Rspec 2 + Devise + Cancan - Factorygirl = Controller Testing not working - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to move to rspec for testing, but I can't get controller testing to work with user authentication. Testing a route that doesn't require a user works.
require 'spec_helper'
describe UddsController do
include Devise::TestHelpers
before (:each) do
#user = => "", :username => "test123")
#user.roles << Role.find_or_create_by_name("admin")
sign_in #user
it "should get index" do
get :index
response.should be_success
I just get
2) UddsController should get index
Failure/Error: response.should be_success
expected success? to return true, got false
# ./spec/controllers/udds_controller_spec.rb:21
I'm not using factory_girl. All the example fixes here and on google seem to. I don't see why what I've done wouldn't work. Error is useless in debugging.
I know this question has been asked to death. I've read every blog and forum I can find. I'm at a dead end.

It might be redirecting. be_success returns false for any non-2xx status codes (like 302). Try checking the value of response.status -- if it's redirecting, it probably means your authentication or authorization scheme is producing an unexpected result.

Try adding puts response.body before your assertion, and see what the page you are requesting says. If you can't figure it out from there, perhaps edit your question to include the output?

If you are using devise's "confirmable" module which makes users click a link in an email to confirm their address, then when you use "sign_in" in the tests you also have to fake email confirming. It looks something like this:
sign_in #user


Rspec test :create method for a nested resource

I'm trying to set up specs to properly run with my nested resource.
This is the test code I'm trying to properly set up
it "redirects to the created unit" do
post :create, {:course_id => , :unit => valid_attributes}
response.should redirect_to(course_unit_path(#course, Unit.last))
That essentially should try to create a nested resource "unit" for "course".
Unfortunatly I'm getting the following error on all POST DELETE and PUT tests
Failure/Error: post :create, {:course_id => , :unit => valid_attributes}
undefined method `unit_url' for #<UnitsController:0x000000059f1000>
That makes sense since unit_url should be course_unit_url but it's RSpec calling it...
How can I make RSpec select the right named path?
For all GET tests I passed the :course_id by hand.
This is what I did:
it "redirects to the created unit" do
unit_id = "barry"
post :create, {:course_id => #course.to_param , :unit => valid_attributes}
response.should redirect_to(course_unit_path(#course, unit_id))
I decided that the point of this test was not that it created a new model and redirected it, but simply that it redirects. I have another spec to ensure it creates a new model. Another benefit to this approach is that it doesn't touch the database so it should run a little faster.
I hope that helps.
I also just noticed I have this in my before :each section which may be relevant:
Edit again:
In this case, there was code in the controller which was doing the offending call. As per comment below.

How do I test a controller with rspec-rails?

I want to test that my edit recipe page renders using rspec, though it doesn’t route to
it routes to recipes/id/edit (id being replaced with a number)
my current test looks like this
describe "Show Edit Recipe Page" do
it "should display edit recipe page" do
get :edit
response.should be_success
response.should render_template(:edit)
how can i test this page correctly, at the moment my tests are failing
Your example doesn't include the code needed to actually test a controller object. RecipeController is not defined in your spec.
Make sure your controller specs live under spec/controllers or have an explicit type: :controller set. Then, actually describe a controller, either using the implicit subject or by setting up a controller instance in a before or test block. As the most basic example:
describe RecipeController do
# test something using the implied
More Reading
RSpec Controller Specs
The get needs the id of the recipe passed in the params hash:
let(:recipe) { Factory.create(:recipe) }
it "should display edit recipe page" do
get :edit, :id =>
response.should be_success
response.should render_template(:edit)

RSpec Controller Testing - "assigns" behaving unexpectedly

I have built out a controller spec for my user model, and it passes, although I feel like it should fail. The spec is below:
describe UsersController do
include Devise::TestHelpers
let (:user) do
let (:other_user) do
before :each do
#request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
sign_in user
describe "#index" do
it "can GET 'index'" do
get :index
response.should be_success
it "populates a list of users" do
get :index
expect(assigns(:users)).to eq([user])
The line "expect(assigns(:users)).to eq([user])" passes, but I feel like it should fail. After all, I've created two users (user and other_user) up at the top. I'm clearly misunderstanding what's going on, so can someone explain it?
let is lazy; it won't create the user until the first time it's called (at which point the result is memoized). Since you call user but not other_user, only the first user is actually created, and the spec passes.
Use let! if you want eager evaluation, or make sure you call other_user somewhere.
RSpec Documentation

Correct routing for short url by username in Rails

I am trying to replace user profile views of the sort
I'm aware this means I'll need to check for collisions of various kinds. I've consulted the following similar SO questions:
Ruby on rails routing matching username
customize rails url with username
Routing in Rails making the Username an URL:
routing error with :username in url
Here are the various failed routes.rb route definitions I've tried, and associated errors:
match "/:username" => "users#show", via: "get"
Here's the error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in UsersController#show
Couldn't find User without an ID
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:7:in `show'
Here is my corresponding users_controller:
6 def show
7 #user = User.find(params[:id])
8 end
match "/:username" => 'users#show', :as => :profile
Same error as above.
match "/:username", :controller => "users/:id", :action => 'show'
Routing Error
uninitialized constant Users
Try running rake routes for more information on available routes.
match '/:username', :controller => 'users', :action => 'show'
Same error as 1.
match '/:username', to: 'users/:id', via: 'show'
Server does not start.
match "/:username" => redirect("/users/:id")
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in UsersController#show
Couldn't find User with id=:id
Any idea why my routing is not working the same way that everyone else who asks this question's is?
Just to take this issue out of the comments and put it in the question more cleanly. After making the change by #Ryan Bigg below, I had a routing problem in my redirect to profile when a new one is created. Here's my create code:
def create
#user =[:user])
session[:user_id] =
flash[:success] = "Thank you for signing up."
redirect_to ('/'+#user.username)
#redirect_to #user, notice: "Thank you for signing up!"
render "new"
And here is my user.rb
def to_param
However, the commented out redirect, which I think should work with the to_param update, doesn't work, while the ugly hackish one above it does. Why is the to_param overwrite, which worked for other people, not working on my app? My #update and #edit methods are also not working, as their redirects go to "users/1/edit" instead of "username/edit" if overwriting to_param doesn't take care of this.
The first one is correct, but isn't working because you're still attempting to do something like this inside your controller:
When you should instead be doing this:
The first one will attempt to find by the primary key of your table, where the second one will, correctly, query on the username field instead.
In addition to the update for to_params, the bottom of the routes file needs the following line:
resources :users, :path => '/'

Few questions about capybara

I've got a few questions about Capybara. And I might as well ask here since the RDOC in the github page for Capybara is great to get it set up and running. But where is the API or list of available methods??
First. Per *_spec.rb file, should scenario only exist once? Or is it fine to have multiple scenario's in one file?
For example, in spec/request/user_spec.rb:
require 'spec_helper'
feature 'User actions' do
background do
data = {
:first_name => 'foo',
:last_name => 'bar',
user =, :as => :user)
scenario 'User can browse home page' do
visit root_path
page.should have_content('Homepage')
scenario 'User should not be able to visit the dashboard' do
visit dashboard_root_path
page.should have_content('You are not authorized to access this page.')
If there is anything wrong with the code structure above, or if there is room for improvement. I am open feedback.
Second. I notice with the code above. If I have config.use_transactional_fixtures = false in spec/spec_helper.rb, it saves the user twice. This means, in my test database / user table, I would have 2 users named 'foo bar'. Is this normal?
Third. I have a form that has an HTML button. When user clicks on this button, jQuery submits the form. How would I test this with Capybara? I don't think click_button "Add" will do the trick.
Fourth. How would I sign in users in Capybara? I am using Devise. Would sign_in User.first do the trick? And would I be able to access current_user in Capybara?
Lastly, if anyone knows any "Getting Started" guides / tutorials on Rspec + Capybara. Please do mention.
I've also switched over to writing request specs ever since i decided that I was no longer liking Cucumber.
ONE) Having multiple scenarios is indeed fine. You get to use all the other great features of rspec, so I would suggest also using contexts as in the code at the bottom.
TWO) This can probably be solved by using the Rspec Set Gem And the Database Cleaner Gem. Also: The Original Rationale for Set
Warning: make sure you set up DatabaseCleaner correctly when you use set. My own setup (which may be a little overkill but is working for me):
config.before(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :truncation
config.before(:all) do
DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :truncation
config.after(:all) do
DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :truncation
config.after(:suite) do
DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :truncation
THREE) yep! click_button "Add" should work! The complete capybara API is useful but took me a while to grok. Of most relevant importance are the actions and rspec matchers.
click_button "Add"
page.should have_content("Successfully Added")
you can narrow the scope with element finders.
FOURTH) Devise provides helpers. there is a sign_in helper. read the dox :). Here's a demo:
feature 'User actions' do
background do
data = {
:first_name => 'foo',
:last_name => 'bar',
#user =, :as => :user)
context "no user is signed in" do
scenario 'User can browse home page' do
visit root_path
page.should have_content('Homepage')
scenario 'User should not be able to visit the dashboard' do
visit dashboard_root_path
page.should have_content('You are not authorized to access this page.')
context "user is signed in" do
before :each do
sign_in #user
[more scenarios]
ultimately of course, you'd prolly want to split this up into more specific features. Probably have a "Public Navigation" Feature for all the tests that are about guests seeing content, and then a separate feature for a user signing in, etc.
I am not aware of capybara, but a full list of available methods can be found here:
hope, that helps