what #synthesize variable = _variable will do? - objective-c

I have seen code like that in the Application delegate in iPhone project for example.
what is the variable with the underscore means? can I use it as setter and getter for the variable?
also when releasing the variable should I use:
[variable release];
[_variable release];

In some coding conventions the underscore before instance variables is used to be able to quickly differentiate them from other variables. It also helps avoid naming conflicts with local variables in methods and subclass methods.
#synthesize variable = _variable
Creates a setter and getter that set/get the variable you set it to in this case _variable. So outside access uses code like object.variable which is really just returning _variable. however the class usually uses the _variable internally.

#synthesize variable = _variable;
The property name is "variable" and the instance variable that backs it up is named "_variable". You should use the accessors -variable and -setVariable: rather than accessing the ivar directly, except in -init and -dealloc, where you'd use _variable.

In your example variable is a property and _variable is an instance variable. For simplicity sake we can say that by synthesizing you are essentially instructing that the property ( in our case variable) will use the instance variable ( in our case _variable) for storing and retrieving values. What you are really doing is instructing the compiler to create implementations that match the specification given in the property declaration.
The suggested way of releasing when you are using a property will be to just assign it nil. This would essentially release the object and also set the instance variable to nil instead of being a dangling pointer.
If you were not using property then you can call the release on the instance variable and then ideally you want to set it to nil.


what is the getter method of a simple property called

I am trying to understand the methods generated when properties are used.
Say I have the following declaration
#property int myint;
Now I know I could access this variables as such (say d was my instance of the class)
d.myint = 12; //this is equivalent to [d setMyint:12];
NSLog(#"The value is %d",d.myint); // what method is generated ?
What is the getter method called ? I was under the impression it was called getMyint however that isnt available ? Any suggestions if I might be missing something here?
As stated in the other answers, the proerty declaration gives you a getter and a setter for that instance variable for free! The notation is that you can either get [self myInt]; or self.myInt;. Both calls are 100% equivalent, i.e. they will both call the method - (int)myInt. This method is not visible (or rather, it's not explicitly implemented, see below) by default, however, you can implement it to provide some custom logic (e.g. check for specific values, error handling or lazy instantiation). If you want to override it, put this in your .m file.
- (int)myInt {
NSLog(#"getter of my int called, current value %d", _myInt);
return _myInt;
I only want to add to the the previous answers that in Objective-C, you have the possibility to rename your getters and setters when declaring the property, like so:
#property (getter=getMyInt) int myInt;
you can call those in the exact same way that you would use your normale getter:
int myInt = [self getMyInt];
// or
int myInt = self.getMyInt; // (will work but is not recommended since the compiler will interpret this as calling the getter of a property named `getMyInt` and only when this one is not found will actually fall back to the custom getter (thx to #NikolaiRuhe again for pointing this out))
Agreeing with most of what #NikolaiRuhe stated in his comment, here is a clarification of my answer referring to the mentioned issues:
This is indeed a typo, of course the way to use the property getter is by either calling [self myInt] or using dot notation self.myInt, and not [self getMyInt]. These calls are however 100% equivalent since they both invoke the actual getter.
About the visibility, indeed I should have been more explicit here. In OOP terms, visibility is a concept that describes the accessibility of instance variables from the outside of a particular class. I meant it exactly in the way that #NikolaiRuhe suggested, i.e. that this method is not explicitly implemented (so, it's not visible in the code by default). Sorry about this misunderstanding!
I am actually not sure about this point. For me this didn't make much of a difference in the past, I don't insist on this point. So I'd well acknowledge that the act of explicitly implementing a getter is not actually an override but rather a replacement of the synthesized method.
After explicitly renaming the getter to getMyInt like I suggested above, I don't see anything "wrong" with calling self.getMyInt. Why would this be the wrong way to access the property?
The getter method would be:
[d myInt];
Per the Apple docs :
You access or set an object’s properties via accessor methods:
NSString *firstName = [somePerson firstName];
[somePerson setFirstName:#"Johnny"]; By default, these accessor methods are synthesized automatically for you by the compiler, so you
don’t need to do anything other than declare the property using
#property in the class interface.
The synthesized methods follow specific naming conventions:
The method used to access the value (the getter method) has the same
name as the property. The getter method for a property called
firstName will also be called firstName.
The method used to set the value (the setter method) starts with the
word “set” and then uses the capitalized property name. The setter
method for a property called firstName will be called setFirstName:.
The syntax of getter method would be-
return myInt;
It will return myInt property of the receiver if this message i.e. d in your case.
If you are creating a property in objective-c, it creates 3 things for you.
an instance variable which you can access by using an underscore before the property name. Ex: _myint
a getter method which you can call directly by using the property name. Ex: [self myint]; / self.myint, this will actually call - (int)myint {} method.
a setter method which you can call by using a 'set' keyword before it. Ex: [self setMyint:12]; / self.myint = 12, this will actually call - (void)setMyint:(int)myint {} method.
So when you write d.myint = 12; this is equivalent to writing [d setMyint:12];
And when you write NSLog(#"The value is %d",d.myint); this is equivalent to writing NSLog(#"The value is %d",[d myint]);
Custom Getters and Setters
You can also give custom names to your property Getters and Setters. This is how it is done
#property (getter=getMyInt, setter=setMyIntWithInt) int myint;
[d setMyIntWithInt:12]; //This will set the instance variable to 12.
NSLog(#"The value is %d",[d getMyInt]);
Also, you can override these methods in your implementation(.m) file for error handling or lazy instantiation.

Objective C synthesized variable underscore prefix not working

I was reading the tutorials in the official Apple site about synthesizing properties at Apple. Here is an excerpt:
Unless you specify otherwise, the synthesized instance variable has the same name as the property, but with an underscore prefix. For a property called firstName, for example, the synthesized instance variable will be called _firstName.
However, later, it says:
Important: If you use #synthesize without specifying an instance variable name, like this:
#synthesize firstName;
the instance variable will bear the same name as the property.
In this example, the instance variable will also be called firstName, without an underscore.
These statements appear to be in disagreement. When I am using synthesize like synthesize numerator, and later trying to use _numerator, it is showing the following error: use of undeclared identifier _numerator.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
You can declare instance variables and properties in the #interface.
In the implementation, you can use
#synthesize property = instancevariable;
When you do that, the compiler creates an instance variable named "instancevariable" if it doesn't exist yet, and generates code for the setter and getter as needed. The variable name is anything that you want to use.
#synthesize property;
on its own is the same as
#synthesize property = property;
which means an instance variable is created with the same name as the property, if it doesn't yet exist. Whether you created an instance variable yourself starting with an underscore doesn't matter. That instance variable will be just an instance variable, possibly causing major confusion in your code.
// No synthesize statement
is exactly the same as
#synthesize property = _property;
which means an instance variable is created with a leading underscore, if it doesn't yet exist. Whether you created an instance variable yourself without an underscore doesn't matter. That instance variable will be just an instance variable, possibly causing major confusion in your code. In this case, the compiler will give a warning.
There is one exception: If you implemented all the required methods (both setter and getter, or just the getter for a readonly proper) yourself, and you don't use #synthesize, then no instance variable will be created. If you use #synthesize, an instance variable will be created as described above.
So the best choice is to just declare the #property and nothing else; an instance variable starting with an underscore will be created. If you implement both setter and getter, or just the getter of a readonly property, you may not need an instance variable. If you need one, you can declare the instance variable or create it using #synthesize.
If I don't use synthesize, and don't declare setters and getters for variables as well, how will they be accessible?
Recent versions of Objective-C make #synthesize the default for properties, so you don't need to explicitly write #synthesize firstName; -- the compiler will take care of that for you.
As #TimReddy points out in a comment, the difference between the two passages that you quoted is that one is talking about behavior when you use the #synthesize directive explicitly (the ivar gets the same name as the property), while the other describes behavior when the compiler synthesizes the ivar automatically (the ivar name is the property name with an underscore prefix).

Dot notation - property / method

Sanity check. Given this:
#property (readwrite, nonatomic) NSDate *start;
Then aren't these 2 lines of code identical?
Version 1:
Version 2:
[self.start description]
i.e. start.description calls the description method on the start object.
Yes, they're identical, and so is [[self start] description]
Basically yes.
Around the property there is a setter and getter autosynchoronizsed. In the event that you use an #syncronize statement then you have a chance to influence how the setter, getter and property are named. If you autosynchronize the property's name is _start. The getter name is start and the setter name is setStart.
something = self.start
actually calls the getter and
self.start = something
calls the setter.
Equivalents are:
something = [self start];
[self setStart:something];
If you ever want to access the instance variable directly then do so by:
_start = something;
something = _start;
In the event that you just use #synthesize start; then the equivalent would be:
start = something;
something = start;
That may well be confusing but start actually addresses the instance variable while self.start uses the setter/getter. This difference comes to vast importance when you do not ARC. Depending on the property parameters (e.g. assign, copy, retain, ...) the automatically generated getter and setter does some memeory management for you while the memory management is left to you when you work directly with the instance variable.
Yes. The result will be identical in both cases; properties are (mostly) just sugar around accessor methods written in the conventional Cocoa style.
I say "mostly" because there are some minor internal differences. Properties are added as meta-data to the runtime description of the Objective C class. You can, via some reflection, find out a list of properties that have been declared as such. This list is different from a list of methods that are named in the style of getter/setters.

Proper use of variable names

This is a purely theoretical question:
I have a class that has a variable: varX.
I have a method that changes this variable. Xcode, with autocompletion suggest:
In implementation, when I write the instance method, Xcode tells me a warning:
"Local declaration of 'varX' Hides instance variable"
the method:
-(void)setVarX:(float)varX {
varX = varX;
So, to solve, I used the underscore in synthesize;
#synthesize varX = _varX;
and the method is:
-(void)setVarX:(float)varX {
_varX = varX;
is proper to use the underscore before variables in this way? otherwise how do I use the name of the method suggested by Xcode?
Using _varX is the right approach. If you leave out the #synthesize line (as of Xcode 4.4) it will automatically generate an instance variable with that name.
Xcode 4.4 (and later) have automatic synthesis of properties (so that #synthesize is not needed anymore) when you don't use #dynamic. The automatic synthesis uses the underscore, so it seems that Apple wants this to be a convention.
First, I disliked this idea, but now I see why it's handy. Those variable names of those properties aren't "reserved" anymore in more methods (I never use underscores in other situations).
Note that changing the instance variable name effectively changes the class, while changing the method argument name does not.
Therefore I prefer to do it the other way around:
-(void)setVarX:(float)_varX {
varX = _varX;
so that the instance variable name, which is part of the class externally visible interface, does not need to be changed.

Objective C - Synthesize property [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Prefixing property names with an underscore in Objective C
When synthesizing properties I found out that someone is doing:
#synthesize myVar = _myVar;
what is "_myVar" and which is the difference with simply doing :
#synthesize myVar;
Lastly when I should prefer the first solution to the last one?
What _myVar really is in your example, is the name of the ivar that is backing your property. By default, when you synthesize a property, an ivar of the same name is created for you. So, you can use your property to set your ivar through setter/getter or the _myVar to directly access your variable (bypassing KVC/KVO of course).
From Apple's Coding Guidelines for Cocoa
...In many cases, when you use a declared property you also synthesize
a corresponding instance variable.
Make sure the name of the instance variable concisely describes the
attribute stored. Usually, you should not access instance variables
directly, instead you should use accessor methods (you do access
instance variables directly in init and dealloc methods). To help to
signal this, prefix instance variable names with an underscore (_)...
If you want to use some existing data member in setter and getter then it can be specify like that.
e.g. #synthesize personName=pName;
by this we can use pName instead of personName as per our convenience.
It the name of the private variable.
Se my answer on an other post: answer