State Machine Workflows dead in .NET 4.0 or not? - .net-4.0

I'm confused. I'm an avid reader of several Sharepoint related Blogs and everybody says "don't use State Machine Workflows in .NET 3.5 anymore - they will not exist in .NET 4".
Reading up on the topic, .NET 4.0 does not support State Machine Workflows, but uses Flowchart WFs instead. Fine.
Now there is the Platform Update 1 - which introduces State Machine Workflows again. Also the announcement about the "new" state machine functionality doesn't say much about the why - seems like we have State Machine WFs again.
My question: Did Microsoft add state machine workflows back into the mix or is this a totally "new" state machine workflow activity (relating to compatibility). Was this move due to customer pressure of people complaining not having state machine workflows anymore? I'm basically looking for some kind of explanation of why there suddenly are state machine workflows in .NET 4 (with Platform Update 1). And: Will they stay (.NET 5) or is this a temporary move?
PS: Also take a look at the official State Machine Guidance Whitepapers, they basically still say if you are using state machine's in 3.5 - use Flowcharts now.

The StateMachine in WF4 is similar to the one in WF3 but WF4 is completely different so the differences are there in the state machine as well.
We wanted to ship a the StateMachine in WF4 but had to cut it in order to make the release date. Our plan was always to ship it as soon as possible.
As for the StateMachine Guidance Whitepaper - it just never got updated. I'll see if we can take care of that now.


Visual studio live share limited functionality

I was looking for a solution to the problem on many internet forums, but I couldn't find it. The topic always ends with the sentence - that we will fix this problem with the next VS update. (Since 2017...). Even after updating VS nothing changes. When I try to share my project with Live share, my guest cannot access the project files and can't open them, he gets an error:
The Output Channel Recipient has limited functionality due to the lack of the dependency service: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.OutputChannelStore (0.1).
C ++ Service has limited functionality due to the lack of a dependency service: Microsoft.VisualStudio.VC.ManagedPackageService.
I use visual studio 2022 community. Since April, there have been a lot of entries about this problem, but somehow there is no solution, anyone knows what's going on?
With current version of VS(which was downloaded on 16.12.2022) live share works correctly.

Sharing HDI container in MTA XSA application

I have some experience developing in the xs classical apps in the SAP Cloud platform neo evironment. And plan to migrate to xsadvanced in the cloud foundary landscape. I have a few fundamental doubts which sadly i could not get answers to even after reading the documentation.
If i understand correctly XSA is cloud foundary extented by SAP to support SAP HANA 2.0 as a service via the HDI Container, allowing the tradional xsjs to run as a node.js container and bunch of other SAP specefic serivces ?
the MTA (mutlti target application) development promoted by SAP looks neat however i have a few questions when it comes to working in a env where multiple developers work with the same MTA in the "dev" space for example.
the typical MTA is combined of a web module where the UI part resides , node module to hold the services and a db module that is the entire HDI container which holds tables,views and the actual data .
the developers dont work with WebIde and use VSS code and cf CLI.
Question 1 : if i want each developer to have an isolated MTA when developing , then each developer must push the same MTA app with a different name when he works with works for some feature development ? (preferably some feature brach that gets pushed as a new app) . every line of code change then needs a push to CF
Question 2: Pushing the app with the same schema name in MTA file creates a new schema for the second developer in the same HDI cointainer (i am not sure if this correct however this what i understand from : here
But the second schema will remain empty and many not contain data, do we then take care about data replication from schema 1 to schema 2. wont this explode the space usage ?
As i said, i did not find documentation about how multiple developers can work on the same MTA app in the shared space so any guidance will help
thank you
Multiple developers are able to work on the same MTA app, because of git functionality and different workspaces dedicated for each developer. More to that, you can even personally have even more that one workspace, which means you can have different features developed by yourself separately.
When you build your container or run your application in your space, each time get a unique schema name or application url, this means you can work independently.
A bit tricky part is when you want to join your commited code with other developers. Basically, it depends of how big your project is. If you have a large project, it's better to control merges using Code Review and Unit tests, or maybe you are in a small project and work on different files, which means you can merge your code easily to master branch by yourself.

Live Vehicle tracking using J2ee

I want to build a project on "Live Vehicle tracking system" using J2ee.following are my basic ideas-
a website from which end user can track the vehicle(tracking can be done on Google maps).
a GPS system embedded in the vehicle so that it can send location to the server.
i think of using J2ee.please suggest me whether to use this or any other language.
This is basic idea.please make correction if necessary.
Thank you
We are making sort of application using Spring ZK framework Maven and Mysql. Also we have our device for vehicle tracking. We already have some application made for tests. I can guarantee that J2ee is appropriate solution for it. We didn't have to made for example almost non of sql queries - all of them is easy to generate. We have experience in that field for 7 years and with different tools so yes that's good solution.

Is there a free way to distribute free Windows 8 apps?

I'm considering developing a free non-enterprise Windows 8-style application. I would like to be able to distribute it with no fees charged to myself or users. (Please not that I am not asking about Windows 7-style desktop applications.)
From Microsoft Community, it seems that the only way to distribute these types of applications is using Windows Store. In fact, since the removal of the term, metro, it appears to me that one of the replacement phrases is Windows Store Apps, which clearly implies a strong association with Windows Store.
The licence agreement for the store appears to support distributing free applications. However, I've also read that there is no (permanently) free way to use the store as a developer. (See this, for example.) Microsoft does appear to market some 'free' methods to do this, but they appear to be first-year-free subscriptions that still require credit card details for subsequent years.
I have already looked at and considered the following Stack Overflow questions about this:
How to Distribute Compiled Windows 8 Metro Applications without Windows Store?
This question appears to be in the context of using pre-release Windows 8 before the store was available.
How to install a Windows 8 App Without Submitting to Store
This appears to be related to enterprise users and applications.
How can I distribute a free Windows 8 application without having to pay for a Windows Store developer account?
You cannot. A store account is required to distribute applications in the Windows Store; however, there are programs in which that cost ($49 per annum for a individual developer) is absorbed, such as MSDN subscriptions and BizSpark.
Sideloading (as mentioned in the first link you provided) remains possible, but requires (and automatically provisions) a free 'developer' account to run it.
Sort of.
What you do is you go to the Store menu, and hit "build store package." When it asks you whether you want to build something for store, you hit no.
You will be presented with a directory that contains a .sh1 script, which you can then use to install the application.
The downside is, this requires enterprise windows or a (free) developers' license to install. So it's not general population adequate.
Now, I should point out that .EXEs still work just fine the old way. There is only an impediment if you mean Modern UI applications.

Why use sysprep for Sharepoint 2010 Developer VMs?

I have read several articles about creating a Sharepoint Developer VM. They all say to "sysprep" them. Why (exactly) must the sysprep be done? What kind of problems (and why) will we run into if we don't sysprep them?
(I suppose what I am asking is, what would be the difference in doing "sysprep" and just bringing up the VM, changing its Name/IP, reboot then install SP?)
I've had success in the past with just copying Hyper-V vhd's as a method of cloning VM's - however, I now use sysprep when cloning any of my machines as it's been mentioned as a best practice in many places. And, it does some nice things like allowing you to cleaning up a bunch of stuff that I don't want to duplicate and letting me choose a new name for the machine on boot. From MS Sysprep Technical Reference:
Sysprep prepares a computer for disk
imaging or delivery to a customer by
configuring the computer to create a
new computer security identifier (SID)
when the computer is restarted. In
addition, Sysprep cleans up user- and
computer-specific settings and data
that must not be copied to a
destination computer.
And you may want to read Russinovich's post on The Machine SID Duplication Myth (and Why Sysprep Matters) for more good explanation of how SIDs work and the very last paragraph has another reason for going this route:
Note that Sysprep resets other
machine-specific state that, if
duplicated, can cause problems for
certain applications like Windows
Server Update Services (WSUS), so
Microsoft’s support policy will still
require cloned systems to be made
unique with Sysprep.
Good luck!