Oracle SQL Developer vs SQL Server Management Studio - sql

I just installed Oracle SQL Developer, and attached it to my SQL Server. I like to expose myself to different environments. I was wondering if anyone knows of any benefits that the Oracle SQL IDE has over the SQL Server IDE. Is there any reason at all why I should keep the Oracle IDE, if the only sever I play with at the moment is SQL Server?

I cannot think of any advantages or reasons to use Oracle SQL Developer if you only do SQL Server development.
At best, you are limiting yourself on the SQL Server features that you cannot access via SQL Developer. Things like backing up your db, attaching, detaching, scripting, user security, etc. Not to mention SQL Server's T-SQL awareness that Oracle will not have.
Being able to attach Oracle SQL Developer to SQL Server is really meant for people integrating the two. Otherwise, use a SQL Server specific tool.
PS: Consider, a lot of Oracle DBAs and Developers don't use Oracle SQL Developer anyway. If you want to expose yourself to a good tool, try Toad, SQL Navigator or DBArtisan (for Oracle).


How to cope with SQL Server 2012 vs SQL (Azure) Database sql files

I'm trying to port my system to SQL Database (Azure instance) from SQL Server 2012.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and I have my .sqlproj with all the definition of my database inside.
Given that a number of SQL statements are not available in SQL Database (like "ON [PRIMARY]", filegroups, etc.), I should change a huge number of *.index.sql , *.pkey.sql, *.table.sql files.
Unfortunately I still need to cope with SQL Server 2012 installations (some customers are still on that infrastructure), so I would like to have instead a simple way to switch between the "SQLAzure" vs. "OLD-2012" syntax.
E.g. something like Compilation Symbols would be useful, or similar tricks.
Anyone has a brilliant idea on how to manage such an issue?
Thank you very much!
You could use a migration tool like Sql Azure Migration Wizard (not an official tool, but really good) and then generate the *.sql scripts that are used on SQL Database (SQL Azure). Then you can create a new project that only has those files when you target SQL Database (SQL Azure).

Can I mirror SQL server enterprise to standard?

I want to setup mirroring between 2 copies of SQL server. The primary box is SQL server enterprise edition.
Can I mirror it to a SQL server standard edition? The purpose is to save a metric ton of money.
From Books Online:
The two partners, that is the principal server and mirror server, must be running the same edition of SQL Server. The witness, if any, can run on any edition of SQL Server that supports database mirroring.
That being said, it is possible to set it up as long as you use TSQL commands and not the GUI. I would never recommend it, but it is possible, as long as you guarantee you're not using any Enterprise features. More warnings HERE and HERE.
Last edit - apparently this has been completely blocked in SQL 2012. Looks like you're out of luck.

SQL Server table in Oracle SQL Developer

I connected SQL server database with Oracle SQL Developer, everything looks good except i can only browse data, i cannot change data in tables cannot insert new or delete rows. Query is also disabled (i got message: Query Builder is not supported for this connection type.) I used Third Party JDBC Drivers - jtds-1.2.6.jar as my connection to SQL server. Is there a way to change data in tables?
It helped me to rollback to Oracle SQL Developer v.
That Query Builder supports MS SQL Server tables
I just use SQL Server Management Studio. You see.. when you buy a complete STACK of software, it comes with tools for writing SQL. Don't worry, if you're too cheap to buy $49/developer's edition of SQL Server, you can still get SSMS for free.

Creating SQL statements for creating tables in SQLce database

I'm starting to learn database, and I will work with SQLce. Is there some type of library that can assist in creating the proper SQL statements for creating tables etc? (Not for query of the database, as I plan to use LINQ). I'm not thinking an MS library, but some amateur project maybe..
You want to download SQL Server Management Studio Express. The SSMS tools let you connect to SQL CE as well as the full blown SQL Server databases, and best of all it's free. You can create your tables via the GUI, and then instead of saving the table, you could have it show you the SQL script instead and learn that way. Everything you do in the GUI executes T-SQL behind the scenes and you have the option of saving all that SQL and running it yourself.
See this stackoverflow question here too for some more details.

New project sql server 2005 or 2008

I'll be starting a new project ( and I'll be using sql server express. Is there a reason NOT to use sql server 2008?
P.S: I was considering Postgres 8.3 until I did some benchmarking and found out that sql server 2005 express is much faster for my needs (better integration I guess).
If the choice is between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 with no legacy compatibility issues, you should probably go with SQL Server 2008. The jump from 2005-2008 is much smaller than the jump from 2000-2005 was and you get three years extra lifespan for your application for free. A similar question was asked in this Stackoverflow post, with a more in-depth discussion of the subject.
A reason you might not have considered: will the production hosting location support SQL Server 2008?
Otherwise there's no reason. In fact, if your still stuck using SQL Server 2005, you should be using the 2008 version of management studio! which still works against older db's
I'd prefer Sql Server 2008 because there are too many "killer" enhancements like table valued parameters, merge statement, on the fly encryption, new datetime parameters etc. Table valued parameter is a life saver improvement. If you ever had to deal with multi row insert operations, you know how painful is to do it with xml nodes or openxml methods. On the other hand, you can pass your recursive datatable as a parameter ( SqlDbType.Structured ) and the pain is gone. It's so obvious that the most exciting feature for me is new table valued parameter.
As a sidenote: DiscountASP is selling, for the same price, 300Mb on SQL2005 and 500Mb on SQL2008. So it turns out that SQL2005 is on a statup path to be considered "old legacy" software.
And it is always good to skip future migrations.
I would go with SQL2008.
I am currently using SQL Server 2008 Express for my dev machine. You could use the new T-SQL and save some good time writing those stored procedures. I have this version of SQL Server 2008 Express installed.
It depends on a lot of factors:
Will you sell installable copies to customers? If so, what kind of database engines does your customer demography have? 2000? 2005? 2008?
Are you going to host it yourself? If so, use whatever you'd like
Are you going to use a 3rd party hosting company? If so, what do they support, and how much does it cost?
Unless you're explicitly going to use 2008 features, I wouldn't worry too much about it since generic T-SQL works on all the versions. It's when you start using the new features you might get into trouble.
Update: It seems that they DO allow sql server 2008 (sales people aren't very good at technical stuff) so I'll be using sql server 2008.
Well I asked my host (I have a vps) and they allow only sql server 2005 express, not sql server 2008 express (which is kinda strange). So I'll go with 2005 for now... Thank you all for your opinions.