I have this database structure...
(It´s on spanish, hope doesn´t matter) and I made this query using inner join but I don´t get any result so I guess I did something wrong... This is my query...
SELECT TBoleta.NroSerie+'-'+TBoleta.NroBoleta Boleta, TBoleta.Fecha,
TAlumno.APaterno+' '+TAlumno.AMaterno+' '+TAlumno.Nombres as Apellidos_y_Nombres,
TGrupoModulo.Modulo + ' ' + TGrupoModulo.Seccion + ' ' + TGrupoModulo.Turno,
FROM TMatricula
inner join TAlumno on TMatricula.CodAlumno = TAlumno.CodAlumno
inner join TBoleta on TBoleta.NroMatricula = TMatricula.NroMatricula
inner join TGrupoModulo on TGrupoModulo.CodGrupoModulo = TMatricula.CodGrupoModulo
Please... I will appreciate any help. Thanks!
For starters, this attribute doesn't exist; TBoleta.CodAlumno
Edit: Now that your query appears to be compiling fine, remember that inner joins necessitate data from each join to have matching values. If one of the joins don't, you get no data back. Analyze your data to figure this out. You could also do left outer joins at first, then move to inner joins step by step.
This is just a cursory guess, but this line:
inner join TAlumno on TBoleta.CodAlumno = TAlumno.CodAlumno
appears to be incorrect, because TBoleta doesn't have a column named CodAlumno. You should check to see if you're getting any errors whilst running this query.
If any field column is empty, then result is not displayed.
further if you want to display with empty or null values you can use LEFT JOIN in your query
I have 7 Tables as per attached following Image.
I will either enter Engine Number or Chassis Number and it should show the respective tables information (these tables have only mentioned fields) so all fields can be shown as result.
I can use hard coded Engine Number or Chassis Number. Every time of execution of this Query, I will hard code the required Engine/Chassis Number and will get the result.
Can anybody please help me to write this query for me?
Click Here to See the Tables
This might be a starting point for your solution.
SELECT prod.EngineNo AS engNo, prod.ChassisNo, doral.doralNo [, table.column [AS name]]
FROM DOProductSpecsDetais AS prod
ON prod.DOProductSpecsDetailID = doral.DOProductSpecsID
INNER JOIN DOProductDetail AS prodDetail
ON prod.DOProductDetailID = prodDetail.DOProductDetailID
WHERE prod.ChassisNo = '<input>' OR prod.EngineNo='<input>'
Between the SELECT and the FROM Statement, you can select any column out of your JOIN.
You can cascade as many JOINs as you like...
Which DBMS are you going to use?
One suggestion: Try to simplify the names of your columns, if possible.
One more: If you just started to do Database things, it is always helpful to start a test environment and use a client tool.
You can write query something like this:
select * from
DoProductSpecsDetail tbl1 inner join Doral tbl2
on tbl1.DoProductSpecsDetailId = tbl2.DoProductSpecsId
inner join DoproductDetail tbl3
on tbl1.DoProductDetailId = tbl3.DoProductDetailId
inner join ProductColor tbl4
on tbl1.ProductColorId = tbl4.ProductColorId
inner join DoDetail tbl5
on tbl3.DeliveryOrderDetailId = tbl5.DeliveryOrderId
inner join ProductMain tbl6
on tbl3.ProductId = tbl6.ProductId
inner join BPMain tbl7
on tbl5.BusinessPartnerId = tbl7.BusinessPartnerId
Please bear with me as this may be a question without a possible answer, but I hope I describe it correctly..
I have a query which joins a number of tables and produces results, and here is the SQL:
FROM dbo.Property
INNER JOIN dbo.Tenancy ON dbo.Property.PropertyPK = dbo.Tenancy.PropertyFK
INNER JOIN dbo.Tenant ON dbo.Tenancy.TenancyPK = dbo.Tenant.TenancyFK
INNER JOIN dbo.Contacts ON dbo.Tenant.ContactFK = dbo.Contacts.ContactPK
The main table is the Property table and I filter out one row by specifying a PropertyPK in my criteria..
My question is.. If the Tenant or Contact record does not exist and I run my query in SQL Management Studio of course I get a message saying there are no rows but can I determine at what stage the join has failed between two tables?
I can of course check this in management studio but I am trying to help the user on the application side to inform them of why there are no rows. My application is in VB and I will write that check if there are no rows and I cannot determine it in SQL..
Sorry for the question in advance..
Derek.. :)
Simply use a LEFT JOIN:
SELECT p.PropertyPK, ty.TenancyPK, t.ContactFK,
c.strTitle, c.strFirstName, c.strSurname
FROM dbo.Property p LEFT JOIN
dbo.Tenancy ty
ON p.PropertyPK = ty.PropertyFK LEFT JOIN
dbo.Tenant t
ON ty.TenancyPK = t.TenancyFK LEFT JOIN
dbo.Contacts c
ON t.ContactFK = c.ContactPK;
This will keep all rows in the Property table. You can then see which primary keys are NULL to see if there were matches in the other tables.
Note that the query is much easier to write and to read when you use table aliases.
When I try to execute this SQL query, I get an error and I don't know how to correct it
select *
from pg_specialites_annees pgs
where pgs.NOM_FR like '%tets%'
left join pg_specialites_parametres pgsp on pgsp.ID_SPECIALITE = pgs.ID_SPECIALITE;
When I remove the LIKE it works, but I need a specific row.
Please help me, I don't know how to do it. I want to show some details for a specific row in table from another table.
Your LEFT JOIN needs to come before the WHERE:
Select *
From pg_specialites_annees pgs
Left Join pg_specialites_parametres pgsp on pgsp.ID_SPECIALITE = pgs.ID_SPECIALITE
Where pgs.NOM_FR Like '%tets%';
Put your where clause after the join clause :
select * from pg_specialites_annees pgs
left join pg_specialites_parametres pgsp on pgsp.ID_SPECIALITE = pgs.ID_SPECIALITE;
where pgs.NOM_FR like '%tets%'
I'm new to sql and trying to tweak someone else's huge stored procedure to get a subset of the results. The code below is maybe 10% of the whole procedure. I added the lp.posting_date, last left join, and the where clause. Trying to get records where the posting date is between the start date and the end date. Am I doing this right? Apparently not because the results are unaffected by the change. UPDATE: I CHANGED THE LAST JOIN. The results are correct if there's only one area allocation term. If there is more than one area allocation term, the results are duplicated for each term.
SELECT Distinct
l.lease_id ,
l.property_id as property_id,
l.lease_number as LeaseNumber,
l.name as LeaseName,
lty.name as LeaseType,
lst.name as LeaseStatus,
l.possession_date as PossessionDate,
l.rent as RentCommencementDate,
l.store_open_date as StoreOpenDate,
msr.description as MeasureUnit,
l.comments as Comments ,
lat.start_date as atStartDate,
lat.end_date as atEndDate,
lat.rentable_area as Rentable,
lat.usable_area as Usable,
laat.start_date as aatStartDate,
laat.end_date as aatEndDate,
MK.Path as OrgPath,
CAST(laa.percentage as numeric(9,2)) as Percentage,
laa.rentable_area as aaRentable,
laa.usable_area as aaUsable,
laa.headcounts as Headcount,
INTO #LEASES FROM la_tbl_lease l
INNER JOIN #LEASEID on l.lease_id=#LEASEID.lease_id
INNER JOIN la_tbl_lease_term lt on lt.lease_id=l.lease_id and lt.IsDeleted=0
LEFT JOIN la_tlu_lease_type lty on lty.lease_type_id=l.lease_type_id and lty.IsDeleted=0
LEFT JOIN la_tlu_lease_status lst on lst.status_id= l.status_id
LEFT JOIN la_tbl_area_group lag on lag.lease_id=l.lease_id
LEFT JOIN fnd_tlu_unit_measure msr on msr.unit_measure_key=lag.unit_measure_key
LEFT JOIN la_tbl_area_term lat on lat.lease_id=l.lease_id and lat.isDeleted=0
LEFT JOIN la_tbl_area_allocat_term laat on laat.area_term_id=lat.area_term_id and laat.isDeleted=0
LEFT JOIN dbo.la_tbl_area_allocation laa on laa.area_allocation_term_id=laat.area_allocation_term_id and laa.isDeleted=0
LEFT JOIN vw_FND_TLU_Menu_Key MK on menu_type_id_key=2 and isActive=1 and id=laa.menu_id_key
INNER JOIN la_tbl_lease_projection lp on lp.lease_projection_id = #LEASEID.lease_projection_id
where lp.posting_date <= laat.end_date and lp.posting_date >= laat.start_date
As may have already been hinted at you should be careful when using the WHERE clause with an OUTER JOIN.
The idea of the OUTER JOIN is to optionally join that table and provide access to the columns.
The JOINS will generate your set and then the WHERE clause will run to restrict your set. If you are using a condition in the WHERE clause that says one of the columns in your outer joined table must exist / equal a value then by the nature of your query you are no longer doing a LEFT JOIN since you are only retrieving rows where that join occurs.
Shorten it and copy it out as a new query in ssms or whatever you are using for testing. Use an inner join unless you want to preserve the left side set even when there is no matching lp.lease_id. Try something like
if object_id('tempdb..#leases) is not null
drop table #leases;
select distinct
,l.property_id as property_id
into #leases
from la_tbl_lease as l
inner join la_tbl_lease_projection as lp on lp.lease_id = l.lease_id
where lp.posting_date <= laat.end_date and lp.posting_date >= laat.start_date
select * from #leases
drop table #leases
If this gets what you want then you can work from there and add the other left joins to the query (getting rid of the select * and 'drop table' if you copy it back into your proc). If it doesn't then look at your Boolean date logic or provide more detail for us. If you are new to sql and its procedural extensions, try using the object explorer to examine the properties of the columns you are querying, and try selecting the top 1000 * from the tables you are using to get a feel for what the data looks like when building queries. -Mike
You can try the BETWEEN operator as well
Where lp.posting_date BETWEEN laat.start_date AND laat.end_date
Reasoning: You can have issues wheres there is no matching values in a table. In that instance on a left join the table will populate with null. Using the 'BETWEEN' operator insures that all returns have a value that is between the range and no nulls can slip in.
As it turns out, the problem was easier to solve and it was in a different place in the stored procedure. All I had to do was add one line to one of the cursors to include area term allocations by date.
Ok.. So I'm trying to improve my SQL skills and have a question. Here is a screen shot of the schema.
Schema http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/97/screenhunter02nov121946.gif
Alright so I'm selecting a bunch of Report Bundles and other rows from a table you can see. I've got these two tables joining together correctly and displaying what should be returned. Now I need to add another field onto my result rows that states what type of report this is. How can I join up to the ReportGroupType table through the ReportBundleGroup table without getting a shwack of results?
Here is the query I am using so far.
FROM ReportBundleCustomerVisibility INNER JOIN ReportBundle
ON ReportBundleCustomerVisibility.ReportBundleID = ReportBundle.ID
WHERE ReportBundleCustomerVisibility.ReferenceCustomerID = 2303
Thanks again SO
FROM ReportBundleCustomerVisibility AS v
JOIN ReportBundle AS b ON b.ID = v.ReportBundleID
JOIN ReportBundleGroup AS g ON b.ID = g.ReportBundleID
JOIN ReportGroupTYpe AS t ON t.ID = g.ReportGroupTypeID
WHERE v.ReferenceCustomerID = 2303
It sounds like you just need another inner join to get the information you need. You can think about the second join as joining the result of the join with the ReportGroupType table. I added parenthesis to try to join the two sets the second INNER JOIN is operating on.
SELECT * FROM ((ReportBundleCustomerVisibility
INNER JOIN ReportBundle ON ReportBundleCustomerVisibility.ReportBundleID = ReportBundle.ID)
INNER JOIN ReportGroupType ON ReportBundleGroup.ReportGroupTypeID = ReportGroupType.ID)
WHERE ReportBundleCustomerVisibility.ReferenceCustomerID = 2303
I also highly suggest against using "SELECT *" in production code or any query you plan on reusing as the table schema can change and possibly effect reports and UI. Explicitly specify the columns instead.