WCF - Which Binding - wcf

I have a web service hosted in IIS 7 that is to be called from a WCF client that runs in a different domain.
Currently, the wsHTTP binding has been configured using default settings. When the call is made the service complains that the client couldn't be authenticated (Message : The request for security token could not be satisfied because authentication failed.). I guess this is because it's trying to use windows authentication and the clients ID cannot be validated against the AD server of the service.
What's the best way to get around this? Can the service be configured to run under the ID of a local account? How best to check the call has come from authorised client? I'd rather avoid certificate generation and management if possible. Ideally, I'd authenticate the client by username / password by then have the service operate under it's own local ID - to gain access to resources on the service server.
Any advise gratefully received.

You can use user name and password but your service should use certificate if you don't want to send user name and password in plain text. Your option is either:
HTTPS with user name and password in message
Message security with user name and password in message
Both requires certificate.

Here's a good tutorial that I used to do just that.


Authenticate a call to a WCF service

I am trying to call a Sharepoint Web Service via WCF from inside a .ASHX on a different server. My code works if I run inside of Visual Studio's debug web server, but not from IIS. The working server works in various authentication modes (Kerberos, NTLM), and the non-working one doesn't work in any. I am impersonating the same user in both cases.
Using NTLM, I recorded a working session and non-working session in Wireshark. In the working one, Wireshark parses the NTLM data and reports a DOMAIN and USER NAME that I expect. In the non-working one, it shows
I have debugged in IIS and impersonation is definitely working at the point of the service call. If I check WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(), it's the user I expect.
If I inspect the WCF service proxy on the working and non-working servers, they look identical -- the part that deals with ClientCredentials is set to "" for Username and Password for both versions.
Any ideas on what else to check? Why would the NTLM data have DOMAIN and USER NAME set to NULL -- where does it pick that up from?
According to this:
When IIS services an HTTP request, IIS performs impersonation so that access to resources to handle the request is limited appropriately. The impersonated security context is based on the kind of authentication performed for the request. The five different types of authentication available from IIS 4.0 are:
Authentication Type Impersonation Type
------------------------------------ ---------------------
Anonymous Access (no authentication) Network
Auto Password Synchronization is
ON (ON=default)
Anonymous Access (no authentication) IIS Clear Text
Auto Password Synchronization is OFF
Basic Authentication IIS Clear Text
NT Challenge/Response Authentication Network
Client SSL Certificate Mapping Interactive
In my case, I have a Network Token, but
Network tokens are "NOT" permitted to access network resources. (Network tokens are named so because this kind of token is traditionally created by a server when a user is authenticated across the network. To allow the server to use a network token to act as a network client and access another server is called "delegation" and is considered a possible security hole.)
The KB has many possible ways to avoid the problem

How to implement authentication security in WCF?

How to implement authentication security in WCF?
Means if any user is registered, than only be able to use service.
One way:-
Like, a mobile application at the time of installation update unique key with application Database.
So when client tried to connect with WCF service and if the key match then only be able to connect with service.
I want to know is there some other way to prevent unauthorized access for service?
You can read through this link Programming WCF security.
Read this link to Implement CustomUserNamePassword Authentication
You can configure your bindings to perform CustomUsernamePassowrd Authentication where you validated if the username and password are valid and if so you grant access to the service else deny.

wcf and windows authentication

I like to use wcf (windows communication foundation) with windows authentication.
Do I need Active directory for this purpose?
How the server knows about the identity of the client?
If someone can found out the pass of the client that is using the wcf services, can he create the same user name on different computer and use the password to access the wcf services ?
Yes, if you want to use Windows authentication, you need Active Directory as the source where the user gets validated.
The way this happens is by means of a user "token" - when your client logs into his PC with his Windows credentials, the login process will check with AD whether the user is legit and issue a "token". This token is then used in calls to a WCF service to determine who it is that is calling the service.

WCF Security Transport Security Questions

I'm writing a set of WCF services that rely on transport security with Windows Authentication using the trusted subsystem model. However, I want to perform authorization based on the original client user that initiated the request (e.g. a user from a website with a username/password). I'm planning to achieve this by adding the original user's credentials in the header before the client sends the message and then the service will use the supplied credentials to authorize the user. So I have a few questions about this implementation:
1) using transport security with windows auth, I do NOT need to worry about again encrypting the passed credentials to ensure the validity... WCF automatically takes care of this - is this correct?
2) how does this implementation prevent a malicious service, running under some windows account within the domain, to send a message tagged with spoofed credentials. for e.g. a malicious service replaces the credentials with an Admin user to do something bad?
Thanks for any help.
What binding are you using? Is this service only within your corporate LAN, or do you plan to go outside the firewall?
To answer your question (as far as I can)
1) With Windows authentication over transport security, the transport layer will be encrypted and safe - no need to worry about additional encryption of credentials etc.
2) It cannot. If a malicious service manages to "hijack" some valid Windows credentials and poses as "John Doe" who has an account on your corporate network, there's no way the WCF service can distinguish this from a valid request by John Doe.

Easiest method to use a client-generated token for WCF authentication

(I tried searching, but couldn't find any truly helpful links.)
We are implementing a set of WCF services. What I would like to do in these services is have the clients (which will be trusted application servers) be able to pass a token of some sort to the web service to authenticate. I do not want to be required to pass username/password on the initial or subsequent requests (because in some cases the calling application server may not have the password). Windows and Kerberos are not usable in our specific circumstance.
I had thought to just create a simple custom UserNameSecurityTokenAuthenticator class and modify it so that if the password is empty, it takes userName as the string-encoded token value (obviously checking the token itself to verify that it's valid at that point), but if the password is not empty, forwarding on the username/password to a MembershipProvider for checking. Basically I'd like to overload the username/password authentication to provide for token passing as well.
Is this possible? Can I simply plug in a token authenticator like this, or is there some other simple way to "intercept" requests like this (and update the actual username value from the decrypted token)?
Or is there some other incredibly simple way to allow the client to pass a custom token and have the server accept it that I'm just missing?
If it's a fairly controlled environment and not too many clients involved, then I'd try to set up something along the lines of the B2B scenario securing the transport link using certificates on both ends.
Certificates are not bound to Windows or an AD domain, and setting them up is a one-time job.
Read more about that WCF security scenario:
MSDN: Transport Security with Certificate Authentication
Fundamentals of WCF Security: Business Partner Applications
. WCF Security How-To's