User Authorization in iOS App - objective-c

Assuming I want to create an app that allows users to login. The accounts are stored securely in a server. Some pages are also not visible to users who haven't logged in yet. Can someone guide me on how to do so? So like how to deal with "sessions" and all that. How would I do that if the database online is MySQL?
On another note, to implement "OAuth" the database has to be OAuth-compatible, am I right on this? And if so, how would I use OAuth on iOS? Is there an Apple API for that?
I appreciate any help / guidance
Thank you,

Let's do this part by part:
It doesn't matter what is powering
the server-side of things. Be it
MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, if you have a
dynamic language that connects to
that DB and outputs XML or JSON
data, you're set.
Dealing with sessions is easy. You
can use NSHTTPCookieStorage to
have that handled automatically for
you. Because sessions are set via a
cookie, any HTTP request will set
that cookie locally and send it in
future requests.
As far as permissions go, I would do
that validation server-side. Because
you have the session, and you should
know server-side wether the user is
logged in or not, just send a list
of pages the user can see.
There are a few OAuth libraries you
can use. The OAuth project lists a
couple that seem straightforward
enough to use. If you're looking for
Twitter integration however, a
question has been asked here
with pretty good answers.
Returning to the server-side of
things, this can be easily achieved
using a dynamic language such as PHP
or using the Ruby on Rails
framework. RoR is really good in
that aspect in the sense that you
can quickly bring an API up by using
its gems (Devise, OAuth2,


API design: Auth0 for authentication and internal authorization

I am creating a iOS native app that talks to a Flask API.
My plan is to have the iOS front-end handle log in with Auth0 lock. Afterwards, the front-end would store the JWT in local memory and use that on every API request.
On the back-end I plan to have a User table with both an internal ID field and a Auth0 ID field. Per API request I would look up the user via the Auth0 ID and then use a library like flask-bouncer to handle resource authorization.
Is this a valid approach?
Are there any out of box features of Auth0
that I am rebuilding? If so what are the advantages of using the
Auth0 version?
Are there any future implications that I am missing
with this approach?
What are the advantages of using Auth0 instead of building it myself following something like this?
Anything else to consider?
Is this a valid approach?
Depends on what you call valid. But it would work, yes.
Are there any out of box features of Auth0 that I am rebuilding? If so what are the advantages of using the Auth0 version?
You're not using authorization using scopes. See Auth0's tutorial for Flask.
Are there any future implications that I am missing with this approach?
That's a broad question that I wouldn't know an answer for.
What are the advantages of using Auth0 instead of building it myself following something like this?
You do not have to worry about signup, login, verifying emails, bruteforce protection, resetting passwords, MFA, etc. You get all of those things out of the box. But... some more complex things might require additional effort on your side.
Anything else to consider?
Make a clear decision on where you're storing what info and whether you want to store your users in your database at all. An easy pitfall is to have multiple sources of truth for certain data that's both in Auth0 and your database (e.g. first and last name). Also see the User Data Storage Best Practices.

Symfony 2 API authentication method

I have a JSON REST API written in Symfony 2.7, and I want to authenticate & authorize users. This is my first time doing this, so I have some doubts/questions.
For that, I thought several methods:
User & password, and then save a session in the back end
Same as 1), but add an "apiToken" (randomly generate when user register) and then sending back & forth the apiToken in every single request to check user identity.
Use OAuth (which I'm currently reading about it).
I read that using OAuth for a simple API is like an "overkill", but on the safe side it sticks to standards and also allows me to use it when using my API with mobile devices and different platforms.
Also, I don't know too much about security flaws of using method 1) or 2).
I know this is maybe based on opinions, but I don't know any other site to post this question, as Symfony official mailing was shut down and migrate here it seems.
As you seems to know, your question is too opinion based.
If I can give you some advices (too long for a 600chars comment),
OAuth is powerful, but so much free.
I mean that you can easily implement it sort as everything works well while having a set of potential security issues without being aware of their existence.
Libraries and bundles providing OAuth are hard to maintain because of the new security issues regularly found.
On the other hand, if you need the benefits of OAuth (be a client and/or a server, compatible with the most part of social networks), go learn OAuth and do your experience with it.
Otherwise, use a simple credentials/request token two-step authentication.
See the JWT Authentication tutorial by KnpLabs,
Symfony Guard Authentication by Ryan Weaver,
and the great LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle, easy to implement and to use.

Instagram API: Likeboost and LikeHero

I'm trying to figure out how Likeboost or LikeHero work, 'cause I believe Instagram doesn't allow you to use Like endpoint to add a like to an image and they require you to submit the app for review as they stated here:
To request access to this endpoint, please complete this form.
But these apps just ask for your username and password (Surprisingly you don't get transferred to Safari for authentication process) and then you could like an image from that particular app. How do they do that? Isn't this against the following paragraph?
The ability to POST and DELETE likes, follows and comments is restricted to applications that offer business services and not consumer facing apps.
That applications that you are mentioning are using a fake native login page in order to avoid you leave from the application (like #Matthew Antolovich said). Once they get the access_token, there are no more dificulties and they can use the API calls.
As you can see in the Authentication documentation they might be using the Client-Side (Implicit) that is less secure but it works for they purposes.
They are giving permissions only to trusty applications in order to avoid that fake applications (bot apps, fake users, ...) use some API functionalities.
If you want to use these calls, you should fulfill the form that they are giving to you once your application is finished. If you are still developing the application you have to trust the Like documentation without the capability of test if it works.
There are other ways to restrict apps to use some calls (limit of requests per day, ...) but this is how they are doing it so, we must adapt.
Like #Matthew Antolovich said in his comment, if those apps are asking you for your user and password, they can log-in using the same requests present on the web. They could (and probably are) make their own API by reverse engineering the http requests.
On a side note, I would personally never trust those kind of apps.

Using REST to Login user to Windows Live

I was reading through the windows live developers doc here. In that I saw they are having an authentication method something like this.
I understood everything except for where do I give the username and password of the user?
I am planning to create an app(first one in my life) to learn the working.
I also have never used or coded something over REST.
When using OAuth, your application never receives the user's username or password. Rather, the user logs in to Windows Live on the Windows Live servers and authorizes your application for access to their information. After they have authorized your application, you receive an access token from Windows Live on behalf of the user. You then use that access token with the Live API to retrieve user information.
Coding something using REST protocols isn't anything too terribly complicated. It has been my experience that you're just specifying parameters to the API using GET or POST as your request method. Adding OAuth on to your requests is a matter of specifying additional parameters.
You're task is to learn two things here since you've never done REST or OAUTH before. Spend time looking at both.
Oauth is hard to get and hard to implement.
You should choose an off-the-shelf Oauth library they exists for most languages.
(Then you do not have to worry about the details. OTOH: You should know how it works to know how to set up and fix if something goes wrong.)

Can you save/cache API data into your own database?

Trying to get a handle on how these things work.
If I register an API key with Twitter, Foursquare, or Facebook, and I wanted to build an app on top of them. What are the general rules for API use?
Can I save/cache data a user allows me through oAuth to my own database, or am I only allowed to use it but not keep it?
I don't know about all APIs, and you should probably read the terms of service of each API you'll use.
Saving data you'll frequently need will decrease requests you'll have to do to each API, which they will be thankful for, so it shouldn't be any problem.
However, it is possibly that they require you to erase saved data if the users revoke access to your app, etc.