Dojo query on specific ContentPane in TabContainer - dojo

I have a TabContainer with different tabs (ContentPanes). I am loading each type dynamically when the user selects something from a tree. I would like to be able to run a certain JS function on the newly loaded ContentPane/Tab. So something in this form:
function(selectTag) {
selectTag.disabled = true;
However, I only want to process this on the newly loaded ContentPane/Tab... so let's say given a ContentPane/Tab Dojo Object, how do I do a forEach/query on its content only?

You can give dojo.query a second argument telling it in which DOM node to start looking. So if you have a ContentPane with id "fooTab", you can do:
dojo.forEach(dojo.query("select", "fooTab"),
function(selectTag) {
Now, technically, "fooTab" is the "dijit ID", but the dijit's/ContentPane's outermost DOM node will also have an id "fooTab". Perhaps not the kosher way, but it works.


Dojo Dgrid - Events in Configuration

I've been looking into dgrid and I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to attach an event to a grid that uses dojo/on without explicitly calling grid.on but, instead, passes it as a method (or set of methods) in the initial configuration of the grid. The reason for this is because the grid instance itself out of scope upon creation and I can't find any documentation on it.
So, instead of
var grid = new (declare[Grid])({}, element);
grid.on('.dgrid-row:click', function(){console.log('Hello World!')});
having something like
var grid = new (declare[Grid])({
'events' : {
'.dgrid-row:click' : function(){console.log('Hello World!')}
}, element);
Ideas? Alternatives?
You can use the the DijitRegistry extension, which will allow you to get a reference to your grid like you would with a normal dijit widget, through registry.byId... then you can use grid.on, as usual.
Example :

programmatic view transition in dojo mobile

I would like to perform a programmatic view transition.
Here is a code I've tried :
var v = registry.byId('myenergy-pane');
Here is another one
var v = registry.byId('myenergy-pane');
None of them is working.
Thanks for your help.
The second code you provided should work, but that's considering the following facts:
The code is executed after the DOM is loaded and the views are parsed by the dojo/parser. The correct way to indicate that is by using dojo/ready, for example:
require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready) {
var v = registry.byId('myenergy-pane');
v.performTransition("home-pane", 1, "slide", null);
Both given IDs (myenergy-pane and home-pane) are related to a widget (not only a DOM node) and are both views (dojox/mobile/View or inheriting from).
Make sure you are loading dijit/registry and the registry module alias is actually mapped to the correct module.
I also made a JSFiddle to demonstrate that it should be working:

Dojo:how to find if the widget has focus in dojo

how do I find out if my custom widget has focus in Dojo?
i have dojo editor i wnat to know if the editor has already focus or not?
you can use the module dijit/focus to find out the focus
Tracking active widgets
At any point in time there is a set of (for lack of a better word)
“active” or “focused” widgets, meaning the currently focused widget
and that widget’s ancestors. “Ancestor” can mean either DOM ancestor
(ex: TextBox –> Form), or a logical parent-child relationship (ex:
TooltipDialog –> DropDownButton).
For example, if focus is on a TextBox inside a TabContainer inside a
TooltipDialog triggered by a DropDownButton, the stack would be
TextBox –> ContentPane –> TabContainer –> TooltipDialog –>
The activeStack[] parameter indicates this set of widgets, and an app
can monitor changes to activeStack[] by:
require([ "dijit/focus" ], function(focusUtil){"activeStack", function(name, oldValue, newValue){
console.log("Focused widget + ancestors: ", newValue.join(", "));
the question in title has a different answer than the one in the descriptions.
there are two ways achieving the question in the title, by using dojo's focusUtil ("dijit/focus"). both ways give you something that you could find the widget using it and the dijit's registry ("dijit/registry").
focusUtil.curNode: gives you the DOM Node that currently has the focus. the function below, you could get the widget reference.
function getWidgetByNode(node){
var result;
while (!result && node){
result = registry.byNode(node);
if (node.parentElement)
node = node.parentElement;
node = null;
return result;
var focusedWidget = getWidgetByNode(focusUtil.curNode)
focusUtil.activeStack: gives you an array of the widgets (parent to child) that has the focus. so the last item in the array is the direct widget which has the focus. index values are widget ids, so you should get the widget by the following code
var focusedWidgetId = focusUtil.activeStack[focusUtil.activeStack.length-1];
var focusedWidget = registry.byId(focusedWidgetId);
now if you want to know if the currently focused widget is some specific one, it depends on what you have in hands from that specific widget:
widget itself: like the return values of above samples. now you have to compare if these are the same thing. you can not compare two widget objects using the == operator. you could compare their ids like this: ==
widget's id: this way you just easily get the id of the current node from focusUtil and compare it with the id you have liek this:
myWidgetId == focusedWidgetId
require([ "dijit/focus" ], function(focusUtil){
var activeElement = focusUtil.curNode; // returns null if there is no focused element
check blow url here you can see some examples
a) For dojo 1.6: call dijit.getFocus(). This will return an object containing the currently focused dom node, among other things (selected text, etc.). To get the corresponding widget, simply do:
var activeElement = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(dijit.getFocus().node);
This is the full reference for dijit.getFocus(), from the source code:
// summary:
// Called as getFocus(), this returns an Object showing the current focus
// and selected text.
// Called as getFocus(widget), where widget is a (widget representing) a button
// that was just pressed, it returns where focus was before that button
// was pressed. (Pressing the button may have either shifted focus to the button,
// or removed focus altogether.) In this case the selected text is not returned,
// since it can't be accurately determined.
// menu: dijit._Widget or {domNode: DomNode} structure
// The button that was just pressed. If focus has disappeared or moved
// to this button, returns the previous focus. In this case the bookmark
// information is already lost, and null is returned.
// openedForWindow:
// iframe in which menu was opened
// returns:
// A handle to restore focus/selection, to be passed to `dijit.focus`.
b) For dojo 1.7 and up, use dijit/focus:
require([ "dijit/focus" ], function(focusUtil) {
var activeElement = focusUtil.curNode; // returns null if there is no focused element

DojoX Mobile ListItem load HTML via AJAX and then remove from DOM

Let's say in a view I have a DojoX Mobile ListItem that is pulling an HTML view fragment into the DOM via AJAX and then transitioning to that view. Assume this is all working fine.
Now, I go back to the initial view that had that ListItem on it and click some other button that destroys that view node from the DOM. If I now click on that ListItem that previously loaded that view node into the DOM (which has now been removed), it will try to transition to a view that doesn't exist. It doesn't know that it has been removed.
Is there some type of way to tell a ListItem that it needs to fetch the HTML again because what was previously fetched no longer exists? I am not seeing anything about doing this in any documentation anywhere. I don't think a code sample is really necessary here, but I can provide a minimal one if necessary.
I went a different route and left the view exist in the DOM, and simply made a function that clears all sensitive data out of the view.
Okay, in this case, i guess you could hook the onShow function of your ListItem container(or any other onchange event). Create a listener for said handle to evaluate if your item needs reloading. Following is under the assumtion that it is the item.onclick contents showing - and not the label of your item which contains these informations
Or better yet, do all this during initialization so that your ListItem container will be an extended with custom onClick code.
Seems simple but may introduce some quirks, where/when/if you programatically change to this item, however here goes:
function checkItem() {
// figure out if DOM is present and if it should be
if( isLoggedIn() ) {
this.getChildren().forEach(function(listitem) {
if( dojo.query("#ID_TO_LOOK_FOR", listitem.domNode).length == 0 ) {
// this references the listItem, refresh contents.
// Note: this expects the listitem to be stateful, have no testing environment at time being but it should be
listitem.set("url", listitem.url);
Preferably, set this in your construct of the container for your ListItems
var listItemParent = new{
onShow : checkItem,
Or create listener
var listItemParent = dijit.byId('itemRegistryId');
// override onClick - calling inheritance chain once done
dojo.connect(listItemParent, "onClick", listItemParent, checkItem);

Check if Dojo's content pane is available or not

I have a requirement where I need to create a dojox.layout.ContentPane programmatically.
function constructContentPane(methodToBeCalled){
var testCntPane=new dojox.layout.ContentPane({
href: "some url",
executeScripts: true,
cleanContent: true,
onDownloadEnd: methodToBeCalled
This places the content pane inside testContentPaneId and calls methodToBeCalled method once the content pane is created.
I have two questions.
How do I check if the content pane is already created or not? I tried to check using the code below
if(dijit.byId("testContentPaneId") == undefined) {
//then don't create again
But this did not work. Each time it creates the content pane with the id dojox_layout_ContentPane_0. The last digit gets incremented each time.
Is this the right way to pass the onComplete method as argument? This is how I invoke this
Is there any better way to do this? How do I invoke that method? I tried using eval(methodToBeCalled), but that did not work.
When you use the placeAt() method then the widget will be placed as a child to the specified dom node. I think in your case you should pass the dom directly to the constructor of the content pane.
Try doing like this instead:
var testCntPane=new dojox.layout.ContentPane({
href:"some url",
}, "testContentPaneId");
This will also make sure that the id of the content pane is testContentPaneId