how to hide the dropdown icon of combobox -

I have an application using ComboBox with ComboBox.DropDownStyle = DropDown, I want to hide the dropdown button of it, and dropdownitems will be displayed programmatically, when required.
How could I accomplish that?
Thanks in advance!

Renee147's was a good suggestion in that you seldom want to mix metaphors with UI elements.
But, if you REALLY needed to hide the dropdown arrow, I'd just stick a picture box on the form and size/move it to fit just over the arrow portion of the combo. Not technically sophisticated, but it'd work.

Try to use ComboBox.DropDownStyle = Simple


VueJs - How can i call an event when the cursor focus out in the combobox field

I have a combobox field in the screen and i need to call an event when i click on save button after typing a new text in this combobox field which is not currently available in the dropdown list.
My seniors told me to use focusout event to get this, but i don't know how to get this.
I am using combobov.vue to show dropdown
Please help me out.
I am able to fix issue by using #blur. Thanks everyone for the comments, especially Boussadjra Brahim

Recommended approach to display Dropdown in CommandBar

What is recommended approach to display a Dropdown in CommandBar?
There is no build-in support to display a dropdown in CommandBar. I know two ways to work around that.
Label + Dropdown. It's the simplest implementation but I have to take care of for/aria-labelledby attribute, maybe ms-Dropdown-label class. I don't feel it logically correct as we treat label and dropdown separately from component view. That's why I tried the second approach below.
Dropdown + styles. We can get label associated with a dropdown for free. The problem is the layout. Default display for dropdown is 'block' and I have to adjust that as well as padding, default font size etc.
Is there an easy way to achieve it? Or does office-ui-fabric have plan to support dropdown in CommandBar. I feel it a common UI everywhere.
You might look at the Office single line ribbon for inspiration. They use the same overflow sets and resize groups as the command bar, and extensively use dropdowns and comboboxes.
I'd probably suggest label + dropdown so that you have a nice encapsolated control you can render inside of the command bar.

Context menu to delete items from a ComboBox

Currently, I've designed my own combobox from a ListBox/Button/TextBox to accomplish this, but I'm finding this to be way to much work to try and get a hacked together ComboBox to look like an actual ComboBox control.
This does however give me the desired effect however. Sort of ...
But my question is, is there not a simpler way to do this? Is there a way to simply right click on an item in a ComboBox, and get a context menu that says "Delete" for that specific entry?
Here is an example of the desired effect with my hacked together ComboBox:
I've tried simply linking a ContextMenu to a ComboBox, but that only allows for right click on the actual ComboBox itself, not the drop down, which renders this useless to me.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. How to make a DropDownList with readonly appearance

I am developing desktop application using and vs2008.
I have a DropDownList that I don't want it interact with use when the info is locked.
But if I disable it, it is greyed out and the text is not easy to read.
Is there any way to make radiobutton like readonly textbox?
I want text of the DropDownList looks black and itself is not clickable.
The above shows a disabled DropDownList with greyed out text and a readonly textbox
Try this:
Place it within your <asp:DropDownList> tag.
I recently encountered a similar issue. My solution was to remove all other values of the DropDownList except the one that is selected. This will keep the text as black as opposed to grey. Users will be able see the existing value and click it but will not be able to change it.
Hope this helps.
No, you can't use CSS in a desktop app. When you disable the dropdownlist by setting Disabled=true; or Enabled=false (whatever the case is), you can also change the Font properties to make it easier to read. You can set other properties such as Border, BorderStyle, etc, etc.
Keep the control enabled. In the GOTFOCUS event, use SENDKEYS to send a {tab} to the form. the user will not be able to change it! By the way, workt for ALL controls, that a user can focus.

Form for Telerik RadRibbonBar?

I got the Telerik RadRibbonBar for free with the Express edition of vb a while back, but it did not come with any sort of form. It also, unfortunately, has the control buttons there automatically. How would I create a form which is resizable, and works like a standard winform, but doesn't have the top bar?
I tried:
FormBorderStyle = Sizable
Text = Nothing
ControlBox = False
Unfortunately, when you maximize the window, it goes in front of the taskbar...and it has an ugly border when it isn't maximized.
How can I:
Change border color?
Make it so it does not go in front of the taskbar?
Thanks for the help! I'm surprised there is not some sort of form already made for this.
Telerik comes with a "Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadRibbonForm"
You have to add a RadRibbonForm Instead of a Standar Form.