Does using "chmod 666" on specific directories creates any vulnerability? (installing Kohana) - apache

Obviously I am very new, so please bear with me.
I installed Kohana Framework in my localhost. To do is so we have to set two specific folders with write permissions to all. "chmod 666" is suggested. (here)
The remaining directories are set to 755.
My question is more directed to Apache.
Will the use of "chmod 666" create a vulnerability in a webserver?
What exacly means "write access for everyone"?
Many thanks in advance!

666 is almost always a really bad idea. The web site where you read that needs a good flogging.
"Write access for everyone" means that anyone with a user account on your system can write to that directory.

These rights are only for your current server, so if you are the only one with access to a user account on your machine you should be pretty safe. Write access for everyone means everyone with a user account on your machine has the right to write. Please note that 3rd party software (like apache) can have it's own user as well and this could be compromised if there's a exploit in that software. This way someone from the outside could gain access to that folder. It's a common practice to only give rights to users that really need access.
Note: On a normal Windows machine (don't know if this is still true with Windows 7 though) everyone has access to everyone's files. So this is just another security measure.


Does bin/bash access allow the user to find the server password?

I had a server that had a lot of users on it, its operating system was cloudlinux and had cpanel!
This server is used for Python projects and had bin/bash!!! access
Suddenly the command rm -rf * was typed on the server and all the data was deleted !!!
We quickly uploaded the backups and hacked the possibility and restricted ssh access to the root server!
But the next night we were hacked again, this time with the monitoring we had at whm! , we noticed that someone enters whm and quickly changes the password !!!
My question is whether users with access to bin/bash! can find the root password ???
We are now giving users access to JailShell in CPanel and full SSH access is closed. Do you have any idea how this happened?
Did you encounter a similar case?
Does bin/bash access allow the user to see the password?
Thank you for sharing your comments with us
It's difficult to obtain a Linux password, even with full access to the computer. That's because the passwords are stored in hashed form. Probably the only reliable way to get a password is to install a trick password change program, which does the change, but also sends the password somewhere else.
However, you don't need the password to get full access to a computer. There are several other ways in, and anyone who can access /bin/bash is likely to be able to test them and probably find one that works. Once they get full access, most intruders will install some other program that will let them in in the future, even if the original security hole is patched.
Once a machine is compromised, it's pretty important to burn it and start fresh. You can't trust it otherwise.

What should the permissions and ownership for Drupal on LAMP stack?

What has me confused is why a directory or part of my Drupal site to suddenly return the message of "Forbidden" - that I, as first use, cannot access various parts of the site in the admin area. I changed the permission on the default/sites/files directory to 777. That probably is giving to too much access to everyone. However, it was only after doing that, that I got a message of Forbidden - that I don't have access to various parts of the admin area. I am the first user.
I changed the permissions on this directory because when I tried to update some modules, I got an error that file could not be created.
I have cpanel/whm on a dedicated vps server. So, one issue is how to find out what the user and group ownership should be on a server that hosts various domains through cpanel. It appears that for other accounts have user:owner permissions that match the account name. I am not sure if the default group:owner should remain as www-data:www-data for example, on Ubuntu or if cpanel/whm says, "make the apache group and user equal to the account name."
Thanks in advance for any help,
First of all, I'm going to assume you're talking about Drupal 7, but really, there's little difference in this case.
Try reading about permissions here
Its very simple that the folder should have user:user ownership and correct permissions with folders having 755 permissions respectively. The server might be running on suphp hence you cannot have wrong user with wrong permissions.

Joomla Permissions

I am new to Joomla and have been given the task of supporting a site that was created in Joomla 1.5.25. They keep getting errors that files are not writable. They also can't add or delete anything to and from the media manager even in a Super Administrator account. I was able to override these errors with changing folder permissions from 755 (Joomla's recommended permission set) to 777, but was wondering if there is a better way of going about this (I don't want to leave a security hole on their site with the 777 permission set). From what I have read through my research is Joomla permissions requirements can vary based on your hosting company, so I want to get other peoples input before I give my hosting company a call.
On a side note, is there a way of getting the error messages to display longer then 2 seconds?
Why don't you try changing the permissions only to the folders that are written to temporarily? Another solution is to find out under which user apache is running and make sure that user is the owner or at least in a group that owns your Joomla! directory.

Need advice on a secure webserver for clients to log into and view data

Hey guys, i've been googling ambitiously but my searches seem to be somewhat ambiguous so I thought i'd ask here.
My company has asked me to look into a web portal system that allows clients to log in via their browser and view/download their specific invoices / reports (the web server would be inhouse).
These (initially at least) would be static documents, pdf's, maybe excel spreadsheets and the like.
What I want to happen is a customer heads to our website (hosted elsewhere), clicks a link that takes them to a secure login for our webserver, they then enter their login details and are taken to their respective 'folder' on our webserver. Here they can download pdf's - that we keep up to date.
The main considerations are for it to be secure such that users can't access other users' folders and for users not to have to install anything to be view download their documents.
I'm setting up a pc to be a LAMP server right now, i've read WebDAV would be a good way to go but i'm not sure about how to get that working in a browser? Any advice or resources you guys can point me to give me a bit more direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Rob
If you've only got a handful of accounts to manage, apache's built-in HTTP Auth password stuff works pretty well; you write usernames and hashed passwords into an .htpasswd file with the htpasswd utility.
Then you use <Location> directives to specify the URL and directories to find the data, and inside the <Location> directives, use the Require directive to either list specific usernames or valid-user.
Just make sure your .htpasswd file isn't stored in the web root. You don't want people to get a hold of the thing and start brute-forcing your passwords (or see your other allowed users, in case client privacy is a priority).
But it is pretty heavy maintenance -- password changes pretty much have to go through a human. I imagine someone has scripts to automate that, but I wouldn't trust them very far. :)
If you want something that scales larger, I think you might be better off building such a tool yourself.

Prevent direct access to the back-end Ms Access database

I have this problem, I can create a setup for my app/database but everyone can open the backend file which is an MS Access database. I want it so we can only access the database using the frontend app. Please help me ...
You will need to create a separate front end app that accesses the database, and keep the database file somewhere secure where direct access to it is limited/restricted. You should also password-protect the file in case someone does manage to get it See tip #10 here: for info about password protection (though you might find the other tips useful as well).
Whatever you do, don't rely on Access password protection. It can be cracked in minutes by tools freely available on the internet.
I would get Garry Robinson's book Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
It is the most comprehensive guide to securing an Access database that there is.
A first step, however, would be to put the backend file in a restricted folder.