() );
// see
MyAppSession session = (MyAppSession) tester.getWicketSession();
Using Wicket 1.4, I use my normal WebApplication and WebSession implementations, called NewtEditor and NewtSession in my app. I override newSession, where I do the same than in the regular app code, except that I sign in right away. I also override newSessionStore for performance reasons, I copied this trick from WicketTesters code.
tester = new WicketTester(new NewtEditor()
public Session newSession(Request request, Response response)
NewtSession session = new NewtSession(request);
return session;
protected ISessionStore newSessionStore()
// Copied from WicketTester: Don't use a filestore, or we spawn lots of threads,
// which makes things slow.
return new HttpSessionStore(this);