NSTableView Make Cell Editable Programmatically - objective-c

The requirement is something like this,
-- Similar to pList , there would be an + button, when user select this, it should make the last row editable,
Any idea how its feasible, i am able to get which row is selected, but not able to proceed further.

Just set the row to be editable via the provided methods.
NSCell *lastCell; // Find last cell
[lastCell setEditable: YES];


UITableView removing checkmark from cell on search

I am using a UITableView to display some items and i have implemented a UISearchBar to this UITableView.
If the user presses the cell, a checkmark appears (accessory type of the cell is changed) and when pressed again the checkmark accessory disappears.
My problem is when the user searches using the search bar, all the checked cells are not checked anymore, no more checked cells at all.
I've been trying to fix this and searching for it for a while but no results ...
Any help ??
Thanks you.
That is because your table view where you put the checkmarks and the table view that you see after you enter something in the search bar is not same. To have the same check marks on the search table view cells, you need to explicitly add the checkmarks.
I can't see the way you are adding and removing check marks. So, in theory, what you need is a way to know which cells have check marks. So, let's assume you have an array of items and a parallel array which holds the 1 or 0 to signal if the items have the check marks when 1 means check marked and 0 means no check mark.
Let's call this parallel array, checkMarkSignalArray. Now, in your cellForRowAtIndexPath method, you can do something like-
cell.textLabel.text = [self.filteredItemsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
if([self.checkMarkSignalArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]){
cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark;

Getting Selected value from NSTableView

I'm trying to build this application where the Column 'Package Name' is populated from Core data. The second column has NSButtonCell added in IB and the idea is each time a checkbox is selected I need to get the name of the corresponding zip file in the 'Package Name' column.
I tried something like this
- (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification {
NSTableView * tableView = [notification object];
NSInteger rowIndex = [tableView selectedRow];
NSTableColumn *column = [tableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:#"package-name"];
NSCell *cell = [column dataCellForRow:rowIndex];
NSLog(#"Found Value %#",cell.stringValue);
But the Value I get each time is different and inconsistent. For example if I select the 6ht checkbox (as shown in the screenshot), I expect to see 4.zip getting printed, but I get something else. How do I fix this ?
Both my Package Name and Installation Status columns are sortable.
Don't consult the cells of the table. Instead, go straight to the data source or, if you're using bindings, the array controller.
First, in NSCell-based table views, there's typically a single cell object for the whole column. It is reused. It is configured for the first row and asked to draw in the appropriate location for that row. Then, it's configured for the second row and asked to draw in the appropriate location for the second row. Etc. So, retrieving the cell does not give you data for any particular row. The cell will have whatever properties it had the last time it was configured for a row, which may have been a completely different row than you're interested in.
(You could work around this by asking for the prepared cell for a row, using -[NSTableView preparedCellAtColumn:row:]. But that's really the roundabout way of doing things. The table view will just have to consult the data source in order to prepare the cell.)
If you're using an array controller, then your window/view controller should have an outlet to the array controller. Then, you can get the appropriate model object for a given row by calling:
object = [self.arrayController.arrangedObjects objectAtIndex:row];
If you're interested in the selected objects and your bindings are set up properly, you can just get the selected model object(s) directly from the array controller:
object = self.arrayController.selectedObjects[0];
for (object in self.arrayController.selectedObjects)
// ...
Note, though, that checking the checkbox in the second column is a distinct thing from selecting a row. Depending on how the table is configured, the user may be able to do either without the other. For example, they could select a row by clicking in the first column, which would not check the checkbox in the other column. They could also change the selection with the keyboard (e.g. down arrow).

How to implement numberOfRowsInSection to add a Button in UITableView?

I have a UITableView with gets populated from a backing array every time cellForRowAtIndexPath is called. The user can either go Back (via the nav bar) or they must submit the tableview's dataset to a server. Our GUI team wants the interface designed with a 'Done' button as the last cell in the table row in order to submit the dataset. Right now, numberOfRowsInSection is returning [myArray count] and I could conceivably alter the backing array with a "ghost" record for the done button, or simply return [myArray count] + 1 and catch the mis-matched array count in cellForRowAtIndexPath. Both ways, however, seem like trouble down the road. What's the best way to implement this?
Either put the button in the footer for the tableview, or mess with the row count. I've used both methods, just depends how much that last cell needs to look like the rest of the rows (or not look like them, in the case of using the footer)

NSTableView selected row highlight

I have a NSTableView with two columns, one is NSButtonCell and the other is a NSTextFieldCell. The text in NSTextFieldCell cannot be edited but the user can select a part of the text and make it bold. The current implementation is to allow them to do a double click and select a part of the text. The problem is, once the user is done bolding, the highlight color at selected row still persists.
The NSTableView usually has variable number of rows each time. I cannot do SelectRow as false as I need to be able to select the row. I also need to support 10.5.8 so I cannot set - NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle as None.
My application is a Cocoa application, which needs to run on 10.5.8, 10.6 and 10.7.
You can try setting the selected row as false. NSTableView has a method deselectRow. After bolding is done, you can deselect the row.

Get state of UISwitch in custom UITableViewCell's

I am using a custom tableviewcell in one of my view's. I have decided to add a UISwitch to this cell to enable the user to delete multiple row's at once.
Normally when the user selects a row and taps my delete button I have a UIAlert pop up for confirmation and after that the alert clickedButtonAtIndex method handles the outcome. In that method I get the indexpath ( [self.myTableView indexPathForSelectedRow] ) and delete (or not) accordingly.
So basically as the title states instead of using the indexPath to fall into my delete statement, I need to check to see if self.myTableView.myCell.mySwitch.on is TRUE. Can anyone point me in the right direction for doing this? I will need to iterate through all rows in the tableview and for each row where the state is on it needs to be removed.
you should iterate through your cells using a nested loop ( or a single loop if you have only one section) and cellForRowAtIndexPath:.if you see a cell's switch.on = TRUE save it's indexPath in an array by calling indexPathForCell:. after you're done iterating through your cells, call deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: with the array previously created.