openssl/bn.h: No such file or directory - objective-c

I am totally new to Obj-C, and trying to compile Big Number related Objective C files
The function was easy, just to initialize a big number and use NSLog to print it out.
I used
#import <openssl/bn.h>
but the xcode always displays me an error:
openssl/bn.h: No such file or directory.
I tried to find out if the .h file were missing, and typed locate in my terminal:
$ locate bn.h
It seemed I have the bn.h file, but why the xcode kept me from compiling?
Thanks for any help!!

I had this exact problem, tried libcurl4-openssl-dev which didn't work, but found elsewhere that the following is the exact and proper solution:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
I'm working on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Jessie trying to compile hostapd, but I'm pretty sure the solution is generic across a wide range of distributions and projects, particularly if you swap apt-get for yum or other package manager.

To use openssl/bn.h on Linux:
$ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

I would say that the OpenSSL headers are part of the Mac OS X environment, not part of the iOS environment. I you want OpenSSL for iOS, you need to compile it yourself. You'll find some help there (or alternatively there).


How to connect Dlib to a package ? Error “Could not find the required component ‘libdlib’ “

I want to add this package to my workspace(, so I downloaded it and put it into Myworkspace/src. Then I compiled my workspace, an error occurred like this:
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "libdlib" with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "libdlib" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"libdlib_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If
"libdlib" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
been installed.
Then I have tried some others answers, install the dlib followed this page:
But error still there.
It that I need to connect something about the dlib to my src/CMakelist.txt?
Nice! I’ve found a method to crack this nut. All u have to do is using this line:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-libdlib
PS: if u use another version of ROS, replace the “kinetic”.
This method can solve many problems Which begin with “could not find ...”,u just need to put the missing one after :
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-

redis-cli not working on linux

I have installed redis onn linux.
redis sever started correctly however when I try to start redis-cli I get this error
bash: redis-cli: command not found
file redis-cli output is
ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID[sha1]=0x5fe1c6d3da13df88f2ea826ac762f088c29b81d5, not stripped
I don't know what's the reason
but when I run the using this command
/usr/local/bin/redis-cli it works
but when I run redis-cli from the /usr/local/bin/ folder I get the error
bash: redis-cli: command not found
Looks like some path issue
If you built from source and you're in the default redis-stable directory that contains the source, you should be able to start the cli by running:
It seems like redis-cli is present, reading your answer. Check this with which redis-cli.
I've installed redis on several linux machines, normally it goes very smooth. I guess you've run into a special case.
Here's my thoughts:
It might be a dynamic linking issue.
So check the headers with dump -H -X64 redis-cli.
In the headers, you can see which shared objects it is trying to find. There might be a shared object from another package in the way, for example a 32-bit only one. Ugly, and wrong, but it happens.
Use the ldd runtime dependency checker to see what those headers actually result in on your system. Install it when not present. Then simply run ldd redis-cli.
Now you've figured out what's wrong, you can do several things.
1) Remove the conflicting package, if possible.
2) Use the LIBENV environment variable, to set the search path for shared objects, prior to starting the process
3) Use the -blibpath linker option at compile/link time to alter the header, giving it a different search path. The -bnolibpath could also help you.
4) Patch the header afterwards. There are tools for this. This is generally not the preferred way to go.
Hope this helps, TW
Although make, make test, and make install were always fine, the server install script was always a bit buggy. This has just been fixed in 2.8.8. I recommend using the latest version.
Edit 2:
The OP's problem turned out to have nothing to do with dynamic linking, it was a simple PATH issue. I leave the answer as is, for historical purposes.
This maybe happening because the executable isn't in path. In order to solve this, you can try copying redis-cli on the /usr/local/bin/ folder with this command:
sudo cp /src/redis-cli /usr/local/bin/

Locating Apache source code for mod_perl on Mac

I get the following error in Terminal when I try to install mod_perl:
Please tell me where I can find your apache src
I've tried using cpan > install mod_perl(even forcing v. 2) AND I've tried just downloading it, and doing $ perl Makefile but they both lead to the same error.
I'm trying to follow steps from or Oreilly's CGI Programming with Perl but the site says:
The first thing first is to download the Apache source code and unpack it into a directory -- the name of which you will need very soon
Mac comes with Apache, which is why I don't want to download it. But how can I find the apache src???
Update: Haven't checked, but did find apache2 folder in ~/private/var/log
Additional Info --- separate locations of mod_perl files:
I have an unzipped folder: mod_perl-1.31 in my ~/Downloads folder. (for manual install)
I found tar.gz files of mod_perl -1 and -2 in ~/G/GO/GOZER/mod_perl-1.31.tar.gz (or 2.04) (for cpan)
Should I delete these?
Let me know if there is any other info required to solve this, or if I somehow missed a post with this same question. Thanks a lot.
It's quite possible that Mac OS X doesn't ship with the apache source code (I'll be damned if I can find it.) I can find no references to it online or on my machine.
I am going to ignore the built-in Apache installation and install my own. This article discusses PHP and Apache on Mac OS X but I'll also be using mod_perl on my system and will adjust as necessary:
Install it dynamically as a dso.

Class-Dump Installation

So this may sound like a really stupid question and I HAVE looked at the how-to from the parent website, but no matter what I do, I cannot get this program to even start to install...
I tried entering:
cd /opt/local/bin/portslocation/dports/class-dump
which returned a "this file/director doesnt exist" error, so i tried to get to it folder by folder. when i got all the way to:
cd /opt/local/bin/
i cannot go any further. when i check the contents of the bin directory, the only files i can find are (and i cannot access these apparently either):
"daemondo port portf portindex portmirror"
i have tried doing this on 2 computers so far to no avail, macports is installed on both like the website said and i am having trouble finding any support for it. please and thank you!!
Unless you're trying to develop it, why screw around? Use homebrew. As of today, and modulo a sudo here or there, you can install homebrew with
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
If this doesn't work for you, check the command line at the top of the page on homebrew.†
After this, install class-dump with
brew install class-dump
† Ping me in the comments with "command line update needed", and I'll try to keep this in sync. :)
I had issues with this for hours, but it is actually quite simple.
I downloaded the class-dump 3.3 version from CodeTheCode, Unzipped the file and copied the class-dump file to a directory. In my case the directory was /opt/theos/bin.
In terminal, I then CD to that directory using cd /opt/theos/bin
To run the class dump command line utility it is as simple as this;
Obviously you then need to give it it's arguments, so in my case I was using it do dump the iOS headers from the frameworks, so I used;
./class-dump -H /Developer/Library/iPhoneSimulator4.3.sdk/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit -o ~/Desktop/UIKit
Obviously I am not sure what you are using it for, but in the example above I am telling class-dump to dump header files from the directory given, and output them to /Desktop/UIKit.
The theory is carried throughout.
Have you tried getting the binary from

Can you compile Apache HTTP Server and redeploy its binaries to a different location?

As part of our product release we ship Apache HTTP Server binaries that we have compiled on our (UNIX) development machine.
We tell our clients to install the binaries (on their UNIX servers) under the same directory structure that we compiled it under. For some clients this is not appropriate, e.g. where there are restrictions on where they can install software on their servers and they don't want to compile Apache themselves.
Is there a way of compiling Apache HTTP Server so its installation location(s) can be specified dynamically using environment variables ?
I spent a few days trying to sort this out and couldn't find a way to do it. It led me to believe that the Apache binaries were hard coding some directory paths at compilation preventing the portability we require.
Has anyone managed to do this ?
I think the way to do(get around) this problem is to develop a "./configure && make" script that your client uses to install, specify and compile the binaries. That would offcourse require that the client has all the source-code installed on his server or you can make it available on an NFS share.
If you are compiling Apache2 for a particular location but want your clients to be able to install it somewhere else (and I'm assuming they have the same architecture and OS as your build machine) then you can do it but the apachectl script will need some after-market hacking.
I just tested these steps:
Unpacked the Apache2 source (this should work with Apache 1.3 as well though) and ran ./configure --prefix=/opt/apache2
Ran make then sudo make install to install on the build machine.
Switch to the install directory (/opt/apache2) and tar and gzip up the binaries and config files. I used cd /opt/apache2; sudo tar cf - apache2 | gzip -c > ~/apache2.tar.gz
Move the tar file to the target machine. I decided to install in /opt/mynewdir/dan/apache2 to test. So basically, your clients can't use rpm or anything like that -- unless you know how to make that relocatable (I don't :-) ).
Anyway, your client's conf/httpd.conf file will be full of hard-coded absolute paths -- they can just change these to whatever they need. The apachectl script also has hard coded paths. It's just a shell script so you can hack it or give them a sed script to convert the old paths from your build machine to the new path on your clients.
I skipped all that hackery and just ran ./bin/httpd -f /opt/mynewdir/dan/conf/httpd.conf :-)
Hope that helps. Let us know any error messages you get if it's not working for you.
I think the way to do(get around) this problem is to develop a "./configure && make" script that your client uses to install, specify and compile the binaries. That would offcourse require that the client has all the source-code installed on his server or you can make it available on an NFS share.
Not to mention a complete build toolchain. These days, GCC doesn't come default with most major distributions. Wouldn't it be sane to force the client to install it to /opt/my_apache2/ or something like that?
I suggest 1 change to #Hissohathair's answer.
6). ./bin/httpd -d <server path> (although it can be overridden in the config file)
In apacheclt there is a variable for HTTPD where you could override to use it.