Handling NSArray and NSMutableArray - objective-c

I'm working with the MKMapView and I'm using some arrays to handle the title of points on the map
NSString *mapTitles = #"title1^^title2^^title3^^title4";//this data changes between views
NSArray * titlesArray = [mapTitles componentsSeparatedByString: #"^^"];
NSMutableArray * maptitle = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[titlesArray count]];
[maptitle addObjectsFromArray:titlesArray];
When a user navigates to another page I want to clear the NSMutableArray so that when they come back to the map I can refresh it with new data. However as the NSMutableArray is getting populated by an NSArray which I can't clear, how do I ensure that the NSMutableArray only gets populated by new data as opposed to something that the NSArray may have kept from the previous view?.
Is it simply a case of releasing the NSArray, for example in viewWillDisappear?

You can still clear the mutable array itself:
[mapTitle removeAllObjects];
You shouldn't release the titlesArray because it's autoreleased.


In Objective-C, How to initialize NSMutableArray with objects in another NSMutableArray using tableView reference

Developing for MacOS, I have an NSMutableArray namesArray[] that contains 3 String objects.
namesArray[] is represented in a tableView, where user can select multiple cells, each cell represents a single object.
I am trying to initialize a second NSMutableArray savedNamesArray[], and add objects from the original namesArray[] based on the selected cells in my tableView using this method:
NSMutableArray *savedNamesArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:[namesArray objectsAtIndexes:[_tableView selectedRowIndexes]], nil];
The problem is, no matter how many objects I select, only one gets added to the new NSMutableArray. Any suggestions?
You're adding one object, an array, to savedNamesArray. Use initWithArray: instead.
NSMutableArray *savedNamesArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[namesArray objectsAtIndexes:[_tableView selectedRowIndexes]]];

Efficiency + safety: declare new NSArray var, or overwrite existing NSMutableArray with mutableCopy?

I need to sort a mutable array, but in this specific case when it comes time to sort, I don't need it to be mutable anymore. The sortedArrayUsingSelector: method returns an NSArray * even when called by an NSMutableArray * object. I have 3 options:
1) I can make a mutableCopy of the returned NSArray * and store it in the var I already have
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray array];
// add a bunch of stuff to the array
mutableArray = [[mutableArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)] mutableCopy];
2) I can make a new NSArray * var to hold the returned NSArray *
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray array];
// add a bunch of stuff to the array
NSArray *array = [mutableArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
3) I can ignore Xcode's warnings and store the returned NSArray * object in an NSMutableArray * var
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray array];
// add a bunch of stuff to the array
mutableArray = [mutableArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
I realize that for most cases the difference is negligible, but considering available resources, efficiency, and safety, which would be the overall "best" option?
EDIT: I hadn't considered that the best option might be to create a non-mutable array from the mutable one before sorting it. Not sure if this would be, in fact, the best option, but something I figured I'd mention.
Since you have a mutable array already, just use the following method on NSMutableArray:
- (void)sortUsingSelector:(SEL)comparator
That way you're not recreating anything. This is likely more efficient than creating a new, sorted array from the original and then creating a mutable copy of that. Part of the point of having a mutable array in the first place is that you can change stuff around without needing to recreate it each time, so sorting is a very obvious thing to have here.
The array you get back from sortedArrayUsingSelector won't be a deep copy - it will contain the same pointers as the original array, just in a different order. These array methods in foundation will be well optimized, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Instead, just decide what you want. If you want a sorted NSArray * that won't look like an NSMutableArray *, just use sortedArrayUsingSelector, which returns an NSArray *
If you don't need the original unsorted array anymore, just sort the mutable array, like #Gavin suggests.

Updating values on NSArray

I'v run into such problem. I need to update the values in my NSArray. And don't know a way to do it. Here's my array
NSArray *arrayWithInfo = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:AMLocalizedString(#"Status", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Call", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Location", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Control", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Sim", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Object", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Info", nil),nil];
self.dataArray = arrayWithInfo;
[arrayWithInfo release];
To be more specific I have tableview initialized with this array. There is a possibility for user to use different localized strings, so I have to update it. By using [tableview reloadData]; i'v got the table to update, but the values in NSArray stay the same as they were initialized in first place.
So how to make array look up at the strings once again and get their new values?
Use NSMutableArray instead of NSArray
NSMutableArray (and all other classes with Mutable in the name) can be modified.
You should be using an NSMutableArray. Doing so will allow you to change its values after instantiation.
Your array doesn't need to be mutable here as the array seems to be all or nothing. You dont mention the requirement to delete some objects and not others. NSMutableArray isn't needed. You want to write a lazy loading getter method for the array which reinstantiates it if the array doesnt exist.
-(NSArray *)dataArray{
if (_dataArray){
return _dataArray;
_dataArray = NSArray *arrayWithInfo = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:AMLocalizedString(#"Status", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Call", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Location", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Control", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Sim", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Object", nil),AMLocalizedString(#"Info", nil),nil];
return _dataArray;
Then when you want to reload the tableView
self.dataArray = nil;
[tableView reloadData];
this destroys the old array, forcing it to be remade but with the new localisation.
The issue is the array isn't storing the statement AMLocalizedString(#"Status", nil) its storing the result of that statement, which is the localised string itself. There is no way to make the array re-evaluate that statement without either re-creating the whole array again or using an NSMutableArray and changing all the objects. The lazy loading getter method is more in the objective-c style.
You need to use the NSMutableArray. The NSArray is immutable.

Storing user input from text field into an NSArray

I am trying to store user input text (in this case a book title) into an array so that I can output it in a table view in another xib.
I'm getting stuck trying to store the "bookTitle.text" info into my "userinfoArray". I know it probably has a simple solution and I know how to do it in C++ but not in Objective-C. Any tips, links etc. would be great.
NSMutableArray *userinfoArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
NSString *tempString = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:[bookTitle text]];
[userinfoArray addObject:tempString];
you can then access it later with:
[userinfoArray objectAtIndex:0];
NSMutableArray is very flexible. with addObject:object you can add as many things as you want, remove them with removeObjectAtIndex:index.
more here: NSMutableArray Class Reference
alternatively if you know what size your array will have you can use a normal NSArray: NSArray Class Reference which will work similar
userinfoArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[bookTitle text]];
Or if you want to create a longer array with more objetcs then
userinfoArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[bookTitle text], secondObject, thirdObject, nil];
If you want to add or remove objects later then you may want to use NSMutableArray instead.
If this does not answer your question, then please try to be a bit more specific about your problem.

How to append two NSMutableArray's in Iphone sdk or append an NSArray With NSMutableArray?

I need to append two NSMUtableArray's can any one suggest me how it possible?
My code is:
NSMutableArray *array1 = [appDelegate getTextList:1];
NSArray *array2 = [appDelegate getTextList:2];
[array1 addObjectsFromArray:array2];//I am getting exception here.
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thanks all,
What's probably happening, is that your [appDelegate getTestList:1] is not actually returning a NSMutableArray, but a NSArray. Just typecasting the array as mutable by holding a pointer to it like that will not work in that case, instead use:
NSMutableArray *array1 = [[appDelegate getTextList:1] mutableCopy];
NSArray *array2 = [appDelegate getTextList:2];
[array1 addObjectsFromArray:array2];
Or you could store the 'textList' variable that you have in your appDelegate as an NSMutableArray in the first place. I am assuming that you have an NSArray of NSArrays (or their mutable versions). Eg.
// In the class interface
NSMutableArray *textLists;
// In the function in which you add lists to the array
NSMutableArray *newTextList;
[self populateArray:newTextList]; // Or something like that
[textLists addObject:newTextList];
Note: that you will probably have a different workflow, but I hope that you get the idea of storing the actual lists as NSMutableArrays.
Another Note: the second method WILL modify in place the NSMutableArray that [appDelegate getTextList:1]; returns
Try this:
NSMutableArray *result =
[[appDelegate getTextList:1] mutableCopy]
addObjectsFromArray:[appDelegate getTextList:2]];
You're getting the exception because you're trying to send mutating messages to an immutable array.