Xcode + Time Machine (or Finder copy) = NSInternalInconsistencyException - objective-c

After using Finder to make a copy of my project, the iPhone Simulator crashes giving me an NSInternalInconsistencyException error. I subsequently used Time Machine to restore the project before I made the copy, but am still getting the NSInternalInconsistencyException error.
This is a small homework assignment and re-creating it wouldn't be the end of the world. My big concern is that I don't understand something fundamental about how Xcode is working. Any illumination would be greatly appreciated.
Apple identified the bug. The iPhone Simulator keeps the last-run version of the app onboard, and doesn't replace it with the copied/Time-Machine-Restored version that is in Run-and-Build. Deleting the app from the iPhone Simulator and performing a new Run-and-Build resolves the issue.

Sounds like a bug. Your source code files should be fine, so hopefully it's not a big deal to just create a new project and add those files so that you can get back to work. You might also want to report the issue to Apple, especially if you can make it happen again.


Why is my AUv3 randomly disappearing with "viewServiceDidTerminateWithError"?

I’ve encountered a strange problem during iOS AUv3 Instrument development which I’m having trouble finding information on. I’ve spent a couple weeks now attempting to debug this, and I was wondering if anyone else has encountered it. It feels more like an "OS killed the app" than a crash, so I use the term crash loosely. Here are the symptoms:
It doesn't seem to ever happen on initial instantiation; it's when a project is reloaded. But, you can comment out setFullState and it'll still occur.
The “crash” is inconsistent. Like a lot of slippery bugs, it’ll start happening consistently and then it’ll stop happening completely.
When it does happen, it initially appears to load fine: the view loads and looks correct, and it produces audio. But, after a couple seconds, the plugin view disappears and it stops producing audio. I see this in the console log:
viewServiceDidTerminateWithError:: Error Domain=_UIViewServiceInterfaceErrorDomain Code=3 "(null)" UserInfo={Message=Service Connection Interrupted}
You don’t have to generate any MIDI events to crash it. It would crash even after I commented out the processing block.
If anyone has any ideas, including how to get some useful debugging info out of this situation, let me know!
I tried to look at crash logs, but there are no crash logs generated
didReceiveMemoryWarning is not tripped. In fact, I did an experiment where I allocated 100 megs and memset’d it on startup, and it didn’t crash it.
I tried attaching a debugger, but it goes from “no debug session” to “waiting to attach” after it crashes-- at no point does it actually attach. It will attach if I then reload the plugin, but then it won’t crash. The Zombies and Leaks tools didn't reveal anything, nor did the memory sanitizers.
Using a Storyboard instead of a XIB didn't change the behavior (not sure why it would, but it was one of the last few differences between this and Apple's example).
I created a very tiny example project which exhibits the problem (unfortunately, I cannot post any code which shows the problem because I cannot find where exactly the problem code is-- maybe it's even a project setting?). It has a minimal GUI, no setFullState, and generates white noise:
Expected: It doesn't crash or disappear randomly
Actual results: After reloading a project file which uses this AUv3, the plugin will disappear after a few seconds. It initially produces audio normally and the GUI looks OK, but then vanishes.

Mysterious errors after updating to Xcode 6

I am getting mysterious console errors when building my application since I updated Xcode to 6.1 from 5. The application works fine, but I'd like to find out what is causing these errors and get rid of them.
Errors are as follows. An exception breakpoint just halts in main, so no real clues there.
2014-11-08 09:30:28.800 Finances[5848:1545133] Failed to connect
(accountSupplementaryDataValue) outlet from (FINAccountEditorWindowController) to
(NSWindow): missing setter or instance variable
2014-11-08 09:30:28.800 Finances[5848:1545133] Failed to connect (delegate) outlet
from (FINAccountEditorWindowController) to (FINAppDelegate): missing setter
or instance variable
objc[5848]: Class _NSZombie_OS_dispatch_queue_runloop is implemented in
both ?? and ??. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Any ideas?
Apparently you can ignore it? From Greg Parker’s Twitter feed: “Race in the zombie implementation, maybe? You can ignore it.”
For me when I had those problems I carefully went through them and googled them bit by bit to solve them. Though for some what I did was put the file on a flash drive and delete the file from my computer and then reboot the Xcode and with some the computer too and put the projects back on from the flash drive. If that don't work then maybe try loading them on to a computer with Xcode 5 and seeing if the errors are still there?

Cocoa app error during autosave (errno 66)

I have a document based app that I've been building and it seems that every now and then when the document makes a temporary save I get the following error:
AppKit called rmdir("/private/var/folders/5_/7zdcn8g160g0kbpxhr_fwv0m0000gn/T/TemporaryItems/(A Document Being Saved By MyTestApp)"), it didn't return 0, and errno was set to 66.
Now I know that I can resolve the error initially by following this post:
Save Core Data models in Xcode 4
However that seems like a temporary solution because the error keeps coming back. However the error doesn't come back all the time, just some times which makes me frustrated. I'm wondering if anyone could shed light on the source of the problem.
I'm running Mountain Lion 10.8.2 and Xcode 4.5.2.
I guess it isn't relevant anymore but maybe for someone else - I got the same error, and the issue was that I tried to change read only meta-data field of the UIDocument.

App crash - "DiskImageCache: Could not resolve the absolute path of the old directory."

I am working on an app, where I display the data entered by user in a PDF file. PDF File is also created dynamically.
All this is fine.
I have implemented QuickLook framework to display the pdf file. When I call the QL framework, PDF file id displayed quite fine but when come back to the calling screen, my app crashes without any crash log or memory warnings.
I am calling QL with below code:
[[self navigationController] presentModalViewController:qlPreviewer animated:YES];
logs created are
DiskImageCache: Could not resolve the absolute path of the old directory.
[Switching to process 3070 thread 0x17603]
[Switching to process 3070 thread 0x15503]
This is quite interesting.....
When I run the same program in Instruments to check for leaks and Memory Management, i can only find leaks when PDF document is scrolled and all the pages are viewed.
However, interestingly there is no app crash that I can see.
Also, I did try with ZombieEnabled = YES and without it but no app crash with Instruments.
I am quite clueless on how to interpret this and have been trying different things to solve this. Also, I have tried UIWebView but the result is the same.
I was again trying something to check out the issue and found something interesting.
When i execute the code directly from X-Code - i get the crash in as explained above.
In other instance, if I execute the app by clicking on the app in the sim... no crash
I am yet to check this on device. Can someone confirm the crash on the device?
Also, Google does not have answer to this question.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
I'm having the exact same issue.
As a workaround, you can disable or remove your 'All Exceptions' breakpoint. This might make debugging a little more difficult, but it's not as bad as having to relaunch the application all the time.
This is the breakpoint causing the issue. I had set it so long ago that I'd forgotten it was there
Deleting application from device helped me to solve this problem.
Maybe also at first you should try "Product > Clean" to ensure that all resources will be copied to your device.
I was able to fix mine with this code:
NSURLRequest* reqObj;
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSURLRequest* reqObj;
reqObj = [NSURLRequest requestWithUrl:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData timeoutInterval:60.0];
NSURLConnection* conn = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:reqObj delegate:self];
then instead of loading it on my view after this line i waited for the connectionDidFinishLoading then load it to my view
Interesting: This has just started with my app too. No errors when checking for leaks but running the app in the sim actually is causing a Breakpoint, not a crash. I can hit the continue and the app keeps running, no problem.
My issue also is relating to a PDF, but I'm just using a web view to display a PDF from the app bundle. I've checked everything in the dealloc, it's all good, this may be a iOS 5.1 bug. I will update as I learn more.
#JimP, It isn't an iOS 5.1 bug. It has just started happening to my app as well, on iOS5.0. It seems to only affect pdfs of more than one page length, and seems to trigger most commonly on scrolling past the end of the document (although sometimes earlier also). It also seems to happen more often on a second load.
This could happen when you delete the object reference in code but having its reference in xib. Delete the outlet that you no longer need.
Just ran into this problem of loading a pdf file in an App I am converting to iOS 8. This App has been running fine since the first iPhone. I just removed the All Exceptions breakpoint to work around it.
I don't know if it's the same problem but I had an issue where switching from a PDF view to another more than three times via the tab bar controller caused a crash.
Turned out that embedding the views I was switching to within Navigation controllers put a stop to the crashing.

iOS 5 TableView crashes

Something got changed at the new SDK and my code suddenly isn't working.
I created a new empty project and created only a UITableView in it.
I used the same code as i've been used to, except the compiler said that i do not need to use autorelease anymore, so i removed it.
Oh, and I replaced retain with strong as i was recommended.
When I run the app it shows the TableView like it should look, but the minute i touch anywhere on screen, like scrolling for example, it crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.
What do I miss??
You should post some more informations on where your program crashed! But I don't think the mentioned compiler warnings are the reason. You should have tried to run your project with the compiler by turning of ARC (automatic reference count) and see what happens. If you can go back, do that first.
Also maybe there went something wrong with the changes you made because of ARC . If you have not done the changes with the Xcode refactoring tool I recommend you doing so.
Therefor select in the Xcode Menu:
Edit > Refactor > Convert to Objectiv-C ARC...
It will go through your code and apply the changes. Apple recommends though that your project should work without crashes and warnings before using it.