SQL "WITH" Clause/Statement - sql-server-2005

Before I begin by putting a lot SQL statements to help solve my issue I might be able to get the answer by asking a simple question. I use SQL Server 2005 on a daily basis and use the "WITH" clause to perform sub-queries. I am unfortunately in a situation now where I have to use SQL Compact which does not allow the use of the "WITH" clause to perform sub queries. What is the substitute of the "WITH" clause in SQL Compact. On average I am using 10 sub queries at a time.

As long as none of your CTE's (Common Table Expression - the formal name for the feature you are using) are recursive, remember that in the simplest form,
SELECT columns FROM Table1
SELECT columns FROM Q1
Can be roughly translated to:
SELECT columns FROM (SELECT columns FROM Table1) Q1
Note the 'Q1' on the end there. You have to give the subquery a name. The name you choose often doesn't matter, and so simple names are common here -- even just single letters. With 10 subqueries to string together, you might need to choose something more meaningful.

Create a temp table with the result of each with clause; use the temp tables instead of the with clause.


When does the aliasing take effect? [duplicate]

I have a doubt and question regarding alias in sql. If i want to use the alias in same query can i use it. For eg:
Consider Table name xyz with column a and b
select (a/b) as temp , temp/5 from xyz
Is this possible in some way ?
You are talking about giving an identifier to an expression in a query and then reusing that identifier in other parts of the query?
That is not possible in Microsoft SQL Server which nearly all of my SQL experience is limited to. But you can however do the following.
SELECT temp, temp / 5
SELECT (a/b) AS temp
FROM xyz
) AS T1
Obviously that example isn't particularly useful, but if you were using the expression in several places it may be more useful. It can come in handy when the expressions are long and you want to group on them too because the GROUP BY clause requires you to re-state the expression.
In MSSQL you also have the option of creating computed columns which are specified in the table schema and not in the query.
You can use Oracle with statement too. There are similar statements available in other DBs too. Here is the one we use for Oracle.
with t
as (select a/b as temp
from xyz)
select temp, temp/5
from t
This has a performance advantage, particularly if you have a complex queries involving several nested queries, because the WITH statement is evaluated only once and used in subsequent statements.
Not possible in the same SELECT clause, assuming your SQL product is compliant with entry level Standard SQL-92.
Expressions (and their correlation names) in the SELECT clause come into existence 'all at once'; there is no left-to-right evaluation that you seem to hope for.
As per #Josh Einstein's answer here, you can use a derived table as a workaround (hopefully using a more meaningful name than 'temp' and providing one for the temp/5 expression -- have in mind the person who will inherit your code).
Note that code you posted would work on the MS Access Database Engine (and would assign a meaningless correlation name such as Expr1 to your second expression) but then again it is not a real SQL product.
Its possible I guess:
SELECT (A/B) as temp, (temp/5)
FROM xyz,
(SELECT numerator_field as A, Denominator_field as B FROM xyz),
(SELECT (numerator_field/denominator_field) as temp FROM xyz);
This is now available in Amazon Redshift
select clicks / impressions as probability, round(100 * probability, 1) as percentage from raw_data;
You might find W3Schools "SQL Alias" to be of good help.
Here is an example from their tutorial:
SELECT po.OrderID, p.LastName, p.FirstName
FROM Persons AS p,
Product_Orders AS po
WHERE p.LastName='Hansen' AND p.FirstName='Ola'
Regarding using the Alias further in the query, depending on the database you are using it might be possible.

what is the difference between naming a subquery vs using AS to alias the subquery result?

Is there any difference between these two syntaxes?
select * from (some query) result
select * from (some query) AS result
There is no functional difference between the two (they do the same thing).
However some databases have a preference one way or the other. For instance, Oracle does not support as for table aliases. On the other hand, MS Access requires them.
Personally, I only use as for column aliases. I use them for column aliases because it is very easy to leave out a column, so:
select x y
works even when you mean:
select x, y
The as is a statement of intent for column aliases.
There is no danger of such confusing in the from clause, so I find that as for table aliases is unnecessary.
There is no difference between both statements above. "AS" is just a more explicit way of mentioning the alias.

In what order SQL statement execute if Select statement has CONCAT function on some columns?

I have been trying to understand the code that is the part of the BigQuery course on Coursera. The query looks like this
CONCAT(fullVisitorId, CAST(visitID AS STRING)) AS unique_session_id,
SUM(productRevenue) AS transactions_revenue
WHERE sessionQualityDim > 60
GROUP BY unique_session_id, sessionQualityDim
My question is how would the order of the SQL statement would execute. Mainly when the GROUP BY is done on unique_session_id (which is the CONCAT between two columns), how would 'GROUP BY' knows about the calculated CONCAT results(unique_session_id). From my knowledge the SELECT statement would run in the last. But in this case it seems like first field is calculated using CONCAT and then group by is using that for grouping. Can someone give more insights on this ?
According to the SQL standard, the GROUP BY is parsed before the SELECT.
However, this is not a hard-and-fast rule among databases. What BigQuery is doing is determining the column aliases from the SELECT. It then allows these aliases in the GROUP BY. Other databases do this as well -- Postgres and all its derived databases for example.
Do not confuse the parsing of the query with the execution, though. The execution is through some very complicated parallel directed acyclic graph. What is happening here is simply that the BigQuery parser is (conveniently) allowing users to use table aliases in GROUP BY.

DB2 With Clause

I am new to DB2 and I have a question about the with clause.
For example in the following query:
WITH values AS
SELECT user_id, user_data FROM USER WHERE user_age < 20
SELECT avg(values.user_data) FROM values
SELECT sum(values.user_data) FROM values
How many times will the common table expression be executed? Will the result of the with clause be stored in a temporary table or it will do sub-select twice.
(I use with and union here just to give an example, and sorry for my poor english)
As #Vladimir Oselsky has mentioned, only looking at the execution plan will give you a definite answer. In this contrived example the CTE subselect will likely run twice.
In DB2, common table expressions should create the Common Table Expression Node in the execution plan (see the documentation here). This node explicitly says:
They serve as intermediate tables. Traditionally, a nested table
expression also serves this purpose. However, a common table
expression can be referenced multiple times after it is instantiated;
nested table expressions cannot.
I read this as saying that the CTE is only evaluated once, instantiated, and then used multiple times. Also, if the CTE is referenced only one time, the "instantiation" is optimized away.
Note that this is the way that Postgres handles CTEs (materialized subqueries) and not the way the SQL Server handles them.

Using alias in query and using it

I have a doubt and question regarding alias in sql. If i want to use the alias in same query can i use it. For eg:
Consider Table name xyz with column a and b
select (a/b) as temp , temp/5 from xyz
Is this possible in some way ?
You are talking about giving an identifier to an expression in a query and then reusing that identifier in other parts of the query?
That is not possible in Microsoft SQL Server which nearly all of my SQL experience is limited to. But you can however do the following.
SELECT temp, temp / 5
SELECT (a/b) AS temp
FROM xyz
) AS T1
Obviously that example isn't particularly useful, but if you were using the expression in several places it may be more useful. It can come in handy when the expressions are long and you want to group on them too because the GROUP BY clause requires you to re-state the expression.
In MSSQL you also have the option of creating computed columns which are specified in the table schema and not in the query.
You can use Oracle with statement too. There are similar statements available in other DBs too. Here is the one we use for Oracle.
with t
as (select a/b as temp
from xyz)
select temp, temp/5
from t
This has a performance advantage, particularly if you have a complex queries involving several nested queries, because the WITH statement is evaluated only once and used in subsequent statements.
Not possible in the same SELECT clause, assuming your SQL product is compliant with entry level Standard SQL-92.
Expressions (and their correlation names) in the SELECT clause come into existence 'all at once'; there is no left-to-right evaluation that you seem to hope for.
As per #Josh Einstein's answer here, you can use a derived table as a workaround (hopefully using a more meaningful name than 'temp' and providing one for the temp/5 expression -- have in mind the person who will inherit your code).
Note that code you posted would work on the MS Access Database Engine (and would assign a meaningless correlation name such as Expr1 to your second expression) but then again it is not a real SQL product.
Its possible I guess:
SELECT (A/B) as temp, (temp/5)
FROM xyz,
(SELECT numerator_field as A, Denominator_field as B FROM xyz),
(SELECT (numerator_field/denominator_field) as temp FROM xyz);
This is now available in Amazon Redshift
select clicks / impressions as probability, round(100 * probability, 1) as percentage from raw_data;
You might find W3Schools "SQL Alias" to be of good help.
Here is an example from their tutorial:
SELECT po.OrderID, p.LastName, p.FirstName
FROM Persons AS p,
Product_Orders AS po
WHERE p.LastName='Hansen' AND p.FirstName='Ola'
Regarding using the Alias further in the query, depending on the database you are using it might be possible.