Commit git-svn changes to SVN repo - git-svn

we have a central SVN repo in our company. I use git-svn on my laptop to be able to use a repo, when I'm not connected to the company network.
Now I was 3 weeks on a business trip and committed a lot to my local Git repo. There were also many commits to the SVN repo.
When I try "SVN Rebase" I have to edit conflicts in each of my Git changesets. What I would like to do is just to commit all of my local changes at once and then edit conflicts only once.
I'm fairly new to Git, so I don't know how this is done properly and if this is the best way.
I use TortoiseGit on Windows, so up to now I didn't really care about the command line.
Thanks for your help.

Once you go through conflict resolution in git-svn rebase once you are in a new tree with new commits that include your resolutions. A future git-svn rebase will not encounter the same problems (unlike repeated merges, which is where rerere comes in handy).
If by "commit all my local changes at once" you mean you want to fold all of your commits into a single commit in git (and later SVN) then you can use git rebase -i to "squash" all of your commits into a single commit. You should not include any revisions that have already been sent to SVN with dcommit in that rebase -i because you are rewriting history. You will still have to resolve conflicts when you git-svn rebase just like you would if you were using only SVN and did svn update.


reconcile git svn after git filter-branch

I am attempting to convert a SVN repository into git. The SVN repository is being actively used, while we work out the details of converting.
I followed all the guides and created an author mapping file and cloned the SVN repository.
> git svn clone https://host/svn/Project --trunk=trunk -A svn-author-map.txt
Concurrently with this switch to git, I would also like to atone for some of the sins of the SVN past (stored passwords, etc). However as soon as I alter any of the history with git filter-branch or BFG, I seem to break the ability to incorporate any updates from SVN.
> git svn fetch --fetch-all
fatal: Invalid revision range [sha from clone]..refs/remotes/trunk
Is there a way to refresh the git-svn ids to the post filter-branch ids? Or is there no going back after changing any history?
If you edit the history after conversion, then maintaining the link can become tricky.
I guess the best options are either do one-time conversion (make svn source read-only, fully switch to edited git repo), or just keep the history as is and change the leaked passwords instead.

Forbid git svn local branch from committing to the remote svn repository

I'm using git-svn to handle and commit to a svn repository.
I also have created a local branch with commits that I don't want to be committed to the repository.
For safety, I want that branch to be able to do "git svn rebase" but "git svn dcommit" should fail (it doesn't have to be a pretty solution, I just want to make sure that the commits in that branch do not get committed by mistake).
Is there a way to setup the local branch like this ?

git-svn branch - How to keep branch in sync with trunk?

There are plenty of questions about git-svn workflow, but I haven't been able to figure this one out:
This section of the svn book talks about a common practice with SVN: you make a branch, and you keep merging changes from the trunk as the trunk gets updated, so that the branch always includes the latest changes.
I did git svn branch to create a branch on svn and then set up a tracking branch to work on it. These questions cover the process pretty well.
Now suppose there were changes made to the trunk, which I now want to merge into the branch. What is my best option? Note that I need to keep git-svn happy, and not mess up the work of people using the branch with subversion, so just doing a rebase would probably not work.
This question seems to talk about a similar situation, although it's pretty old, and I'm not sure what the bottom line there was - it seems to suggest I should git checkout master and then git rebase mybranch, but that can't be right.
I suspect the the answer should be something that has the effect of svn merge, preferably with setting the mergeinfo property, but alas, there is no git svn merge...
I don't really understand how this simple question was left unanswered for more than a week, with only 13 views so far. I guess it was my fault, bad question writing.
Anyway, I figured it out myself. Short version: just use git merge instead of git rebase.
My confusion came from using git rebase when syncing a branch with the changes in master. When working on local branches, this usually works great, and keeps the history clean. However, you should not rebase commits that you have pushed to a public repository, and the subversion repository is (apparenly) public enough. git merge, on the other hand, works beautifully, and doesn't have any problem.
So, the long answer is: when you want to merge the latest changes in the trunk into the svn branch you're tracking, just do:
git merge master
# Handle conflicts, git add when you're done
git commit
git svn dcommit
This will keep your branch in sync with trunk, but will not set mergeinfo, so you probably should not mix svn merge with this kind of practice.

How to recover from an unwanted rename using git-svn: "Transaction is out of date"

I'm using git-svn. I've moved file 'A' to 'B' and I'm up to date with the svn HEAD (using git svn rebase). I can commit all other changes without problems. Now I've decided that I want to move 'B' back to 'A' and commit that change.
When I do the move and commit to my local master it works fine, but I get the following when doing a git svn dcommit:
Transaction is out of date: Out of date: 'A' in transaction '3652-1' at /opt/local/libexec/git-core/git-svn line 570
So I tried to copy and delete in a separate commit which resulted in:
Item already exists in filesystem: File already exists: filesystem '/usr/svn/db', transaction '3652-1', path 'A' at /opt/local/libexec/git-core/git-svn line 4735
I've recovered from this situation with plain svn by using the workarounds like the one described in the documentation, but I don't know how to recover with git-svn. What is going on and how do I fix it?
Removing .git/svn did not work for me. Instead, here's how I resolved:
Deleted the offending directories from the repository (But I'm not sure that this is necessary. In hindsight I think I could have skipped this step)
git svn rebase
During the rebase, there were some conflicts. For each conflict, I resolved the conflicts in text editor, then used git add <file-in-conflict> and then git rebase --continue
After rebase completed successfully, git svn dcommit ran successfully!
I can't claim to understand what's really going on under the hood in git-svn in this case (although the underlying SVN issue makes perfect sense). My usual strategy when git-svn gets confused somehow is to blow away the .git/svn metadata directory (as in this post). This almost always saves me from odd synchronization issues between the git and SVN repositories.
It happened with me when I interrupted the dcommit process.
Follow these steps to recover from error:
git svn rebase
You will get conflicts in files. Resolve the conflicts & then git add filename (in which conflict occurred) for each file.
Now do git svn dcommit. It will be pushed to remote successfully.

How to dcommit only selected patches with git svn?

I have a number of locally committed patches in my git-svn repo which I haven't yet commited to our svn repo. A normal "git svn dcommit" will commit all of these patches to svn. I would like to commit only some of my patches (simple bug fixes), but not others (untested major changes). How can I do this with git svn?
I've been following the procedure here:
If you're comfortable rebasing, it works pretty well.
Here's what I ended up doing. The starting point is the "master" branch synced with svn, with all of my local patches on top.
Create a new branch (wip = Work In Progress).
git branch wip
This makes a copy of the current branch, including all patches not yet committed to svn. The current branch will stay as "master" and will not be changed.
Remove the unwanted local patches from "master" with a rebase:
git rebase -i HEAD~10
Now the "master" branch has patches you can safely commit:
git svn dcommit
The "wip" branch now has the major changes which aren't yet ready for sharing. Actually, I want them to stay there and this is where I would stop. It's possible to do the svn dcommit from the "wip" branch once everything is finalized. But for completess' sake, and to answer the original question, there's a final step:
Pull the uncommitted changes back to the "master" branch using git cherry-pick and finally remove the useless branch with git branch -d wip.
With git, you're not actually supposed to operate on single changesets. The best approach I know is to create local branches for any non-trivial work. This way, your untested major changes will end up in different branches of your git repository, and you'll be able to differ them quite easily.
If this is the problem you have at the moment you can probably create create a new branch from the point you last updated from svn and then use git-cherry-pick to transfer your simple bug fixes to this new branch, from which you can then dcommit to svn.
From a more long-term point of view it's best to have your own "master" branch made from subversion trunk, and then either:
Rebase all your branches every time you update from svn, then merge those you want to get to svn to your master and dcommit from there.
Merge stuff from svn using regular git-merge, and then merge stuff to your master for dcommits by git diff ..my_branch | patch -p1, which will eliminate history that git-svn can't handle. This approach is more complicated for the final merging but allows you to merge stuff between branches (and possibly other people) in git itself.