Is there a name for the database table that's the other side of a join table? [closed] - sql

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to write some documentation and can't think of a generic name for the table that's the other side of a join table.
Is there a specific name for it? If not, any ideas? 'joined table'?

They're typically referred to as "left" and "right" tables.


What should and shouldn't be a table [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I am creating a library management system with PostgreSQL.
The location and genre tables are quite small.
Is this bad practice? I could have the location as a string in the book table but I wanted it to be enumerated from a set of locations and not arbitrary string. The same applies for genres, as well as wanting the genre to contain a short description.

trying to find what material is assigned to which purchasing group [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to find which material part number is assigned to which purchasing group in SAP. If someone could point me to the right tables that would help as well.
Purchasing group for an article can be found in tables MARA and MARC.
The fields are MAW1-WEKGR and MARC-EKGRP.
I'm using SAP Retail.
Hope it helps.

Translate SPARQL-TO-SQL queries [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am doing an experiment to query RDF data on top of existing Relational DBMS's. So, Does anyone know a tool to translate SPARQL queries to SQL?
Thanks all.
Look for tools providing W3C standard R2RML e.g. D2RQ.

API for getting movie soundtrack list [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any free API for getting the list of soundtracks from a given movie?
IMDB seems to be the best place for soundtrack lists.
This might be what you want:

Where can I view Mono implementations of Math.* or Substring and the like [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Question says it all. I tried browsing through the latest tag but could not find the implementations for said functions.
Math.cs and String.cs. I agree it's a bit tricky, though Moon is definitely the wrong place.