Unable to delete SharePoint 2010 ContentType "Contenty type in use." - sharepoint-2010

I have tried all the recommendations on the web, to no avail.
I wrote a console application per these instructions: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.spcontenttypecollection.delete.aspx
The "Usages.Count" is = 0. Yet, when it tries to delete the Content Type I get an Exception:
"The content type is in use."
This is a brand new (development) install. I created a test site in SP Designer, created a Content Type,then a list. Then, I removed the list, removed it from Recycle Bin and tried to remove the content type...... Ugh.

I was frustrated by this issue until I found your comment. Excellent advice.
Delete from site recycle bin.
Delete from Site Collection > Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Recycle Bin.
Delete from End User Recycle Bin Items.
Delete from "Deleted From End User Recycle Bin."
That's a lot of recycling! Once complete, I was able to delete the content type.

In addition to the recycling bins there's also the page called "Manage files which have no checked in version" under "Permissions and Management" on document libraries - the files in there can also prevent deletion of a content type.

this powershell script form this post also worked for me
$siteURL = "The Site url"
$contentType = "Content type Name"
$web = Get-SPWeb $siteURL
$ct = $web.ContentTypes[$contentType]
if ($ct) {
$ctusage = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentTypeUsage]::GetUsages($ct)
foreach ($ctuse in $ctusage) {
$list = $web.GetList($ctuse.Url)
$contentTypeCollection = $list.ContentTypes;
Write-host "Deleted $contentType content type from $ctuse.Url"
Write-host "Deleted $contentType from site."
} else { Write-host "Nothing to delete." }

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
namespace Test
class ConsoleApp
static void Main(string[] args)
using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite("http://localhost"))
using (SPWeb webSite = siteCollection.OpenWeb())
// Get the obsolete content type.
SPContentType obsolete = webSite.ContentTypes["Test"];
// We have a content type.
if (obsolete != null)
IList usages = SPContentTypeUsage.GetUsages(obsolete);
// It is in use.
if (usages.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("The content type is in use in the following locations:");
foreach (SPContentTypeUsage usage in usages)
// The content type is not in use.
// Delete it.
Console.WriteLine("Deleting content type {0}...", obsolete.Name);
// No content type found.
Console.WriteLine("The content type does not exist in this site collection.");
Console.Write("\nPress ENTER to continue...");
Create a Console Application with the above code and run that project. This code will tell you the libraries in which the content types are attached. Then simply go that libraries and delete the attached content types. Then finally delete the content type from Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Content Types or you may use the above code as well to delete the content type.
This worked for me hope it may also work for you !!!


Project Doesn't Build After Installed Sitecore TDS

After setting up Sitecore TDS, my project will not build. I'm new to Visual Studio and also new to working with Sitecore. It seems that it cannot find a particular setting, but a Google search is not coming up with anything:
Severity Code Description Project Path File Line Suppression State
Error The "AnalyzeProject" task failed unexpectedly.
System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Tasks.SitecoreDeployInfo.ParsedItem'.
at HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Analysis.TemplateStructure.Validate(Dictionary`2 projectItems, XDocument scprojDocument)
at HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Tasks.ProjectAnalysis.AnalysisEngine.<>c__DisplayClass4_1.<GetReport>b__0()
at HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Tasks.ProjectAnalysis.ExecutionTimer.Time(Action action)
at HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Tasks.ProjectAnalysis.AnalysisEngine.GetReport(Dictionary`2 projectItems, XDocument scprojDocument)
at HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Tasks.AnalyzeProject.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.<ExecuteInstantiatedTask>d__26.MoveNext() B2B.Core C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\HedgehogDevelopment\SitecoreProject\v9.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\HedgehogDevelopment\SitecoreProject\v9.0\HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.targets 144
Apparently my project does still build and will run, but that error pops up each time regardless.
This can happen when you have TDS validations enabled and are missing some DLLs.
In this directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\HedgehogDevelopment\SitecoreProject\v9.0\
Add the following DLLs:
If you have TDS installed, you may be able to source those DLLs from somewhere in your C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\HedgehogDevelopment directory. If not, someone else on your team may have them.
You can also try disabling and enabling validations by right clicking your TDS project --> Properties --> Validations tab.
I have seen this issue on numerous occasions across numerous dev boxes. We have opened support tickets regarding it, but no conclusions were drawn.
The specific error is that the HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Tasks.SitecoreDeployInfo.ParsedItem field is missing on an object. The fact that ParsedItem is mentioned implies that some form of parsing may be occurring, and that it didn't work as expected. This is conjecture, but if parsing is occurring, it would be worth ensuring that your serialized item files are accessible to the user/group that is performing this parsing.
Here is the code that is failing:
public override IEnumerable<Problem> Validate(Dictionary<Guid, SitecoreDeployInfo> projectItems, XDocument scprojDocument)
List<Problem> problems = new List<Problem>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, SitecoreDeployInfo> projectItem in projectItems)
// ** Presumably, it's failing here **
string item = projectItem.Value.ParsedItem.Properties["template"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
Guid guid = new Guid(item);
if (guid == TemplateStructure.TEMPLATE)
problems.AddRange(this.ValidateTemplate(projectItems, projectItem.Value.Item));
else if (guid != TemplateStructure.TEMPLATE_SECTION)
if (guid != TemplateStructure.TEMPLATE_FIELD)
problems.AddRange(this.ValidateField(projectItems, projectItem.Value.Item));
problems.AddRange(this.ValidateSection(projectItems, projectItem.Value.Item));
problems.RemoveAll((Problem r) => r == null);
return problems;
Here is the definition for SitecoreDeployInfo:
using HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreCommon.Data.Items;
using System;
namespace HedgehogDevelopment.SitecoreProject.Tasks
public class SitecoreDeployInfo
public IItem ParsedItem;
public SitecoreItem Item;
public SitecoreDeployInfo()

Google Drive Api Error 403 cannotAddParent with service account

Using a service account, Google Drive API and Google SpreadSheet API, I create a spreadsheet that i then move to a specific folder, using the following code :
public async Task<File> SaveNewSpreadsheet(Spreadsheet spreadsheet, File folder)
Spreadsheet savedSpreadsheet = await _sheetService.Spreadsheets.Create(spreadsheet).ExecuteAsync();
string spreadsheetId = GetSpreadsheetId(savedSpreadsheet);
File spreadsheetFile = await GetFileById(spreadsheetId);
File spreadsheetFileMoved = await MoveFileToFolder(spreadsheetFile, folder);
return spreadsheetFileMoved;
catch (Exception e)
_logger.LogError(e, $"An error has occured during new spreadsheet save to Google drive API");
public async Task<File> MoveFileToFolder(File file, File folder)
var updateRequest = _driveService.Files.Update(new File(), file.Id);
updateRequest.AddParents = folder.Id;
if (file.Parents != null)
string previousParents = String.Join(",", file.Parents);
updateRequest.RemoveParents = previousParents;
file = await updateRequest.ExecuteAsync();
return file;
catch (Exception e)
_logger.LogError(e, $"An error has occured during file moving to folder.");
This used to work fine for a year or so, but since today, the MoveFileToFolder request throw the following exception:
Google.GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Increasing the number of parents is not allowed [403]
Errors [
Message[Increasing the number of parents is not allowed] Location[ - ] Reason[cannotAddParent] Domain[global]
The weird thing is that if I create a new service account and use it instead of the previous one, it works fine again.
I've looked for info on this "cannotAddParent" error but I couldn't find anything.
Any ideas on why this error is thrown ?
I have the same problem and filed in issue in the Google Issue Tracker. This is intended behavior, unfortunately. You are no longer able to place a file in multiple parents as in your example. See the linked documentation for migration.
Beginning Sept. 30, 2020, you will no longer be able to place a file in multiple parent folders; every file must have exactly one parent folder location. Instead, you can use a combination of status checks and a new shortcut implementation to accomplish file-related operations.

Trouble Attaching File Programmatically to Email in Windows Metro App C#/XAML using Share Charm

I'm simply trying to attach a file named Document.pdf in the DocumentsLibrary to an email using the Share Charm. My code below works perfectly on the Local Machine:
private async void OnDataRequestedFiles(DataTransferManager sender, DataRequestedEventArgs e)
List<IStorageItem> shares = new List<IStorageItem>();
StorageFile filetoShare = await Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.DocumentsLibrary.GetFileAsync("Document.pdf");
if (filetoShare != null)
filetoShare = null;
if (shares != null)
DataPackage requestData = e.Request.Data;
requestData.Properties.Title = "Title";
requestData.Properties.Description = "Description"; // The description is optional.
shares = null;
e.Request.FailWithDisplayText("File not Found.");
But when I run the exact same code on a Windows Surface Tablet, I get the dreaded "There's nothing to share right now." on the right in the Charms flyout area.
Here's a little more background to help:
I'm not looking to use a File Picker...I know the exact file I'm looking for
I've enabled the Documents Library Capability in the manifest
I've added a File Type Association for pdf in the manifest
and yes, the file does exist and is in the Documents Library
an email account is properly setup in the Mail App on the surface
I can successfully send text emails from the Tablet...just not emails with attachments
Like I said, this works on my Win 8 Development Machine as expected...just not on the Surface. I'm wondering if the Surface has different file or folder permissions?
Thanks for the help...this is driving me CRAZY
I finally figured it out - the problem was that my Event Handler was async (so that I could use await to set the StorageFile variable).
I solved it by setting the StorageFile variable earlier in my code so that it was already available when the Event Handler was called.
I still have no idea why it worked on my development machine, but no on the WinRT surface...
The handler can be an async method. In this case, it is critical to use DataTransferManager. Please refer to the MSDN page specifically for this scenario. For your convenience, the code from the page is copied to here:
private void RegisterForShare()
DataTransferManager dataTransferManager = DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView();
dataTransferManager.DataRequested += new TypedEventHandler<DataTransferManager,
private async void ShareStorageItemsHandler(DataTransferManager sender,
DataRequestedEventArgs e)
DataRequest request = e.Request;
request.Data.Properties.Title = "Share StorageItems Example";
request.Data.Properties.Description = "Demonstrates how to share files.";
// Because we are making async calls in the DataRequested event handler,
// we need to get the deferral first.
DataRequestDeferral deferral = request.GetDeferral();
// Make sure we always call Complete on the deferral.
StorageFile logoFile =
await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFileAsync("Assets\\Logo.png");
List<IStorageItem> storageItems = new List<IStorageItem>();
It is critical to place the following statement before any async method is called:
DataTransferManager dataTransferManager = DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView();
You only have half a second to get the whole job done (getting the file, attaching...etc.). If the half-second deadline occurs you'll get this "driving crazy" message. Consider implementing some resumable logic and replace the message with "the attachment is being prepared please try again in a few seconds" (or else).
Your WinRT device might be just slower than your development machine. The latter just does the job before the deadline...

How do I use Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Manager.LoadItem(path,LoadOptions) to restore a item to Sitecore?

I am trying to use the sitecore API to serialize and restore sitecore items. I have created a WCF app to retrieve an Item name given a ID or sitecore path (/sitecore/content/home), retrieve a list of the names of the items children give an id or path. I can also Serialize the content tree.
public void BackupItemTree(string id)
Database db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Item itm = db.GetItem(id);
The above code works great. After running it can see that the content tree has been serialized.
However when I try to restore the serialized items useing the following:
public void RestoreItemTree(string path)
using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
Database db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Data.Serialization.LoadOptions opt = new Data.Serialization.LoadOptions(db);
opt.ForceUpdate = true;
Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Manager.LoadItem(path, opt);
//Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Manager.LoadTree(path, opt);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
With this code I get no errors. It runs, but if I check SiteCore it didn't do anything. I have tested using the Office Core example. The path I sent in, which might be the issue is:
Neither seems to do anything. I changed the teaser title of the item and am trying to restore to before the but every time the change is still present.
Any help would be appreciated as the SiteCore documentation is very limited.
You can always check how the Sitecore code works using Reflector, the following method is called when you click "Revert Item" in back-end:
protected virtual Item LoadItem(Item item, LoadOptions options)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item");
return Manager.LoadItem(PathUtils.GetFilePath(new ItemReference(item).ToString()), options);
In LoadOptions you can specify whether you want to overwrite ("Revert Item") or just update ("Update Item") it.
See Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Serialization.LoadItemCommand for more info.
You have the correct LoadOptions for forcing an overwrite (aka Revert).
I suspect that the path you are using for the .item file wrong. I would suggest modifying your method to take a path to a Sitecore item. Using that path, you should leverage other serialization APIs to determine where the file should be.
public void RestoreItemTree(string itemPath)
Sitecore.Data.Database db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Sitecore.Data.Serialization.ItemReference itemReference = new Sitecore.Data.Serialization.ItemReference(db.Name, itemPath);
string path = Sitecore.Data.Serialization.PathUtils.GetFilePath(itemReference.ToString());
Sitecore.Data.Serialization.LoadOptions opt = new Sitecore.Data.Serialization.LoadOptions(db);
opt.ForceUpdate = true;
using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Manager.LoadItem(path, opt);
Took me a while to work out, but you have to remove .item when restoring the tree
try this
public void RestoreItemTree(string itemPath)
var db = Factory.GetDatabase("master");
var itemReference = new ItemReference(db.Name, itemPath);
var path = PathUtils.GetFilePath(itemReference.ToString());
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path))
throw new Exception("File not found " + path);
var opt = new LoadOptions(db);
opt.ForceUpdate = true;
using (new SecurityDisabler())
Manager.LoadItem(path, opt);
Manager.LoadTree(path.Replace(".item", ""), opt);

ASP.NET Site Maps

Does anyone have experience creating SQL-based ASP.NET site-map providers?
I have the default XML file web.sitemap working properly with my Menu and SiteMapPath controls, but I'll need a way for the users of my site to create and modify pages dynamically.
I need to tie page viewing permissions into the standard ASP.NET membership system as well.
The Jeff Prosise version from MSDN magazine works pretty well, but it has a few flaws:
AddNode freaks out with links to external sites on your menu (www.google.com, etc.)
Here's my fix in BuildSiteMap():
SiteMapNode node = GetSiteMapNodeFromReader(reader);
string url = node.Url;
if (url.Contains(":"))
string garbage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // SiteMapNode needs unique URLs
node.Url = "~/dummy_" + garbage + ".aspx";
AddNode(node, _root);
node.Url = url;
AddNode(node, _root);
SQLDependency caching is cool, but if you don't want to make a trip to the DB everytime your menu loads (to check to see if the dependency has changed) and your menus don't change very often, then why not use HttpRuntime.Cache instead?
public override SiteMapNode RootNode
SiteMapNode temp = (SiteMapNode)HttpRuntime.Cache["SomeKeyName"];
if (temp == null)
temp = BuildSiteMap();
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("SomeKeyName", temp, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
return temp;