Inner joins involving three tables - sql

I have a SELECT statement that has three inner joins involving two tables.
Apart from creating indexes on the columns referenced in the ON and WHERE clauses, is there other things I can do to optimize the joins, as in rewriting the query?
my_table AS t1
my_table AS t2
ON =
other_table AS t3
ON =

You can tune PostgreSQL config, VACUUM ANALIZE and all general optimizations.
If this is not enough and you can spend few days you may write code to create materialized view as described in postgresql wiki.

You likely have an error in your example, because you're selecting the same record from my_table twice, you could really just do:
my_table AS t1
other_table AS t3
ON =
Because in your example code t1 Will always be t2.
But lets assume you mean ON t2.idX =; then to answer your question, you can't get much better performance than what you have, you could index them or you could go further and define them as foreign key relationships (which wouldn't do too much in terms of performance benefits compared to non-index vs indexing them).
You might instead like to look at restricting your where clause and perhaps that is where your indexing would be as (if not more) beneficial.
You could write your query as using WHERE EXISTS (if you don't need to select data from all three tables) rather than INNER JOINS but the performance will be almost identical (except when this is itself inside a nested query) as it still needs find the records.

In PostgreSQL. most of your tuning will not be on the actual query. The goal is to help the optimizer figure out how best to execute your declarative query, not to specify how to do it from your program. That isn't to say that sometimes queries can't be optimized themselves, or that they might not need to be, but this doesn't have any of the problem areas that I am aware of, unless you are retrieving a lot more records than you need to (which I have seen happen occasionally).
The fist thing to do is to run vacuum analyze to make sure you have optimal statistics. Then use explain analyze to compare expected query performance to actual. From that point, we'd look at indexes etc. There isn't anything in this query that needs to be optimized on a query level. However without looking at your actual filters in your where clause and the actual output of explain analyze there isn't much that can be suggested.
Typically you tweak the db to choose a better query plan rather than specifying it in your query. That's usually the PostgreSQL way. The comment is of course qualified by noting there are exceptions.


Does using subquery to select specific columns in from clause efficient?

Suppose table1 has column a,b,c,.....z.
Does selecting specific columns using sub-query in from clause perform better than
just selecting all(*)?
OR does it result in more calculations?
( I am using HIVE)
FROM (SELECT table1.a
FROM table1
join table2 on (table1.b = table2.b)
FROM table1
join table2 on (table1.b = table2.b)
Using a subquery to select specific columns is generally a bad idea, regardless of the database. However, in most databases, it make no difference to performance.
Why is it a bad idea? Basically, it can confuse the optimizer and/or anyone reading the query. Depending on the database,
It makes queries a bit harder to maintain (adding a new column can require repeating the column name over and over in subqueries).
The subqueries might be materialized (this should not occur in Hive).
Pruning partitions may not work if the pruning is in outer queries.
It may preclude the use of indexes (does not apply to Hive).
It may confuse the optimizer and statistics (probably does not apply to Hive).
I cannot think of a good reason for actually complicating a query by introducing unnecessary subqueries for this purpose.

SQL reduce data in join or where

I want to know what is faster, assuming I have the following queries and they retrieve the same data
select * from tableA a inner join tableB b on = where b.columnX = value
select * from tableA inner join (select * from tableB where b.columnX = value) b on =
I think makes sense to reduce the dataset from tableB in advanced, but I dont find anything to backup my perception.
In a database such as Teradata, the two should have exactly the same performance characteristics.
SQL is not a procedural language. A SQL query describes the result set. It does not specify the sequence of actions.
SQL engines process a query in three steps:
Parse the query.
Optimize the parsed query.
Execute the optimized query.
The second step gives the engine a lot of flexibility. And most query engines will be quite intelligent about ignoring subqueries, using indexes and partitions based on where clauses, and so on.
Most SQL dialects compile your query into an execution plan. Teradata and most SQL system show the expected execution plan with the "explain" command. Teradata has a visual explain too, which is simple to learn from
It depends on the data volumes and key type in each table, if any method would be advantageous
Most SQL compilers will work this out correctly using the current table statistics (data size and spread)
In some SQL systems your second command would be worse, as it may force a full temporary table build by ALL fields on tableB
It should be (not that I recommend this query style at all)
select * from tableA inner join (select id from tableB where columnX = value) b on =
In most cases, don't worry about this, unless you have a specific performance issue, and then use the explain commands to work out why
A better way in general is to use common table expressions (CTE) to break the problem down. This leads to better queries that can be tested and maintain over the long term
Whenever you come across such scenarios wherein you feel that which query would yeild the results faster in teradata, please use the EXPLAIN plan in teradata - which would properly dictate how the PE is going to retrieve records. If you are using Teradata sql assistant then you can select the query and press F6.
The DBMS decides the access path that will be used to resolve the query, you can't decide it, but you can do certain things like declaring indexes so that the DBMS takes those indexes into consideration when deciding which access path it will use to resolve the query, and then you will get a better performance.
For instance, in this example you are filtering tableB by b.columnX, normally if there are no indexes declared for tableB the DBMS will have to do a full table scan to determine which rows fulfill that condition, but suppose you declare an index on tableB by columnX, in that case the DBMS will probably consider that index and determine an access path that makes use of the index, getting a much better performance than a full table scan, specially if the table is big.

How should I refactor subqueries

I am aware of three ways of writing subqueries into a query.
Normal subquery
With clause
Temporary table
Subqueries get extremely messy when there are multiples of them in a query, and especially when you have nested subqueries.
With clause is my preference, but you can only use the subqueries in a WITH clause in the select statement which directly follows the WITH clause (I believe).
Temporary tables are good, but they require quite a bit of over head in declaring the table.
Are there any other ways to refactor subqueries other than these?
And are there any trade offs between them that I haven't considered?
You are leaving out some other capabilities.
The most obvious is views. If you have a complex query that is going to be used multiple times -- particularly one that might be implementing business rules between tables -- then a view is very useful. If performance is an issue, then you can materialize the view.
A common use of subqueries is to generate additional columns in a table -- such as the difference between two columns. You can use computed columns for these calculations, and make them part of the data definition.
Finally, you could implement user-defined functions. user-defined table-valued functions are a lot like views with parameters. This can be really helpful under some circumstances. And the underlying queries should generally be quite optimized.
Another type of user-defined functions are scalar functions. These usually incur more overhead, but can be quite useful at times.
All that said, if you structure your queries cleanly, then subqueries and CTEs won't look "messy". You might actually find that you can write very long queries that make sense both to you and to other people reading them.
As a matter of preference and readability more than performance, with is probably the best.
I don't know which database you are using, but in Oracle the with create a temporary view/table accessible with the name on the LHS of the as and is not really distinct from a subquery: this name may be used like it were a normal table.
The select * from (select * from a) is doing the same: the only matter is that you can not reuse that result:
select * from (subquery1) q left join t1 on =
union all
select * from (subquery1) q left join t2 on =;
But that is where the query plan is important: subquery1 is the same in both case and the plan may be one that use a temporary table/view, thus reducing the cost of whole.
The with is ultimately a way to create temporary table/view and also force the plan optimizer to build query in some order which may (not) be best.
Temporary table would be good if you know the result would be reused later, not in the same query (in which case the with does the same work, given the temporary table it use) and even transaction (example: saving the result of a search):
insert into tmp (...);
select * from tmp q left join t1 on =;
select * from tmp q left join t2 on =;
The tmp table is used twice in the same transaction but not in the same query: your database won't recompute the result twice and it is probably fine if all you are doing are select (no mutation on tmp source).

Performance of "NOT IN" in SQL query

I'm quite new to SQL query analysis. Recently I stumbled upon a performance issue with one of the queries and I'm wondering whether my thought process is correct here and why Query Optimizer works the way it works in this case.
I'm om SQL Server 2012.
I've got a SQL query that looks like
It takes around 30 seconds to run on my test server.
While trying to understand what is taking so long I rewrote it using a temp table, like this:
INTO #temp from T2;
(SELECT T1_Id from #temp);
It runs a hundred times faster than the first one.
Some info about the tables:
T2 has around 1 million rows, and there are around 1000 distinct values of T1_id there. T1 has around 1000+ rows. Initially I only had a clustered index on T2 on a column other than T1_Id, so T1_id wasn't indexed at all.
Looking at the execution plans, I saw that for the first query there were as many index scans as there are distinct T1_id values, so basically SQL Server performs about 1000 index scans in this case.
That made me realize that adding a non-clustered index on T1_id may be a good idea (the index should've been there from the start, admittedly), and adding an index indeed made the original query run much faster since now it does nonclustered index seeks.
What I'm looking for is to understand the Query optimizer behavior for the original query - does it look reasonable? Are there any ways to make it work in a way similar to the temporary table variant that I posted here rather than doing multiple scans? Am I just misunderstanding something here?
Thanks in advance for any links to the similar discussion as I haven't really found anything useful.
Not in is intuitive but slow. This construct will generally run quicker.
where id in
(select id from t1
except select t1_id from t2)
The actual performance will likely vary from the estimates, but neither of your queries will out-perform this query, which is the de facto standard approach:
LEFT JOIN T2 ON T1.Id = T2.T1_Id
This uses a proper join, which will perform very well (assuming the foreign key column is indexed) and being an left (outer) join the WHERE condition selects only those rows from T1 that don't join (all columns of the right side table are null when the join misses).
Note also that DISTINCT is not required, since there is only ever one row returned from T1 for missed joins.
The SQL Server optimizer needs to understand the size if tables for some of its decisions.
When doing a NOT IN with a subquery, those estimates may not be entirely accurate. When the table is actually materialized, the count would be highly accurate.
I think the first would be faster with an index on
This is just a guess, but hopefully an educated one...
The DBMS probably concluded that searching a large table small number of times is faster than searching a small table large number of times. That's why you had ~1000 searches on T2, instead of ~1000000 searches on T1.
When you added an index on T2.T1_Id, that turned ~1000 table scans (or full clustered index scans if the table is clustered) into ~1000 index seeks, which made things much faster, as you already noted.
I'm not sure why it didn't attempt a hash join (or a merge join after the index was added) - perhaps it had stale statistics and badly overestimated the number of distinct values?
One more thing: is there a FOREIGN KEY on T2.T1_Id referencing T1.Id? I know Oracle can use FKs to improve the accuracy of cost estimates (in this case, it could infer that the cardinality of T2.T1_Id cannot be greater than T1.Id). If MS SQL Server does something similar, and the FK is missing (or is untrusted), that could contribute to the MS SQL Server thinking there are more distinct values than there really are.
(BTW, it would have helped if you posted the actual query plans and the database structure.)

Is it better to join two fields together, or to compare them each to the same constant?

For example which is better:
select * from t1, t2 where'US' and and
select * from t1, t2 where'US' and'US' and
better as in less work for the database, faster results.
Note: Sybase, and there's an index on both tables of country+id.
I don't think there is a global answer to your question. It depends on the specific query. You would have to compare the execution plans for the two queries to see if there are significant differences.
I personally prefer the first form:
select * from t1, t2 where'US' and and
because if I want to change the literal there is only one change needed.
There are a lot of factors at play here that you've left out. What kind of database is it? Are those tables indexed? How are they indexed? How large are those tables?
(Premature optimization is the root of all evil!)
It could be that if "" and "" are indexed, the database engine joins them together based on those fields, and then uses the rest of the WHERE clause to filter out rows.
They could be indexed but incredibly small tables, and both fit in a page of memory. In which case the database engine might just do a full scan of both rather than bother loading up the index.
You just don't know, really, until you try.
I had a situation similar to this and this was the solution I resorted to:
Select *
I noticed that my query ran faster in this scenario. I made the assumption that joining on the constant saved the engine time because the WHERE clause will execute at the end. Joining and then filtering by 'US' means you still pulled all the other countries from your table and then had to filter out the ones you wanted. This method pulls less records in the end, because it will only find US records.
The correct answer probably depends on your SQL engine. For MS SQL Server, the first approach is clearly the better because the statistical optimizer is given an additional clue which may help it find a better (more optimal) resolution path.
I think it depends on the library and database engine. Each one will execute the SQL differently, and there's no telling which one will be optimized.
I'd lean towards only including your constant in the code once. There might be a performance advantage one way or the other, but it's probably so small the maintenance advantage of only one parameter trumps it.
If you ever wish to make the query more general, perhaps substituting a parameter for the target country, then I'd go with your first example, as it requires only a single change. That's less to worry about getting wrong in the future.
I suspect this is going to depend on the tables, the data and the meta-data. I expect I could work up examples that would show results both ways - benchmark!
The extressions should be equivalent with any decent optimizer, but it depends on which database you're using and what indexes are defined on your table.
I would suggest using the EXPLAIN feature to figure out which of expressions is the most optimal.
I think a better SQL would be:
select * from t1, t2 where
and ='US'
There's no need to use the second comparison to 'US' unless it's possisble that the country in t2 could be different than t1 for the same id.
Rather than use an implicit inner join, I would explicitly join the tables.
Since you want both the id fields and country fields to be the same, and you mentioned that both are indexed (I'm presuming in the same index), I would include both columns in the join so you can make use of an index seek instead of a scan. Finally, add your where clause.
JOIN t2 ON = AND =