Dojo - How to programatically create ToolTip Dialog on link click - dojo

As the title says. I want to create TooltipDialog, after I click link and load custom content into that dialog. The tooltip body is complete placeholder, I just haven't done any server logic to handle this.
So far i got to this point:
PreviewThread: function (ThreadID) {
var tooltip = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
href: "/Account/SingIn?ReturnUrl=" + Jaxi.CurrentLocation
The point is not even how to load content, into dialog, but how to open it in the first place ?
After more googling and trial & error I finally got to this:
PreviewThread: function (ThreadID) {
var tooltip = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
href: "/Account/SingIn?ReturnUrl=" + Jaxi.CurrentLocation,
closable: true
dojo.query(".thread-preview").connect("onclick", function () {{ popup: tooltip, around: this });
It's somehow working. ToolTipDialog opens, but.. I have to click twice and and I can't close dialog after click outside it, or after mouseleave.
Ok this, going to start look like dev log, but hopefully it will save others some headchace:
I finally managed to popup it where I want to:
PreviewThread: function (ThreadID) {
var tooltip = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
href: "/Account/SingIn?ReturnUrl=" + Jaxi.CurrentLocation,
closable: true
});{ popup: tooltip, around: dojo.byId("thread-preview-" + ThreadID) });
<a href="javascript:Jaxi.PreviewThread(#thread.ThreadID)" id="#tp.ToString()" >Click Me</a>
Note that I'm using Asp .NET MVC.
Now only thing left is to close damn thing in user friendly manner..

There are afaik two ways you can do this, and neither one is very elegant tbh :-P
The first is to use and close() to show and hide the dialog. In this case, you have to provide the desired coordinates. I see that you only provide your PreviewThread function with a thread id, but assuming you also tack on the event object, you can do:
PreviewThread: function (ThreadID, event) {
Jaxi.tooltip = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
href: "/Account/SingIn?ReturnUrl=" + Jaxi.CurrentLocation
popup: Jaxi.tooltip,
When you're using this method, you also have to manually close the popup, for example when something outside is clicked. This means you need a reference to your tooltip dijit somewhere, for example Jaxi.tooltip like I did above. (Side note: dijit.TooltipDialog is actually a singleton, so there won't be lots of hidden tooltips around your page). I usually end up with something like this for hiding my tooltip dialogs.
dojo.connect(dojo.body(), "click", function(event)
if(!dojo.hasClass(, "dijitTooltipContents"))
This may of course not work for you, so you'll have to figure out something that suits your particular arrangement.
The second way is to use the dijit.form.DropDownButton, but styling it as if it was a link. I'm not going to go into details on this, just instantiate a DropDownButton on your page and use Firebug to tweak it until it looks like your regular links. FYC, link to DropDownButton reference guide.

You may try:
PreviewThread: function (ThreadID) {
var tooltip = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
href: "/Account/SingIn?ReturnUrl=" + Jaxi.CurrentLocation,
closable: true,
onMouseLeave: function(){dijit.popup.close(tooltip);}
});{ popup: tooltip, around: dojo.byId("thread-preview-" + ThreadID) });
This will close the dialog as soon as you moove the mouse out of the dialog.
Check the API for all possible events:


Toggle icon in tabcontainer

As the title of this post already says: I'm trying to toggle an icon in my tabcontainer.
I got a TabContainer with some ContentPanes in it.
If I get some values from the database I show them in the ContentPane and set the IconClass so the user see that there is some data.
In the my ContentPane I also got a delete and a save button.
If there was some data and the delete button is pressed I'd like to remove or to hide the Icon in the Tab.
Of course I want to do the other way, too.
But how do I do it?
I tried it with registry.byId("myIdOfTheContentPaneWhereTheIconClasswasDefined").className="dijitNoIcon"
without an effect.
Any ideas?
Try setting iconClass instead of className.
], function(TabContainer, ContentPane){
var container = new TabContainer({ id: 'container' }).placeAt(document.body);
var pane = new ContentPane({
iconClass: 'dijitIconSave',
title: 'Tab'
setTimeout(function () {
pane.set('iconClass', '');
}, 2000);
registry.byId returns you a widget, not a domNode.
This should work:
although it is not elegant at all...

callbacks not firing when opening a magnific popup from another one

I currently have a magnific popup and within that popup i have a link that opens another magnific popup. Something along the lines of:
type: 'ajax',
callbacks: {
beforeOpen: function () {
open: function() {
console.log('Popup open has been initiated');
beforeClose: function() {
console.log('Popup before close has been initiated');
close: function() {
console.log('Popup close has been initiated');
afterClose :function() {
console.log('Popup after close has been initiated');
After reading i found that callbacks on the second popup will not be registered until i close the original popup as opening the new one just replaces the content and actually doesn't recreate a new instance.
I am trying to figure out how i could have my link within my popup close the current popup before calling the code to open the new one so it can register my callbacks.
By the way, the reason I am trying to do this is i want to reopen the original popup after closing my new popup. If you happen to have a better solution please let me know.
So just in case someone needs this answered, i had to add the following code to my new popup.
// a button that closes the popup
$.magnificPopup.instance.close = function () {
//code to show the original popup
And then in the original popup i had to add otherwise it will never close the popup
$.magnificPopup.instance.close = function () {
// "proto" variable holds MagnificPopup class prototype
// The above change that we did to instance is not applied to the prototype,
// which allows us to call parent method:

Disable the escape key in dojo

I have a requirement to disable the escape key when the dialog is open.currently when i click the escape button the dialog closes and the transaction is submitting.I tried the following code snippet but its not working chrome.
dojo.connect(dialog, "onKeyPress", function(e){
var key = e.keyCode || e.charCode;
var k = dojo.keys;
if (key == k.ESCAPE) {
Could you please help on this..i have searched a lot and havent found a suitable solution for my problem.
Thanks inadvance..
Dojo uses the _onKey event for accessibility. You can override it by using:
dialog._onKey = function() { }
I wrote an example JSFiddle, hitting the Escape key should not work anymore.
In the event you want to override the escape key in all dialogs (rather than a particular instance), you can use dojo/aspect:
require(['dojo/aspect', 'dijit/Dialog'], function (Aspect, Dialog) {
Aspect.around(Dialog.prototype, '_onKey', function (original) {
return function () { }; // no-op
You can create an extension for the Dialog widget like this in a new file:
define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/Dialog"],
function(declare, Dialog){
return declare(Dialog, {
//Prevents the 'ESC' Button of Closing the dialog
_onKey: function() { }
save the file into dojo Directory (say: dojo/my/my_dialog.js),
and instead of calling: 'dijit/Dialog', just call: 'my/my_dialog'.
this will save you the hard work of editing each Dialog call,
And the same thing to the "dojox/widget/DialogSimple" Widget.

Sencha Touch - event listener for NestedList back button?

Sencha Touch 1.1.1 --
Is there a way to set up a listener to listen for click events on the Back button of a NestedList? I can only find examples of how to set up for clicks on the 'body' or 'el' element. How would you be more specific and target the NestedList's back button?
Many Thanks
Code so far
MyTest.views.Justacard = Ext.extend(Ext.NestedList, {
title: "The Title",
listeners: {
click: {
fn: function(){
// do action
Ext.reg('justacard', MyTest.views.Justacard);
On a side note: because the NestedList component adds the back button automatically, there's no opportuity to configure it and add a handler (I think).
PS: adding the following code (below title: for example) allows me to respond to the Back button clicks - however, it also removes all the normal Back button functionality and the NestedList no longer slides back to the parent list.
onBackTap: function() {
Turning into a proper 'lumpy carpet' scenario ; )
MyTest.views.Justacard = Ext.extend(Ext.NestedList, {
title: "The Title",
listeners: {
back: function() {
onBackTap: function() {
P.S. Sorry, I didn't test this (just looked at sources)

Dojo: create programatically a menu in an enhancedgrid

I'm trying to create programatically an EnahncedGrid with a menu. I've got the grid to work, but I've been unable to use the menu. It just not shows up. The code is as follows:
sMenu = new dijit.Menu({});
sMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
label: "Delete Record",
iconClass: "dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconCancel",
onClick : function(){
* El grid propiamente dicho
var grid = new dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid({
id: "grid_"+i,
query: {
idDocument: '*'
plugins: {
nestedSorting: true,
indirectSelection: true,
menus: {rowMenu:sMenu}
onRowDblClick: openFile,
structure: layout
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I haven't used this myself, but I have two possible suggestions:
First, make sure you're dojo.require-ing "dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Menu" and are only instantiating the widgets within a dojo.addOnLoad or dojo.ready.
If you've already done that, the second thing I'd suggest is giving your menu an id, and passing that id to the rowMenu property of the menus object (in other words, pass a string, not the widget itself). Although, the way you're doing it seems like it should work, judging from the code.
You can see a test page with working menus here: