How can I differ between manual and automatic scrolling in NSScrollView/NSTextView - objective-c

I subclassed NSTextView and added support for automatic scrolling in a userdefineable time.
Now I want to detect, if the user manually scrolls, while the view is scrolling automatically.
Then I want to immediately stop automatic scrolling, until the user stops his action and then I want to start scrolling again from the new position.
I want to do this in such a matter, that the user can move around without a stuttering view.
I use boundsDidChangeNotification to calculate the scrolling position (playtime) and show it in a label, but I can't use it to detect the user manual scrolling, because it is also pushed by the automatic scrolling...
Would be very nice, if anyone has an idea ;-)
Thanks in advance


Is there any way to allow for scrolling in for cells in a tableviewcontroller using storyboards in Xcode with Objective-c?

I have a standard tableview/coredata set up that fills (my own class defined) cells with users data as they enter it in. The only problem is, once there are too many cells to fit on the screen, the lower ones get cut off and are only visible once the top ones get deleted. Is there anyway to add the scroll feature now or is it too late (i have seen a few recommendations which involve either using xibs or using a view controller with a scrollbar feature).
I feel really stupid right now, but i do have the answer if anyone else comes across the same "problem". It turns out that scrolling is automatically enabled and while you cannot scroll down just from swiping down on the touchpad (macbook), actually clicking while scrolling down using the touchpad allows for scrolling (and will show scroll bar on the side, which is not visible unless it is in use)

UIButton not responsive while scrolling

I have a subview with a UIButton added to a UIScrollView.
The button is working perfectly as long as the user isn't scrolling.
If the UIScrollView is still scrolling when the user clicks on the button, it just stops the scrolling instead(like if a row had been clicked).
Anyone know how to fix this?
First, make sure this really is the behavior you want - iOS users are used to scrolling views and touching to stop them with a tap without triggering button presses. Non-standard behavior (even when you think its better then the standard behavior) can be confusing to users used to how things work in other iOS apps - it can violate their mental model. Ok, note of caution over.
So how do you fix this? UIScrollView delays sending touch events until it knows if those touches are scroll events. You problem is a user tapping is a scroll event when the UIScrollView is moving. Two possible solutions:
Stop the UIScrollView from delaying any touch events it gets. You can set any scroll views delaysContentTouches to NO, which will stop the delaying action and should allow your buttons to be tapped while scrolling. You can read about it in the UIScrollView class documentation. You will also want to read up on canCancelContentTouches there as well.
Subclass the UIScrollView to add your own logic about where touch events should go. Here is a blog post that discusses how to do this.

How to know that User is still touching the screen in UIScrollView?

I have a scrollView. Typical tableView Cell. I did things a lot on viewDidScroll.
viewDidScroll is called on 2 cases.
User scroll
Sometimes user have stop scrolling but the scrollview still scroll anyway due to momentum, bouncing, etc.
So how do I know if users are still touching the scrollView?
UIScrollView has a BOOL property named tracking that is YES while the scroll view has a touch and NO otherwise. In my testing, it is set to NO as soon as the touch ends, even if the view is decelerating (and still sending scrollViewDidScroll: to its delegate). This seems like exactly what you are asking for.
In my testing, the dragging property doesn't seem to become NO reliably while the view is decelerating after the touch ends.
The decelerating property is also unreliable in my testing. If I touch the scroll view while it is decelerating, decelerating remains YES even though the view has stopped scrolling.
The delegate's scrollViewWillBeginDragging: is called when user starts dragging and scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate: & scrollViewWillEndDragging:withVelocity:targetContentOffset:(iOS 5+ without paging enabled) is called when user lefts his/her fingers.
You may also want to check scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating: and scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:.

Updating UITextView inside UIScrollView while scrolling makes the scrollView stop scrolling

I have a scrollView that contains 12 UIViews set as tiles. Each tile contains a textView.
The scrollView has pagination enabled. So, you have 12 tiles per page and you scroll horizontally.
I am updating the textView whenever I receive information from an API call.
This is updating the textView correctly, but I have a huge problem. Whenever the update happens, the scrollView actually scrolls to the view that was just updated. So whenever I load a new column of tiles, the scrollview stops when it begins loading it, even if it has momentum!
Any idea what might be causing this?
If I lazy load the cells without any information in them everything works right, so I'm thinking it has to do with me updating the textView.
I have already tried:
Using an NSTimer (and setting its mode to NSRunLoopCommonModes).
Using an NSOperationQueue and calling the main thread whenever I need to update UI changes.
None of those worked.
i think the solution lies within your post:
"Using an NSOperationQueue and calling the main thread whenever I need to update UI changes."
Whenever scrollView calls for willScroll, stop the current Images being downloaded & when the scroll view stops scroll & its delegate method is called start the new queue to download images.
My suggestion will be debugging it using instrument. In instrument there is a trace template named "Time profiler", you can actually see how much time your application spends on each tasks.
But if you are updating the textViews, of course the main thread will be blocked, so the scroll view stop scrolling until all the textViews are updated. So my suggestion will be tweaking the performance.
Maybe you are loading too much things in each textView?

Full screen app with NSToolbar

This is hard for me to explain, so please bear with me for a minute.
In Xcode, if it is in full screen mode, showing the app's menu also moves the toolbar down. I have tried to make an NSView move and resize whenever the menu bar is shown, but I cannot figure out how to do it. I think this has something to do with and event, because setting struts and springs in Xcode does not make it move automatically. Can anybody help me figure out what the event is?
Edit: I just re-thought my question, and I have to make a correction. NSToolbar does this on it's own. I want a normal NSView to move and resize itself when the window goes into full screen mode.
I think you might be having the same issue as I was - if so, you need to call [NSToolbar setFullScreenAccessoryView:] on the "accessory view" you want to glue to the bottom of the NSToolbar.
Note that in windowed mode, your accessory view should take up space in the NSWindow's contentView just like any other view, but when you enter fullscreen mode you'll want to remove the accessory view somehow since Cocoa rips it out of your layout and leaves a gap unless you account for that.
I can certainly understand this issue being difficult to explain without having the background knowledge - I had the same problem. :)
Also see: How can I get a two-row toolbar like in and Xcode?