How to create loading mask on a XUL panel using JQuery or JScript - xul

does anyone know how to create a loading mask over a XUL panel with JQuery or normal Javascript?
i am developing a firefox extension and i need the loading mask over some of the panels to avoid the user from making any further input while information is being submitted.
First of, i don't really know if mozilla supports loading masks over XUL panels because all the JQuery scripts i tried so far make the panel disappear instead of masking it.
thanks for reading

XUL uses box layout which makes typical techniques from HTML like absolutely positioned divs malfunction. You should use a XUL <stack> tag (see and put both your content and your half-transparent layer as its children. When you make the half-transparent layer visible it will appear on top of the content. For example:
<stack flex="1">
<hbox id="content" align="center" pack="center">
<button label="Click here" oncommand="document.getElementById('busy').hidden = false;"/>
<hbox id="busy" hidden="true"/>
And some CSS code:
#busy {
background-color: black;
opacity: 0.5;


Why do Vue Material dialogs tend to move off screen?

I am using a dialog from Vue Material ( If I follow the link and open the first custom dialog on the page, it moves to the top left of my screen, and I can only see a portion of the dialog. The same happens with the dialogs that I have in my Vue app, and no CSS seems to bring it to the center of my screen. I am trying to show an interactive map in a dialog. Is there any way to keep my Vue dialog in the center of the browser window so I could actually see all of it and use it?
My dialog has the following markup:
<md-dialog :md-active.sync="showDialog">
<interactivemap :lat="lat" :lon="lon" />
<md-button class="md-primary" #click="showDialog = false">Close</md-button>
It works the same in my browser: both at the docs and code sandbox.
When it's off the screen, the inner div (with the class .md-dialog > .md-dialog-container) has transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1);, pushing it off.
Edit: yea, every dialog box has this CSS bug. Try overriding it and/or notify the devs.
.md-dialog-container {
transform: translate(0%,0%) scale(1) !important;
Modified the answer given by, and my dialogue now sits nicely in the centre of my screen

how to customise the bg-color of the menu in elementUI

In elementUI the default background-color is white ; when choosing the them:dark , it is black, but how can I customise the bg-color by myself?
I have tried to add the style property at the el-menu tag , but it didn't work
<el-menu style="{background-color: rgb(36,36,36)!important}"
I try to find the source code of the css file of el-menu tag and I try to change some setting relating to background-color, don't work either
the menu component just like
somebody told me I can code like this
<el-menu style="{backgroundColor: yello}.." but it didn't work
The class for that particular element is not modifiable, have a look:
'el-menu--horizontal': mode === 'horizontal',
'el-menu--dark': theme === 'dark',
'el-menu--collapse': collapse
So your choices are:
Wrap it in a custom <div class="my-specific-selector and target it with .my-specific-selector .el-menu
Override the CSS for the dark theme
Copy + paste contents of component into your own file, adjust accordingly, use that instead.
you can try put background color directly like this
style="height: 61px;"

How to make items responsive in

I Want to make my form items responsive when re-size application window like the websites but i can't do it.
I want to make it always in the center of the application window i was used "anchor" property but it doesn't do it.
there is any way to do this ??
You can centre a control on the form by using CSS. For example:
width: 60%;
margin: 0 auto;
Then use the HTML:
<div class="deskTop">
... Define controls to be centred ...
The DIV containing the control will always be 60% the width of the current form size, and will be automatically centred when the form resizes.

Set specific color in qt5 webview transparent

I'm developing Qt5 webview based application and I need to make a specific color inside webview be transparent or have an alpha channel.
For example, web page, loaded into webview, may have fullscreen div with a background color (black in most cases, but may be another color). I need to make this color (with webview itself) be semi-transparent. All others elements on the application form should be visible through this webview.
I think I understand your question, you want to let the WebView with the semi-opaque background (or something).
You can try to remove the background of webview, use this (source: ):
QPalette palette = ui->webView->palette(); //Get webView palette
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Base, Qt::transparent);
ui->webView->page()->setPalette(palette); //Set transparent palette
ui->webView->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false);//Remove opaque
In your css file (into html), use this:
body {
background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2);//Edit "0.2" to obtain the opacity needed.

Using the Extension dojo layout Content Pane and Border Pane

I have created a simple Layout control using the Dojo Content Pane Border Container and Border Pane.
<xe:djContentPane id="djContentPane1" style="width:auto; height:500px;">
<xe:djBorderContainer id="djBorderContainer1">
<xe:djBorderPane id="djBorderPane1" region="top">Header
<xe:djBorderPane id="djBorderPane2" region="center">Main
<xe:djBorderPane id="djBorderPane3" region="bottom">Footer
<xe:djBorderPane id="djBorderPane4" region="left"
style="width:auto">main Navigator
It does pretty much what I want (obviously no styling on it at this point) except for two things:
1. I can't figure out how to make the djContentPane fill the full space available on the screen. The width:auto works but there does not appear to be a corresponding height specification.
2. I added a repeat control view into the region="center" and it displays fine except when the content exceeds the height available there is no scrollbar. I think as I read some of the help this should be the default for the "center" djBorderPane. Do I have to define the scrollbar?
ad 1.: use height:100% instead of "auto"; works fine for me, at least using Firefox (haven't tried other browsers)
ad 2.: I put a panel around the repeat as recommended in my above comment. Then I added overflow:auto; as a style property to the panel. Instead of using an extra panel you also could add that to the repeat itself, but I usually prefer styling an outer div because sometimes you want to set the removeRepeat property and then lose its own styling possibilities. Here's my portion of the border panel's code:
<xe:djBorderPane id="djBorderPane2" region="center">Main Body
<xp:panel id="outerDiv" style="width:100%;height:100%;overflow:auto;">
<xp:repeat id="repeat1" rows="30" var="rowData">
<![CDATA[#{javascript:["row1", "row2", "row3", "row4"]}]]>
<xp:panel id="innerDiv">
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1" value="#{javascript:rowData}">
again, works fine for me