can't enable net.tcp port sharing -

I'm doing my dev work on a Window 7 x64 machine, deploying to a Windows 2008 x32 server. At the moment I'm adding WCF services to some internal apps so that we can build smaller clients using net.tcp bindings that report to the user what the server is doing without running multiple instances of the server. To cut back on how much administration the apps will require, I tried enabling port sharing on my first server app. I'm using the app to self-host the WCF service so they can be easily moved from one server to another if necessary. Here's the code starting the server:
Dim _service_host As ServiceHost
Dim active_server_address As Uri = New UriBuilder("net.tcp", "localhost", CInt(My.Settings.ServerPort)).Uri
_service_host = New ServiceHost(GetType(UpdateServiceOps), active_server_address)
_service_host.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(IUpdateService), New NetTcpBinding With {.Name = "endpoint_tcp"}, "MiddlewareEndpoint")
_service_host.Description.Behaviors.Add(New ServiceMetadataBehavior)
_service_host.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(IMetadataExchange), MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding, "mex")
That works great. When I change it to what's below, however, I get an error. Here's the code:
Dim _service_host As ServiceHost
Dim active_server_address As Uri = New UriBuilder("net.tcp", "localhost", CInt(My.Settings.ServerPort)).Uri
_service_host = New ServiceHost(GetType(UpdateServiceOps), active_server_address)
_service_host.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(IUpdateService), New NetTcpBinding With {.Name = "endpoint_tcp", .PortSharingEnabled = True}, "MiddlewareEndpoint")
_service_host.Description.Behaviors.Add(New ServiceMetadataBehavior)
_service_host.AddServiceEndpoint(GetType(IMetadataExchange), MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding, "mex")
I get the following error when I put a breakpoint at the last line: Unable to automatically step into the server. Connecting to the server machine 'nettcpportsharing' failed. The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. The Try...Catch block housing that code says the exception type is AddressAlreadyInUseException...but when I run netstat I don't see anything else listening on that address. There's no occurrence of 'nettcpportsharing' anywhere in my solution. I've checked to make sure that the Net.Tcp Port Sharing service is started. Any ideas?

I think this may be a permissions issue. Please see the associated article which explains how to configure the port sharing service to support self-hosted services.
(For production purposes I would strongly recommend using IIS Hosting with WAS anyway - it makes management of the services much cleaner and you get dynamic startup/shutdown for free.)


FTP 425 Can't open data connection behind IIS

I need to write an application which connects to a FTP server. This FTP server does not allows passive mode connections. I can connect to the FTP server using Filezilla.
I have developed a C# WCF service which connects to this FTP server, using FTPWebRequest class.
Here are the basic settings of the FTPWebRequest object:
ftpreq.Proxy = null;
ftpreq.KeepAlive = true;
ftpreq.UsePassive = false;
When I run the WCF service from Visual Studio(Ctrl+F5) it connects to the FTP server and downloads required files without any issues
But when I host the service in my local IIS 7.5, it fails to connect to the FTP server with following error:
The remote server returned an error: (425) Can't open data connection.
After some googling on this problem, I tried playing around the firewall settings, but it was of no use. Not sure if it is related to some IIS security issue or something else.
Any help would be highly appreciated
This is my way:
Start\ Control Panel\ Windows Firewall\ Allowed Programs.
Here! Tick check box at your application to allow it through Windows FireWall.
Remember! Tick checkbox "Home/Work (private)" as well as checkbox "Public".
good luck!
here is complex solution
step 1
single ftp (non ftps) using two network channels (port and port ranges).
One (tcp:21) for auth, and second, used as data-channel for data.
When configuring ftp on iis, open 21 port for auth and control channel, then in iis control-panel on "FTP Firewall support" specify port range for data (5000-6000) and external ip of network interface married with ftp-server.
step 2
Finally, open tcp:21 in windows firewall and create custon rule, allowing connection on tcp:5000-6000. Restart system (or just restart services).
thats all.
ps. just remember, that ftp on iis using tcp:21 for control/auth and tcp:5000-6000 for data. tcp:5000-6000 may be changes in iis manager 1st, and opened in windows firewall second.
I commented this settings:
UseBinary, Proxy, KeepAlive, UsePassive
and now works good:
FtpWebRequest reqFTP;
reqFTP = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(ftpLocation + remoteDir));
//reqFTP.UseBinary = true;
reqFTP.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpUser, ftpPassword);
reqFTP.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory;
//reqFTP.Proxy = null;
//reqFTP.KeepAlive = false;
//reqFTP.UsePassive = false;
response = reqFTP.GetResponse();
reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
string line = reader.ReadLine();
This code is from microsoft forum:
Same issue happened to me. So I did the following and it fixed it:
- I rebooted the whole FTP server
- After reboot, I launched Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager. The Default FTP Site was stopped. I started it. And that fixed it!

WCF NetNamedPipeBinding TimeoutException on Windows Server 2008

I have a problem with WCF NetNamedPipeBinding. When I run my server and client code through Visual Studio 2008 on a Windows XP machine everything works fine. But as soon as I deploy my server as a Windows Service and install my client app in Windows Server 2008 I get a TimeoutException on the client end whenever I try to use any of the contract methods. It seems that I can successfully create the client and open it, but can't call any of the methods.
Service initialisation code:
Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8500/xNet/xNetService");
string address = "net.pipe://localhost/xNet/xNetService";
_xNetAPIServiceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(xNetService), baseAddress);
NetNamedPipeBinding binding = new NetNamedPipeBinding(NetNamedPipeSecurityMode.None);
_xNetAPIServiceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IServiceAPI), binding, address);
// Add a mex endpoint
ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;
smb.HttpGetUrl = new Uri("http://localhost:8501/xNet/xNetService/mex");
Client initialisation code:
string address = "net.pipe://localhost/xNet/xNetService";
NetNamedPipeBinding binding = new NetNamedPipeBinding(NetNamedPipeSecurityMode.None);
_serviceClient = new ServiceAPIClient(binding, new EndpointAddress(address));
The Windows service runs as "Local System Account". I'm at a loss as to what the problem is. I don't know if it's a security account problem, or if the named pipe is even open? I would assume since I can successfully create and open the client side it would appear it at least found the named pipe. I just can't call any of the service methods without a TimeoutException.
After trying out various bindings and going back to basics I noticed that the sample programs worked, but mine didn't work unless I was using Visual Studio to debug. I decided at that point that it must be something going on with my own code. To simplify debugging I turned off all security in the binding.
I started commenting out most of the statements in my service's OnStart method in order to determine what could be going on. I commented out everything except for the code that initialises the ServiceHost. Magically, my client could now successfully communicate with the service. I then started uncommenting each line of code in the OnStart method until my client suddenly started giving me a TimeoutException again.
My service class, say "MyAPI", implements the contract "IMyAPI". As well as using "MyAPI" class as the WCF service, I was also using an instance of the "MyAPI" class internally in my service to do various things ("internal" methods). In my OnStart method I first created an instance of the "MyAPI" class and then created the ServiceHost:
MyAPI API = new MyAPI();
ServiceHost service = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyAPI));
I was not getting any errors or exceptions, so it appeared everything is fine, but really I couldn't connect to the service using a client. As soon as I changed the order of the above statements, the client started working again:
ServiceHost service = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyAPI));
MyAPI API = new MyAPI();
I'm not sure WHY this is occuring, all I know is that I can use my API internally and as a service without any client connection issues. Maybe someone out there will provide some light on the reasons behind this, or maybe my code is not properly designed.

WCF wsdualhttpbinding strange behaviour at client side that has no clear (Exception details)

to make long story as short as possible, I made a duplex WCF service, using wsdualhttpbinding, tested it on my local machine using Visual Stuido and using IIS7, thigs are working fine (i had to use windows authentication on IIS7 to make it work thu). Any way, I published the duplex service on my company network (LAN network, windows domain, IIS 6) which i used to for many WCF services (basic and ws http bindings and worked fine) and the problem is I can not get the service to work, I tried all possible configurations to the app.config and to the web.config files, still i can not make it work.. The problem is when the client start calling the duplex service It hangs and no error message or whatsoever, and after few minutes it gives me a timeout error.. there is no error at server side ( i have checked the even viewer). There is not error about port 80 or access privileges. Is there anything i am missing? anything i should take care of and i forgot? i have been awake for 20 hours trying to find a solution because i have a time line to follow or my boss will Dispose() Me..
i have tried the following:
1- I set the IsOneWay = true..
2- I run the program as admin.
3- I i set the base address to another port.. same result..
4- I used windows auth, none... same result..
5- i have tried another machine to test the client.. same result.. it hangs with no reponse.
6- I also tried running the client on windows vista, 7 and xp... same result..
7- I have played with all kind of configurations in config files and i made sure its the same on both files (app.config and web.config)..
8- I have added a static constructor in the service side to see if the service was ever reached by the client, i added few lines to add a value in the db.. and nothing was written to db.. so it was never reached..
9- Yes, when i access the service SVC page i see the page and it worked fine.. I could access the metadata as well..
10- restarting the server, restarting IIS server, Recycling AppPool...etc..
I tried all of that and many other solutions and tricks.. same result when the app is on IIS.. the strange thing is, there is no error at server side.. and i only get TimeOut error (if i get it).. While If i tried the service on the IIS installed locally it works fine.. change the config file to point to the company IIS server,,, no luck!
Is there anything i am missing??? could be something simple but i just missed it..

moved net.tcp WCF services from localhost to IP address on new site, services won't load

I have a website running 2 WCF services. Working awesome until I needed to move them from the "Default Web Site" in IIS7 to a dedicated website with a new IP address. Now I get the error message:
"...could not be loaded because more than one endpoint configuration for that contract was found. Please indicate the preferred endpoint configuration section by name"
ALL I did was change:
I have changed every spot in my configs which once used localhost to specified IP address. The new website is setup exactly the same with the proper net.tcp bindings and it is bound to the single IP address of
I cannot seem to figure out what is going on. I am looking at the svc trace logs and all I get is a bunch of the same.
My new website is called "core" whereas previously I was hosting on "Default Web Site". I added a new FQDN/public IP to route to this new site (backwards to the mentioned private IP address). Now my services are busted.
I know baseAddress is ignored when using IIS/WAS hosting, so I am not sure what else to check. I changed absolutely nothing else in the configs.
What else can I provide to help troubleshoot this?
I am also seeing this in the service trace viewer:
Activity Name Receive bytes on connection 'Listen at 'net.tcp://'.'.
...but the WCF services are actually hosted on that new "core" website which translates to my new private IP address. I have change FQDN names for the example. To make it clear:
I used to have 1 FQDN on this server using Default Web Site.
I now added a 2nd FQDN to this server, new website, second IP. It seems to me that the listening should be directed towards: net.tcp:// instead of net.tcp:// Let's pretend the server name is and my new website is on the same server.
Hopefully this is not confusing and you can make sense of it.
I'm using the default net.tcp port of 808 and binding of 808:*
This is the first exception thrown that I can tell:
The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing your message or a receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underlying network resource issue. Local socket timeout was '00:00:10'.
None of these combos will activate the service and all produce the same exception:
even using a different port which I have done before without issue:
none of these work. :(
Thanks so much!
Its rights issue. Right click on your new website --> then Edit Permissions. On properties window click security tab and Edit button. Then Add IIS_IUSRS and give Read & Execute, List folder contents, Read permissions. Now iisreset and start to host and connect net tcp on new website.

WCF service called from compact framework

I have been trying to follow this article on communicating with a WCF service from a mobile device (using compact framework 3.5). I have the service running on the desktop, and it tells me that it's running as:
I can see this in my client, but when I try to access it, I get this error:
There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:1414/MyService.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
So I did:
InnerException: {"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"}
I am running from the emulator, which the article states did not work - I therefore suspect that I have encountered the same issue. So my question is, does anyone know why this issue may occur?
Just to clarify, this works fine when deployed to the device. It's just the emulator that has the problem.
Thanks to #Shiraz Bhaiji I have made some progress with this now, but am now getting the error returned:
This seems to be the only error information I can get, and it's caused by the call:
MyServiceServiceClient client = new MyServiceServiceClient(binding, endpoint);
returnString = client.MyFunc1();
I have changed the endpoint to reference my I.P. address directly as follows (the WCF service is running on my PC at the minute):
Binding binding = MyServiceServiceClient.CreateDefaultBinding();
string remoteAddress = MyServiceServiceClient.EndpointAddress.Uri.ToString();
EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress("");
Check Eric Schneider's answer on this link:
Connect to the server using the IP address.
Try changing localhost to the actual name of your computer.