How to upload a file from the web onto Amazon S3? - amazon-s3

I have a link to a file (like so: I want to upload it directly into S3, instead of downloading it on my computer first (and then uploading). Is this possible?

The file will have to move through some application you write. Amazon S3 does not have any mechanism to execute code or pull files, so the only way to do this is to send it directly from the server where the file is hosted or from another server.


Is there a way to upload files to the Amazon S3 from SFTP

My idea is this: I have an SFTP host with data on it and I want to create a file in S3 from this data, but to save network resources I don't want to download all of this data to a system first to upload again. So my question is: is it possible to transfer the data directly to the s3 without first downloading it? (preferably with the Amazon S3 Java SDK)

How to import data to Amazon S3 from URL

I have an S3 bucket and the URL of a large file. I would like to store the content located at the URL in the S3 bucket.
I could download the file to my local machine and then upload it to S3 with Cloudberry or Jungledisk or whatever. However, if the file is large, this may take a long time because the file must be transferred twice, and my network connection is much slower than Amazon's.
If I have a lot of data to store in S3, I can start an EC2 instance, retrieve the files to the instance with curl or wget, and then push the data from the EC2 instance to S3. This works, but it's a lot of steps if I just want to archive one file.
Any suggestions?
You can stream the file directly from the source to S3.
If you are using node, you can use streaming-s3.

Can I upload files directly from S3 to LightSail without having to download them locally?

I'd like to write a script that can take a list of urls for some files on S3 and upload them directly to a LightSail instance. I know I can download the files from S3 and use sftp to upload to LightSail, but I'm hoping there is a way that I can trigger the file transfer directly from S3 to LightSail. Has anyone done this before?

s3 to ftp server without downloading to ec2

Is there is way (programmatically) to transfer file from s3 bucket to an external ftp server without downloading it to an ec2 instance ?
More details:
I have a Django server running on EC2 which serves an angular web app.
User uploads a file to S3 bucket using my web app and once the upload is complete the web app sends a POST request containing the file object s3 url.
The Django server upon receiving the POST request may need to copy the file (uploaded to s3) to an external ftp server. The target ftp server may be different depending upon the user who uploaded the file (each user group may have her own ftp server).
I understand that upon receiving POST request, Django server can download the file from s3 and then upload it to the appropriate target ftp server.
My question is: Can I reduce overhead on my EC2 instance in step 4 by somehow initiating a transfer from s3 to the target ftp server and get a callback/notification when that transfer completes (success or error).
You can create a lambda function to do the same.
A complete reference of the implementation is discussed here.
Hope it helps.

How to upload files directly to Amazon S3 from a remote server?

Is it possible to upload a file to S3 from a remote server?
The remote server is basically a URL based file server. Example, using, it serves the image. It doesn't do anything else and can't run code on this server.
It is possible to have another server telling S3 to upload a file from
upload from
server -------------------------------------------> S3 <----->
If you can't run code on the server or execute requests then, no, you can't do this. You will have to download the file to a server or computer that you own and upload from there.
You can see the operations you can perform on amazon S3 at
Checking the operations for both the REST and SOAP APIs you'll see there's no way to give Amazon S3 a remote URL and have it grab the object for you. All of the PUT requests require the object's data to be provided as part of the request. Meaning the server or computer that is initiating the web request needs to have the data.
I have had a similar problem in the past where I wanted to download my users' Facebook Thumbnails and upload them to S3 for use on my site. The way I did it was to download the image from Facebook into Memory on my server, then upload to Amazon S3 - the full thing took under 2 seconds. After the upload to S3 was complete, write the bucket/key to a database.
Unfortunately there's no other way to do it.
I think the suggestion provided is quite good, you can SCP the file to S3 Bucket. Giving the pem file will be a password less authentication, via PHP file you can validate the extensions. PHP file can pass the file, as argument to SCP command.
The only problem with this solution is, you must have your instance in AWS. You can't use this solution if your website is hosted in other Hosting Providers and you are trying to upload files straight to S3 Bucket.
Technically it's possible, using AWS Signature Version 4, Assuming your remote server is the customer in the image below, you could prepare a form in the main server, and send the form fields to the remote server, for it to curl it. Detailed example here.
you can use scp command from Terminal.
1)using terminal, go to the place where there is that file you want to transfer to the server
2) type this:
scp -i yourAmazonKeypairPath.pem fileNameThatYouWantToTransfer.php
N.B. Add "ec2-user#" before your ec2blablbla stuffs that you got from the Ec2 website!! This is such a picky error!
3) your file will be uploaded and the progress will be shown. When it is 100%, you are done!