Copy Play! core module into app via "deps" - module

Play will normally reference core modules such as crud and secure out of the Play installation directory. Is there any way to force these dependencies to be copied to my project modules directory when I run play deps?
Our deployment process requires that all app resources be available inside the project directory.

No, you will need to copy them into your own local repository and use the dependencies file to import them. See this (question has solution in it) on how to do it

The 1.2.x branch of Play on GitHub now contains an option to force Play core modules to be copied into project directory:
play deps --forceCopy
This should copy modules like secure and crud into your project directory.


idea cannot hot deploy files under src/main/resources

i am using idea ultimate 2020.3
i created a maven web project.
when i changed java or jsp files and choose update class and resources, they can be hot deploy.
however, if i changed files under src/main/resources, e.g. mybatis xml file under src/main/resouces/config/mapper, they cannot be hot deploy.
how can i fix it?
Make sure you are deploying an exploded artifact, see Update applications on application servers
Also make sure the module has configured Web resources (has the Web facet with Web Resource Directories and Source Roots configured:

How to ensure eclipse plugin has required bundles available?

I'm just starting to develop a new eclipse plugin where I want a web application server running in Eclipse. I found a nice blog, OSGi as a Web Application Server, that describes how to do this. The author suggests creating a target environment for my bundle requirements, and some of those bundles get pulled in from the Equinox Project SDK (now called Equinox Target Components in Juno). I notice that the tutorial project runs fine when my target platform is the platform I created in the tutorial, but fails to start when it is the default platform. So, now for my question...
If I need bundles that are not part of the default, how will my plugin project get access to those bundles? Will I need to deploy them along with my plugin? How would I know if the user's eclipse does or does not already have those required bundles?
You was not much clear about what kind of application you are developing. Running a web server in an Eclipse IDE as a plugin don't make any sense to me. This kind of server application is best just running on top of Equinox.
Anyway, the right path is to create a "Product Configuration" file and add categories that contains the needed bundles (go to File/Plug-in Development/Product Configuration).
With this file you can run an instance of the product (inside the IDE) and can export it (create a zip containing all needed bundles)
And if you want to able your user to install plugin inside his IDE you must create a P2 repository (using a Target Definition File) and expose the exported directory within a Http server. You could research about Tycho to build this kind of components in a maven style.
Well, I'm not sure if re-inventing the wheel again is really sufficient.
You might take a look at Pax-Web for inspiration on how to do it, or take a look Apache Karaf as a OSGi-Container (using Pax-Web). Or even better start contributing to one of the two :-)

Play Framework 2.1 application mounted as an IntelliJ Module

Known is the command to create IntelliJ files needed for a Play application:
play idea with-sources=yes
This generates two folders:
.idea (containing libraries.xml)
Most of tutorials or simple article on the net explain how to mount the app as an IntelliJ Project.
However, I want to mount it as a Module (as part of an existing project so), thus I've just used the .idea_modules file.
I can't imagine me setting ALL dependencies (more than 100...) manually...
How to deal with the libraries (dependencies)? Indeed, libraries.xml is used in .idea file and typically used when someone want to mount the app as an entire Project.
To put in a nutshell, is there an efficient way to set up a Play app in IntelliJ as a simple Module including automatically all needed dependencies?
It would be great if IntelliJ could implement an SBT feature like the one for Maven in order to import dependencies automatically.

How do I build a Play project with Hudson?

I have a project that's using the Play framework, and the corporate standard is that all projects should be built by Hudson. However, I cannot find out how to do this, as Hudson does not follow any Java standards, and requires the framework installed at the computer it runs on. I have tried to build the project with Maven (if I had managed this, adding it to Hudson should be quite simple), but I have failed to make it work. I tried the Play Maven module, but Maven claims it does not find the external repo that is listed ( This might be because I am behind a firewall. I also tried the recipe listed here, but the local maven build fails because it is unable to find org.playframework:play:1.1:jar.
Has anyone done this and can provide a howto?
It can be done without installing the Play framework on the Hudson server, but it is quite complicated:
Put the play libraries (play.jar and its dependencies) in a Maven repository
Create a pom.xml for your project, configured with:
theses libraries as dependencies
your project specific dependencies (project lib directory)
the java sources folder of your project (in the maven-compiler-plugin): "app"
If your project is simple (no module dependencies), this pom allows you to build the play project java sources using Maven.
If your project has module dependencies, you will have to add the dependencies jar in your pom dependencies.
To do that, you will have to create jar files from the modules if they don't have packaged jars (to get the "CRUD" class of the CRUD module for example).
You can find some help on this page I wrote :
Even if it's in French, I put my Ant stuff and the Play's pom I wrote.
At work we managed to integrate our Play applications with Bamboo.
It should not be difficult with my files.
Just looked at the repository, that you linked ( And guess what, I found the play-1.1.jar. However, the artifact ID is: and not org.playframework
In theory, you could put the full Play zip on your build or in in your repository, and then use Hudson to kick off an Ant script to download Play to the Hudson agent, unzip it, and then run commands on it. It's a little clunky, but it should work.

Packaging Apache configuration files with WAR

I have built a Spring 3 MVC driven RESTful web service app. I use Maven 2 to manage the application lifecycle including packaging up the WAR for distribution. As part of the end solution, I filter application requests through Apache to handle some of the GET requests for static content. This of course requires that I have several custom configurations in Apache configuration files.
My question is this, I would like to package and version these Apache configurations with ( not inside) the WAR, is there a clean way to do this? (using maven?)
Currently, the configuration changes are just included as installation instructions.
My question is this, I would like to package and version these Apache configurations with (not inside) the WAR, is there a clean way to do this? (using maven?)
I'd put such files in a dedicated module (with a pom packaging) and use the Maven Assembly Plugin to create a .zip archive to be unzipped on the target machine(s) and that would be part of the delivery.
Worked pretty well in the past.