Unable to Disbale the DOJO dijit.form.Form - dojo

I have a Form and i want to disable the entire form on click of a Button ,please see this code
<div dojoType="dijit.form.Form" id="myForm" jsId="myForm" encType="multipart/form-data"
action="" method="">
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" required="true" dojoType="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox"
<input type="text" id="dob" name="dob" dojoType="dijit.form.DateTextBox"
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type=button onClick="console.log(myForm.getValues())">
Get Values from form!
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit" name="submitButton"
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="reset">
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onClick="callMe()">
Disable IT
I have written a function callMe to disable this
function callMe()

Dijit forms do not have a property "disabled", but rather you have to overwrite the onSubmit event:
dijit.byId('myForm').onSubmit = function () {
// If we return false here, the form will not be submitted.
return myMagicEnabledFlag;
Note that you cannot use dojo.connect as you have to modify the return value of the event and not just connect to it.

For disabling the entire form elements, use the "getChildren()" function of the dijit form, which would return the array of all the field widgets of that corresponding form. Then, you need to disable the widgets of that array. See below sample:-
dijit.byId('myForm').onSubmit = function () {
var widgets = dijit.byId('myForm').getChildren();
for(var i=0;i<widgets.length;i++) {
widgets[i].set('disabled', true);
//if you need to prevent the form submission & just disable, return false,
//else ignore the following return stmt
return false;


Pass Form Variable in Primeng Dialogue's (onHide) Function when Clicked on "X" Button

I am using Primeng Dialogue with a Form inside it. Form has a cancel button where I am passing form (ngForm) variable to check if the form is in dirty mode or not. If it is in dirty mode I am showing a cofirmation dialogue. The same thing will happen if the user clicks on "X" button in Primeng Dialogue. I am getting NgForm when I click on "Cancel" button but when I am passing form variable in (onHide) function like (onHide)="Cancel(f)", NgForm data is getting as undefined on Cancel(form: NgForm) function. How I can pass the form variable in Primeng Dialogue's (onHide) function when the form is inside this dialogue?
<p-dialog header="Retirement Plan Proposal" [(visible)]="isShowProspectModal"
modal="modal" width="1000" height="590" styleClass="modal-blue proposalModal
stickyFooterModal" appendTo="body" [closeOnEscape]="false" (onHide)="Cancel(f)">
<form style="padding-top:7px;" #f="ngForm" name="prospectDetailForm" *ngIf="isShowProspectModal"
(ngSubmit)="f.form.valid" novalidate autocomplete="off">
<button [disabled]="(!f.dirty && !isFileUploaded) || isLoadingSave"
*ngIf="isSaveButtonVisible" class="btn btn-primary btn-small mr5"
(click)="saveProspect(true, f)" label="Save">
<i class="fa fa-floppy-o"></i> Save
<span class="icon-spiner" *ngIf="isLoadingSave"></span>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-small" *ngIf="isSaveButtonVisible" type="button"
[disabled]="(!f.dirty && !isFileUploaded) || isLoadingSave"
(click)="Cancel(f)" label="Cancel">
<i class="fa fa-close"></i> Cancel
<p-confirmDialog header="Confirmation" icon="fa fa-question-circle" width="400" appendTo="body">
Cancel Button Function:
Cancel(form: NgForm) {
if (form.dirty) {
message: 'Data has been changed in this form. Do you want to cancel?',
accept: () => {
this.isShowProspectModal = false;
Step 1:
remove *ngIf from "form" tag to get the form object in ts file using #ViewChild.
Step 2:
declare the form in ts file like:
#ViewChild('f', { static: true }) prospectEditForm: NgForm;
Step 3:
Close(form: NgForm) {
if (this.prospectEditForm && this.prospectEditForm.dirty) {
//do whatever you want

How to pass a dynamicy changed model to Partial view?

I have a list of "workbooks" displayed in a table. Each workbook has a "Share" button next to the workbook's title. When the user clicks on the share button a modal dialog is shown containing a form.
The form allows the user to enter a list of the recipient's emails separated by a comma which is validated on the client-side.
As the dialog is located in a partial view _ShareView.cshtml that allows me to pass a modal WorkbookShareModel that has some fields like WorkbookId and Title. The goal here is to pass the details of each workbook when the user presses the share button (i.e. construct a modal and pass it to the already rendered model).
I am not sure how to pass a model to an already rendered view?
The solution have to be done on the client (i.e. dont involve actions on the server that return the partial view provided the parameters are passed). I want to avoid unnesessary calls to the server - we have all the data on the client regarding a workbook and I need to do a POST when the user types in list of emails.
This is my index.cshtml:
#section BodyFill
<div id="shareFormContainer">
#{ await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ShareView", new WorkbookShareModel());}
<div class="landing-container">
<div class="workbook-container">
<table class="table">
#foreach (var workbook in Model.Workbooks)
string trClassName, linkText;
if (workbook.Metadata.SharedBy == null)
trClassName = "saved-workbooks";
linkText = workbook.Name;
} else {
trClassName = "shared-with-me";
linkText = string.Format(
<tr class="#trClassName">
<td>#Html.ActionLink(linkText, "Open", "OpenAnalytics", new { id = Model.Id, workbook = workbook.Name })</td>
<td class="last-modified-date" title="Last Modified Date">#workbook.ModifiedDate.ToShortDateString()</td>
<td class="share">
<button title="Share" class="share-button" onclick='showSharingView("#workbook.Name", "#workbook.Id", "#Model.Id")'> </button>
#section Scripts
<!--Load JQuery 'unobtrusive' validation -->
#await Html.PartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial")
<script type="text/javascript">
// hide the modal as soon as the page loads
function showSharingView(title, workbookId, id) {
// how to pass a WorkbookShareModel to my partial view from here?
function hideDialog() {
var form = $("#partialform");
// only hide the dialog if the form is valid
if (form.valid()) {
// Helper method that validates list of emails
function IsEmailValid(emailList, element, parameters) {
var SPLIT_REGEXP = /[,;\s]\s*/;
var emails = emailList.split(SPLIT_REGEXP);
for (var i = emails.length; i--;) {
if (!EMAIL_REGEXP.test(emails[i].trim())) {
return false;
return true;
That is my dialog:
#using DNAAnalysisCore.Resources
#model DNAAnalysisCore.Models.WorkbookShareModel
#* Partial view that contains the 'Share Workbook dialog' modal *#
<!-- Modal -->
<div onclick="activateShareButtons()" class="modal fade" id="shareFormModal" role="dialog">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-md">
<!-- Modal content-->
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="modal-title">Share Workbook - #Model.Title</h4>
#using (Html.BeginForm("ShareWorkbook", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { #id = "partialform" }))
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="form-group">
<textarea class="form-control" asp-for="Emails" rows="4" cols="50" placeholder="#BaseLanguage.ShareDialogPlaceholder"></textarea>
<span asp-validation-for="Emails" class="text-danger"></span>
<input asp-for="Title" />
<input asp-for="Id" />
<input asp-for="WorkbookId"/>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button onclick="hideDialog()" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Share</button>
<button onclick="activateShareButtons()" id="btnCancelDialog" type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
There are two solutions to solve your problem :
Option 1 :
Since you have got the parameters(title, workbookId, id) , you can call server side function using AJAX to render the partial view , then replace the DIV contained in the partial view with the updated contents in the callback function of AJAX .
You can click here for code sample .
Option 2 :
Directly update related input/area using Jquery . For example , the input tag helper :
<input asp-for="<Expression Name>">
generates the id and name HTML attributes for the expression name specified in the asp-for attribute. So you can set the value using Jquery like :
Please click here for Tag Helpers in forms in ASP.NET Core
With Option 2 , you need to clear the Emails area firstly after user click the share button ; With Option 1 , you don't need to care that since the HTML will replace entirely .

Why still adding even with validation form?

When I click the button on my modal with an empty field on my input its give me an undefined value on my console. And when I put a value on my input and click the button it is adding to my database. The problem is even the empty field or the undefined value are also adding to my database and the sweetalert is not working. I want to prevent the empty field adding to my database and prevent the undefined. Can somebody help me?
//start of method
checkForm: function(e) {
if (this.category_description) {
return true;
this.errors = [];
if (!this.category_description) {
this.errors.push('Category required.');
addCategory : function() {
method : "POST",
url : this.urlRoot + "category/add_category.php",
data : {
description : this.category_description
}).then(function (response){
vm.checkForm(); //for FORM validation
swal("Congrats!", " New category added!", "success");
}).catch(error => {
//end of method
<form id="vue-app" #submit="checkForm">
<div class="modal" id="myModal" > <!-- start add modal -->
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content " style="height:auto">
<!-- Modal Header -->
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="modal-title"> Add Category </h4>
<button #click="clearData" type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></button>
<!-- Modal body -->
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="category_description" name="category_description" v-model="category_description" placeholder="Enter Description">
<p v-if="errors.length">
<span v-for="error in errors"> {{ error }} </span>
<!-- Modal footer -->
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="submit"#click="category_description !== undefined ? addCategory : ''" class="btn btn-primary"> Add Category </button>
The easiest way to stop this is adding data check. And condition check at top of your method.category_description !== undefined. Btw, move your e.preventDefault() to top too.
First of all do this:
- <button type="submit" #click="category_description !== undefined ? addCategory : ''" class="btn btn-primary"> Add Category </button>
+ <button type="submit" #click.prevent="addCategory" class="btn btn-primary"> Add Category </button>
and then in addCategory:
addCategory() {
if (!this.category_description) {
} else {
// do your stuff here
When you are clicking on Add Category button, it is triggering the addCategory along with your validation method.
The return value of validation method has no impact on triggering of addCategory.
This issue can be handled in following ways.
Call addCategory only when there is some valid data
<button type="submit" #click="category_description != undefined ? addCategory() : ''" class="btn btn-primary"> Add Category </button>
Call the validation method inside addCategory and then proceed.

How to apply EDIT and Cancel features using inline row vue Grid

I am trying to make an edit and cancel/undo function on my inline-grid row.
This is what I have tied and I cannot see how to make it functional.
<!-- ..iterate.. -->
<span v-if="!row.isEditable" v-html="row.column"></span>
v-model="row.column" //object property set
<button class="btn cancel" v-show="row.isEditable" v-on:click="undoRow(index)"></button>
<button class="btn edit" v-show="!row.isEditable" v-on:click="editRow(index)"></button>
JS Methods:
editRow: function (index) {
this.data[index].isEditable = true;
undoRow: function (index) {
this.data[index].isEditable = false;

GEB find first visible element

I have got some hidden buttons on the page. When I click on text input, one of these buttons shows on the page. Before:
<div field='login'>
<input type="text">
<button class="submit" style="display: none">Save</button>
<div field='name'>
<input type="text">
<button class="submit" style="display: none">Save</button>
After click on second input:
<div field='login'>
<input type="text">
<button class="submit" style="display: none">Save</button>
<div field='name'>
<input type="text">
<button class="submit">Save</button>
So I try to interact with second button by next selectors in my test:
static content = {
submitButton { $("button.submit") }
but I have next error:
isorg.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
If I write:
static content = {
submitButton { $("button.submit", 1) }
it works, but I need to work with one first visible button on the page. What is wrong?
Unfortunately there is no css selector to find visible elements but you can use displayed property of Navigator and its findAll() method to find the button that is visible:
static content = {
submitButton { $("button.submit").findAll { it.displayed } }