Do SSL required to prevent eavesdropping? - ssl

To the best of my knowledge SSL is to prevent only Eavesdropping i.e. plucking the digital data passing across a network. So, to prevent password SSL encrypts the data at the login page and decrypt it at database. Finally it carries information securely. I think this can be implemented even using some encryption algorithms like Md5/SHA/other?
What's the difference between SSL and normal encryption?
Please correct me if any of the above statements are false.

SSL is a protocol for transmitting encrypted data. It is not an encryption algorithm, per se. Though HTTPS uses SSL to encrypt web communications, SSL wasn't built for HTTP and has little to do with login pages, though it is common for login pages to be accessed via HTTPS (and hence SSL). Many secure protocols are carried over SSL.
MD5 and the SHA family aren't encryption algorithms either. They are hashing algorithms.

SSL can not prevent eavesdropping if the CA is not safe. As we have seen lately. The data is encrypted via SSL thats right e.g. not like you mentioned with Hashes(Hashing is not Encryption) its using encryption algorithms. Asynchronous and synchronous algorithms. The Asynchronous encryption is a certificate implementation.
To your question: "Whats the difference"
SSL - is a commonly used and accepted way of using encryption e.g for HTTPS in order to secure HTTP connection (using various encryption techniques) and a solid documentation of handshaking.
SSL is also used to secure different tcp protocols(like mail(smtps, pop3s, imaps), ftp(s), etc..)
Encyrption - is used inside SSL.
SSL is supported in common browsers and server implementations. If you would want to use "normal encryption" you have to implement everything by yourself.

To the best of my knowledge SSL is to
prevent only Eavesdropping
Incorrect. SSL provides secrecy, integrity, and authentication, and provides a mechanism for you the application to perform authorization. It protects you from eavesdropping, tampering, active man-in-the-middle attacks, truncation attacks, ... It is a lot more than mere encryption.


Encryption mechanism for local TCP communication

Sorry I'm not a cyber security expert but I'm looking for some insight! I would like to encrypt a standard TCP socket communication and thought about using SSL. Both devices might not be connected to the Internet and cannot communicate with a root CA to validate their certificates. This should do the trick to prevent sniffing the communication but doesn't protect agains man in the middle attack.
Alternatively, devices could generate and sign each other certificates but how to make this procedure secure?
Since it's pretty easy to hack, it probably doesn't worth the effort to implment ... Right? Or what encryption mechanism would you recommend?
Both devices might not be connected to the Internet and cannot communicate with a root CA to validate their certificates. This should do the trick to prevent sniffing the communication but doesn't protect agains man in the middle attack.
Not true. If a device is unable to reach internet, it would be unable to check certificate revocation (CRL/OCSP) . The client would still be able to validate the other's party certificate and its validity.
Alternatively, devices could generate and sign each other certificates but how to make this procedure secure?
You don't really need to sign each other's certificate, the parties just need to trust them.
As already commented, you can use a self-signed CA or a self-signed certificate and then there's a question how do you protect the generated and CA private keys (isn't that always the case?). IMHO - even without any internet access using the qualified certificates (signed by a trusted CA) is a good /best option.
pretty easy to hack.. Or what encryption mechanism would you recommend?
No, not really "easy to hack" provided you keep the private keys private.
I'd say SSL is the best option for ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the transport channels.

Recommend SSL certificate to receive sensitive data (Standard Vs Extended validation certificate)

I have a WCF service to receive sensitive data ( like SSN,Name,address,Driver License), To make sure information is securely transmitted and not accessible for anyone to view/change, I need to install SSL server certificate on clients server.
I am looking for recommendations to choose correct certificate for service. there are couple of certs available online
1. Standard cert
2. Extended validation certificate.
3. SSL Plus
4. Extended validation plus
The level of validation (i.e. domain, organization, extended, etc.) of an SSL certificate has only meaning to an end user; a simple domain validation certificate will let you setup a secure communication between you clients and your server.
The higher validation levels only give to a human more confidence about the site he / she is visiting, because a higher certificate level means that the organization has passed through more checks than with a simpler certificate.
If you're concerned about data communication security (and if you need it between two programs, without direct user intervention), you should instead turn your attention to encryption protocols and key lengths.
According to Qualys SSL Labs Best Practices, you should use 2048-bit RSA or 256-bit ECDSA private keys (I suggest you to read the whole guide).
As in all processes that involve encryption, higher levels of encryption means higher security, but lower performance, so choose wisely.
After you have chosen and installed the certificate, be sure to check your server with their SSL Server Test, to be sure that your whole encryption chain is secure enough and correctly configured.

Can I implement TLS by skipping some steps?

Is it possible to have a cut down implementation of TLS , where we just
presume the server we are connecting to is trusted - after the server sends its
certificate, can we bypass verification of this and do away with any further
processing , and get right into standard http ? Is using public key encryption
something that is absolutely necessary , or can it be skipped ?
Rewording my question.
Is it possible to write a tls engine by skipping the need to use RSA public key
code ?,
Can a client notify the server during the handshake that it just requires the severs certificate
info, company name, expiry dates and requests the secret cipher key to be sent in plain text.
Skipping something in a protocol I don't fully understand is generally a bad idea.
Only steps marked as optional in the RFC can be safely skipped.
Therefore if you don't plan to use client-side certificate based authentication you can skip it.
However what you can do however is limit the number of variations in your implementation. This means support only one TLS version (e.g. TLS 1.2) and support only one dedicated cipher suite.
Anyway the pitfalls when implementing TLS are so numerous that I recommend you to use an existing implementation (e.g. implementing in a way that does not allow side channel attacks is not that simple and requires knowledge on that topic). There are other implementations beside OpenSSL with a much smaller footprint.
BTW: If you can presume the connection is trusted you don't need TLS. If you need TLS it should be a secure.
where we just presume the server we are connecting to is trusted - after the server sends its certificate, can we bypass verification of this and do away with any further processing
The point of verification is less to find out if the server is trusted, but more that you are actually talking to the server you expect to. If you omit this step you are open to man-in-the-middle attacks.
But, TLS is a very flexible protocol and there are actually ways to use anonymous authentication or a shared secret with TLS and thus skip usage of certificates. Of course in this case you would need to have some other way to validate the server, because otherwise you would be still open to man-in-the-middle-attacks. And because this use case is mostly not relevant for the common usage on the internet it is usually not implemented inside the browsers.

Is it safe to use HTTPS without SSL certificates for my own domains?

I'd like to run some encrypted connections between some of my own servers. One can use Curl (or some other mechanism) to connect using HTTPS without SSL certificate verification. I'm using PHP, but the language probably isn't significant for this question.
I'm assuming using HTTPS without a SSL certificate is atleast more secure than doing the exact same connection over plain HTTP, since atleast it's encrypted and an evildoer would have to make a much larger effort to intercept en decrypt the information.
As far as I know an SSL certificate only says "this trusted third party says the server you connect to is owned by the guys that claim to own it". If I connect using my own domainname or IP address, I know I'm the owner. What additional value does an SSL certificate provide if I'm the owner of both ends of a connection?
Not verifying the identity of the server you connect to leaves the connection open to potential MITM attacks. SSL/TLS can be used without certificates (with anonymous cipher suites), but they're insecure (and disabled by default); as the TLS RFC says: "Note that this mode is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks and is therefore deprecated."
In addition, the HTTPS specification itself expects there to be an X.509 certificate.
Checking the identity of the remote party is a necessary element for securing your system. It's not very useful to exchange data secretly with a remote party who may not be who they claim they are (even if the secrecy is guaranteed).
This being said, you don't have to go via a commercial CA. You can either use self-signed certificates, which you would have to import individually into each client as trusted certificate, or create your own institutional CA. There are tools to do this, ranging from OpenSSL's (see man-page), TinyCA or OpenCA amongst others. Some operating systems also provide their own small CA capabilities.
If I connect using my own domainname or IP address, I know I'm the
owner. What additional value does an SSL certificate provide if I'm
the owner of both ends of a connection?
The certificate assures you that you're indeed connecting to your machine and that the traffic hasn't been intercepted. That's why you need to check that it's a certificate that you recognise.
SSL certificates are more for the piece of mind of your customers or those using your site. In either case, the data is being transmitted over the same connections - it's just a matter of whether or not a third party is certifying you as being safe.
At my last job, we did all of our internal data transfers at my last job via https/ftps but did not have an SSL certificate until very recently. Since the data transfers were internal, it made no difference.

Difference between SSL and Kerberos authentication?

I am trying to understand what's the actual difference between SSL and Kerberos authentications, and why sometimes I have both SSL traffic and Kerberos.
Or does Kerberos use SSL in any way?
Anyone could help?
Thank you!
SSL uses public key cryptography:
You (or your browser) has a public/private keypair
The server has a public/private key as well
You generate a symmetric session key
You encrypt with the server's public key and send this encrypted session key to the server.
The server decrypts the encrypted session key with its private key.
You and the server begin communicating using the symmetric session key (basically because symmetric keys are faster).
Kerberos does not use public key cryptography. It uses a trusted 3rd party. Here's a sketch:
You both (server and client) prove your identity to a trusted 3rd party (via a secret).
When you want to use the server, you check and see that the server is trustworthy. Meanwhile, the server checks to see that you are trustworthy. Now, mutually assured of each others' identity. You can communicate with the server.
While Kerberos and SSL are both protocols, Kerberos is an authentication protocol, but SSL is an encryption protocol. Kerberos usually uses UDP, SSL uses (most of the time) TCP. SSL authentication is usually done by checking the server's and the client's RSA or ECDSA keys embedded in something called X.509 certificates. You're authenticated by your certificate and the corresponding key. With Kerberos, you can be authenticated by your password, or some other way. Windows uses Kerberos for example, when used in domain.
Keep in mind: Recent versions of SSL are called TLS for Transport Layer Security.
To put simply, Kerberos is a protocol for establishing mutual identity trust, or authentication, for a client and a server, via a trusted third-party, whereas SSL ensures authentication of the server alone, and only if its public key has already been established as trustworthy via another channel. Both provides secure communication between the server and client.
More formally (but without getting into mathematical proofs), given a client C, server S, and a third-party T which both C and S trust:
After Kerbeos authentication, it is established that:
C believes S is who it intended to contact
S believes C is who it claims to be
C believes that it has a secure connection to S
C believes that S believes it has a secure connection to C
S believes that it has a secure connection to C
S believes that C believes it has a secure connection to S
SSL, on the other hand, only establishes that:
C believes S is who it intended to contact
C believes it has a secure connection to S
S believes it has a secure connection to C
Clearly, Kerberos establishes a stronger, more complete trust relationship.
Additionally, to establish the identity of S over SSL, C needs prior knowledge about S, or an external way to confirm this trust. For most people's everyday use, this comes in the form of Root Certificates, and caching of S's certificate for cross-referencing in the future.
Without this prior knowledge, SSL is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attack, where a third-party is able to pretend to be S to C by relaying communication between them using 2 separate secure channels to C and S. To compromise a Kerberos authentication, the eavesdropper must masquerade as T to both S and C. Note, however, that the set of trusts is still unbroken according to the goal of Kerberos, as the end-state is still correct according to the precondition "C and S trusts T".
Finally, as it has been pointed out in a comment, Kerberos can be and has been extended to use SSL-like mechanism for establishing the initial secure connection between C and T.
In short:
Kerberos usually does not encrypt transferring data, but SSL and TLS do.
"there are no standard APIs for accessing these messages. As of
Windows Vista, Microsoft does not provide a mechanism for user
applications to produce KRB_PRIV or KRB_SAFE messages." - from
In opposite, SSL and TLS usually do not transfer and proof Yours Windows domain login name to the server, but Kerberos does.
A short answer: SSL and Kerberos both use encryption but SSL uses a key that is unchanged during a session while Kerberos uses several keys for encrypting the communication between a client and a client.
In SSL, encryption is dealt with directly by the two ends of communication while in Kerberos, the encryption key is provided by a third party - some kind of intermediate - between the client and the server.
Kerberos was created by MIT as a solution to these network security problems. The Kerberos protocol uses strong cryptography so that a client can prove its identity to a server (and vice versa) across an insecure network connection. After a client and server has used Kerberos to prove their identity, they can also encrypt all of their communications to assure privacy and data integrity as they go about their business.
SSL is used for establishing server<-->server authentication via public key encryption.
Kerberos and TLS are not the things to compare. Their have different objectives and different methods. In the beginning of our article we mentioned the frequently asked questions like “which is better” and “what to choose”. The former is not a question at all: nothing is better and everything is good if you use it in a right way. The latter question is worth a serious consideration: what to choose depends on what you have and what you want.
If you want to secure your communications in a sense that nobody can read it or tamper it, perhaps the right choice is to use TLS or some other protocols based on it. A good example of TLS usage for securing World Wide Web traffic carried by HTTP is to use HTTPS. For secure file transferring you may use FTPS, and take into account that SMTP (though it stands for a “simple” mail transfer protocol, not “secure”) is also may be protected with TLS.
On the other hand, if you need to manage user access to services, you may want to use Kerberos. Imagine, for example, that you have several servers like Web server, FTP, SMTP and SQL servers, and optionally something else, everything on one host. Some clients are allowed to use SMTP and HTTP, but not allowed to use FTP, others may use FTP but don’t have access to your databases. This is exactly the situation when Kerberos is coming to use, you just have to describe user rights and your administrative policy in Authentication Server.
SSL authentication uses certifiactes to verify youself to server whereas Kerberos works entirely different.
SSL can be imported manually and added as per configurations in client and host manually.
Whereas kerberos is authentication where no password are transmitted over network. Here kerberos KDC server doesn't need to communicate with any service or host to verify the client. Client uses principle stored in kerberos to communicate with kerberos server. In return kerberos server provides ticket using keytab of other server stored beforehand. In the other server, the client provides the ticket and services matches the ticket with their own keytab and verify the client.
Simply put,
SSL is to encrypt the data so that the data cannot be understood by someone who is trying to steal it out in the network.
Kerberos is a network authentication protocol which helps in authenticating a client to talk to server without sharing any password/token during the time of the request.