How to get inout to an NSString? - objective-c

How to get input from an NSString as scanf ("%#", &str); doesn't work?

scanf will read into a C string and not into a NSString (as far as I know). So, to do what you're trying to do you need to first read your input into a C string (i.e. str) and then make that into an NString as follows
myString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:str];
By the way, you don't need to pass the address of str i.e. &str if str is an array. Simply do:


objective-c NSString to 0x%04x format

NSString *testValue = #"3141";
I want to convert "3141" to 0x0c45, use hexadecimal format(0x%04x).
like this:
printf("0x%04x", testValue);
The value printed out is:
But I don't know how to save it, how can I do it?
NSString *testValue = #"3141";
NSUInteger unsignedValue = (NSUInteger)testValue.integerValue;
NSString *formatted = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"0x%04X", unsignedValue];
The result of this transfer seems to be incorrect. The result is 0x0000. Let me paste the source code as follows:
UInt16 myValue = 3141;
printf("0x%04x", myValue);
The result printed is 0x0c45. But what I need is not to print, but to save the value 0x0c45.
If you take a look at the parameters that printf expects, there's a table of format specifiers that printf understands, and the input that printf expects to correspond to those format specifiers. Specifically, the x/X specifiers:
converts an unsigned integer into hexadecimal representation hhhh
When printf tries to format testValue, it is expecting an unsigned integer of some variety (unsigned int, unsigned long, etc.), and the testValue you pass in is an NSString * (a pointer to an NSString). The pointer value itself is being interpreted as an unsigned integer, and printed out by printf.
In order to get printf to print the value you actually expect, you will first need to get the integer value of the string (either via integerValue, or a different method), and then pass that to printf. For example:
NSString *testValue = #"3141";
NSUInteger unsignedValue = (NSUInteger)testValue.integerValue;
printf("0x%04X", unsignedValue);
(Note that in a production environment, you'll probably want to use something more failure tolerant than just integerValue, and you'll need to be aware of the domain of how large testValue might need to be, the size of the storage of unsignedValue, etc.)
Update: If you'd like to get the result of formatting a value in this way beyond just printing it, you can use something like +[NSString stringWithFormat:] to get the string value. This method accepts the same specifiers that printf does, so you can use it in the same way:
NSString *testValue = #"3141";
NSUInteger unsignedValue = (NSUInteger)testValue.integerValue;
NSString *formatted = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"0x%04X", unsignedValue];
// Do anything you want with `formatted`.

objective-c - Why can I assign values to pointers?

I understand pointers work with addresses and not the data itself. This is why I need to use the address-of (&) operator below as I need to assign the address of num to the pointer and not the actual value of num (40).
int num = 40;
int *numPtr = #
Therefore i'm confused as to why I can do this.
NSString *str = #"hello";
I've created a pointer str but instead of giving it an address i'm able to assign it some data, a literal string.
I thought pointers could only hold memory addresses so why am I able to directly assign it some data?
For someone trying to get their head around pointers and objects this is very confusing.
No you are not assigning a literal string to it, # makes a NSString object with the string value hello.
In most C languages strings are just an array of char, where char is a primitive type like int like in your example.
There is a reason you put an # before string literals (when you want an NSString and not a C string) in objective-c
#"String" is basically equivalent to [NSString stringWithCString:"string"] which returns a pointer to an NSString object containing the value "string"
It is the same way 1 is a c type integer, but #1 is a NSNumber representing the value of 1. If you see an # it means "this is shorthand for creating an object". (#[] for NSArrays, #{} for NSDictionarys, #(), #123, #YES, #NO for NSNumbers, and #"" for NSString)
C does not have strings. Usually char arrays are used to represent them.
NSString *str = #"hello";
can be thought of as short hand (literal) for:
char charArray[] = "hello";
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:charArray length:sizeof(charArray) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; // disregard character encoding for this example
unichar bla[] = {'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
str = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:bla length:sizeof(bla)];
So an object is created and thus you need a pointer.

define String concat ios

I have a #define hhh "uu" then I want to concat string using the following method:
NSString *str [NSString stringWithFormat#"%#%#",hhh,"ii"];
but I'm getting a compilation error.
First problem: you are missing the colon : after stringWithFormat. Second problem: you are missing the assignment operator between variable name str and initialization expression.
Third problem: the second argument to the format string #"%#%#" is a plain standard C string (a.k.a., char*), where the format string calls for an object (a.k.a., NSString). Prepend a # to the string literal:
NSString* str = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#%#",hhh,#"ii"];
(Edit Assumption wrong, I overlooked the define: I assume here, that hhh is an object reference, e.g., id, NSString* or something).
Since hhh is a plain string, too, you should specify %s as placeholder in the format string:
NSString* str = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%s%#",hhh,#"ii"];
as was recommended by #sch.

nsstring in objective c

i am a beginer in objective c.i found the following line in code and is not able to understand what it does it do, as storeselect has not been used anywhere in the code.
NSString *storeSelect=#"";
Objective-C builds on C language. In C, quotes are placed around string literals, i.e. "hello". To distinguish NSString and C strings (char pointers, char *), Objective-C uses # in front of strings, so #"" is simply empty NSString. If there was no #, it would be empty C string, e.g. char *myString = "hello world";.
storeSelect is the name of a variable whose type is NSString *, with the value assigned to #""
It's just assigning an empty string to a variable named storeSelect. The #"" is for constant strings.
NSString *storeSelect=#"Hello World";
is a shortcut of -
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithCString:"Hello World"];
as "stringWithCString" is convenience method it will be automatically adds autoreleased.

Using scanf with NSStrings

I want the user to input a string and then assign the input to an NSString. Right now my code looks like this:
NSString *word;
scanf("%s", &word);
The scanf function reads into a C string (actually an array of char), like this:
char word[40];
int nChars = scanf("%39s", word); // read up to 39 chars (leave room for NUL)
You can convert a char array into NSString like this:
NSString* word2 = [NSString stringWithBytes:word
However scanf only works with console (command line) programs. If you're trying to get input on a Mac or iOS device then scanf is not what you want to use to get user input.
scanf does not work with any object types. If you have a C string and want to create an NSString from it, use -[NSString initWithBytes:length:encoding:].
scanf does not work with NSString as scanf doesn’t work on objects. It works only on primitive datatypes such as:
What to do?
Technically a string is made up of a sequence of individual characters. So to accept string input, you can read in the sequence of characters and convert it to a string.
[NSString stringWithCString:cstring encoding:1];
Here is a working example:
NSLog(#"What is the first name?");
char cstring[40];
scanf("%s", cstring);
firstName = [NSString stringWithCString:cstring encoding:1];
Here’s an explanation of the above code, comment by comment:
You declare a variable called cstring to hold 40 characters.
You then tell scanf to expect a list of characters by using the %s format specifier.
Finally, you create an NSString object from the list of characters that were read in.
Run your project; if you enter a word and hit Enter, the program should print out the same word you typed. Just make sure the word is less than 40 characters; if you enter more, you might cause the program to crash — you are welcome to test that out yourself! :]
Taken from: RW.
This is how I'd do it:
char word [40];
NSString * userInput = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString: word encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
yes, but sscanf does, and may be a good solution for complex NSString parsing.
Maybe this will work for you because it accepts string with spaces as well.
NSLog(#"Enter The Name Of State");
char name[20];
Simple Solution is
char word[40];
scanf("%39s", word);
NSString* word2 = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:word];
The NSFileHandle class is an object-oriented wrapper for a file descriptor. For files, you can read, write, and seek within the file.
NSFileHandle *inputFile = [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardInput];
NSData *inputData = [inputFile availableData];
NSString *word = [[NSString alloc]initWithData:inputData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];